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The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations/The Pulley

From Wikisource

¶ The Pulley.

When God at first made man,Having a glasse of blessings standing by;Let us (said he) poure on him all we can:Let the worlds riches, which dispersed lie,Contract into a span.
So strength first made a way;Then beautie flow'd, then wisdome, honour, pleasure:When almost all was out, God made a stay,Perceiving that alone of all his treasureRest in the bottome lay.
For if I should (said he)Bestow this jewell also on my creature,He would adore my gifts in stead of me,And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature,So both should losers be.
Yet let him keep the rest,But keep them with repining restlesnesse:Let him be rich and wearie, that at least,If goodnesse leade him not, yet wearinesseMay tosse him to my breast.