The Tourist's Maritime Provinces/Index
Abenaki Indians, 241, 259.
Acadia, British, 134.
Acadia College, 121, 124.
Acadia Villa, 125.
Acadie, the voyage of, 63–64.
Acadie, refounding of, 159–160.
trading rights, 175.
Acadian affairs discussed at Ottawa, 161.
flag adopted 1880, 161.
forts, stormed and seized by Dutch, 66.
fugitives from Annapolis, 158.
Indians, 225-226.
parent colony, 180.
settlements, 64–66, 266, 309.
settlement at Burnt Church destroyed, 277–278
Acadians, 158–163.
eviction of, 100, 105–116.
old customs, 162.
petition for land grants, 159.
return of, 116–117, 160.
transported from Grand Pré, 176.
African village, 153.
Agriculture, 264, 270, 309–310.
Agricultural school, 197.
Ainslie, Lake, 215, 226, 227.
Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, 67, 234.
Alberton Harbour, 320–321.
Albion, N. S., 70.
Alexander, Sir William, 65, 172, 184
Algonquin Hotel, 28, 249.
Alpha, 270.
American Consulate, 85, 407.
Society of Colonial Wars, 234.
Stock Company, 252.
Amherst, 274.
Amusements, 52–57.
Ancient fire apparatus, 174.
Andover, 264.
Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co., 376.
Anguille Mountains, 380.
Annapolis (Anne's Town), 66, 107, 108, 129, 133–144, 151.
bicentenary, 140–141.
Anne, Queen, 96, 133.
Anse à Beau-fils, 289.
Antarctic expedition, 360.
Antigonish, 200–203.
d'Anville's attack on New England, 67.
Argall, Samuel, 65.
Argyles, Scotch, 169–170, 307.
Argyll Highlanders, 214.
Arichat, 206–210, 230, 232.
Aroostook Valley, 265.
Arctic Expedition, 355.
Aspy Bay, 230.
Atlantic, first steam vessel to cross, 71.
Atlantic Quebec and Western Railway, 284.
Attack on St. Anne's Point, 260.
Auction of Furs, 310–311.
Avalon Peninsula, 352, 363.
Bacalieu Islands, 361.
"Baccalaos Landes," 62.
Bacon, Sir Francis, 342.
Baddeck, 215, 216, 222, 225, 226, 227.
Indians, 225.
Baker's House, 32.
Baltimore, Lord, 352.
Bangor and Aroostook Railway, 267.
Banks, list of, 413–421.
Barra Strait, 222, 223.
Barrington Passage, 170–172.
Bartlett, Captain Bob, of the Roosevelt and Karluk, 359–360.
Captain Henry, 358.
Captain John, of the Hope, 358.
Mrs. Mary Leamon, 359.
Captain Sam, 358, 359.
Captain William, 358, 359, 360.
Bathing, 50, 96.
Bathurst, 279.
Battle Harbour, 355, 383.
Bay Bulls, 352.
Bay Chaleur, 264, 280, 284, 286, 287.
Bay of Biscay, 353.
Bay of Heat, 266.
Bay of Rougnoze, 353.
Bay St. Ann, 230.
Bay St. Lawrence, 230.
Bay de Verde, 361.
Bay du Vin, 277.
Bear River, 151, 155.
Beauséjour, Fort, 113.
Bedeque Bay, 308.
Bedford, 95.
Bedford Basin, Halifax, 94.
Bell, Alexander Graham, 223.
Bell Island, 231.
Belleisle Bay, 257.
Belle Isle Strait, 355.
Belliveau, Jean, 160.
Belvidere, 69.
Bethukan Indians, 342.
Big Meuse Island, 146.
Birds of Percé Rock, 291–292, 296.
Bishop Falls, 376.
Bishop, First Colonial, 80.
Bisson's Percé Rock House, 33.
Bjarni's search for Greenland, 58–59.
Black Diamond Line, 4.
"Black Pioneers," 153.
Blockade Runners, 72.
Blomidon, Cape, 124, 127, 129, 131.
"Blue Nose," origin of, 104.
Boar's Head, 256.
Bonaventure, Island of, 289, 291, 295, 300.
Bonavista Bay, 372–373, 375.
Bonne Bay 382.
Bonny River, 248.
Borden, Sir Frederick, 128.
Boston and Albany R. R., 267.
Boston and Maine R. R., 4.
Boston and Yarmouth Steamship Co., 3.
Boston Harbour, engagement, 87.
Boularderie Island, 222, 224, 229.
Boundaries, New France and British Acadia, 134.
Boundary, United States and Canada, 68, 366.
Le Boutillier Brothers, 288.
Bowring Mail Steamers, 328, 352, 355, 375.
Bras d'Or Gaelic Church Services, 224–225.
Lakes, 211, 212, 221–230.
settled by Highlanders, 224.
steamer connections, 222, 228–230.
Brazil Lake, 156, 164.
"Brewis," 33.
