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The Tale of Balen/Catalogue

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3611575The Tale of Balen — List of Books Published by Chatto & WindusAlgernon Charles Swinburne

[March 1896,




About (Edmond).—The Fetlah: An Egyptian Novel, Translated by Sir Randal roberts, Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s.

Adams (W. Davenport), Works by.

A Dictionary of the Drama; being a comprehensive Guide to the Plays, Playwrights, Players, and Playhouses of the United Kingdom and America, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Crown 8vo, half-bound, 12s. 6d. [Preparing. Quips and Quiddities. Select by W. Davenport Adams. Post 8vo, cloth limp, 2s. 6d.

Agony Column (The) of 'The Times,' from 1800 to 1870, Edited, with an Introduction, by Alice Clay. Post 8vo, cloth limp, 2s. 6d.

Aidé (Hamilton), Novels by. Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s. each. Carr of Carriyon. | Confidences.

Albert (Mary).—Brooke Finchley's Daughter. Post 8vo, picture boards, 2s; Cloth limp, 2s. 6d.

Alden (W. L.).—A Lost Soul: Being the Confession and Defence of Charles Lindsay. Fcap. 8vo, cloth boards, 2s. 6d.

Alexander (Mrs.), Novels by. Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s. each. Maid, Wife, or Widow? | Valerie's Fate.

Allen (F. M.).—Green as Grass. With a Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d.

Allen (Grant), Works by.

The Evolutionist at Large. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s.

Post-Prandial Philosophy. Crown 8vo, art linen, 3s. 6d.

Moorland Idylls., Crown 8vo, cloth decorated, 6s.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d. each; post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s. each.

Philistia. In all Shades. Dumaresq's Daughter.

Babylon. 12 Illustrations. The Devil's Die. The Duchess of Powysland

Strange Stories. Frontis, This Mortal Coil. Blood Royal.

The Beckoning Hand. The Tents of Sham. Frontis. Ivan Greet's Masterpiece.

For Malmie's Sake. The Great Taboo. The Scallywag. 24 illusts.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3s, 6d. each.

At Market Value. | Under Sealed Orders.

Dr. Palliser's Patient. Fcap. 8vo, cloth boards, 2s. 6d.

Anderson (Mary).—Othello's Occupation: A Novel. Crown 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d.

Arnold (Edwin Lester), Stories by.

The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phœnician. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with 12 illustrations by H. M. Paget, 3s. 6d.: post 8vo. illustrated boards, 2s.

The Constable of St. Nicholas. With Frontispiece by S. L. Wood. Crown 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d.

Artemus Ward's Works. With Portrait and Facsimile. Crown 8vo, cloth extra. 7s, 6d.—Also a Popular Edition, post 8vo, picture boards, 2s.

The Genial Showman: The Life and Adventures of artemus ward. By Edward P. Hingston. With a Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d.

Ashton (John), Works by. Crown &vo, cloth extra, 78, 6d. each, History of the Chap-Books of the 18th Century, wh 394 | Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne. With 85 illustrations

gems r Wit, and Satire of the Seventeenth Century. with 82 Tihustrations, a 'arienture and Satire on Napoleon the First. he 239 1 Destrations. Modern Street Ballads, With 57 illustrations.

Bacteria, Yeast Fungi, and Allied Species, A Synopsis of, By

W. i. Grows, BA. With 7 Mastratlons. Crown gvo, cloth extea, 3s, 62,

Bardsley (Rev. C. Wareing, M.A.), Works by. English Sursamos: Their Soorces and Signifestsam, Crown fro, ae, zt 6d, Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature, Crown deo, cloth extra, 6. Garing Gould (Sabine, Author of 'John Herring,' &. ) Novels by. Crown Bro, cloth extra, yy. Gt. each; pust yo, Mlustrated boards, er. _ Red Spider. Eve.

Barr (Robert: Luke Sharp), "ahcles by. Cr. 8 8vo, cl., 3s. 6d, each,

In a Steamer Chair. With Frontispiece and Vignette by / Duttaix Hasewonbs ¥ Whose Bourne, &c, With 47 illustrations by HAL MURST and others.

