The Three Colonies of Australia/Index
page | |
Abstract of the New Constitution for the Colonies | 194 |
Adelaide, a lady's description of | 224 |
Adventures of John Buckley | 204 |
Agreements between masters and servants, as arranged by Mrs. Chisholm | 139 |
Agricultural stock, prices of, in 1792 | 36 |
"Algerine Clauses," the, of Governor Gipps | 157 |
America, transportation to | 20 |
Andrew Thompson, a valuable colonist | 61 |
Anecdote about letter-franking | 149 |
Ant-eater, engraving of the | 293 |
Anti-convict contest, the | 170 |
Antipodes Islands, sketch of the | 189 |
Anti-transportation League, the | 181 |
Apology for Earl Grey's colonial policy | 180 |
Appendix | 395 |
Archdeacon Scott | 73 |
Arnheim's Land | 15 |
Arrest of John M'Arthur by Governor Bligh | 56 |
Arrival of overlanders at Adelaide | 227 |
Arrival of the first judge in New South Wales | 72 |
Association of Tasmanian settlers | 202 |
Association, the Squatters' | 171 |
Australia from 1520 to 1770 | 11 |
Australia, Geographical portion of | 243 |
"Australia," as named by Flinders | 13 |
Australian Agricultural Company, the | 77 |
Australian declaration of rights | 157 |
Australian discovery, records of | 14 |
"Australian" newspaper established | 74 |
Ballarat, gold-washing at | 280 |
Bass' and Flinder's explorations | 46 |
Bass, George, particulars regarding | 51 |
Bathurst Plains, discovery of | 66 |
Batman's estate at Port Phillip, how first obtained | 202 |
Battle of the District Councils | 157 |
Bendigo to Melbourne, diary of a journey from | 365 |
Bingara diggings, the | 346 |
Bishoprics in Australia | 302 |
Black Forest, Bendigo to Melbourne by the | 385 |
Blacks under gunyah, sketch of | 274 |
Bligh, Governor, arrival of | 40 |
Bligh, Governor, cowardice wrongly imputed to | 57 |
Bligh 's expulsion from the Governorship | 57 |
Blue Mountains, Macquarie's journey across the | 67 |
Blue Mountains, passage found across the | 66 |
Blue Mountains, road made across the | 88 |
Bonded myrmicobius, or ant-eater | 293 |
Botany Bay | 13 |
Bounty system, evils of emigration by the | 134 |
Bourke's Church and School Act | 107 |
Bourke's regulations regarding convicts | 105 |
Boyd's evidence on emigration | 131 |
Boyd's protective association | 130 |
Braidwood diggings, the | 342 |
Breweries in New South Wales | 317 |
Brisbane Downs, discovery of | 201 |
Brisbane's (Governor) insult to the Presbyterians | 74 |
Brisbane's regulations for the sale of land | 87 |
Brisbane, Sir T., recal of | 76 |
Bristol, Judge Jeffries at | 22 |
Bronze-winged pigeon, sketch of the | 270 |
Bubble, bursting of the South Australian | 230 |
Buckley's adventures at Victoria | 204 |
Burra-Burra mines, profits of the | 297 |
Burra Burra mines, results of the | 295 |
Burra Burra mines, struggle for the purchase of the | 239 |
Bursting of the South Australian Bubble | 230 |
Captain Sturt's discoveries | 82 |
Case cooked for the House of Commons | 233 |
Cathedral, Roman Catholic, founded at Sydney | 73 |
Cattle, value of, in 1796 | 38 |
Charles Campbell, Mr., on the price of labour | 132 |
Children cradling | 354 |
Chisholm, Mrs., colonial opposition to | 135 |
Chisholm, Mrs., liberal treatment of, by the settlers | 139 |
Chisholm, Mrs. Caroline | 134 |
Church and School Act for New South Wales | 107 |
Church, first brick-built | 62 |
City of Adelaide, description of the | 291 |
City of Melbourne, approach to the | 276 |
Climate of Australia, the | 246 |
Cloth, manufacture of, in New South Wales | 318 |
Colonel Gawler's Government of South Australia | 217 |
Colonel Torrens' Colonisation Scheme | 209 |
Colonial Commissions, Mrs. Chisholm's | 153 |
Colonial Constitution, abstract of the new | 194 |
Colonial Lunatic Asylums, management of | 120 |
Colonial opinion, defiance of, by Earl Grey | 178 |
Colonial policy, Earl Grey's apology for his | 180 |
Colonial revenue under Governor Gipps | 114 |
Colony of Swan River founded | 90 |
