The Transgression of Andrew Vane/Verse
For the things ye do, when your life is new,
And your sin is sinned with a smile,
Ye shall pay full sore, ye men, though the score
The Fates hold back for a while;
Ye shall pay, at the end, for your frauded friend,
For the secret your lips betray,
For the lust and the lie, to the Gods on High
Ye shall pay — ye shall pay — ye shall pay!
Ye shall pay ten-fold, with your heart’s best gold,
Ah, tempted women and true!
Ye shall render account, to the full amount,
For each beautiful thing ye do.
For the youth ye yield, for the soul ye shield,
For the pitiful prayers ye pray,
’Tis the fancy of Fate that, soon or late,
Ye shall pay — ye shall pay — ye shall pay!