A Woman Intervenes. With 8 illustrations by HAL HURST. Crown yo, cloth extra, 6+. Revenge! With numerous illustrations, Crown tea, cloth extra, br

Barrett (Frank), Novels by. Tost Peo, illisteate: boards, az. each; Cloth, 22, 6. exe

attered for Life. A Prodigal'e Pog roan. he Sin of Olga Zassoulich. So hn Pord; an: el; aes Life and Death. $s Reoolling Vengeance, olly Morrison. | Honest Davie. - Barnabas. | and Guilty. Lit « Lady Linton. For ne and Monow

The Woman of the fron Bracelets. Cy. Bro. cloth, gr. Gy avo, nanidd AE ae or. on __ The Harding Scandal. 2 vols. var, net, M cae

Barrett (Joan).—Monte Carlo Stories. Feap. 'Bvo, cloth, 15. 64 Beaconsfield, Lord. By T. P. O'Connor, M.P. Cr. 8vo, cdoth, 55. Beauchamp (Shelsley).—Grantley Grange, Post 8vo, boards, 2s. Beautiful Pictures by British Artists: A Gathering of Favourites

trem Ihe Picture Galleries, engraved on Steel Jip erlil gto, cloth m extra, gilt edires. rin

Besant (Sir Walter) and James Rice, Novels b

Crown Bye, cloth extra ge, Od, cach; pos Avo, Muara beanie, A enck; ted Deep, 22, Gf, each,

Read money Mortiboy, By te & Arbour.

My Litthe Gir The Chaplain of the Fieet. ith Marp ae Crown The Seamy Eide,

This Son of Vulcan. The Case 1 Mr. Lu m

The Golden Beccary, "Twas in Trafal "4 Bay. & &c.

The Monks of Thelem: The Ten Years' Tenant,

  1. ,° There is abso a LABRAKY rt DITION of the shove Tweire Volumes, hawdsotely set a ne t ona Inrice chen Pee hound ie cloth extra, é, each; and a POPULAR Eimion of n Kuttertly, cei a cloth, 12. Te vat publlcasice dinkape type on crown fre papey, bound in Aynred cloth, a. 'od. each, are alee im course of pu tileasion.

Besant (Sir Walter), Novels hy. Crown vo, cloth extra, or. tt. cach: post vo, illustrated b All Sorts and Conditions of Men. Ww eh ce Muster The Captains® Room, &c. With breatispirve hy FE. Allina Garden Fair, With é [lust by HAKEY Dorothy 'orster. With Preealspice 'CHARLES GREE ack, aed cthes Stories. Children of Gibeon. The World Went Vory Well Than. With tz Uestsitions by A, FORESTIER, Herr Pautus; }le Kien, Si (areatness, and his Fall. | The Bell of St. Paul'. Por Faith and Freedom. Witt iMestrations by A, PORES T#kk and F. WADDY. To Call Her Mina, &c. With > Mostratinns by A. yRESTIER, 'The Moly ose, &c, With Frontispiece by FB Armore! of Lyonessa: A Romane a Today. .Katherine aby the Tower. With re Ihostrat is Verbena ee Stephanotis, &c. Withalk hy GORDON BROWNE, The Ivory Gate | wh bel Queen,

peyon nd the Dreams of Avarice. With've Iilusts ly W.9L TIYDE. Crown Ava, cloth m Ct 3 n noon's Orders, fc. With }rontispeece by A. PORESTIEK. Crown Syo, cloth, Ga, The Master Craitaman, 2 role. crown Bvo, or Het tifay,

Fifty Years Ago. With ras Phies and yy omleuts, Crown Bem, chath exten, ¢1,

The Fulogy of Richard Jefferies. With Portrait. Crown 20, cloth extra, &¢.

London, With art tHustration® Ldeney Bye, chath extra. or. tl,

Westminster. With Etched Frontipiece by b, 4, Wacker, BAI E, and a3¢ Mustratlons by WILLDAM RATION anil others, Peowy Rem, cloth, Br.

Sir Richard Spl With Pronticpéece, Crown fyo, anes oy, 6d,

Gaspard de Colifny, With + Portrait. ©rown Bo, art Beem, ar, Gf,

Ae we Are; Ae we May Be: Sock! Peoys. Crown tra, ee es, [Shor tly.

is, 8. cach; cloth leep, 22, 6, each, sly FRED. BARNAKD k

1 -REEN,

Bechstein {Ludwig}.—As Pretty as Seven, and other German Stevies, With Additional ines Saree, Bee Tiree GRIM, and 44 MWusteations by RICHTER, Square fivo, cloth exten, 64. Ga.; gilt edges, gy. 6d,

Beerbohm (Julius),—Wanderings in Patagonia; or, Life among __the Ostrich-Hestars, With Hlustrations, Crown fre, cloth exten, 34. tt,

Bellew (Frank).—The Art of Amusing: A © Sollection of Graceful

__ As, Gaines, Tricks, Puzzles, and Charades, W ith 300 Iestrations, Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 41, te,

Bennett (W. C., LL.D.}.—Songs for Sailors, Post &vo. cl. limp, 25,

Bewick (Thomas) and his Pupils, By Ausvix Douson, With 95 Mhestrations, Square five, clot nxtes, 64.