Commissioner Bigge's Report | 72 |
Committee of the House of Lords | 189 |
Committees on emigration | 129 |
Company, the Australian Agricultural | 77 |
Comparative prices of labour at Melbourne | 390 |
Conclusion | 393 |
Contest between Governor Gipps and the colonists | 159 |
Contest, the anti-convict | 170 |
Contradictions in labour market | 130 |
Convicts employed to make roads | 61 |
Convicts, first batch of | 24 |
Convicts selected for promotion by Macquarie | 61 |
Convicts, treatment of, by Governor Darling | 79 |
Convict ships, early management of | 33 |
Convict system, colonial report on the | 173 |
Cook's first landing-place | 13 |
Cook's voyages | 17 |
Correspondence of Rev. Henry Styles | 137 |
Correspondence with Parliamentary Agent | 182 |
Costume of the South Australian overlanders | 227 |
Counties in the Port Phillip district | 255 |
Cowper, Parson, unjust treatment of | 71 |
Cow Pastures, how originated | 38 |
Criminals, number of, in New South Wales | 312 |
Crown lands, sale of, in New South Wales | 320 |
Customs' dues and taxes in New South Wales | 322 |
Dampier's three visits to New Holland | 61 |
Darling's land regulations, effect of | 88 |
Darling's treatment of the convicts | 79 |
Debt, the, of South Australia | 235 |
De Caen's shameful treatment of Flinders | 51 |
Defaulting Registrar, the | 117 |
Description of Port Jackson | 257 |
"Devil and the Governor," the | 165 |
Diaries of Diggers | 358 |
Diary of a journey from Melbourne to Bendigo | 365 |
Diggers, diaries of | 358 |
Dingoe, or native dog, the | 63 |
Discovery of Bathurst Plains | 66 |
Discovery of land at Adelaide | 238 |
Discovery of Mount Alexander | 205 |
Dispensary opened in Sydney | 80 |
Distilleries in New South Wales | 316 |
District Councils | 156 |
Dodging the Commissioner | 333 |
Dog, the native, or dingoe | 63 |
Do-nothings, the, in the colonies | 141 |
Dover emigrant to South Australia, the | 235 |
Drive to the Burra Burra, a | 298 |
Dr. Kerr's hundred pound nugget | 334 |
Dr. Lang and his opinions | 80 |
Dr. Leichardt, portrait of | 271 |
Duck-billed platypus, sketch of the | 69 |
Dugong, or sea-pig, description of | 267 |
Dutch, explorations of the | 13 |
Earl Grey on the land question | 192 |
Earl Grey's despatches to Van Diemen's Land | 176 |
Earl Grey's indifference about the gold discoveries | 327 |
Earl Grey's unchanging policy | 185 |
Eastern Australia, tabular view of | 250 |
Education in Australia, past and present state of | 303 |
Edward Hargreaves, portrait of | 324 |
Election of Councillors | 156 |
Emigrant females, dispersion of | 139 |
Emigrant, sketch of a successful | 223 |
Emigrants, proposed mode of apprenticing | 394 |
Emigration | 127 |
Emigration, Boyd's evidence on | 131 |
Emigration, committees on | 129 |
Emu, engraving of the | 380 |
Evidence of Mrs. Chisholm before the Legislative Council | 146 |
Explorations of Wentworth and his companions | 66 |
Exports and imports of New South Wales | 321 |
Exports and imports of South Australia | 240 |
Expulsion of Governor Bligh | 57 |
Extract from Macquarie's first despatch | 59 |
Failure of Mr. G Wakefield's South Australian Charter | 210 |
Failure of the South Australian gold-fields | 387 |
Fair agreements between masters and servants | 139 |
Famine and mortality in 1792 | 36 |
Father O'Flynn expelled from the colony | 72 |
Father Therry | 73 |
Female emigrants, treatment of, on board government ships | 135 |
Females, distribution of, in the bush, by Mrs. Chisholm | 139 |
First Australian newspaper established by a convict | 40 |
First Australian steamer launched | 80 |
First brick church built | 62 |
First gold-commissioner appointed | 330 |
First Governor, immense powers given to | 29 |
First Governor of New South Wales | 24 |
First insurrection at Sydney | 40 |
First judge, arrival of the | 72 |
First official proclamation about the gold discoveries | 328 |
