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The Theory and Practice of Handwriting/Chapter 11

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The Theory and Practice of Handwriting
by John Jackson
Bibliography with short descriptive notices
2672311The Theory and Practice of Handwriting — Bibliography with short descriptive noticesJohn Jackson



The following list may be accepted as fairly representing the literature on the subject of Penmanship and Handwriting published during the present century, so far as it affects the question of Education. Many small brochures are omitted as their insertion could serve no good purpose. It will be found that the majority of these publications are merely collections of specimens of the Engraver's skill, and also of the writer's ingenuity as indicated in most intricate and beautiful designs in flourishing and ornamental lettering, and that the remainder are more or less books of instructions, hints or directions how to write or how to become a good writer, one or two of these containing suggestions on how to teach the art. Few could imagine the anomalies and contradictions with which these manuals abound when compared with each other, in regard to every point connected with the science and art of penmanship. A somewhat entertaining diversity of opinion e.g. on the position of the body may be referred to where elbows must be close in to side and not touching the side; where the body must be absolutely erect but at the same time bending forward: and where it must be able to present the right side the left side and the Chest front all simultaneously to the front edge of the desk. Rather a difficult feat for an ordinary individual we imagine!

748 "The Art of Writing" illustrated with eight copper plates. John Newbury, London. 16mo. To which is added a collection of letters and directions for addressing persons of distinction, etc., with some six pages of "General Instructions for young Practitioners in the art of Penmanship."
1795 "The Penman's Repository." Wm. Milns. London. 4to. 36 plates. Containing 70 correct alphabets, a valuable selection of flourishes, and a variety of new designs.
1801 "The Select Penman." London. 8vo. "Consisting of copious extracts from all the most excellent performances now in esteem. Being alphabets, copies, sentences, etc., in all the Hands carefully digested and beautifully engraved on twenty copper plates by the best hands."
1803 "The Origin and Progress of Writing." Th. Astle. London. Folio. A most admirable production, illustrated with valuable and numerous plates. The talented author has done his work well, and has written a book which for thoroughness, detail, information and originality is a standard of reference and a classic on the subject.
1804 "The Art of Reading, Writing, etc." London. 8vo. A general handbook of 44 pages containing miscellaneous hints on "Writing a free and expeditious hand which may be attained in a few days." (!) Some plates of headlines are inserted.
1805 "Geographical and Commercial Copies." H. Genery. London. 8vo. Twenty-six plates of Copies (chiefly plain) in various sizes of writing, with some ornamental alphabets.
1809 "New Universal Penman." Butterworth. Edinburgh. Folio. Thirty-two large plates of Capitals, Designs, Plain and Ornamental Lettering, Writing Copies, and Flourishings.
1810 "The Desideratum of Penmanship." G. C. Rapier. Leeds. 12mo. "The true principles by which to teach the art." Fourteen plates of letters (small and capitals) and headlines with seven pages of text supplying instructions as to position, etc.
1814 "Writing on an Improved Plan." London. 8vo. Four pages of directions and six plates of exercises.
1815 "Superior, Free, Elegant, and Swift Writing." G. B. King. London. In six lessons to which is added a System (entirely new) for writing exercises. Six pages of text and six plates of specimens.
1817 "The Preparative Writing Book." J. Dobbin. London. 4to. Twelve plates of Headlines with lines ruled for writing. (A copy book of 12 pages.)
1835 "Autographs" of Celebrated Personages. J. Netherclift. London. Fol. Several plates of grouped autographs.
1839 "Plain and Ornamental Penmanship." F. D. Sutcliffe Warley. Manchester. Fol. Five large plates of designs in plain and ornamental Penmanship.
1840 "Flowers of Penmanship." W. Paton. London. Folio. Fourteen plates illustrative of Ornamental Penmanship and Lettering with portrait of Author. No text save preface.
1842 "Penmanship." H. B. Foster. Boston, U.S. 12mo. 88 pp. Fifty-two pages of instructions for positions, analysis of letters, formation of Capitals, etc., with thirty-six pages of headlines in red for tracing over.
1844 "Beauties of Writing." T. Tomkins. London. Fol. Forty-one plates of plain and ornamental writing, Ornamental Lettering, Flourishing and intricate designs.
