The Surnames of the Chinese in America/Advertisements
Walter J. WolfR. Isenbruck
Standard Typewriter Exchange
209 Sansome St., San FranciscoTelephone Main 5967
Dealers in Standard Typewriters and Typewriting Supplies
Competent Stenographers furnished at short notice
Sole Agents Pilot Non-Smut Carbon Paper
Samples free on application
Machines Rented, Repaired and Inspected—That's our specialty
General Agents Densmore Typewriter
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Ask for catalogue
啓者金山大埠山岑 街門牌二百零九號 專代理丹士摩字號 以及各名家之活字 寫信機器幷壹切器 具紙料墨料等件發 售
並接修整舊壞寫信 機器亦有各欵寫信 機器賃 華友光顧 價銀相宜
如欲先看本公司之 貨價行情簿請將貴 客之住址門牌寄來 或親到問取自必寄 交應覽以便採擇焉 本公司話筒緬五千 九百六十七號
丹士摩活字寫信機 器公司謹白
Expert work done in opening and repairing safes and locks
Telephone Main 1946
Special styles of safes, boxes, etc. built to order
Waltz Safe & Lock Co.
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Engineers and manufacturers of
Fire and burglar proof safes
Time locks bank & Safe deposit work, etc.
The best in the world
109-111 Market Street
San Francisco, Cal, U.S.A.
活西公 司在金 山大埠 孖結街 一百零 九號與 一百一 十一號 開張耑 造各欵 大小最 穩固火 難燒賊 難破之 鐵夾碼 銀櫃發 售並接 修整舊 夾碼開 鎻等工
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劉明德 理牙科
New York Dental Parlor
Dr. Thomas Y. Kimlau
(Dr. Lau Ming Doc)
Surgeon Dentist
760 Clay Street
San FranciscoCalifornia
Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
- Chinese and English First Reader. By Rev. I. M. Condit.
- 144 Pages. Illustrated. Bound in Cloth. Price, 75 cents.
- This is a very suitable book for Chinese, beginning English.
- 華英通語
- 此書一百四十四頁 有畫圖唐畨字
- 極合宜於初學英語之華人 每本價銀七毫五
- Chinese and English Dictionary. By Rev. I. M. Condit.
- 134 Pages. Bound in Cloth. Price, 75 cents.
- This Dictionary contains 6,000 of the most common words, and 1,500 simple sentences illustrating their use. Just the Dictionary for beginners.
- 華英字典
- 搜集英字六千餘 彙成字典 內又有千五百餘句
- 為隨釋字中之意 最屬切要於習英文者 每本價七五
- Chinese and English Reader & Dictionary Combined.
- 278 Pages. In Cloth. Price. 1.25.
- This is the two above combined in one.
- 華英字典連通語
- 此即將上列二書合而為一
- 每部借銀一元二五
- Chinese and English Second Reader. By Rev. I. M. Condit.
- 188 Pages. Illustrated. Bound in Cloth. Price, 1.00.
- This contains many useful lessons in Geography and Science, with other valuable information. Suitable for one a little more advanced in English,
- 華英通語第二卷
- 此書一百八十八頁 有畫圖及許多大用
- 學問 如地理格致等皆掠言之 極合宜於頗通英語之人 每本價銀一元
- Chinese and English Lessons, By Rev. A. W. Loomis.
- 188 Pages. Illustrated. Bound in Cloth. Price, 75 cents.
- 華英初學
- 此書一百八十八頁 甚宜於習英語之人
- 每本價銀七毫五
- Chinese and English Pocket Dictionary.
- 30,000 Words, Bound in Cloth. $1,00.
- 華英字典
- 此書有三万餘字 甚易收藏 可放在衫袋
- 每本價銀一元
Sent, postpaid, upon receipt of price, by
American Tract Society
150 Nassau St., New York
131 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.
54 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass.
23 Grant Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
欲買此等書者 郵費在內 祈照價銀付至紐約尼掃街一佰五十號 波士頓布林非街五十四號 市卡咕嘩巴士街一百三十一號 大埠哥嗹街二十三號小書會
Wing Sing Loong
615-617 Dupont St.