First overland journey from Sydney to Port Phillip | 76 |
First revolution in New South Wales | 57 |
Fisheries of New South Wales, the | 319 |
Flinders, infamous treatment of, by De Caen | 51 |
Flinders, neglect of, by the British government | 51 |
Flinders, Matthew, portrait and account of | 45 |
Flood, the Gundagai | 168 |
Foot journey to Mount Alexander | 375 |
Forest Creek, gold-seeking at | 375 |
Francis Scott, Mr., the colonial correspondence with | 182 |
Franking letters by Mrs. Chisholm | 149 |
Free grant of land to emigrants | 89 |
Future evils of the land system | 191 |
General Post Office established in New South Wales | 80 |
Geographical description of South Australia | 283 |
Gentlemen emigrants to South Australia | 222 |
George Barrington a thriving farmer | 39 |
George Bass, account of | 45 |
Gibbon Wakefield and South Australia | 208 |
Gibbon Wakefield's colonisation scheme | 93 |
Gipps, Sir George, integrity of | 159 |
Gipps', Sir George, acknowledgments of Mrs. Chisholm's services | 149 |
Gipps' Land, first discovery of | 281 |
Gipps' treatment of the colonists | 112 |
Gold diggings at Ophir | 326 |
Gold discoveries, history of the | 325 |
Gold, first mention of the existence of | 325 |
Gold escort, sketch of the | 350 |
Gold diggers at dinner | 377 |
Gold fields, failure of the South Australian | 387 |
Gold fields of Victoria | 349 |
Gold first found about 1840 | 325 |
Gold seeking at Forest Creek | 375 |
Gold washing at Ballarat | 280 |
Gold washing, illustration of | 343 |
Governesses, sham | 141 |
Government Gazette, establishment of a | 38 |
Government of Sir Charles Fitzroy | 169 |
Government of Sir Richard Bourke | 84 |
Governor Bligh, arrest of, by the colonists | 57 |
Governor Bligh, arrival of | 40 |
Governor Bligh, tyrannical conduct of | 53 |
Governor Bourke's administration | 83 |
Governor Darling's administration | 76 |
Governor Fitzroy's declaration | 175 |
Governor Gawler's enthusiasm and innocence | 220 |
Governor Gipps's administration | 111 |
Governor Grey's administration | 231 |
Governor Grose, arrival of | 35 |
Governor Hindmarsh, doings of, at Adelaide | 214 |
Governor Hunter, arrival of | 36 |
Governor King, arrival of | 39 |
Governor Macquarie, arrival of | 58 |
Governor Macquarie's departure for England | 73 |
Grant of land to John M'Arthur | 85 |
Grass trees | 370 |
Graves, gold seekers', on the Turon | 392 |
Grey, Governor, administration of | 231 |
Grey-headed vampire | 19 |
Grievances, colonial, under Governor Gipps | 116 |
Grievances unconnected with land | 157 |
Grose, Governor, arrival of | 35 |
Gulf of Carpentaria, why so called | 15 |
Gum trees near Melbourne | 202 |
Gundagai flood, the | 168 |
Hanging Rock diggings, the | 344 |
Hargreaves', Mr., gold discoveries | 327 |
Hawkesbury, great flood on the river | 40 |
History of Port Phillip | 200 |
History of the gold discoveries | 325 |
History of South Australia | 208 |
"Home," description of the building used by Mrs. Chisholm as a | 137 |
House of Lords' committee | 189 |
House of Lords' committee, Mrs. Chisholm before the | 151 |
How to appoint a colonial school-master | 306 |
Hundredweight of gold found | 334 |
Hunter, Governor, arrival of | 36 |
Hyde-park barracks, convicts at | 121 |
Imports and exports of New South Wales | 321 |
Imports and exports of South Australia | 240 |
Increase of free emigrants in 1849 | 178 |
Inscription on Flinders' obelisk | 285 |
Integrity of Governor Gipps | 159 |
Jamaica, transportation to | 21 |
Jemmy Nyrang | 158 |
Johnstone, Major, unrewarded by the colonists | 58 |
Joseph Smith, statement of | 42 |
Journey across the Blue Mountains by Governor Macquarie | 67 |
Journey from Port Jackson to Port Phillip | 273 |
Judge Jeffries, legend of | 22 |
Kangaroo Island, in theory and practice | 212 |
Kapunda mine, discovery of the | 238 |
Labour, comparative prices of, at Melbourne | 390 |
Labour market, contradictions in the | 130 |
Land Board, establishment of a | 88 |