Bridge water, 177–182.
Brigus, 358–360.
Broussard, Abbé, 217.
Buctouche, 274.
Bunker Hill, 253.
Burin Peninsula, 366–367.
Burnt Church, destruction of, 277–278.
Burr, Aaron, visit from, 69.
Burying Ground of English, 136, 137.
Bute, Prime Minister of England, 343.
Cable terminus, 206.
Cabot, John and Sebastian, 61, 63, 97, 341, 353.
Cabot Straits, 66, 328.
Cabs and tramways, 17–18.
Calvert, Sir George (Lord Baltimore), 352.
Campbell, Sir William, 253.
Campbellton, 266, 283–284.
Campobello Island, 252.
Campobello and Grand Manan, 247–254.
Camps, New Brunswick, 31.
Canada, discovery of, 63.
first free library, 241.
Canadas finally ceded to Great Britain, 68.
Canadian Confederation, 309.
Northern Railway, 213.
Pacific Railroad, 4, 8, 9, 247, 255.
Pacific steamers, 10, 156.
ports, steamers from, 3–4.
Canard River, 115, 129.
Canning, 127–129.
Cannon Cape, 294.
Canso, 205–207, 222.
lobster hatchery, 206.
Cape Bonavista, 341.
Cape Breton, 66, 115, 212–235, 288.
annexed to Nova Scotia, 67.
discovery and colonisation, 61, 62, 65.
Cape Breton Railway, 210.
Cape Broyle, 352.
Cape Chidley, 356.
Cape Cove, 289.
Cape Mugford, 356.
Cape Race, 352, 353.
Cape Rouge, 218.
Cape Sable, 154.
Cape Sable Island, 170–171, 173.
Cape Sheridan, 359.
Cape Spear, 350.
Cape St. Mary's, 353.
Cape Tormentine, 275.
Caraquet, 280–281.
Cardigan Bay, 323.
Car Ferry Terminal, 275.
Carleton, 287.
Carlton Hotel, Halifax, 82.
Carman, Bliss, 261.
Caron's Crossing, 289.
Cartier, Jacques, 62–63, 143, 278, 286–287, 301, 309, 341, 353, 394.
Cartright Harbour, 355.
Cascapedia Bay, 287.
Castle Hill Ghost, 364.
Catalina Harbour, 372.
Cavendish, 318.
Chambers of Commerce, 17.
Chamcook Mountain, 251.
Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad laid, 71.
Champlain, Samuel de, 63, 136, 143, 238, 241.
Charles II, 363.
Chario, 281.
Charlottetown, 316, 318, 321.
drives, 317.
Parliament House, 317.
Steam Navigation Co., 10, 198.
steamer connections, 307.
de Charnisay, d'Aunay, 65, 136, 238, 245–247.
Chatham, 276–277.
Chedabucto Bay, 205.
Chesapeake and Shannon, 69, 85, 87.
"Chesapeake Stone," 87.
Chester, 187–191.
Chester Yacht Club, 188.
Cheticamp, 212, 215, 217-220.
Chignecto, 99, 108.
Chignecto Bay, 270, 271.
Chipman, 270.
Chronology, Newfoundland and Labrador, 341–356.
Nova Scotia, 58–72.
Church of England, first service in Canada, 136.
Church Point, 160–163.
Clare, communal territory of, 156, 159–163.
Clarenville, 362.
Clarke, Dr. J. M., 293.
Climate and seasons, 24–25, 165.
Coal deposits, 198, 200, 212, 377.
mines, 230–231.
shipments, 230–231.
Cobb, Captain Sylvanus, 175.
Cobequid Bay, 131.
Cod fishing and curing, 345, 351.
Cole Harbour, 96.
College of St. Anne, 161.
Colonial Wars, American Society of, 234.
Colonisation of Northeastern America, 60.
Columbus, 60, 61.
Comeau, Joseph, 160.
Come-by-Chance, 362.
Comingo, Reverend Bruin Romkes, 178.
Commercial Cable Co., 206.
Conception Bay, 231, 342, 358, 361, 362.
Connors, N. B., 268.
Consulate, American, 85.
Convention at Ottawa, 161.
Copper Mines, 375.
Cormorants, 291–292.
Corner of the Beach, 289.
Cornwallis, Colonel Edward, 77, 79, 96, 184, 185.
Cortoreal Brothers' re-discovery of Northern America, 61.
Cow Bay, 96.
Craignish Hills, 212, 226.
Cross Point, 283.
Crystal Stream Steamship Co., 255.
Cuisine, 33–38.
Cummings, Professor, 197.
Cunard, Henry, 71.
Joseph, 71.
Line, 75.
Sir Samuel, 71, 84.
Customs, 6–7.
Dagnaud, Father, 160.
Dairy Country, 257.
Dalhousie, 281–283.
Earl of, 89.
University, 89.
Dark Harbour, 254.
Dartmouth, 77, 96.
Earl of, 96.
