The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations/The Sacrifice
For works with similar titles, see The Sacrifice.
The Sacrifice.
OH all ye, who passe by, whose eyes and minde
To worldly things are sharp, but to me blinde;
To me, who took eyes that I might you finde:
Was ever grief like mine?
To worldly things are sharp, but to me blinde;
To me, who took eyes that I might you finde:
Was ever grief like mine?
The Princes of my people make a head
Against their Maker: they do wish me dead,
Who cannot wish, except I give them bread:
Was ever grief like mine?
Against their Maker: they do wish me dead,
Who cannot wish, except I give them bread:
Was ever grief like mine?
Without me each one who doth now me brave,
Had to this day been an Egyptian slave.
They use that power against me, which I gave!
Was ever grief like mine?
Had to this day been an Egyptian slave.
They use that power against me, which I gave!
Was ever grief like mine?
Mine own Apostle, who the bag did beare,
Though he had all I had, did not forbeare
To sell me also, and to put me there:
Was ever grief, &c.
Though he had all I had, did not forbeare
To sell me also, and to put me there:
Was ever grief, &c.
For thirty pence he did my death devise,
Who at three hundred did the ointment prize,
Not half so sweet as my sweet sacrifice:
Was ever grief, &c.
Who at three hundred did the ointment prize,
Not half so sweet as my sweet sacrifice:
Was ever grief, &c.
Therefore my soul melts, and my hearts deare treasure
Drops bloud (the onely beads) my words to measure:
Oh let this cup passe, if it be thy pleasure:
Was ever grief, &c.
Drops bloud (the onely beads) my words to measure:
Oh let this cup passe, if it be thy pleasure:
Was ever grief, &c.
These drops being temper'd with a sinners tears,
Balsome are for both the Hemispheres:
Curing all wounds, but mine; all, but my fears:
Was ever grief, &c.
Balsome are for both the Hemispheres:
Curing all wounds, but mine; all, but my fears:
Was ever grief, &c.
Yet my Disciples sleep: I cannot gain
One houre of watching; but their drowsie brain
Comforts not me, and doth my doctrine stain:
Was ever grief like mine?
One houre of watching; but their drowsie brain
Comforts not me, and doth my doctrine stain:
Was ever grief like mine?
Arise, arise, they come. Look how they runne.
Alas! what haste they make to be undone!
How with their lanterns do they seek the sunne!
Was ever grief, &c.
Alas! what haste they make to be undone!
How with their lanterns do they seek the sunne!
Was ever grief, &c.
With clubs and staves they seek me, as a thief,
Who am the way of truth, the true relief;
Most true to those, who are my greatest grief:
Was ever grief, &c.
Who am the way of truth, the true relief;
Most true to those, who are my greatest grief:
Was ever grief, &c.
Judas, dost thou betray me with a kisse?
Canst thou finde hell about my lips? and misse
Of life, just at the gates of life and blisse?
Was ever grief, &c.
Canst thou finde hell about my lips? and misse
Of life, just at the gates of life and blisse?
Was ever grief, &c.
See, they lay hold on me, not with the hands
Of faith, but furie: yet at their commands
I suffer binding, who have loos'd their bands:
Was ever grief, &c.
Of faith, but furie: yet at their commands
I suffer binding, who have loos'd their bands:
Was ever grief, &c.
All my Disciples flie; fear puts a barre
Betwixt my friends and me. They leave the starre,
That brought the wise men of the East from farre.
Was ever grief, &c.
Betwixt my friends and me. They leave the starre,
That brought the wise men of the East from farre.
Was ever grief, &c.
Then from one ruler to another bound
They leade me; urging, that it was not sound
What I taught: Comments would the text confound:
Was ever grief, &c.
They leade me; urging, that it was not sound
What I taught: Comments would the text confound:
Was ever grief, &c.
The Priest and rulers all false witnesse seek
'Gainst him, who seeks not life, but is the meek
And ready Paschal Lambe of this great week:
Was ever grief, &c.
'Gainst him, who seeks not life, but is the meek
And ready Paschal Lambe of this great week:
Was ever grief, &c.