Land auctions | 122 |
Land, free grant of, to emigrants | 89 |
Land-fund system of emigration | 127 |
Land, grant of, to John M'Arthur | 85 |
Land jobbing, Earl Grey on | 192 |
Land mania in New South Wales | 104 |
Land mania, result of the | 123 |
Land orders, Mr. Lowe's pamphlet on the | 187 |
Land question, Mrs. Chisholm on the | 190 |
Land question, the | 121 |
Land system, future evils of the existing | 191 |
Land tenure, laws of | 85 |
Land, upset price of, raised | 122 |
Lang the agitator | 80 |
Lake Alexandrina, discovery of | 82 |
La Perouse, monument to | 26 |
Last letter from Dr. Leichardt | 270 |
Laughing jackass, engraving of the | 352 |
Law in New South Wales | 308 |
Lead first discovered at Adelaide | 238 |
Legislative Council, answer of the, to Earl Grey | 179 |
Legislative Council, first meeting of, at Sydney | 80 |
Legislative Council, Mrs. Chisholm's proposition to the | 145 |
Leichardt's expeditions, account of | 269 |
Leipoa, description of the mounds built by the | 290 |
"Letter from Sydney," Wakefield's | 92 |
Life at the Summerhill diggings | 337 |
Life in Adelaide before the crisis | 225 |
Lodger, a pleasant, at Melbourne | 362 |
Lodging-house, a novel | 364 |
Lodgings in Melbourne | 362 |
Lord Grey on the convict system | 175 |
Lord Stanley and Mr. Cardwell | 164 |
Lord Stanley's appointment of a prothonotary | 119 |
Lowe's (Mr. Robert) pamphlet on the land orders | 187 |
Loyalty of the Australians | 34 |
Lunacy in New South Wales | 312 |
Lunatic Asylum, management of a colonial | 120 |
Lyre-bird, description of the | 282 |
Marine lodging-house, a | 364 |
M'Arthur (Mr. Peter) on the price of land | 125 |
M'Arthur's enterprise and success | 55 |
Macquarie, arrival of Governor | 58 |
Macquarie's colonial tours | 62 |
Macquarie the first talented governor | 60 |
Magistrate, a convict appointed as a | 61 |
Major Johnstone, trial of, at Chelsea | 58 |
Management of early convict ships | 33 |
Mania, result of the land | 123 |
Maneroo, discovery of | 201 |
Maneroo Plains, exploration of | 76 |
Manufactures in New South Wales | 316 |
Megapodius, engraving of the | 291 |
Melbourne, description of the city of | 278 |
Melbourne first planned out by Sir R. Bourke | 205 |
Melbourne, morality of the diggers in | 361 |
Melbourne to Ballarat, tandem drive from | 351 |
Merino ram, the | 54 |
Middle District, counties south and west of the | 254 |
Mines of South Australia | 294 |
Mitchell (Sir Thomas) and his works | 70 |
Morality in Melbourne | 361 |
Mound-building birds, family of | 289 |
Mount Alexander, foot journey to | 375 |
Mountains in New South Wales, list of | 250 |
Mount Alexander, first discovery of | 205 |
Mount Disappointment | 201 |
Moore (Mr.) on the land question | 125 |
Monument to La Perouse | 24 |
Mrs. Chisholm's appeal for her emigrants' "Home" | 136 |
Mrs. Chisholm's "Countess" | 140 |
Mrs. Chisholm's departure from the colonies | 153 |
Mrs. Chisholm's "Home" for female emigrants | 136 |
Mrs. Chisholm's colonial commissions | 153 |
Mrs. Chisholm's colonial statistics | 148 |
Mrs. Chisholm's registry-office | 139 |
Mudie's attack on Sir Richard Bourke | 105 |
Murray, steam traffic on the river | 288 |
Names of towns in New South Wales | 250 |
Native dog, sketch of the | 63 |
New Australian constitution, how received | 194 |
Newcastle, sketch of | 37 |
New constitution for New South Wales | 193 |
New South Wales, early incidents in | 32 |
New South Wales, early judicial system at | 32 |
New South Wales, first governor of | 24 |
New South Wales, first revolution in | 57 |
New South Wales, geographical sketch of | 249 |
New South Wales, history and origin of | 11 |
New South Wales, land mania in | 104 |
New South Wales, list of counties in | 250 |
New South Wales, new constitution for | 193 |
New South Wales, "Voluntary Statements" of the people of | 151 |
Nobs and snobs in South Australia | 239 |