Bierce (Ambrose}.—In the Midst of Life: Tales 'of Soldiers and

Civilians. Crown évo, cloth extra, €r.: post Peo. wm rstratecl boards a,

Bill Nye's History of the United States, With 146 Illustrations

by BL GPPER. Crown fen, cloth wxtra, F- 6f.

Bire (Edmond).—Diary of a Citizen of Paris during 'The aaa Trasslated and Edited by JOits OH VILLIERS. Withe Photograruces. Two Valk, eae Shortly. Blackburn's ( (Henry) Art "Handbooks. Academy Notas. 1975. 1977-86, 1889,, Crosvonor Notes, Vel 11, 1883-87. Wal 1890, 1892-1805, Mherrated, cae' as. geo [histrations. Demy bya, clatn,

Acadamy Notes, 1896. 15. (ifey, | Grosvenor Notes, Vol if}, 1888-90, With Acadamy No! 1875-78. Complete in ope Ulustrathorrs. eee've efoth, ar. Ge. One Vol, with Goo HMlustrations. Cloth, és. The New Gaile ry, 1888-1695, Wh mu. Academy Notes, 1860-84, Comete tmerntty Uilusersdions each es. One Vol, on goa TBostrations. Cloth, 6s, The Ne yy. 1898, iar Academy Note 3890-94, Conpiece in | The New. Gallery, Vol. [., 3888-1892. With 'One Vole. _ With foo Miustrations. Cloth, pr. 6a. je henner Plemy nr ii i ell ngiie clures atthe Nation Grgnrenge Notes, srarce yer ton | gla" Wali A" ind Matlonad Onlory

  • A 'I Asters at t! a jon 1878-1890, each 11. Wa erates maern

Grosvenor Notes, Vol. 1. 1877-82. With | Ilustrated to the Nationa foo lussations. "Dieiny 6vo, cloth, 62, Gallery. wane ro, Dewy &ro, cloth, =

Tho Paris Salon, 1895, Wilh yo Fac savedee Dketihns, 3F

Blind (Mathilde), Poems by.

@ Ancont of Man. Criwn avo, cloth, Fe

Sixieae fm Miniature. Wirha Frontesp ce by F. MADOX BROWN, Crown fro, cloth, ss,

5 and Sonnets, Preoyp, tivo, vellum and goll, ex,

ieds of Passage: Soags nf the + Ariana and Cecidont, Second Edition. _Crown vo, linen, | 6s. 6s. net,

Bourget (Paul).—A Living Lie. Translated i by Joun pz VILLiERs, With special Preface for the Eaglish Edging, Crows Evo, eleth, 31. Gt.:

Bourne (H. R. Fox), Books by. English cee EN Memoars in Meenratios on of the Progress of Itvitish Commerce. With numerous English Newspapers: Lai ts In Ihe Llctory of Journsksin, Two Vol, fro, cloth,

apices in ny jcurhahiem, wo 1, Cloth, 2 The Other Side of the Emin Pasha Rellet Expedition. Crows vo, chith, ce

Bowers (George}).—Leaves from a Hunting Journal. Coloured Ptates. Obtney follin, half-boursl, 227.

Boyle (Frederick), Works by. Post 8vo, ilfustrated bas. 2s, each. Chronici cles of No-Man's Land, | Camp Notes, | Savage L

Brand (John).— Observations on Popular Antiquities; chiefly iustesting the Origin of our Vulrar Cxstoms, Ceremonies, and Superstitions. With the A dutinte os of Sir MF TA0LTS, sand natteerotey [lustrations, Crown tre, choth extra. ps, Ge,

Brewer (Rev. Dr.), Works by.

The Reader's Handbook of Allusions, References, Plots, and Storles, Sevrnteesth 'Themeand, Crown Brn, cloth exter. pr. Gt.

Aurhors and thelr Works, with the Dates: Being the Appesdices to * The Kemlor's HandTeenk,' erparatcly price. Crown Bee, chats Geap, or.

A Dictionary of Miracles, Crows fvn, cloth extra, 75. Gt.