Then they accuse me of great blasphemie,
That I did thrust into the Deitie,
Who never thought that any robberie:
Was ever grief like mine?
That I did thrust into the Deitie,
Who never thought that any robberie:
Was ever grief like mine?
Some said, that I the Temple to the floore
In three dayes raz'd, and raised as before.
Why, he that built the world can do much more:
Was ever grief, &c.
In three dayes raz'd, and raised as before.
Why, he that built the world can do much more:
Was ever grief, &c.
Then they condemne me all with that same breath,
Which I do give them daily, unto death.
Thus Adam my first breathing rendereth:
Was ever grief, &c.
Which I do give them daily, unto death.
Thus Adam my first breathing rendereth:
Was ever grief, &c.
They binde, and leade me unto Herod: he
Sends me to Pilate. This makes them agree;
But yet their friendship is my enmitie:
Was ever grief, &c.
Sends me to Pilate. This makes them agree;
But yet their friendship is my enmitie:
Was ever grief, &c.
Herod and all his bands do set me light,
Who teach all hands to warre, fingers to fight,
And onely am the Lord of hosts and might:
Was ever grief, &c.
Who teach all hands to warre, fingers to fight,
And onely am the Lord of hosts and might:
Was ever grief, &c.
Herod in judgement sits, while I do stand;
Examines me with a censorious hand:
I him obey, who all things else command:
Was ever grief, &c.
Examines me with a censorious hand:
I him obey, who all things else command:
Was ever grief, &c.
The Jews accuse me with despitefulnesse;
And vying malice with my gentlenesse,
Pick quarrels with their onely happinesse:
Was ever grief, &c.
And vying malice with my gentlenesse,
Pick quarrels with their onely happinesse:
Was ever grief, &c.
I answer nothing, but with patience prove
If stony hearts will melt with gentle love.
But who does hawk at eagles with a dove?
Was ever grief, &c.
If stony hearts will melt with gentle love.
But who does hawk at eagles with a dove?
Was ever grief, &c.
My silence rather doth augment their crie;
My dove doth back into my bosome flie,
Because the raging waters still are high:
Was ever grief like mine?
My dove doth back into my bosome flie,
Because the raging waters still are high:
Was ever grief like mine?
Heark how they crie aloud still, Crucifie:
It is not fit he live a day, they crie,
Who cannot live lesse then eternally:
Was ever grief, &c.
It is not fit he live a day, they crie,
Who cannot live lesse then eternally:
Was ever grief, &c.
Pilate a stranger holdeth off; but they,
Mine own deare people, cry, Away, away,
With noises confused frighting the day:
Was ever grief, &c.
Mine own deare people, cry, Away, away,
With noises confused frighting the day:
Was ever grief, &c.
Yet still they shout, and crie, and stop their eares,
Putting my life among their sinnes and fears,
And therefore wish my bloud on them and theirs:
Was ever grief, &c.
Putting my life among their sinnes and fears,
And therefore wish my bloud on them and theirs:
Was ever grief, &c.
See how spite cankers things. These words aright
Used, and wished, are the whole worlds light:
But hony is their gall, brightnesse their night:
Was ever grief, &c.
Used, and wished, are the whole worlds light:
But hony is their gall, brightnesse their night:
Was ever grief, &c.
They choose a murderer, and all agree
In him to do themselves a courtesie:
For it was their own cause who killed me:
Was ever grief, &c.
In him to do themselves a courtesie:
For it was their own cause who killed me:
Was ever grief, &c.
And a seditious murderer he was:
But I the Prince of peace; peace that doth passe
All understanding, more then heav'n doth glasse:
Was ever grief, &c.
But I the Prince of peace; peace that doth passe
All understanding, more then heav'n doth glasse:
Was ever grief, &c.
Why, Cesar is their onely King, not I:
He clave the stonie rock, when they were drie;
But surely not their hearts, as I well trie:
Was ever grief, &c.
He clave the stonie rock, when they were drie;
But surely not their hearts, as I well trie:
Was ever grief, &c.
Ah! how they scourge me! yet my tendernesse
Doubles each lash: and yet their bitternesse
Windes up my grief to a mysteriousnesse:
Was ever grief like mine?