Northern counties of New South Wales | 253 |
Nugget of gold, engraving of a large | 336 |
Obelisk to Flinders at Port Lincoln | 285 |
Objections to "indenting" emigrants | 394 |
Obnoxious Order in Council, withdrawal of the | 181 |
Official report on District Councils | 157 |
Ophir diggings, account of the | 341 |
Opossum, sketch of an | 374 |
Origin of transportation | 20 |
Overland journey between Adelaide and Mount Alexander | 377 |
Palmer, disgraceful cowardice of Captain | 49 |
Pamphlet, Mrs. Chisholm's first | 138 |
Paradox, or water-mole, description of | 68 |
Parliamentary report of 1812 | 62 |
Particulars regarding George Bass | 51 |
Parson Cowper, shameful neglect of, by government | 71 |
Passage, discovery of a, across the Blue Mountains | 66 |
Peel River diggings, the | 345 |
Platypus, or paradox, sketch of | 69 |
Policy, Earl Grey's apology for his colonial | 180 |
Population of New South Wales | 310 |
Port Jackson, description of | 257 |
Port Jackson, why so named | 17 |
Port Phillip declined sending representatives to Sydney | 206 |
Port Phillip district, mountains in the | 255 |
Port Phillip, history of | 200 |
Port Phillip, or Victoria | 199 |
Port Phillip satisfied with the new Constitution | 196 |
Port Phillip statistics | 323 |
Port Phillip, why so called | 13 |
Portrait of Edward Hargreaves | 324 |
Portrait of the first gold-commissioner | 331 |
Post-office returns for New South Wales | 320 |
Post-office, the, at Sofala, Turon river | 357 |
Practice versus theory | 197 |
Presbyterians insulted by Governor Brisbane | 74 |
Press, liberty of the, conceded to New South Wales | 74 |
Price of labour, Campbell on the | 132 |
Price of land, Leslie Foster on | 125 |
Princess Royal outcroppings | 239 |
Prisoners, recollections of | 40 |
Proceedings of the Australian Agricultural Company | 78 |
Proceedings in South Australia | 388 |
Profits of the Burra Burra mines | 297 |
Promotion of convicts by Governor Macquarie | 61 |
Protective Association, Mr. Benjamin Boyd's | 130 |
Prothonotary, Lord Stanley's appointment of a | 119 |
Public works effected by Governor Macquarie | 65 |
Question, Earl Grey on the land | 192 |
Reapers, soldiers hired as | 61 |
Rebels, transportation of | 21 |
Reception of the new Constitution in South Australia | 196 |
Recital of Henry Hale | 43 |
Recollections of prisoners | 40 |
Records of Australian discovery | 13 |
Registrar, the defaulting | 117 |
Registry-office, Mrs. Chisholm's | 139 |
Religion in Australia, state of | 302 |
Religious denominations in Australia | 303 |
Remonstrance of the Sydney Legislative Council | 196 |
Report, Mrs. Chisholm's remarkable | 140 |
Report of Commissioner Bigge | 72 |
Report of Dr. Lang's committee | 147 |
Report of Parliamentary committee in 1812 | 62 |
Report of the colonial-grievance committee | 157 |
Reports of the Commons' committee on South Australia | 233 |
Report on the convict system | 172 |
Retirement of Sir George Gipps | 160 |
Responsible government | 155 |
Results of Governor Macquarie's administration | 71 |
Right sort of emigrants, the | 223 |
Rivers of Australia, the | 44 |
Rivers of New South Wales, list of | 250 |
Rivers in the Port Phillip district | 255 |
River Torrens, real and alleged capabilities of the | 219 |
Roads first made by convicts | 61 |
Road made across the Blue Mountains | 89 |
Roman Catholic cathedral founded at Sydney | 73 |
Romantic doings at Adelaide | 226 |
Rude speeches of Governor Macquarie | 60 |
Rum-drinking in New South Wales | 71 |
Rum hospital at Sydney | 71 |
Satin, or bower-bird, the | 289 |
Schaffer, appointment of Mr. | 35 |
Schoolmaster, singular appointment of a colonial | 306 |
Schools in New South Wales | 311 |
Scott, Archdeacon | 73 |
Sea-pig, or dugong, description of | 267 |
Sectarian zeal, singular instance of | 304 |
"Self-supporting " colony, statistics of a | 236 |
Sham governesses | 141 |
Shelter, want of, for emigrants | 365 |