Brewster (Sir David), Works by. Post Svo, cloth, 45. 67. each. More Worlds than Ona: Creel of the Philesop! ier ane ILape of the Christian, With fates, The Martyrs of Science: GAL, TY TPRANT and Kerik, Wiel Portraits,

Letters on Natural Magic, ith numerous Lilustratious Brillat- Savarin,— Gastronomy as a Fine Art. Translated by R, E. ANDmESON, MLA. Peet ave, halfbou

Brydges (Harold).—Uncle Sam at Home, With 9: Ilustrationg 1 Avo, Wustrased bownds, ag. ¢ cloth tmp, es, Ga, ¢ -

Buchanan (Robert), Novels, &c., by. Crown vo, cloth extra, pr. Ga. each; pos Hro, illustrated bearis, ar. cach, Child et Nature, With Lrentis Knnan Water "| Foxtleve a ith P arin. nna or. oxgieve Man

God and the nee Wah Hlusermions by The 'New Abelard. bea!

FRED. BARNARD, ate: A Story of a Caravan. With Frontispiece. The Martyrdom of Madeline. With | The Master of the Mine. With Fromraine

Frontispiece by A. W. COOPER, The Heir of Linne. | Woman and the Man,

See Crown tre, cheth extra, 35. 6. each, Red and White Heather, | Rachel Dene

Lady Kilpatrick. Crown vo, cloth extra, 6s. The Wandering Jaw: a Christmas Carol Crown Bvo. cloth. +,

The Chariatan. Ly Mopret BUCHANAN amd ILENRY MURRAY. With a Frontispiece by T. Ht. RO#wNsON, Crown tivo, cloth, ge. 64.

Burton (Richard F.).—The Book of the Sword. With over 400

Tilustrations. Tiesny gro, cloth extra, sos,

Burton (Robert).—The Anatomy of Melancholy, With TranslaGong of the Quotations. Demy fro, cloth extra, 71. 6d. Melancholy Anatomised: An Abrdgsnest of BURTON'S ANATOMY. Post fro, halhbd, ar, Gd.

Caine (T. Hall), Novels by. Crown Svo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d, each.; post Bro, illustrated boards, 27. each; cloth Limp, ef, 67, each, The Shadow of a Crime. | A Son of Hagar. 1 The Deemster, A Linkany Everio of The Deemster is now rendy; and one of The Shadow of a Crime is in preparation, se! in new type, crown Bro, choth decorated, 6. each.

Cameron (Commander V. Lovett}.—The Cruise of the * Black Trince Privateer, Pret tro, pictmre boards, ar.

Cameron (Mrs. H. Lovett), Novels by. Post 8vo, illust. bds. 2s, ea. Jullet's Guardian. I Decelvers Ever,

Carlyle (Jane Welsh), Life of, By Mrs. ALuxaxpur Inetanp. With

Portrait and Facsimile Luttcr, Small demy fvo, choth extra, 7, 62,

Carlyle (Thomas).—On the Choice of Books. Post 8vo, cl., 15. 64,

Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and R. W. Emerson, 1834-1872, Fdked by Cc. E.NorTON. With Poruwass Two Vols, crown tro, cloth, 241.

Carruth (Hayden).—The Adventures of Jones. With 17 Ilustra thems. Fcayy. &vo, cloth, 2s.

Chambers (Robert W.), Stories of Paris Life by. Long fcap. 8vo, oth, me. Od each, 'ex The King In Yellow.—1___In the Quarter,

Chapman's (George), Works. Vol. I., Plays Complete, including the Doubtfal Ones.—Vel. 11., Poems and Minor Trasslations, with Esay by A. C. Swremuxye—vVol __ Mh, Traenlarions of the iad and Odyssey. Three Vots., crown Bro, cheth, 6r. each.

Chapple (J. Mitchell).—The Minor Chord; The Story of a Prima

Donra, Crowe Bro, cloh. 3°, 67,

Chatto (W. A.) and J. Jackson.—A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Hreterical and Practical, With ck amter by H. G. DOWN, ad a¢o fine Ibects. Larie ato. has eoarliare, site

Chaucer for Children: A Golden Key, By Mrs. H, R. Haweis. With & Coloured Piites onl qo Weedeuts Crown ato, chth extea, ys. 67.

Chaucer for Schools. Hy Mrs 11K. IPAWETS. Demy Sv, cloth lie a7. OL

Chess, The Laws and Practice of. With an Analysis of the Opeaings By Howako STAUNTON. Edited by R, B. WORMALD. Crown Bro, cloth, er.

