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The Urantia Book/Part 1

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The Urantia Book (1955)
125149The Urantia Book1955Unknown



Sponsored by a Uversa Corps of Superuniverse Personalities
acting by authority of the Orvonton
Ancients of Days.

Foreword 1
I.Deity and Divinity 2
II.God 3
III.The First Source and Center 4
The Seven Absolutes
Concept of the I AM
IV.Universe Reality 6
V.Personality Realities 8
VI.Energy and Pattern 9
VII.The Supreme Being 10
VIII.God the Sevenfold 11
IX.God the Ultimate 12
X.God the Absolute 13
XI.The Three Absolutes 13
XII.The Trinities 15

1.The Universal Father 21
1.The Father's Name 22
2.The Reality of God 23
3.God is a Universal Spirit 25
4.The Mystery of God 26
5.Personality of the Universal Father 27
6.Personality in the Universe 29
7.Spiritual Value of the Personality Concept 31

2.The Nature of God 33
1.The Infinity of God 33
2.The Father's Eternal Perfection 35
3.Justice and Righteousness 36
4.The Divine Mercy 38
5.The Love of God 38
6.The Goodness of God 40
7.Divine Truth and Beauty 42

3.The Attributes of God 44
1.God's Everywhereness 44
2.God's Infinite Power 46
3.God's Universal Knowledge 48
4.God's Limitlessness 49
5.The Father's Supreme Rule 50
The inevitabilities
6.The Father's Primacy 52
The benediction

4.God's Relation to the Universe 54
1.The Universe Attitude of the Father 54
2.God and Nature 56
3.God's Unchanging Character 57
4.The Realization of God 58
5.Erroneous Ideas of God 59

5.God's Relation to the Individual 62
1.The Approach to God 62
2.The Presence of God 64
3.True Worship 65
4.God in Religion 66
5.The Consciousness of God 68
6.The God of Personality 70

6.The Eternal Son 73
1.Identity of the Eternal Son 73
2.Nature of the Eternal Son 74
3.Ministry of the Father's Love 75
4.Attributes of the Eternal Son 76
Omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience
5.Limitations of the Eternal Son 77
6.The Spirit Mind 78
7.Personality of the Eternal Son 79
8.Realization of the Eternal Son 79

7.Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe 81
1.The Spirit-Gravity Circuit 81
2.The Administration of the Eternal Son 83
3.Relation of the Eternal Son to the Individual 84
4.The Divine Perfection Plans 85
5.The Spirit of Bestowal 86
Bestowals of the Eternal Son
Bestowals of the Original Michael
6.The Paradise Sons of God 87
7.The Supreme Revelation of the Father 88

8.The Infinite Spirit 90
1.The God of Action 90
2.Nature of the Infinite Spirit 92
3.Relation of the Spirit to the Father and the Son 93
4.The Spirit of Divine Ministry 94
Creative Daughters
5.The Presence of God 95
6.Personality of the Infinite Spirit 96

9.Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe 98
1.Attributes of the Third Source and Center 98
2.The Omnipresent Spirit 100
3.Universal Manipulator 101
4.Absolute Mind 102
5.The Ministry of Mind 102
6.The Mind-Gravity Circuit 103
7.Universe Reflectivity 105
8.Personalities of the Infinite Spirit 105
Functional family of the Third Source and Center

10.The Paradise Trinity 108
1.Self-Distribution of the First Source and Center 108
2.Deity Personalization 109
3.The Three Persons of Deity 110
4.The Trinity Union of Deity 112
5.Functions of the Trinity 113
Finite, absonite, and absolute attitude
6.The Stationary Sons of the Trinity 114
Justice, evidence, and judgment
7.The Overcontrol of Supremacy 115
8.The Trinity Beyond the Finite 116
Limits of mortal destiny

11.The Eternal Isle of Paradise 118
1.The Divine Residence 118
2.Nature of the Eternal Isle 119
3.Upper Paradise 120
4.Peripheral Paradise 121
5.Nether Paradise 122
6.Space Respiration 123
Unpervaded space
7.Space Functions of Paradise 124
Midspace zones
8.Paradise Gravity 125
Force, energy, power
9.The Uniqueness of Paradise 126