Shepherd's hut, sketch of a | 366 |
Ship-building in New South Wales | 319 |
Shoal Bay, harbour of | 265 |
"Shovelling" out emigrants to Australia | 23 |
Sir Charles Fitzroy | 169 |
Sir George and the Gibbet | 168 |
Sir Richard Bourke's foresight | 100 |
Sir Roderick Murchison's opinion regarding gold in Australia | 325 |
Sir Thomas Brisbane's government | 73 |
Sir Thomas Mitchell's evidence on the land question | 189 |
Sketch of an opossum | 374 |
Sketch of the lyre-bird | 282 |
Smith's (Mr.) discovery of gold unheeded | 327 |
Snobs and nobs at Adelaide | 239 |
Soap and candle manufactures in New South Wales | 319 |
Soil, varied character of the Australian | 247 |
Soldiers hired as reapers | 61 |
Songs of the Squatters | 161 |
South Australia, difficulty in procuring a governor for | 211 |
South Australia, history of | 208 |
South Australia, proceedings in | 388 |
"South Australian Gazette," establishment of the | 211 |
South Australian Land Company, formation of the | 209 |
Special survey system, effect of, in South Australia | 216 |
"Spectator," the Sydney, to Mrs. Chisholm | 154 |
Spirit currency in the colony | 37 |
Squatters' Association, the | 171 |
Squatters, songs of the | 161 |
Squatting statistics of New South Wales | 313 |
Statement of Mrs. Smith | 43 |
Statistics, Mrs. Chisholm's colonial | 148 |
Statistics of Port Phillip | 323 |
Steam-boat first launched in Australia | 80 |
Steam traffic on the Murray river | 288 |
Straw-necked ibis, engraving of the | 348 |
Styles' (Rev. Henry) correspondence with Mrs Chisholm | 137 |
Suburbs of Melbourne | 363 |
Success of Mrs. Chisholm's female emigration | 139 |
Sudds and Thompson, treatment of, by Governor Darling | 81 |
Sugar refining in New South Wales | 317 |
Summary of Governor Gipps' administration | 161 |
Summerhill diggings, life at the | 337 |
Swan River, colony of, founded | 90 |
Swan River Settlement, failure of the | 91 |
Sydney cove, why so called | 27 |
Sydney, dispensary opened in | 80 |
Sydney, first insurrection at | 40 |
Sydney, first meeting of the Legislative Council at | 80 |
Sydney Legislative Council, remonstrance of the | 196 |
Sydney, Roman Catholic cathedral founded at | 73 |
Sydney, rum hospital at | 71 |
Tabular view of New South Wales | 250 |
Tambaroura Creek diggings | 344 |
Tandem drive from Melbourne to Ballarat | 351 |
Tasmanian settlers, association of | 202 |
Tasman's voyages | 16 |
Tenure, the laws of land | 85 |
"The Assyrian came down," &c. | 164 |
Theory versus practice | 197 |
Thompson and Sudds, treatment of | 81 |
Timber, import and export of, in New South Wales | 319 |
"Tityre tu Patulæ," an Australian version of | 162 |
Tobacco, manufacture of, in New South Wales | 318 |
Tours, Macquarie's annual | 62 |
Towns, names of, in New South Wales | 250 |
Transportation first legalised | 20 |
Transportation of rebels | 21 |
Transportation, origin of | 20 |
Transportation to America | 21 |
Transportation to Jamaica | 21 |
Trial of Major Johnstone | 58 |
Turon gold-fields, the | 341 |
Turon, gold-seekers' graves on the | 392 |
University of Sydney | 307 |
Unchanging policy of Earl Grey | 185 |
Vampire, the grey-headed | 18 |
Van Diemen's Land, Earl Grey's despatches to | 177 |
Van Diemen's Land, first penal settlement founded in | 40 |
Victoria, first Legislative Council assembled at | 207 |
Victoria, list of counties in | 255 |
Victoria, or Port Phillip | 199 |
"Voluntary Statements" collected by Mrs. Chisholm | 151 |
Wakefield's colonisation theories | 95 |
Wakefield's "Letter from Sydney" | 92 |
Water-mole, description of | 68 |
Wentworth's, Lawson's, and Blaxland's explorations | 66 |
Wesleyan chapel opened at Sydney | 73 |
"Wives wanted!" | 152 |
Wool-growing, success of McArthur in | 65 |
Wool projects of Mr. McArthur | 54 |
Women, Macquarie's protest against, as colonists | 60 |
Wonga wonga pigeon, description of the | 262 |
Works of Sir Thomas Mitchell | 70 |
Yarra Yarra, the | 201 |