Deep Brook, 151.
Defences, Louisbourg, 232–233.
Delaware and Hudson Railroad, 5.
Denys, Jean, 62.
Nicholas, 65, 204, 210, 279.
Dickens, Charles, 75, 82.
Digby, 151–156.
drives, 155–156.
fish-drying, 155.
"Gap," 151.
Lour Lodge, 155.
Loyalist grave-yard, 153.
Maritime Fish Company, 154.
"Miss Cousins' forum," 153.
Old Trinity Church, 153.
Paul Yates' studio, 154.
Point Prim Light, 156.
sailing fleet, 154–158.
settlement established, 152.
steamer connections, 156, 158.
Digby Neck, 156, 157.
Discoverer of Canada, 300.
Dogs, 373–374.
Dominion Atlantic Railway, 9, 10, 131, 165.
Dominion Coal Company, 230.
Dominion Iron and Steel Co., 358.
Dominion of Canada formed, 72.
Dorchester, 274.
Doucet, Pierre, 160.
Douglastown, 300.
Doyle, Mother, 379–380.
Duchambon, Governor, 233.
Dugas, Joseph, 160.
Dutch Village, 93.
Duval, Captain Peter, 297–298.
Dyke-reclaimed marshlands, 274.
Early Italian Wars, 244.
Early Settlements, 65–68, 70.
East Bay, 231.
Eastern Harbour, 217.
Head, 253.
Steamship Corporation, 3, 248.
Eastport, 99, 252.
"Edgehill," Girls' School, 101.
Edmundston, 268.
Edward VII, 95.
Emenenic Island, 258.
Emerald Junction, 318.
Emerson's relatives, 261.
Escuminac Point, 278.
Esquimau, 354.
Etchemin Indians, 259.
Eudist Fathers, 161.
Ewing, Juliana Horatio, 261.
Major, 261.
Exile of Acadians, 105–117, 159.
Exploits, 373, 375.
Explorations of Cortoreal, 356.
Exploring expeditions, 58–64.
Fairy Lake, 144, 146.
Falmouth, 100.
Fares, cabs, 17.
steamers, 1.
Farm and Agricultural School, 197.
Farming region, 267, 270, 309, 310.
Farquhar & Co., boats, 12.
Fenian Brotherhood, 72.
Fermeuse, 352.
Ferryland, 352.
Fire apparatus, 174.
Fiset, Father, 219.
Fisheries, Kent County, 276.
Fishing, 43–49, 148, 171–172, 176, 231, 264, 276, 287, 337–340.
concessions to United States, 344.
fees and license, 43, 44, 380.
industries, 310, 345, 395–396.
Port of Caraquet, 280.
privileges, France, 343.
stations, 288, 395.
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, 374.
Fogo Island, 373–374.
Forests, New Brunswick, 267.
Fort Anne, 136.
Fort Dufferin, 244.
Fort Frederick, 238, 242, 245–247.
Fortifications, Louisbourg, 232–233.
de Fortisson, Madame la Baronne, 94.
Fortune Bay, 367, 368.
Founder of the Dominion, 125.
Founders of Quebec, 143.
Fox Breeding, 310–311, 313, 314, 320.
France, New, 133, 134.
purchases land, 363.
renounces territorial rights, 343.
Franklin, Governor, 159.
Fredericton, 68, 70, 255–257, 259, 263.
Anglican Cathedral, 260, 261.
drives, 262.
French Acadian settlers, 260.
Government House, 260.
Parliament building, 260, 261.
River House, 261.
steamer connections, 255.
Tourists Association, 262.
University of New Brunswick, 260, 262.
Freeport, 158.
French capture St. Johns, 350.
colonists, 97, 105.
Lake, 258.
memorial, 258.
neutrals evicted, 67.
population, 161, 277.
prisoners of War, 69.
relief ship, 155.
settlement, 105.
Friar's Head, 217.
Frobisher, 63.
Fronsac, Strait of, 204.
Frozen Ocean, 148.
Fundy, Bay of, 154, 156, 158.
discovery of, 64.
First steamer to cross, 70.
Tides, 99, 243, 244.
Fur auctions, 311–312.
farming, 310–316.
grades of, 312–313.
Gagetown, 256, 257.
da Gama, Vaseo, 61.
Game forests, 276.
laws, 340.
Gannet Rock, 254.
Gaspé, 143, 281–282.
Peninsula, area of, 286.
Shore, 286–304.
Village, 302.
Gaspereau, 115, 116, 123, 129.
Gaudet, Joseph, 160.
General information, 1–25, 333–336.
General Smyth, 70.
George II, 79, 105.
George III, 67, 100, 174, 260.
George IV, 68.
George V, 348.
Georgetown, 323.
German settlers, 67, 86, 93.
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 63, 97, 342.
Gillis, Monsignor, 201.
Glace Bay, mines, 231, 232.
Glooscap, legend of, 130, 150.
Grand Bank, 367, 368, 396.