San Francisco, Cal.
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615 永勝隆 Wing Sing Loong & Co. Bazaar China Japan 永勝隆 617
Official photographer to the Chinese bureau … Department of Justice and U. S. Marshall's Office
We are the best baby photographers on the coast
Phone … Black 5110
William Shew's Photograph Gallery
520 Kearny Street
San Francisco, Cal.
Pin and button photos all styles and sizes
We guarantee all our work for durability
威林梳士 映相樓在 金山大埠 乾尼街五 百
号專 接映各欵 大小相映 小孩相更 妙手本埠 工商部及 合眾國衙 門特派本 樓照各華 人做帋相Shorthand
Typing, etc.
Gallagher-Marsh Business College
1382 Market Street
Recommended by all expert court reporters
Send for catalogue and read what they say
Complete course, $50.00
Phone Main 1379
Technical and scientific books
The Alexander-Yost Co.
Successors to Osborn & Alexander
Tools, Hardware, Machinery & Machine Shop Supplies
401 Market street
Corner Fremont
San Francisco
亞力山大也士公司開張在金 山大埠孖杰街門牌四百零一 號耑辦各欵鐵器利器機器等 器具以及一切工藝學之書籍 發售華人惠顧格外隆禮相待
Box Brands
Burning Brands
Cattle Brands
Brass Stencils
Stencil Paste and Stencil Brushes
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Paul P. Bernhard & Co.
Red Rubber Stamps
Seals and Pool Checks, etc.
Phone Main 5357
512 Montgomery St. San Francisco
Numbering Machines
and Steel Stamps
Rubber Stamp Ink
and Indelible Ink
That Is Guaranteed
啓者本號專造唐番字粒巴圖章大小銅招牌 鐵印各款印色盒火漆印等俱全如蒙光顧依 期交付仰祈畱心是荷舖在金山大埠孟金街 五百一十二號 彬核謹啓
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Roberts M'F'G' Company
Designers and makers of gas and electric fixtvres
641 643 Mission Street
San Francisco
Artisans in All Metals
笠別士公 司開張在 金山大埠 尾愼街門 牌六百四 十一號六 百四十三 號接裝各 欵煤燈電 燈鐵管並 角色燈管 燈頭發客
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Yosemite Falls
Courtesy of the Sunset Magazine
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Southern Pacific Company
Sunset Ogden & Shasta Routes
啓者本公司火車往來東方及各處最 穩固快捷凡華人搭客車上工人額外 優禮相待本公司火車所經之路途甚 爲平正堅固無防崎嶇危險等弊如蒙 光顧請爲留心是荷
Harry L. Horn
Notary Public
506 Washington Street
San FranciscoCal.
本地保官並律師乃經 戶部保舉在稅關專辦 華商往來事務回事紙 出世紙生意紙華工護 照及寫合同樓批各項 規例無不精通如有 華商惠顧請到金山大 埠華盛頓街門牌五百 零六號便是夏理漢啓
Yip Wan Shang
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Lessons in Chinese
Cantonese Dialect
230 Kearny Street
Room 9San Francisco, Cal,
R. H. Jones
Internal Revenue Broker
502 Washington St.
San Francisco
本律師房在大埠嘩盛頓街門牌五百零二號 精理華人出入關口案情或提案至嘩盛頓亦 有律師在嘩盛頓代爲辦理並代具保單保出 周至無悞並接繕寫護照如工紙出世紙商子 紙做生意紙無論如何欲入美國皆接辦理凡 旅美華人或失落册紙或忘記册紙號數可到 本律師房詳查因本律師有記錄部幾乎盡錄 嘉罅寬省各埠各處册紙華人姓名及册紙號 數一目了然也凡失去册紙者仰速到來查明 俾即代求嘩盛頓補回册紙免至被關差拘拿 爲要 亞的珠凖士謹白
Brown & Power Co.
Bookbinders and Printers
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Brown & Power Co.
