The Tired Soldier/The Death of Sally Roy
For other versions of this work, see The Death of Sally Roy.
Fair Sally once the village prideLies cold and wan in yonder valley:She lost her lover, and she died,Grief broke the heart of gentle Sally.Young Valient was the hero’s name,For early valour fir’d the boy,Who barter’d all his love for fame,And kill’d the hopes of Sally Roy.
⟨Swift⟩ from the arms of weeping love,As rag’d the war in yonder valley,He rush’d his martial power to prove,While faint with fear sunk lovely Sally.At noon she saw the youth depart,At eve she lost her darling joy;⟨Ere⟩ night the last throb of her heartDeclar’d the fate of sally Roy.
The virgin train in tears are seen,When yellow midnight fills the valley,⟨Slow⟩ stealing o’er the dewy green,Towards the grave of gentle Sally:
And while remembrance wakes the sigh,Which weans each fealing heart from joy,The mournful dirge ascending high,Bewails the fate of Sally Roy.