Grand Cascapedia, 287.
Grand Coup, 290.
Grand Étang, 217.
Grand Falls, 265, 266, 376.
Grand Harbour, 254.
Grand Lake, 258, 270, 338, 376, 377, 378.
Grand Manan, 99.
Grand Manan and Campobello, 247–254.
Grand Narrows, 222.
Grand Pré, 105–122.
Grand River, 355, 356.
Grand Trunk Railroad, 5, 8, 71.
Grant of fishing rights, 343.
Grants, English, 66.
French, 66.
Granville, settlement of, 64.
Granville Ferry, 143.
Greenock Church, 250.
Grenfell, Dr. Wilfred, 348, 354–355, 376.
Mission, 354–355.
Gold Mining, 176–177, 204.
Gordon, "Chinese," 87.
David, 87.
Government House guests, 261.
Government transferred, 67.
Guides fees, 48.
Gulf Shore Railway, 280.
Guy, John, 342.
Guysboro, 203–205.
Habitant, 115, 128, 129.
Hague Tribunal, 344.
Haliburton, Judge Thomas C., 83, 101–104, 117–118, 136, 140.
Halifax, 67, 75, 223, 234.
Admiralty House, 86.
American Consulate, 85.
Assembly Room, 83.
Board of Trade, 92.
Camp Hill Cemetery, 89.
Clock Tower, 78.
Citadel, 68, 78, 89.
City Hall, 86.
Dalhousie University, 89.
Dry Docks, 86.
"Dutch" Church, 86.
Fairview Cemetery, 86.
German prisoners interned, 72.
Government House, 87.
Green Market, 84.
military and naval headquarters, 72.
Naval Cemetery, 86.
new piers and terminals, 91.
Old St. Paul's, 79–81.
Parliament House, 82.
Point Pleasant Park, 89–91.
Province building, 82, 83, 84, 85.
Public Gardens, 88.
Shipping, 76.
St. Mary's Cathedral, 88.
St. Matthew's Church, 87.
St. Paul's Cemetery, 87.
Tourist Committee, 92.
Wellington Barracks, 86.
Halifax and environs, 75–98.
Halifax and Southwestern Road, 165, 169.
Halliburton, Sir Breton, 81, 83.
Hamilton Inlet, 355.
Hampstead, 257.
Hampton, 269.
Harbour Grace, 361.
Hardships of seal fishing, 347.
Harmsworth Publications, 376.
Hastings, 212.
Hawkesbury, 212, 232.
Heatherton, 204.
Henry IV, 175.
Herring fishery, 289.
Herring Neck, 373.
Hessians, 79.
Hillsboro, 270.
Hillsboro Bay, 308, 317.
Historical Society, Nova Scotia, 83.
Holidays and festivals, 53–57.
Hope, 358.
Hopewell Cape, drive to, 270.
Hopewell Rocks, 270–271.
Hotel rates, 31.
Hotel St. Leonards, 267.
Hotels, 26–31, 413–421.
van Horne, Sir William, 249.
Howe, Lieutenant-Governor Joe, 83, 84, 90.
Mrs. J. Olin, 149.
Hubbards, 191–194.
Hudson's Bay Posts, 354, 355, 356.
Humbermouth, 378.
Hunter River, 318.
Hunting, 38–43, 148, 276, 337–340.
license, 43, 44.
Huron-Iroquois Indians, 301.
Iceland Manuscripts, 60.
Imbert, Simon, 155.
Inch Arran Hotel, 28, 282.
Indian Harbour, 355, 356.
hunting-ground, 259.
language, 259.
population, 226.
tribes, 259, 301.
Inglis, Dr. Charles, 80–81, 100.
Sir John, 81, 101.
Ingonish, 230.
International Bridge, 4, 5, 7–8, 9, 71, 86, 95, 230, 262, 328.
International Bridge, 267.
International Line, coastwise service, 3.
Inverness, 213.
Colleries, 213.
County, 211–221.
Imperial Hotel, 215.
Iona, 222.
Iron-bearing Rock, 357.
Iron Duke, 137–139.
Iron and Steel Ore, 231.
Islands of the Dead, 371.
Isle St. Jean, 308.
James, Frederick, 294.
Jasper, with slaves, 69.
Jemseg, 258.
Jensen, Christopher, 186.
Jim Charles, 146–147.
Jordantown, 153.
Karluk, 359.
Kedgemakoogee, 144–151, 176.
Kedgemakoogee Rod and Gun Club, 28, 144, 147.
Kejimikujik, 145, 146.
Kennebecasis Bay, 269, 270.
Kennebecasis River, 257.
Kennebecasis Valley, 258.
Kent County Fisheries, 276.
Kent. Duke of, 77, 78, 84, 87, 94, 97, 241, 308.
Kent Lodge, 124.
Kentville, 127, 128.
Kidd, Captain, 189–190, 254.
Kings College, 100.
Kingsport, 128.