Books of all kinds made to order or rebound
Printing of every description
508 Clay Street
Cor. Sansome streetSan Francisco
Office supplies and stationery:
412 California Street
San Francisco, Cal.
本公司 裝夾書 籍廠在 金山大 埠企李 街門牌 五百零 八號
本公司 書坊舖 在金山 大埠卡 罅寬街 四百一 十二號
O. P. Stidger, Sr.Jas. A. Stidger
Stidger & Stidger
628 Montgomery street
San Francisco, Cal.
Rooms 23-30-31-32
Telephone Bush 110
士秩乍律師房在金山大埠孟 衿馬尼街六百二十八號二十 三三十一三十二號房
此律師房之律師最有名目辦 事謹愼能幹練達凡華人在合 眾國衙之大小案件無不老練 精通如有委托自必力爲提案 上華盛頓京都更爲妥貼因在 京都以及各大埠皆有律師照 應辦理也
Fernand de JournelT. C. West
West & de Journel
54-55-50 Crocker BuildingSan Francisco
委士地與地凖尼路律師辦事房 在金山大埠卡勒家樓第五十四 五十五五十六號房專理大小衙 門案件華人在各衙門案情以及 工商部各華人案更爲留心辦理 如有華人委托定必週致代勞不 負所托也此佈
Oculists' prescriptions accurately filled
Scientific and modern methods of eye-testing
P. P. Wahlstad
(Registered optometrist)
1251 BroadwayOakland
Examinations made by appointment
Day or evening
1038 59th Street
Oakland, Cal.
和路士達眼鏡 舖開張在屋崙 埠布律偉街門 牌一千二百五 十一毫專辦各 欵眼鏡發售專 用時欵機器驗 眼 華人光顧 額外禮待
Sun Kam Wah & Co.
Commission merchants.
Importers of and dealers in
Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods
Curiosities, Ivory Toys, Lacquered Ware, Fine Crockery, Canton Crepe, Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Screens, and all Kinds of Silk Dress Patterns.
Fireworks, Teas, Etc.
716 Dupont St., Cor. Commercial
P. O. Box 1994.San Francisco.
Invoice received by every steamer
Blickensderfer Typewriters
Geo. C. Bornemann & Co., Pacific Coast General Agents
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Full key board with 84 letters and characters
Principal Office, 117 Sutter St., Lick House BlockTelephone James 141
Nos. 5 and 7, Price 40 and 50.Weight 6 lbs.
Send for catalogues
Curios, Stamps, Coins
We are in the market to buy Chinese and Japanese curios. Save all the postage stamps you receive on your mail from foreign countries. We buy them. We also buy foreign coins of all kinds.
Greenberg & Smith
429 Montgomery St., San Francisco
本店開張在金 山大埠孟衾馬 厘街門牌四百 二十九號專收 買華人日本人 古董玩器外國 錢銀寄士点 䓁物 吉粦 卜士蔑公司啓
D. V. Mahoney
Attorney at Law
San Francisco, Cal.
Room 506, 6th Floor, Crossley Bldg.
馬罕尼律師辦事房在金山大埠 紐孟衿馬厘街門牌八十三號與 八十五號哥羅士厘樓第五層五 百零六號房接理大小衙案并工 商部華人回唐返美登岸做紙等 事華友委辦格外周致此布
James M. Ellis
Notary Public Insurance
323 Montgomery Street
San Francisco
啓者本地保官之寫字房 在金山大埠孟衾馬厘街 三百二十三號專接代理 做紙給戳華人回唐護照 以及火燭海面保險宴梳 䓁事務華人惠顧委托格 外留心周致办事房話筒 緬五千九白貳十五號
Sperry Flour Company
133 Spear St.,
San Francisco
Largest Flour Manufacturers on the Pacific Coast—8,000 barrels daily.
Office at Hong Kong under management of W. S. Allen.
啓者士巴利麵粉公司 在美國金山大埠士巴 利街門牌一百三十三 號爲太平洋沿海一帶 最大之麵粉廠每日磨 出麵粉八千桶之多本 公司代理人阿連常在 香港料理一切生意事 務以便華商採辦
Official photographer to the Chinese Bureau … Department of Justice and U.S. Marshall's Office
Phone … Black 5110
William Shew's
Photograph Gallery
520 Kearny Street
San Francisco, Cal.