The Minor Tactics cf Chess: A Trestice on the Doployinent of the Forces in obedience to Stra tegic Prmopie. Hy bh, K, YounG and EC. JOWELL, Long feap. avo, cloth, ge, Ge,

The Hastings Chess Tournament Book | \ug.-Sopt, eg) Containing the OGeial Repart of the ov Games pleved ba the 'Tournament, with Notes ly ube Moyers, and Txaprams of Interesting Poalti Pe a and Wiecraphecal Sketches of the Chess Masters; and aa Accosnt of the

aned it

Longe pel roundengs. Crown Bvo, cloth extra, 75. taf, net. [Shorsty, Clare (Austin).—For the Love of a Lass. Fost Bvo, 2s.; cl., 2s. fd,

Clive (Mrs. Archer), Novels by. Post Svo, illust, boards, 2s, each. Paul Ferroll.! Why Paul Forroli Killed hia Wife.

Clodd (Edward, F.R.A.S.).—Myths and Dreams. Cr. Svo, 3s. 61

Cobban (J. Maclaren), Novels by.

The gone of Souls. Post 8vo, Ibastratedt hoarts, ev. 'ed § Crown avo, cloth oxtra, 35. 42. ¢ post Bro, Mustrated boards, as, The Burden ot Isabel, Crown Bro, cloth extra, 52, Ot.

Coleman (Ja (John). —Players and Playwrights I have Known. Two

big 245

Coleridge (M. E.).—The Sey Seven S Sleepers of Ephesus. ~ Cloth, ts. Gd, Collins (C. Allston). —The Bar Sinister. Post 8vo, boards, 2s. Collins (John Churton, M.A.), Books by.

INustrations of Tennyson. Crown évo, cloth extra. tr, Swit: A Biographical and Critical Stu'ly. Crowe to, cloth extra, Br, Collins (Mortimer and Frances), Novels by. . 'Crown Svo, cloth extra, $2. Gi. each; Sva, Udastrated boarda, 22, en Prom Mid night to Midnight. Blacksmith au Scho! Transmigration. i You | Pay me Fatse. i Village t Comedy, 'ott Bro. ustrared Doards, or. Ow __ Sweet Anne Page. | A Figne with Fortune, | need and Twenty. | Frances, Collins (Wilkie), Novels by. Crown @yo, cloth extra, 3s. Gf. cach; post Qvo, Mustrated hoards, 24. each; cloth limp, ve, 62, each, Basin hie With a Frontispiece by Sir Jot GILBERT. R. on

iM), Mbestrated ai JON GILPERT, K,A.. and J. MAHO:

nd rated by Six jouw Citnsst, RAy ond 5: MAMoxRY, oe a With Micctratione by A.B. HoweHTom. t Two Destinies, ad ret. w wha Frontispiece by Sir JOHN GILBERT, R. weon of Hearts. With a Frontiypiece by Sir fons GILNeRT, 1.

he Woman in etn white. With lilusteations by Sir [ork 'ieee RA. me P. A. FRASER. Ke tame. With eae by Sir J. &. Miluais, R.A, amd A. W. Coorrk, soe! > With 4 steel-plate Poctrat of WILKIE COLLINS. Armadale, Wih ica tien by G, H, THOMAS. The M ie 'With Mlustrations by G. Du MAURIER and F, A, Fraser. With Tustrations by WILCIAM SMALL. Poor Misa Fi meh. Iustrated by G, DU MAullRInR and Epwagp HUGHES, Mise a or F a Ith Newstrations ty a L. FiLoEs, R.A. and linsry Woops, ARAL are jalen, Hlustraned by G, Du MAURIER and C. S. REINHARDT. 2 Promen aaP rR Du MAUEIICR and J. MAHONEY,

The Law a ¥: With IDesteations by 5. L, Filoes. R.A. and Synwey VAL. mpe aan unted nea ith J ae by ARTHUR Hopkins, i ¢ Fallen Leaves, Heart and Science. The Ew uit Genius.

ezebel'a oy" ter. *1 Sa Be, Little ea rons. The Bask ' A Life, The Legacy of Cain.

Lh os. W aha Preface by Sir WA Ten BESANT, 2 and iiustrations by A. FORESTIER.

POPULAR EDITIONS. Medium & Bv0, 6 bf each; cloth, 1s, each, Tha Woman in White. ' The Moonstone.

The Woman in White and The Moonstone is Une Volume, inediam S¥o, cloth. os.

Colman's (George) Humorous Works: ' Broad Grins,' 'My Nightgoun and Slippers.' &c, With Life and Frontisgiece, Crown Bro, cloth extra, rte

"Colquhoun (M, J.).—Every inch a Soldier, Post 8vo, boards, 25, Colt-breaking, Hints on. By W. M. Hurciisox. Cr. 8vo,cl., 35. od.