Knights of the Order of Good Times, 143.
Labrador, 59, 61, 353–356.
fishing cruise, 354, 361.
Dr. Grenfell's benefactions, 354–355.
tours by rail and steamer, 357–383.
wireless station, 355.
La Have, 177, 179–181.
Lake Quidi Vidi, 350.
Lakeside, 269.
Lampsons, London, fur brokers, 311.
Land grant to Calvert, 352.
to New England colonists, 134.
to whalers, 96.
Landsdowne, Marquis of, 173.
Language, 22–24.
Laprairie, 71.
Lawrence, Captain, 69, 85, 88.
Governor Charles, 80, 110–113.
Lawrencetown, 96.
Lefebvre, Perè, 161, 275.
Légasse, Monsignor, 365, 393.
Legend Micmac Indians, 150–151.
Passamaquoddy Indians, 250.
Legends of Glooscap, 130.
Legislative councillors, 82.
Leif, voyage of, 59–60.
de Léry, Baron, 62.
Lescarbot, 64, 143, 180.
Lewisporte, 373, 375.
L'isle St. Jean, created, 68.
Little River, 156, 381.
Liverpool, 175–177.
Liverpool River, 144, 147.
Lobster canneries, 36.
region, 379.
Lockeport, 175.
Loggieville, 276.
Lomond Lochs, 269.
London and Bristol Company, 342.
Longfellow's Evangeline, 118–121.
Long Island, 257, 269.
Long Reach, 257.
Louis XIV, 363.
Louis XV, 232.
Louisbourg, 66, 108, 176, 206, 230, 231, 232–234.
fortifications, 232–233, 234.
returned to France, 67.
siege of, 66, 78.
surrender of, 233–234, 309.
Lour Lodge, 28, 155.
Loyalist Graveyard, 153.
Loyalists, 80, 81, 134, 152, 204, 238, 249, 288.
Lumber District, 266, 278, 377.
Lunenburg, 67, 176–177, 182–187.
fleet, 183.
Great Caves, 187.
"Salt Fish," 184.
weaving, 185.
Mabou, Cape, 212, 214.
MacAskill, Angus, 227.
Mackerel Point, 289.
Madras, Island of, 67, 234.
Magaguadavic Valley, 248.
Magdalen Islands, 198–199.
steamer connections, 198–199.
Maguacha Point, 283.
Mails, winter transfer of, 275.
Mainadieu Passage, 232.
Maine Central R. R., 4.
Maine, expedition against, 69.
Maitland River, 145.
Mal Bay, 290, 291, 295.
Malecite villages, 258.
Malpeque Bay, 308, 318.
Manchester, Duke of, 81.
Man-of-war Head, 253.
Maquapit Lake, 258.
Margaree Harbour, 215, 216, 217, 227.
Marie, Lady of La Tour, 245–247
Maritime Provinces, first railway operated, 70.
Maritime Steamship Company, 248.
Markland, 166, 169.
"Maroons," 78, 85.
Mascarene, Lieutenant-General, 108.
Massachusetts Colonists, 66, 67.
Matapedia, 283–285.
Maugerville, 259.
Mayflower descendants, 152.
Medway, 176.
Mélanson, Pierre, 160.
Melville Military Prison, 93.
Membertou, Micmac chief, 143.
Memramcook, 274, 275.
College of St. Joseph, 275.
Meteghan, 163.
"Methodist Bread," 33.
Micmac Indians, 259, 275, 319, 342.
legend, 150.
Milford, 144.
Mill Village, 176.
Minard's Cottage, 29.
Minas, 107, 108, 113, 116, 117, 126, 131.
Minas Basin, 64, 99.
Minister's Island, 249.
Miquelon Islands, QQ, 385–412.
American Consulate, 407.
church deeded to parish, 393.
Colombier Island, 388.
Dog Island, 400, 401, 408.
dog teams, 402.
drying–plant Fécamp, 398.
fall of Bastile celebrated, 410.
first fishing–port of world, 395.
French customs and population, 389–394, 399, 400, 403.
French possession, 387.
Governor's residence, 400.
Great Miquelon Island, 388.
holy day observances, 410.
Island of St. Peter, 389.
Langlade Island, 388, 407.
Légasse, Monsignor, 393.
Miquelon, 230, 407, 408.
Municipal Council, 401.
Pinson, Madame Auguste, 408.
St. Pierre, 389–397.
The French Codfish, 389, 401.
Mira River, 231, 232.
Miramichi Bay, 276.
Miramichi Rivers, 276.
Moncton, 269, 272–274.
connection with Prince Edward Island, 274.
Government railways' executive offices, 273.
Intercolonial car shops, 273.
natural gas supply, 273.
population, 273.
Money, 20–21.
Money Cove, 254.
Montagu, 321, 322.
Lord Charles, 81.
Montcalm, Joseph Louis Marquis de, 234.
de Monts, Sieur, 63–65, 133, 135, 158, 175, 181, 238, 241–251, 253.