Doubles each lash: and yet their bitternesse
Windes up my grief to a mysteriousnesse:
Was ever grief like mine?
They buffet me, and box me as they list,
Who grasp the earth and heaven with my fist,
And never yet, whom I would punish, miss'd:
Was ever grief, &c.
Who grasp the earth and heaven with my fist,
And never yet, whom I would punish, miss'd:
Was ever grief, &c.
Behold, they spit on me in scornfull wise,
Who by my spittle gave the blinde man eies,
Leaving his blindnesse to mine enemies:
Was ever grief, &c.
Who by my spittle gave the blinde man eies,
Leaving his blindnesse to mine enemies:
Was ever grief, &c.
My face they cover, though it be divine.
As Moses face was vailed, so is mine,
Lest on their double-dark souls either shine:
Was ever grief, &c.
As Moses face was vailed, so is mine,
Lest on their double-dark souls either shine:
Was ever grief, &c.
Servants and abjects flout me; they are wittie:
Now prophesie who strikes thee, is their dittie.
So they in me denie themselves all pitie:
Was ever grief, &c.
Now prophesie who strikes thee, is their dittie.
So they in me denie themselves all pitie:
Was ever grief, &c.
And now I am deliver'd unto death,
Which each one calls for so with utmost breath,
That he before me well nigh suffereth:
Was ever grief, &c.
Which each one calls for so with utmost breath,
That he before me well nigh suffereth:
Was ever grief, &c.
Weep not, deare friends, since I for both have wept
When all my tears were bloud, the while you slept:
Your tears for your own fortunes should be kept:
Was ever grief, &c.
When all my tears were bloud, the while you slept:
Your tears for your own fortunes should be kept:
Was ever grief, &c.
The souldiers leade me to the common hall;
There they deride me, they abuse me all:
Yet for twelve heav'nly legions I could call:
Was ever grief, &c.
There they deride me, they abuse me all:
Yet for twelve heav'nly legions I could call:
Was ever grief, &c.
Then with a scarlet robe they me aray;
Which shews my bloud to be the onely way,
And cordiall left to repair mans decay:
Was ever grief like mine?
Which shews my bloud to be the onely way,
And cordiall left to repair mans decay:
Was ever grief like mine?
Then on my head a crown of thorns I wear:
For these are all the grapes Sion doth bear,
Though I my vine planted and watred there:
Was ever grief, &c.
For these are all the grapes Sion doth bear,
Though I my vine planted and watred there:
Was ever grief, &c.
So sits the earths great curse in Adams fall
Upon my head: so I remove it all
From th' earth unto my brows, and bear the thrall:
Was ever grief, &c.
Upon my head: so I remove it all
From th' earth unto my brows, and bear the thrall:
Was ever grief, &c.
Then with the reed they gave to me before,
They strike my head, the rock from whence all store
Of heav'nly blessings issue evermore:
Was ever grief, &c.
They strike my head, the rock from whence all store
Of heav'nly blessings issue evermore:
Was ever grief, &c.
They bow their knees to me, and cry, Hail king,
What ever scoffes or scornfulnesse can bring,
I am the floore, the sink, where they it fling:
Was ever grief, &c.
What ever scoffes or scornfulnesse can bring,
I am the floore, the sink, where they it fling:
Was ever grief, &c.
Yet since mans scepters are as frail as reeds,
And thorny all their crowns, bloudie their weeds;
I who am Truth, turn into truth their deeds:
Was ever grief, &c.
And thorny all their crowns, bloudie their weeds;
I who am Truth, turn into truth their deeds:
Was ever grief, &c.
The souldiers also spit upon that face,
Which Angels did desire to have the grace,
And Prophets once to see, but found no place:
Was ever grief, &c.
Which Angels did desire to have the grace,
And Prophets once to see, but found no place:
Was ever grief, &c.
Thus trimmed forth they bring me to the rout,
Who Crucifie him, crie with one strong shout.
God holds his peace at man, and man cries out:
Was ever grief, &c.
Who Crucifie him, crie with one strong shout.
God holds his peace at man, and man cries out:
Was ever grief, &c.