Convalescent Cookery, By Catierine Ryan. Cr. 8y0, 1 $.: cl, 1%. 6d. Conway LP Seager phi D.), Works by.

@ Davil-Lore. With 63 Mbustrations. Two Vots., demy Svo, cloth, 224. Baceen ge Washington' 's Rules of Civility. cap. Sv0, Japanese vellum, 2a 64,

Cook (Dutton), Novels by. aul Fosters Daughter, Crown feo, chth extra, 3, Gt; post Bra, illustrated boards, of, _fee. Past Evo, Wustratcit hourds, as. Cooper (Edward H,). —Geoffory Hamilton. | Cr. 8vo, cloth, 35. Gxt.

Cornwall.—Popular Romances of the West of England; or, The Drolis, Traditions, axl Seperstitions of Old Cornwall Coected by KoneetT HVAT. FLRS. Wah two Stee! Plates ty GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. Crown fvo, chit, pr. 6.

Cotes (V. Cecil).—Two Girls on a Barge. With 44 Illustrations by F. 4. Townsrwn, Post éva, cloth, ar, od,

Craddock (C. Egbert), Stories by.

The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountaing, Pos Avo, illemrated boss, ze, His Vanianhead Star. Crown fvo, cloth exten, 9. Gi.

Cram {Ralph Adams).—Black Spirits and White, Feap, 5vo,

cloth ey. Gk

Crellin (H. N.) Books by. Romances of the Old Seragiio. With 28 Ulustratlons by & L. Wood. Crown Syo, cloth, 92. 6d, Tales of the Caliph. Croum 2vo, cloth, zr. __The Nazarenes: A Dram, Crown Hwer, 1%

Crim (Matt.).—Adventures of a Fair Rebel. Crown Svo, cloth

__ extra, wit witha ie ly DAN. BILAkD, 51. Ge. > + prtrst tvo, Bearited boards, 32. ot. Crockett (S. R.) and others.—Tales of Our Coast. By S. R CROCKETT, GILBERT PARKER, HAROLD FREDERIC, 'Q.," aad W. CLARK RUSSELL With a3 Thustratices hy FRANK ERANGWYN, Crown Syo, cloth, sr, 62. [Srcrtx.

Cro oker. (Mrs. B. M.), Novels by. Crown Svo, cloth extra, 35, 64. Brecy ay tine Serer tee beards Blane' Barrin lirep, ar. rants wee u A Bire Passage. eld. | "ro Late

a. Village Tales aad Jungle rengontes, Crows fro, cloth entre 2 7, each, Mr. Jervis, | Real Lady Hilda.

Married or Single? Three VI=_ Gown evn, 3 = =—Cruikshank's Comic Almanack. Complete in Two Serizs: The

FrRst, from 185 to raze the SEOOND, freen alys torlse. A Gathering of the Best Mumour of THACKERAY, Hoon, MAYHEW. ALBERT SMITH, A'HECKETT, ROMERT BRoveit, &e, With numerous Steel Engeavings and Woods une by Grorcn CRUIKSIHANK, HINE, LAWDELLS, &£e, Two Vols, crown Bvo, clorh gilt, 72.

The Life of George Crulueenuie Wy BLANCHARD JERROLD, With 84 Tlusteations and a Biteiey ography. Cron fvo, cloth th extra, Gr,

Cumming (C. F. Gordon), Works by. Demy 8vo, cl. ex., 8s. 6d. ea. In the Mebrides. With am Auterype sane ieee and 24 Mbestratiens. fh §he Himalayas and on the Yndian B lains. With 42 lilustrsions, two @Ppy Yeare in Ceylon. With ot Miustraticna

Vin Cornwall to Egypt. With a bhctog tivure Frontnplece, Demy Swo, cloth, a7. 6.

Cussans (John E. -—A Handbook of Heraldry; with Instructions fot Tracing Pedigrees and ph wring Ancient MSS.,, &c. Fourth Edinios, revised, with aot Woodeuts and 2 Coloured Plates. Gene We, » Chath extra, 6s,

Cyples (W.).—Hearts of Gold. Cr. 8vo, cl, 35, 6d.; post vo, bs. 23. Daniel (George).—Merrie England in the Olden Time. With

Tutt ratings by ROBERT _CRUTKSHANK, Crown Bro, cloth extra, 99. Ge.