12.The Universe of Universes 128
1.Space Levels of the Master Universe 128
2.The Domains of the Unqualified Absolute 130
3.Universal Gravity 131
4.Space and Motion 133
5.Space and Time 134
6.Universal Overcontrol 135
7.The Part and the Whole 137
8.Matter, Mind, and Spirit 139
9.Personal Realities 141

13.The Sacred Spheres of Paradise 143
1.The Seven Sacred Worlds of the Father 144
2.Father-World Relationships 147
3.The Sacred Worlds of the Eternal Son 149
4.The Worlds of the Infinite Spirit 149
Executive abodes of the Master Spirits

14.The Central and Divine Universe 152
1.The Paradise-Havona System 152
Paradise-Havona day
The dark gravity bodies
2.Constitution of Havona 154
3.The Havona Worlds 155
4.Creatures of the Central Universe 156
Havona natives
5.Life in Havona 158
Monotony and adventure
6.The Purpose of the Central Universe 160

15.The Seven Superuniveres 164
1.The Superuniverse Space Level 164
2.Organization of the Superuniverses 165
3.The Superuniverse of Orvonton 167
4.Nebulae—The Ancestors of Universes 169
5.The Origin of Space Bodies 170
6.The Spheres of Space 172
7.The Architectural Spheres 174
Superuniverse time
8.Energy Control and Regulation 175
9.Circuits of the Superuniverses 176
Local universe circuits
10.Rulers of the Superuniverses 178
11.The Deliberative Assembly 179
12.The Supreme Tribunals 180
13.The Sector Governments 181
14.Purposes of the Seven Superuniverses 181

16.The Seven Master Spirits 184
1.Relation to Triune Deity 185
2.Relation to the Infinite Spirit 185
3.Identity and Diversity of the Master Spirits 186
4.Attributes and Functions of the Master Spirits 189
5.Relation to Creatures 190
6.The Cosmic Mind 191
Causation, duty, and worship
7.Morals, Virtue, and Personality 192
8.Urantia Personality 194
9.Reality of Human Consciousness 195

17.The Seven Supreme Spirit Groups 197
1.The Seven Supreme Executives 198
Creature-trinitized Sons
2.Majeston—Chief of Reflectivity 199
3.The Reflective Spirits 200
4.The Reflective Image Aids 202
5.The Seven Spirits of the Circuits 202
6.The Local Universe Creative Spirits 203
7.The Adjutant Mind-Spirits 205
8.Functions of the Supreme Spirits 205

18.The Supreme Trinity Personalities 207
1.The Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy 207
2.The Eternals of Days 208
3.The Ancients of Days 209
4.The Perfections of Days 210
5.The Recents of Days 211
6.The Unions of Days 212
7.The Faithfuls of Days 213

19.The Co-Ordinate Trinity-Origin Beings 214
1.The Trinity Teacher Sons 214
2.The Perfectors of Wisdom 215
3.The Divine Counselors 216
4.The Universal Censors 217
Stationary Sons of the Trinity
5.Inspired Trinity Spirits 219
6.Havona Natives 221
7.Paradise Citizens 222

20.The Paradise Sons of God 223
1.The Descending Sons of God 223
2.The Magisterial Sons 224
3.Judicial Actions 226
4.Magisterial Missions 226
5.Bestowal of the Paradise Sons of God 227
6.The Mortal-Bestowal Careers 228
7.The Trinity Teacher Sons 230
8.Local Universe Ministry of the Daynals 231
9.Planetary Service of the Daynals 231
10.United Ministry of the Paradise Sons 232

21.The Paradise Creator Sons 234
The Original Michael
1.Origin and Nature of Creator Sons 234
2.The Creators of Local Universes 235
3.Local Universe Sovereignty 237
4.The Michael Bestowals 239
5.Relation of Master Sons to the Universe 240
6.Destiny of the Master Michaels 241