威林梳士 映相樓在 金山大埠 乾尼街五 百廿號專 接映各欵 大小相映 小孩相更 妙手本埠 工商部及 合衆國衙 門特泒本 樓照各華 人做帋相
Kim Ngui Yee & Co.
Kim Wah Lung & Co.
General Merchandise
804 Dupont Street,San Francisco, California
本号專辦各欵華洋布 疋新衣洋氈花露香水 香鹼送禮洋物俱全並 有上品名茶新欵鐘鏢 發售貨眞價宜以圖久 遠惠顧木號在大埠都 板街八百零四號
本店向在大埠都版街八 百零四號精造龍鳳禮餅 唐番餅食俱全貨美價廉 以圖久遠馳名仰祈留心 惠顧
We have but one price!
All goods marked in plain English figures
Sing Fat & Co.
614 Dupont StreetNext to St. Mary's Church
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"Dragon" Trade Mark
Chinese and Japanese Bazaar
San Francisco
Howell C. Moore
Attorney at Law
Theatre Bldg
San Jose, Cal.
山多寫 考活摩 律師
啓者考活摩亞律師辦事房設在加罅寬省山 多寫埠做戲樓第一百零一號至一百零四號 房接理大小衙門案件與工商部華人做護照 回唐返美登岸各等事務本律師精熟律例辦 事周致 考活摩亞律師啓
H. W. McComas
Attorney at LawNotary Public
Dougherty Building, 85 S. Second St.
San Jose
啟者本律師與 地保官之辦事 房設在加罅寬 省山多寫南邊 二街門牌八十 五號斗家樓接 理大小衙門案 件與工商部華 人做護照回唐 並返美登岸以 及做紙給戳等 事如蒙委辦自 必格外周致妥 貼無悞
本辦事房講筒 補勒六百三十 二號
啓The Chinese Herb Doctor
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Wong Woo
Chinese Tea and Herb Sanitarium
For All Diseases
Exclusively Chinese Herbs, over 3000 varieties being used
764-766-768 Clay Street
Cor. Brenham PlaceSan Francisco
Telephone China 28
Goodyear Rubber Co.
573-575-577-579 Market Street
葛爺士笠巴公司開張 在金山大埠孖杰街五 百七十三號至五百七 十九號精製金印笠巴貨物如華人鞋救命 衫不損不裂之長柄水靴以及各欵笠巴鞋 靴油布水衣等件久爲天下馳名仰華人賜 顧 本公司謹白
The Chinese Name Spelling Company, management of Elmer A. Jones, makes a special business of preparing partnership lists with names under the properly spelled on a printed form.
Special rates to attorneys. See page 23.
Talking machines
These are famous Columbia Machines and Records, manufactured by the pioneers in and creators of the Talking Machine business. Do not buy a Talking Machine until you have heard a Columbia. They give satisfaction. Years of experience and millions of money spent in perfecting our ideas enable us to give you the best machine made.
