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The United Amateur/July 1917/Ode For July Fourth, 1917

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The United Amateur, July 1917
Ode For July Fourth, 1917 by H. P. Lovecraft
9472The United Amateur, July 1917 — Ode For July Fourth, 1917H. P. Lovecraft

The United Amateur

Official Organ of the United Amateur Press Association

Volume XVI
Georgetown, Ill., July 1917
Number 9

Ode For July Fourth, 1917

As Columbia’s brave scions, in anger array’d,
Once defy’d a proud monarch and built a new nation;
’Gainst their brothers of Britain unsheath’d the sharp blade
That hath ne’er met defeat nor endur’d desecration;
So must we in this hour
Show our valour and pow’r.
And dispel the black perils that over us low’r:
Whilst the sons of Britannia, no longer our foes,
Will rejoice in our triumphs and strengthen our blows!

See the banners of Liberty float in the breeze
That plays light o’er the regions our fathers defended;
Hoar the voice of the million resound o’er the leas,
As the deeds of the past are proclaim’d and commended;
And in splendour on high
Where our flags proudly fly,
See the folds we tore down flung again to the sky:
For the Emblem of England, in kinship unfurl’d,
Shall divide with Old Glory the praise of the world!

Bury’d now are the hatreds of subject and King,
And the strife that once sunder’d an Empire hath vanish’d.
With the fame of the Saxon the heavens shall ring
As the vultures of darkness are baffled and banish’d:
And the broad British sea,
Of her enemies free,
Shall in tribute bow gladly, Columbia, to thee:
For the friends of the Hight, in the field side by side,
Form a fabric of Freedom no hand can divide!

H. P. Lovecraft.