Daudet (Alphonse). —The Evangelist; or, Port Salvation, Crown Sve, ¢lorh eutea, 30. Gf. = pose fire, Hus steatert loa arts. = ones

Davenant (Francis, M.A.).—Hints for Parents on the Choice of @ Profession for thelr Sons when Starting in Life. Crown fvo, 24.; cheth, ex. Gl

Davidson (Hugh Coleman).—Mr. Sadler's Daughters. With a

__Frontispiece by STANLEY Woon, Crown Bro, cloth extra, 35.

Davies (Dr. N. E. Yorke ), Works by. Cr. Svo, 15. ¢a.; cl, rs. 6d. ea, One Thousand Medical Maxima and Surgical Hints. A a A Dkother's Gadde im Mealt anit Lisense, the Pat: A Treative on Corpulenry, ard Leacary for its Cure.

Alds to Long Life. Crown fru, a-; clothe limp, =r tee,

Davies' (Sir John) Complete Poetical Works. Collected and Edited,

shh: inteoduction aad Netws, by | Kev, A.B. GROSART, U1. Two Vols. crown Byo, cleth, 14.

Dawson (Erasmus, M.B.).—The Fountain of Youth, Crown Syvo,

ceah extra, with Two Mbustrathons by Musa Nzsnecr, 92. GY,; geet Avo, Musteated bonrsls, os.

De Guerin n (Maurice), The Journal of. Edited by G. S. Tresutren, Whh 4 Memoie by SAtNTP-Hevve. 'Trantlated froin the soth French Edithe by Jessi P PRove INGHAM. "Fea. vo, 6 teal beeen 1, af. td.

De Maistre (Xavier) .— A Journey | Round my Room, Translated

by Sir HENRY ATTWELL. Pst fv0, cloth Mey, s9. ef.

De Mille (James).—A Castle in Spain. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with & Fimatiepiee o, 41. 6d. 5 port Bvo, illustrated hoards, ar.

Derby (The): The blue Ribbon of the Turf. With Brief Accounts

of Tite Gans, By Lows tiny Cunztow, Crown vo, cloth limp, ar. ot

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wath Feuntisdece by TA LUILOW, ar. Gry pote two, iMustrated boards, os. Rambosson (J.).—Popular Astronomy. Translated by C, B, Prr HAN. With Colonresd Mromtispecce nd tamerems Mnsteatinest, Crown fro, cloth extra, re, Od,

pany agg (Lieut, «Col. George, U.S.A. )e= Aunt Abigail Dykes;

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ion o tite, Love Me Leng. fitoriesof Men Sha other Animals, na Double Marriage. St, and other teories.

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Weather, How to Foretell the, with the Pocket Spectroscope.

By FP. W, Cory, With Tea Mhsrtrations,, Cro wh fre, sft cloth, th

Webber (Byron).—Fun, Frolic, and Fancy. With 43 Illustrations by Pure May aed CHARLES MAY, Feap. ar ehkah, er.

Westall (William), Novels by. Beper RGNCL Foe Vol, crarn eres 23 ane rer Westbur, ry (Atha).—The Shadow of Hilton Fernbrook: A Ro mance of Orland Crowe Evo, clots, 3r, G7, _[Saerty,

Whist, How to Play Soto, By Abrauan S. Winks and Cuaartes F.

PARDON. Post Bvo, chab limp, 27.

White (Gilbert). —The Natural History "of Selborne. Post Svo,

printed on laid payer and hat-boanrd, er.

Williams (W. Mattieu, F.R.A.S.), Works by. Science im Short Chapter@. Crows fen, cloth extra. gr. Gi. je Treatise on Heat. With Wearalices. Crown Sr0, cloth, os. 6d. The iCherietat of Cookery, Crown fro, cloth extea, Er. Chemistry of Iron and Stee! Making. Crown yo, cloth extea, os. A Vindication of Phrenolagy. Wal: Portrait anil 43 Hlusts. Lremy S¥o, choth extra, cer. fa.

Wi Hiamson (Mrs. F. H.).—A Child ' Widow. Post Svo, bds,, 25. Wills" Vs REL iii. D.). —An Easy=going Fellow. Crown &vo,

clach, 65. [Shortly,

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Wood (Lady).—Sabina: A Novel, Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 25.

Woolley (Celia Parker). —Rachel Armstrong; or, Love and The __ men Post Sve, Muostratesd Nourds, ox,; cloth, ar,

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  • ,° For fuller cataloguing, see alphabetical arrangement, pp. 1-26,

The Mayfair Library. Post vo, cloth limp, 2s. 6d, per Volume.

