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The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations/Vanitie (I)

From Wikisource
For works with similar titles, see Vanitie.

¶ Vanitie.

THe fleet Astronomer can boreAnd thred the spheres with his quick-piercing minde:He views their stations, walks from doore to doore,Surveys, as if he had design'dTo make a purchase there: he sees their dances,And knoweth long beforeBoth their full-ey'd aspects, and secret glances.
The nimble Diver with his sideCuts through the working waves, that he may fetchHis deerly-earned pearl, which God did hideOn purpose from the ventrous wretch;That he might save his life, and also hers,Who with excessive prideHer own destruction and his danger wears.
The subtil Chymick can devestAnd strip the creature naked, till he findeThe callow principles within their nest:There he imparts to them his minde,Admitted to their bed-chamber, beforeThey appeare trim and drestTo ordinarie suitours at the doore.
What hath not man sought out and found,But his deare God? who yet his glorious lawEmbosomes in us, mellowing the groundWith showres and frosts, with love & aw;So that we need not say, Where's this command?Poore man, thou searchest roundTo finde out death, but missest life at hand.