Moravian Mission, 354.
Morrison, John, 159.
Motor–car fares, 144.
Motor–ways, 18–20.
Mount Joli, 293–294, 298.
Mount St. Anne, 289, 295.
Mount Tracadieche, 287.
Mt. Allison University, Sackville, 274.
Mt. Blomidon, Newfoundland, 382.
Mt. Stewart, 322, 323.
Mulgrave, 205, 210, 232.
steamer connections, 205, 210–211, 221.
Nain, Labrador, 330, 356.
Napoleonic wars, 68.
Natural History Society, 241.
Negroes, 78, 204.
Nepisiguit, Falls of, 279.
Nepisiguit River, 265, 279.
Neutrals, forbearance of, 106.
pledge of, 107–108.
New Alexandria, 65.
New Bras d'Or, Baddeck, 30.
New Brunswick, 65, 235–285.
independent province, 68.
Loyalists, 80.
Tourist Association, 17.
Woods, 267.
New Brunswick Historical Society, 258.
New Brunswick Petroleum Co., 273.
New Brunswick and P. E. Island Railway, 275.
New Carlisle, 288.
Newcastle, 278.
New England Refugees, 152.
Newfoundland, 230, 231.
and Labrador, 325–383.
chronology, 341–356.
climate, 336.
colonisation opposed, 343.
discovery of, 59, 61, 66.
dogs, 373–374, 402.
fishing and hunting, 337–340.
first patentee, 342.
forests, 376.
general information, 333–336.
hotels, 332–333.
insular customs, 333–334.
money and postage, 334.
railroad fares, 331.
representative government granted, 344.
tours by rail and steamer, 357–383.
transportation–routes, 327–332.
New France, dedication of, 301.
New Holland, 66.
New Ireland, 308.
New Louisbourg, 232.
New Richmond, 287.
New Scotland, 65, 201.
New Transcontinental Railway, 268.
New York Central & Hudson River R. R., 5.
New York State Museum, Albany, 293.
Noble, Colonel, 109.
North Head, 254.
"Northeast," 216.
North Mountain, 157.
North Pole, discovery of, 359.
North Sydney, 328, 330, 368.
Northumberland Strait, 198, 202, 274.
Northwest River, 356.
Norton, 270.
Norsemen Colonisation, 60.
Notre Dame Bay, 355, 373–376.
Notre Dame Junction, 373, 376.
Nova Scotia, 65, 66, 73–234.
discovery of, 59.
drives, 227–228, 231, 234.
Giant, 227.
steamer connections, 165, 179, 195, 198–199, 205, 210.
Nova Scotia Steel Company, 230, 357.
Ochiltree, Lord, 65.
Old customs, 213–214.
families, 249.
Oldest and largest French settlement, 280.
Orangedale, 222.
Order of Good Times, 143.
Ore deposits, 377.
Oromocto River, 259.
Oyster culture, 319.
Parent settlement of English, 259.
Paris, convention at, 68.
Treaty of, 159.
Parr, Governor, 80, 239.
Parrsboro, 99, 124, 131, 132.
Parrstown, 80.
Partridge Island, 131.
Paspebiac, 288.
Passamaquoddy Bay, 249.
Passamaquoddy, Great Island of, 253.
Peace declared, between England and America, 70.
Peary Expeditions, captains and crews, 358–360.
Rear–Admiral, 355.
Peary's meteorite, 358.
wife and daughter at Cape Sabine, 359.
Pebbie Loggitch, 148.
Penobscot River, 268.
Pepperell, Colonel, 233.
Percé, 290–291, 298.
Mountain, 289.
Rock, 291–294.
Rock House, 289, 294.
Pereau, 115, 129.
Perth, 264.
Peskuwaw, 148.
Peskuwes, 148.
Peter the Eagle, 291.
Petitcodiac, 270, 271.
Petitcodiac River, 270, 271–272.
Petit Manan, 253.
Pet–koat–kwee–ak River, 271.
Philipps, Governor, 107.
Pictou, 198–199.
Benjamin Franklin Colony, 198.
Landing, 70, 71.
Scotch colony, 198.
Scottish Academy, 198.
steamer connections, 195, 198–199, 210, 222–223, 231, 307.
Pioneer Fox Farmer, 320.
Piziquid, 100, 105, 108.
Placentia, 352, 362, 364.
Placentia Bay, 363, 367, 368.
Plant Line, 2.
Point du Chene, steamer connection, 307.
Point Mal de Mer, 368.
Point Prim Light, 156.
Poirier, Senator Pascal, 161.
Population, 413–421.
Port–aux–Basques, 328, 338, 363, 368, 371, 381.
Port Blandford, 372.
Port Clyde, 172.
Port Hood, 212.
Port Medway, 176.
Port Mouton, 175.
Port Royal, 65, 66, 133, 134, 135, 136, 143, 246, 251.
Postage, 21.
Pottery of Stone Age, 258.