They leade me in once more, and putting then
Mine own clothes on, they leade me out agen.
Whom devils flie, thus is he toss'd of men:
Was ever grief like Mind?
Mine own clothes on, they leade me out agen.
Whom devils flie, thus is he toss'd of men:
Was ever grief like Mind?
And now wearie of sport, glad to ingrosse
All spite in one, counting my life their losse,
They carrie me to my most bitter crosse:
Was ever grief, &c.
All spite in one, counting my life their losse,
They carrie me to my most bitter crosse:
Was ever grief, &c.
My crosse I bear my self, untill I faint:
Then Simon bears it for me by constraint,
The decreed burden of each mortall Saint:
Was ever grief, &c.
Then Simon bears it for me by constraint,
The decreed burden of each mortall Saint:
Was ever grief, &c.
O all ye who passe by, behold and see;
Man stole the fruit, but I must climbe the tree;
The tree of life to all, but onely me:
Was ever grief, &c.
Man stole the fruit, but I must climbe the tree;
The tree of life to all, but onely me:
Was ever grief, &c.
Lo, here I hang, charg'd with a world of sinne,
The greater world o'th' two; for that came in
By words, but this by sorrow I must win:
Was ever grief, &c.
The greater world o'th' two; for that came in
By words, but this by sorrow I must win:
Was ever grief, &c.
Such sorrow, as if sinfull man could feel,
Or feel his part, he would not cease to kneel,
Till all were melted, though he were all steel:
Was ever grief, &c.
Or feel his part, he would not cease to kneel,
Till all were melted, though he were all steel:
Was ever grief, &c.
But, O my God, my God! why leav'st thou me,
The sonne, in whom thou dost delight to be?
My God, my God
Never was grief like mine.
The sonne, in whom thou dost delight to be?
My God, my God
Never was grief like mine.
Shame tears my soul, my bodie many a wound;
Sharp nails pierce this, but sharper that confound;
Reproches, which are free, while I am bound:
Was ever grief, &c.
Sharp nails pierce this, but sharper that confound;
Reproches, which are free, while I am bound:
Was ever grief, &c.
Now heal thy self, Physician; now come down.
Alas! I did so, when I left my crown
And fathers smile for you, to feel his frown:
Was ever grief like mine?
Alas! I did so, when I left my crown
And fathers smile for you, to feel his frown:
Was ever grief like mine?
In healing not my self, there doth consist
All that salvation, which ye now resist;
Your safetie in my sicknesse doth subsist:
Was ever grief, &c.
All that salvation, which ye now resist;
Your safetie in my sicknesse doth subsist:
Was ever grief, &c.
Betwixt two theeves I spend my utmost breath,
As he that for some robberie suffereth.
Alas! what have I stollen from you? death:
Was ever grief, &c.
As he that for some robberie suffereth.
Alas! what have I stollen from you? death:
Was ever grief, &c.
A king my title is, prefixt on high;
Yet by my subjects am condemn'd to die
A servile death in servile companie:
Was ever grief, &c.
Yet by my subjects am condemn'd to die
A servile death in servile companie:
Was ever grief, &c.
They gave me vineger mingled with gall,
But more with malice: yet, when they did call,
With Manna, Angels food, I fed them all:
Was ever grief, &c.
But more with malice: yet, when they did call,
With Manna, Angels food, I fed them all:
Was ever grief, &c.
They part my garments, and by lot dispose
My coat, the type of love, which once cur'd those
Who sought for help, never malicious foes:
Was ever grief, &c.
My coat, the type of love, which once cur'd those
Who sought for help, never malicious foes:
Was ever grief, &c.
Nay, after death their spite shall further go:
For they will pierce my side, I full well know;
That as sinne came, so Sacraments might flow:
Was ever grief, &c.
For they will pierce my side, I full well know;
That as sinne came, so Sacraments might flow:
Was ever grief, &c.
But now I die; now all is finished.
My wo, mans weal and now I bow my head.
Onely let others say, when I am dead,
Never was grief like mine.
My wo, mans weal and now I bow my head.
Onely let others say, when I am dead,
Never was grief like mine.