The Tale of Beowulf/Glossary
(Numbers refer to Pages)
- A-banning, the work was (5), orders for the work were given.
- Arede (118), possess.
- Atheling, prince, noble, noble warrior.
- Barm, lap, bosom.
- Behalsed (5), embraced by the neck.
- Berne, man, warrior, hero.
- Bestead (143), served.
- Beswealed, scorched, burnt.
- Beswinked, sweated.
- Birlers, cup-bearers.
- Board, shield.
- Bode, announce.
- Bollen, swollen, angry.
- Boot (9), compensation.
- Boun (18), made ready.
- Braided (147), drew, lifted.
- Brim, sea.
- Brook, use, enjoy.
- Burg, fortified place, stronghold, mount, barrow; protection; protector; family (163).
- Byrny, coat of mail.
- Devil-dray, nest of devils. Cf. squirrel's-dray, common in Berks; used by Cowper.
- Dreary, bloody.
- Dree, do, accomplish, suffer, enjoy, spend (155).
- Ealdor, chief, lord.
- Eme, uncle.
- Eoten, giant, monster, enemy.
- Fathom, embrace.
- Feeless, not to be atoned for with money.
- Ferry, bring, carry.
- Fifel, monster.
- Flyting, contending, scolding.
- Fold, the earth.
- Forheed, disregard.
- Forwritten, proscribed.
- Frist, space of time, delay.
- Gar, spear.
- Graithly, readily, well.
- Halse, neck.
- Hand-shoal, band of warriors.
- Hery, praise.
- Hild-play, battle.
- Holm, ocean, sea.
- Holm-throng, eddy of the sea.
- Holt, wood.
- Hote, call.
- Howe, mound, burial-mound.
- Hythe, ferry, haven.
- Kemp, champion, fighter.
- Lithe, slope.
- Loom, heirloom.
- Low (133), flame.
- Lyke, body.
- Moody, brave, proud.
- Nicors, sea-monsters.
- Nithing (12), spite, malice.
- O'erthinking, overweening, arrogance.
- Rail, railings, coat, armour.
- Rimed, counted, reckoned.
- Sea-lode, sea-voyage.
- Sin, malice, hatred, hostility.
- Skinked, poured out.
- Slot, track.
- Staple, threshold.
- Stone-bow, arch of stone.
- Sty, stride, ascend, descend.
- Sweal, burn.
- Through-witting, understanding.
- Undern, from 9 o'clock till 12 o'clock; "at undren and at middai," O.E. Miscellany.
- Warths, shores, still in use at Wick St. Lawrence, in Somerset.
- Wick, dwelling.
- Wick-stead, dwelling-place.
- Wise, direct, show.
- Wit-lust, curiosity.
- Worth, shall be.
- Wreak, utter.
- Wyte, blame, charge with.
- Yare, ready.
- Yode, went.
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Edinburgh & London