Poutrincourt, Baron, 65, 133, 135, 136, 143, 151.
Presque Isle, 265.
Prince Edward Island, 66, 274, 305–324.
agriculture, 309–310.
Car Ferry, 318.
Charles Dalton, pioneer fox farmer, 320.
explored, 62, 309.
first white settlement, 309.
fishing industries, 310.
fur farming, 310–316.
golf resorts, 317.
Government Narrow Gauge Railway, 318–319.
joins confederation, 72.
Micmac Indians, 319.
oyster culture, 319.
payments by provincial government, 309.
steamer connections, 307.
Provincial Government,
oyster culture, 319.
payment by, 309.
Provincial railways and steamers, 7–14, 97.
Publicity Agency, Charlottetown, 17.
Pubnico, 170.
Pulp Mills, 376.
Quebec, 268, 275, 284.
founders of, 143.
Quebec and Halifax Navigation Company, 71.
Quebec Oriental Railway, 283.
Quebec Steamship Co., 2, 3, 285.
Radio Station, Newcastle, 278.
Raid from Vermont, 72.
Rail and steamer tours, 357–383.
connection from United States and Montreal, 4–6.
Railway, first operated, 70.
Ramezay, 108–109.
Rand, Benjamin, Ph.D., 128.
Reverend Silas, 130.
de Razilly, Isaac, 65, 180.
Red Cross Line, 1, 148, 327, 333.
Red Indian Lake, 377.
Reid–Newfoundland Co., 12, 328, 330, 331, 361.
Reid, Sir Robert, 330.
Reiez, Gregoria, 137–139.
Reindeer, Lapland, 376.
Renews, 352, 353.
Restigouche River, 266, 283, 287.
Richibucto, 275.
Rigoulette, 355.
River flowing in three directions, 243–244.
Rivière du Loup, 268.
Roberts, Charles G. D., 261.
Roberval, 63.
Robichaud, Prudent, 160.
Robin, Charles, 288.
Robin and Co., 218, 280, 294, 299, 300.
Robin, Jones and Whitman, 288.
de la Roche, Marquis, 97.
Rod and Gun Club, 146.
Roosevelt, 355, 359.
Ross, Major General, 81.
Rossignol, Captain, 175.
Lake, 147, 176.
Rothesay, 269.
Routes, 14–16.
"Royal George," Antigonish, 30.
Royal Hotel, St. John, N. B., 31.
Royal Isle, 232.
Royal Squadron, 298–300.
Royal Tar, 70.
Royal William, 71.
Royalists, 173, 238.
Rudolf, Leonard Christopher, 185.
Rustico, 307, 318.
Sable Island, 62, 97.
Sackville, 270, 275.
Saint John, 70.
de Saint Laurent, Madame, 94.
Salisbury, 270.
Salmon fishing, 46–49, 288, 303.
Sam Slick the Clockmaker, 83, 99, 102, 103, 152.
Sandwich Bay, 355.
Sandy Cove, 157.
Saulnier, René, 160.
Saulnierville, 163.
Scatari Island, 232.
Scotch colonists, 65, 70, 323.
Scott's expedition to Antarctic, 360.
Sea Wolf Cape, 289.
Seal Fishing, 346–348.
Seccombe, Reverend John, 189.
de Seitz, Baron, 79.
Senior Colony settled, 341.
Settlement, oldest French, 280.
Settlements by fugitives, 159.
Shannon and Chesapeake, 69, 85, 87.
Shaughnessy, Sir Thomas, 249.
Shelburne, 170, 172–176.
Shelburne River, 147.
Shepody Bay, 271.
Sherbrooke, 203–204.
Shikshock Mountain, 289.
Shipyard, Joseph Cunard, 279.
Shirley, Governor, 108.
Shoal Harbour, 372.
Shore–Line sub–division, 247.
Siege of Louisbourg, 233.
Sims, Pamela, 374.
Sissiboo River, 156, 159.
Smith's Cove, 151.
Smuggling and privateering, 175.
Smyth, Lieutenant–Governor, 261.
Souris, 307, 323.
Southern Head, 253.
Southwest Head, 254.
Sprague's Cove, 254.
Sports, 38–52.
Spruce Beer, 34.
Spruce Brook, 379.
Steam–Vessel, first, 71.
Steamboats, early, 70–71.
Steamer fares, 1.
and rail tours, 357–383.
Steamers from Canadian ports, 3–4.
from United States, 1–3, 97.
Trans–Atlantic, 4.
Stellarton, 198.
Stone Age discoveries, 258–259.
St. Andrew's, 249.
Friendly Society, 250.
Grenock Church, 250.
St. Anne, College of, 161.
St. Anne de Beaupré of New Brunswick, 276.
St. Anne's Point, 260.
St. Anthony, 376.
St. Croix River, 249, 250–252.
St. Croix Settlement, 251.
St. George, 247–248, 379.
St. George's Bay, 212.