Call at the establishment of any dealer in Talking Machines, or our own stores—
125 Geary Street
Open Saturday EveningsSan Francisco
哥林巴留聲 機器公司在 金山大埠紀 利街門牌一 百二十五號 專製各欵留 聲機器聲音 玲瓏响喨與 別不同請細 認招牌爲要
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Columbia Disc Graphophone
Sold On Easy Payments
Pacific Coast Borax Company
101 Sansome Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Manufacturers of
20 Mule Team Borax
啓者廿騾帶車墨頭之硼砂粉乃洗 衣館與家下厨房最大用之物此粉 所開之水最易洗除各物之汚穢五 色衣服以此水洗之只脫汚穢而不 變色澤且 不傷壞衣 裳不裂洗 者之手誠 整潔家之 妙品也凡 西人雜貨 店有賣每大包銀毫半中 包一毫小包銀伍仙美國 金山大埠山岑街一百 零一號
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宴梳 土生
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啓者弟代理疾病意外損傷宴梳公司按此公司係專保 受人生長年平安遇有合例於廿欵內疾病者每禮拜給 醫葯費銀十五員限給五個禮拜至於意外損傷如行街 被車碰傷跌傷等類是也該公司亦每禮拜給醫費銀十 五員或傷重失去一手一是終爲欠缺之人則補給銀一 千員或至因損傷而斃命者則賠銀二千員此宴梳費每 年五員卽保一年平安其餘𤨏碎事例 則記載明白於宴梳紙內此係公道取 財與別等公司不同一年之久僅耗銀 五員之貲誠有益不淺也如有梓里欲買保請到文興日 報問梁貴柏便知
再者弟本生於斯土少習西文而於本國風俗人情頗明 一二惟本國之土生華人自出世時其父母有未報衙門 乃至長成亦無土生紙此似於華人註册之例未免不便 倘有親人可能矢誓作証者弟亦能代爲補註也
Toyo Kisen Kaisha
(Oriental Steamship Company)
Imperial Japanese and United States Mail Line
Operating the New, Fast, Palatial Twin-Screw 6,000-Ton Steamships
- "Nippon Maru"
- "America Maru"
- "Hong Kong Maru"
Built specially for this service, fitted with all modern conveniences, cuisine unexcelled, beautiful staterooms and trained servants, the steamers of this line will prove the most attractive in which to make the voyage across the broad Pacific.
From San Francisco, via Honolulu, to Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, via Inland Sea of Japan, Shanghai and Hong Kong and Manila
Connecting at Honk Kong with steamers for the Philippine Islands, Siam, Burmah, Java, Ceylon and all other India ports, etc., and at Kobe, Nagasaki, Japan, for Chemulpo and other Corean ports, and Vladivostock. For freight and passage apply to any of the principal railroad or excursion agents in the United States, or to
Company's Office, 421 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.
William H. Avery, General Agent
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Japan, China, Philippines, India and Australia
Via Honolulu
By the Steamers of the
Pacific Mail Steamship Company
and the
Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company
- S. S. Korea
- S. S. Siberia
- S. S. Mongolia
- S. S. Manchuria
- S. S. China
- S. S. Doric
- S. S. Coptic
- S. S. Gaelic
Leave San Francisco alternately, about every ten days, for Honolulu, Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe, Nagasaki, and Shanghai, and connecting with steamers for Siberia, Korea; also, for the northern ports o China, the Philippine Islands, Straits Settlements, India and Australia.
Direct steamer to Manila every three weeks.
Around-the-world tours at reduced rates
Each Ship carries an experienced Surgeon and Stewardesses, and particular attention is given to the cuisine, which is of the highest order.
Full information will be furnished by any of the principal railroad offices and tourist agencies in the United States, and prompt attention will be paid to written or telegraphic requests for reservations, information, etc.
General Office, 421 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.
L. H. Nutting, General Eastern Passenger Agent,
319 Broadway,New York City, N. Y.
W. G. Neimyer, General Western Agent,
193 Clark St.,Chicago, Ill.
者啓可路公司 開張在金山省 屋崙埠十二街 門牌五百叁拾 三号近企李街 處專辦灶爐與 各欵廚房所用 之白鐵器具發 售深仰本埠做 厨工華人帮襯 本公司格外禮 待價銀相宜
A.E. Hall & Co.,
533 Twelfth St., near Clay St.
Oakland, Cal.
Sells Stoves and all kinds of Pans, Tinware, and everything for the Kitchen. We want the Chinese cooks of Oakland to know that they will be always treated politely and honestly in this store.
Geo. H. Fuller Desk Co.
Dealers in and manufacturers of
- Office Desks of all styles
- Library and Office Tables
- Office and Library Chairs
- Couches and Davenports
- Sectional and Revolving Bookcases
- Filing Cabinets and Card Systems
- Bank and Court House Fixtures
- Church and Theatre Seating
Any Kind of Office Furniture to Order
Catalogs free on application
646-650 Mission Street
San Francisco, Cal.