A Jeerney Round My Room. Ity X. Mi MAISTRE, | Theatrical Anecdotes. Hy y JAC Hb Lar 'Translate! by Sir HENRY ATTWREL Jeux d'Esprit. Ediced by Hanky S. Leicer,

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Social Pressure. Uy Sir A, Ilo horesai Has Life amd Aloe, H, A. PAGE,

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The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. By OLaven Morn Pualaga. », jon, HUGH ROWLEY, Wesveun otsErs. The Philesoph: dwriting.

Penciland Palette. Hy R. Kempt. By Stream Sea, lly WILLIAM Sento.

Tittle Ewaya: from LAMES LETTERS. Leaves from a Naturallets Note Took. My Dr.

Foreuac Antcdetes, bly | acoh LAKWwoon, ANDREW WiILSox.

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Cirens Life. jiy THOMAS FROST. 'The Genlal Showman. Hy L:. P. Mivcsron,

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Tue Wiids of Eendoo, Ly JAMES Gickbnwoop, WAKREN STULDARD, Jiestruted,


Lene mad

e713 eh ome

Handy Novels.

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lly Library.

By W. 5, Tha Jou


othe Enaty. "hy H. Newuorr,


Feap, Sve, cloth boards, 15. Gi, each,

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Printed on laid paper, post 8vo, hall-Rosburgtie, 2s. 6d. each, Citation aug Exaules}ien of William Shakespeare.

curgal 'of Maurlee de Cuerla,

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The Ba Gastronomy.

Pech Manes Eas. edie

By F. M. Grecn as Grass,

ratot by G. CRUIKSHANK, By Tomas Hoon. Pber'eChair, By Lovclas JERROLD. are Bete t as AVARIN,

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| eal Galitver's Travels, &

White's Natural Misery ot Gelborne.

Plays by RICHARD DRUNStE Y Asecdotnt of the Gu ¥. By Jao of LAR WOOD, Thomsen 's TNusteate:

viutocrat of the Breakzare Table and The Professor

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Lisgary Eprtions or Nove.s,uiany Mlustrated, crown Svo, cloth extra, 45, 6. each.


et bhai Sake, Fhe Bec i pen * Die

tal Coil, 'Tenis o of Shem.

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sort pt oe BESANT. and Comdi-; To Cx!

Her Mine.

The a at eal Panta. The Hei:

Arno rppaesee. 5. Katherine' s 7 Tower Verbena Cuseltia Ste phanotia.



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Tracked 2 DICK Fae Lana a wares a0,

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ity BRET ARTE. A Wait of the Plains, Sosy. A are of the Geides Gally Dowas,

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The Ca;

Under weet


Garth. Beatrix Randalph. Ellice Quentin. Davll Poindexter a Dis Sebastian Strome. appearance.

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Hea L. T. MBA eee A Soldier of uy te "MEADE DE,

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Tho Fore)


atlas started Affecti

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A omar Weak ie Shh."

ct Ship,

ttle New ec

The ee. Tare Ste Littic, Love The aa and the


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The The

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a Band.

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anton noms HARDY. Under the Greenwood Tr

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i (ater


A ent W: Nine- | Tha New Repeblic. toenth Century,


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iting the ata Written in Fire By J. MASTERMAN. Halt-s dozen Daughtera. By & AND M ws. A peut wie oe ATTN asm T. MEADE, A Soldier of ore.


since. JEAN MIDDLEMASS. | Mr. Dovtiiton,


Hathetcourt Rectory. mM UDDOCK,

t ik o Prariaa we From the Bosom of the rhe' Dead Man's Secret. bid


Atonement. or the 'Gate of the Sea, secPat ie A—of aan ates. Pirst Person u Old a Hero. Bob is' Little ai Oirl Time's Revenges,

'he aay of wa Vie World. Cynin Por In Dirert

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ths 'Astou of reer ography

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A plsasare ip en the re on the the Missa

The se Gilded "hee. Huckleberry Pian A tater at the Coart ete Ott AA baw A Tramp Abroad. Note. me ite Eiephant. amuatine yc & FRASER-TYTLER. by S SARAH TYTLER. The Bride's

The Hocuecet Family. 'The tt Goeme,

Wat sheame / mate aed ise weak | Noblexse Oblige, Steurceas Jaqueline.



Buried Diamonds, §t. Mungo 's Ctty. iady Bell.

Truct-Money. By Mrs. F. H. WILLIAMSON. A Child Wid er on? J. S. WINTER: wary ro hy H. 'Woon:

The Passencer from Scotlan id Yard, 'The Englishman of the nue 'carn, Ly Lady WOOD.

y CELIA PARKER WOOLLEY. one or, Lave aml Theokyy.

Arm aa tech EDMU ND YATES. Land at oe ye