St. Germain–en–Laye, Treaty of, 180.
St. John, N. B., 68, 80, 237–247, 268, 269.
and Boston Service, 70.
and South Coast, 237–254.
Church of St. John's, 241.
drives, 244, 253.
escutcheon British Empire, 240.
fire, 240.
Fort Dufferin, 244.
Fort Frederick, 238, 245–247.
Grand Falls of, 263.
King Square, 240.
Library, 241.
Queen Square, 240.
St. Andrew's Church, 240.
steamer connections, 247, 248, 252, 255.
300th anniversary, 241.
Tourist Bureau, 239, 247.
Trinity Church, 240.
Watch–tower, 244.
Winter Port, 237.
St. John River, 255–257.
discovery of, 64, 238.
first steamboat on, 70.
out–fall of, 243–244.
Valley, 255–268.
St. John Valley Railroad, 257.
St. Johns, Newfoundland, 344–350.
cod fishing and curing, 345.
excursions from, 350–353.
seal–killers, 346–348.
Seamen's Institute, 348.
Signal Hill, 344, 349, 350.
St. Joseph College, 275.
St. Lawrence, Gulf of, 62, 66, 276, 284, 300, 380.
St. Lawrence River, 286.
St. Leonards, 267.
St. Louis, 275.
Fort, 172.
St. Malo, 258.
St. Martins, 269.
St. Mary's Bay, 156, 157, 159, 160.
St. Peter's Canal, 222.
St. Pierre Island, 367, 368.
St. Pierre–Miquelon, 230, 389–397.
St. Stephen, 252.
Summerside, 318, 319.
steamer connection, 307.
Sussex, 270.
Sydney, 222, 223, 228, 230–232.
coal area, 230.
mines, 230–231.
North, 230, 232.
population, 231.
steamer connection, 230, 231.
Sydney River, 231.
Telephone and telegraph lines, 21–22.
Temiscouata Railway, 268.
Temperature, 203.
Terra Nova, 360.
Thibault, Yves, 160.
Tides, 99–100, 129, 238, 243–244, 271.
Bay of Fundy, 243–244.
St. John River, 243–244.
Tignish, 307, 318, 319, 321.
Tilt Cove Mines, 375.
Tiverton, 157, 158.
Tobique River, 264.
Torbay, 350, 351.
Tory refugees from New York, 173–174.
La Tour, Charles, 65, 136, 172, 245.
la Tour, Claude de St. Etienne, 65, 172, 184, 238.
Tourist Bureaux, 16–17, 92, 239, 247.
towns and resorts, 413–421.
Tours by rail and steamer, 357–383.
Transportation, 1–6.
Trapping, 193–194.
Trespassey, 352, 353.
Trinity Bay, 358, 361, 362.
Troops, Canadian, 79.
Imperial, 78.
Troy, 212.
Truro, 99, 196–197.
Tuna fishing, 45.
Tupper, Charles, 125.
Point, 212, 223.
Twillingate, 355, 373.
Tyn–y–Coed Hotel, 253.
Uniacke, Richard, 83.
United States, steamers from, 1–3, 97.
University of New Brunswick, 260, 262.
Upsalquitch River, 266, 284.
Utrecht, Treaty of, 66, 106, 108, 134, 364.
Van Buren, Maine, 267.
Verrazzano, the Florentine, 62.
Vessel, first built in North America, 136.
Victoria Hotel, St. John, N. B., 31.
Victoria, Queen, 95.
Victoria Steamship Company, 255.
Villebon, Governor of Acadia, 65, 238, 258, 260.
de Villiers, 105.
Vinland, the Good, 60.
Voyages of discovery, 58–64.
Wales, Prince of, 68, 77, 95, 241, 261, 349, 365.
War of the Rebellion, 72.
Warner, Charles Dudley, 200, 223, 224.
Warren, Admiral, 233.
Washademoak Lake, 257.
Waterloo, Battle of, 70.
Water trips, 247.
Wellington Dyke, 128.
Welsh Grantee, 253.
Wentworth, Sir John, 80, 95.
Western Continent, first voyage to, 59.
Western Union Cable Co., 206.
Westport, 158.
Weymouth, 156, 158, 161.
Whale Cove, 254.
White settlement, first north of Gulf Mexico, 64.
Whitehead, 97.
Whycocomagh, 212, 223, 226, 227.
William IV, 365.
Williams, Sir Fenwick, 101, 136, 138.
Windsor, 99-105.
Winslow, Colonel, 113–114.
Wolfe, General James, 234, 277.
Wolfville, 123–132.
Wood, Reverend Thomas, 136.
Woodstock, 257, 262, 263-264.
Yachting and boating, 49, 50.
Yarmouth, 99, 156, 158, 165–169.
boulder with Runic inscription, 166-167.
climate, 165.
drives, 168-169.
Grand Hotel, 28.
lobster canning, 168.
lumber shipments, 168.
steamer connections, 165.
terminus, 165.