The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations/The Glimpse
¶ The Glimpse.
Whither away delight?Thou cam'st but now; wilt thou so soon depart,And give me up to night?For many weeks of lingring pain and smartBut one half houre of comfort for my heart?
Me thinks delight should haveMore skill in musick, and keep better time.Wert thou a winde or wave,They quickly go and come with lesser crime:Flowers look about, and die not in their prime.
Thy short abode and stayFeeds not, but addes to the desire of meat.Lime begg'd of old (they say)A neighbour spring to cool his inward heat;Which by the springs accesse grew much more great.
In hope of thee my heartPickt here and there a crumme, and would not die;But constant to his part,When as my fears foretold this, did replie,A slender thread a gentle guest will tie.
Yet if the heart that weptMust let thee go, return when it doth knock.Although thy heap be keptFor future times, the droppings of the stockMay oft break forth, and never break the lock.
If I have more to spinne,The wheel shall go, so that thy stay be short.Thou knowst how grief and sinneDisturb the work. O make me not their sport,Who by thy coming may be made a court!