1849 "A collection of one hundred letters." J. Netherclift. London. Fol. This work is interesting on account of the variety in style of the writing.
1853 "The Origin and Progress of the Art of Writing." H. N. Humphreys. London. 4to. 176 pp. Illustrated by 28 plates and 29 woodcuts. The origin of Writing and its history traced through the Mexican, Chinese, Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonic, and Persian (Cuneiform), Phœnician, Hebrew, Greek and Roman or Latin, to the Modern National Styles of Writing in Europe, concluding with an account of the writing material of all ages.
1855 "Ornamental Penmanship." G. J. Becker. Philadelphia. 8vo. Thirty-three plates of plain and Ornamental type and Script Alphabets.
1858 "Writing without a Master." London. 8vo. A preface, four pages of remarks on positions, six plates of Headlines in Smallhand (with notes) and sixteen blank leaves for exercise are supplied in this manual.
1858 "Handbook of Autographs." F. G. Netherclift. London. 8vo. A most interesting collection of Autographs.
1859 "The Penman's Manual." New York. 36 pp. A practical Manual on Business Handwriting, with rules, numerous illustrations and two plates.
1860 "The Art of Writing." J. A. Cooper. London. 8vo. Twenty plates of small hand graduated copies, preceded by an essay on the Art of writing and 5 pages of general directions.
1862 "Ornamental Writing." Hardy. London. 8vo. Six plates of Alphabets, ornamental lettering, and Script.
1862 "The Commercial Penman." E. A. Porteus. London. 4to. A title page, twenty-four plates of Commercial letters, and 24 blank leaves for exercise.
1862 "Designs for Illuminated and Ornamental Letters." E. A. Porteus. London. 16mo. Four plates of designs for illuminated and ornamental lettering. No text.
1866 "Autograph Album." J. Philips. London. 4to. This is a very valuable selection.
1873 "The Art of Rapid Writing." W. Stokes. London.
1875 "Judging Handwriting." E. Lumley. London. 16mo. 176 pp. The art of judging the character of individuals from their Handwriting and Style with 35 plates containing 120 specimens of writing.
1877 "Compendium of Practical Penmanship." Daniel T. Ames. New York. 4to. Forty-eight beautiful plates of (twenty-four) plain and ornamental alphabets, with most intricate designs in flourishing and Ornamental Penmanship.
1879 "The Philosophy of Handwriting." Don Felix de Salamanca. London. 8vo. An introduction on Writing in general followed by 135 autographs of various celebrities with notes on each.
1880 "Character indicated in Handwriting." Baughan. London. 8vo. One hundred Autographs with notes and explanations.
1880 "Practical Penmanship," or how to acquire a good Handwriting. W. D. Prior. London. 8vo. Numerous illustrations, examples, and practices. Hints on Position and Desk with a few remarks on Ornamental Writing.
1882 "Penmanship." C. H. Mitchell. London. 8vo. 38 pp. Introduction; Attitude; Holding the Pen; Appendices A to E (plates of Models).
1886 "Guide to Beautiful Handwriting." J. Barter. London. 8vo. 48 pp. A series of copies in plain and ornamental writing, each copy being preceded by directions, concluding with some specimens of flourishing.
1887 "A Manual of Handwriting." F. Betteridge. Bradford. 4to. 55pp. "prepared for Junior teachers." A course of 19 lessons with notes; also remarks on Desks, Postures, German Time-writing and Capitals. Copiously illustrated.
1887 "According to Cocker." The progress of Penmanship from the earliest times, with upwards of twenty illustrative examples from "Penna Volans," and other old works on the subject. By W. Anderson Smith. There are nearly 30 pages of text giving the barest outline of the progress of Penmanship, and six of those 30 pages deal exclusively with the incidents of Cocker's career.
1888 "Writing and How to Teach it." J. C. Sharp, M. A. London. 8vo. One hundred short lessons for the guidance of teachers; diagrams, of copies and errors, accompany each lesson.
1888 "Writing Simplified." Freeman. London. 8vo. Thirty pages of plates and some text in which a new longhand alphabet is given, also a style of shorthand with observations on parallel symbols of Holy Writ.
1889 "Rapid Writer, Own Instructor." D. Dixon. Preston. 8vo. 40 pp. A collection of Alphabets, Headlines and Specimens of flourishing, with general hints and instructions.
1889 "Prize Specimens of Handwriting." London. 12mo. Being the four £5 prize specimens and others (thirty-two in all) gaining special distinction in the Competition offered by "Tit Bits." It is worthy of note that both (and the only) ladies gaining the £5 prizes were Vertical Writers.
1891 "Art of Handwriting and how it should be taught." Hughes, London. A collection of some 14 full-page engravings, and other diagrams, with about 32 pages of text. "Specially prepared for the use of pupils, teachers, and students in training colleges."