The Surnames of the Chinese in America/Duplicate Certificates of Residence
Duplicate Certificates of Residence.
Every Chinese resident of the United States should be possessed of a certificate of registration, and, if not, then good and sufficient proofs why he is without it.
Duplicate certificates of residence shall be issued only upon satisfactory proof to the Commisioner General of Immigration that the Chinese person upon whose behalf application therefor is made has actually, by unavoidable accident, lost his original certificate.
Applications for duplicate certificates of residence made under said rule should therefore be addressed to the Commissioner General of Immigration, Department of Commerce and Labor, Washington, D. C., should be sworn to, and should contain the following data:
- Number of original certificate of residence, if obtainable.
- Whether issued under Act approved May 5, 1892, or the Act approved November 3, 1893, amendatory thereof.
- Place and, at least approximate, date of issue.
- Applicant's place of residence and occupation at time of issuance of original certificate.
- Applicant's present age, exact height, the color of his eyes and complexion, and any physical marks or peculiarities that would aid in his identification.
A statement of the circumstances under which
original certificate was lost, including date, place, and
every detail of such loss.
Name, address (self), with attorney for reference. - Affidavits of witnesses familiar, of their own personal knowledge, with the circumstances of the loss.
- Two unmounted photographs of applicant, about 2×2 inches in size—one to be attached to the duplicate, if issued, the other to be retained in the files of the Bureau.
Certificates of residence issued to Chinese registered laborers, if found elsewhere than in their possession, shall be taken up and deposited with the Commissioner of Immigration subject to the orders of the Department. Certificates of residence deposited with contractors as securities for loans or for appearance at canneries are liable to cancellation.
Pawning of registration certificates is an improper use of them, for a purpose for which they were not issued. Such certificates, when found in the possession of persons other than those to whom issued, will be taken up by the officers of the Government and canceled.
If your certificate is lost, make application for a duplicate at once, as you are liable to deportation.
Because of the various spellings given on certificates, it is often difficult to locate the names on the register in Washington, causing much delay and sometimes failure to issue a duplicate. It is advisable, therefore, that the certificate on page 22 of this book, giving various spellings of same name, should accompany each application.
凡華人寄居於美國者應有註册護照一張若遇其註册護照失去例准報關填補但該華 人須將其失册之緣由禀知管理外人入境總委員俾得查實確係偶遇着不得已之事以致失其册紙 方准再填
凡華人欲入禀寄華盛頓京都管理外人入境總委員求情再給册紙者其禀須照下開列各要端做去 方爲合例
- 一叙明失去册紙之號數
- 二此册係照一千八百九十二年五月五號所定之禁例發給者抑或照一千八百九十三年十一月三號所定之增補禁例發給者
- 三註冊時之年月日期如有忘記則要想出大約近似
- 四註册時該華人所作何工在何處做工
- 五現時該華人之年歲面目皮色以及有無痣痕
- 六失册之年月日期因何緣故何處失去該華人現居何處並錄其代理律師之門牌住址
- 七知該華人失册各証人之口供務須曾親見其册或確知失册之緣由
- 八該華人須自備二寸丁方原照軟相二只繳呈一爲貼在補册之上一存在工商部處
凡華人註册護照湏要該原人自爲珍存篋内或擕帶身上如放置別處一被關員搜去係歸交工商部 委員收貯其人不得取回或有將其註册護照向押舖按當銀両或交魚濕工頭等情一經搜出卽將廢 爲枯紙
凡華人遇有註册護照失去湏速報知工商部求情再爲補給若有遲延不報恐被拘拿撥囘 原籍
凡做 禀者宜照本書之第二十二頁取擇串字之法方爲合用