22.The Trinitized Sons of God 243
1.The Trinity-Embraced Sons 243
Trinitized Sons of Attainment
Trinitized Sons of Selection
Trinitized Sons of Perfection
2.The Mighty Messengers 245
3.Those High in Authority 246
4.Those Without Name and Number 246
5.The Trinitized Custodians 247
6.The Trinitized Ambassadors 248
7.Technique of Trinitization 249
Ascender-trinitized Sons
Paradise-Havona trinitized Sons
Trinitized sons of destiny
8.The Creature-Trinitized Sons 251
9.The Celestial Guardians 252
10.High Son Assistants 253

23.The Solitary Messengers 256
1.Nature and Origin of Solitary Messengers 256
2.Assignments of Solitary Messengers 257
3.Time and Space Services of Solitary Messengers 260
Seraphic and other space velocities
4.Special Ministry of Solitary Messengers 262
Trinitized sons of destiny

24.Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit 264
1.The Universe Circuit Supervisors 265
2.The Census Directors 266
3.Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit 268
4.The Associate Inspectors 268
5.The Assigned Sentinels 268
6.The Graduate Guides 269
Grandfanda, the first ascender
7.Origin of the Graduate Guides 270

25.The Messenger Hosts of Space 273
1.The Havona Servitals 273
2.The Universal Conciliators 275
3.The Far-Reaching Service of Conciliators 276
4.Technical Advisers 279
5.The Custodians of Records on Paradise 281
6.The Celestial Recorders 281
7.The Morontia Companions 282
8.The Paradise Companions 283

26.Ministering Spirits of the Central Universe 285
1.The Ministering Spirits 285
Ministering Spirits of the Central Universe
Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses
Ministering Spirits of the Local Universes
2.The Mighty Supernaphim 286
3.The Tertiary Supernaphim 288
(1)The Harmony Supervisors
(2)The Chief Recorders
(3)The Broadcasters
(4)The Messengers
(5)The Intelligence Co-ordinators
(6)The Transport Personalities
(7)The Reserve Corps
4.The Secondary Supernaphim 289
Ascenders' arrival in Havona
5.The Pilgrim Helpers 291
6.The Supremacy Guides 292
7.The Trinity Guides 292
8.The Son Finders 293
Failure to find Deity
9.The Father Guides 294
10.The Counselors and Advisers 295
Assignments of defeated candidates
11.Complements of Rest 296
Creature-trinitized sons

27.Ministry of the Primary Supernaphim 298
1.Instigators of Rest 299
Nature of rest
2.Chiefs of Assignment 300
3.Interpreters of Ethics 300
4.Directors of Conduct 301
5.The Custodians of Knowledge 301
6.Masters of Philosophy 302
7.Conductors of Worship 303

28.Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses 306
1.The Tertiaphim 306
2.The Omniaphim 307
3.The Seconaphim 307
4.The Primary Seconaphim 307
(1)The Voice of the Conjoint Actor
(2)The Voice of the Seven Master Spirits
(3)The Voice of the Creator Sons
(4)The Voice of the Angelic Hosts
(5)Broadcast Receivers
(6)Transport Personalities
(7)The Reserve Corps
5.The Secondary Seconaphim 310
(1)The Voice of Wisdom
(2)The Soul of Philosophy
(3)The Union of Souls
(4)The Heart of Counsel
(5)The Joy of Existence
(6)Satisfaction of Service
(7)The Discerner of Spirits
6.The Tertiary Seconaphim 313
(1)The Significance of Origins
(2)The Memory of Mercy
(3)The Import of Time
(4)The Solemnity of Trust
(5)The Sanctity of Service
(6)and(7)The Secret of Greatness and the Soul of Goodness
7.Ministry of the Seconaphim 317

29.The Universe Power Directors 319
1.The Seven Supreme Power Directors 320
2.The Supreme Power Centers 320
(1)Supreme Center Supervisors
(2)Havona Centers
(3)Superuniverse Centers
(4)Local Universe Centers
(5)Constellation Centers
(6)System Centers
(7)Unclassified Centers
3.The Domain of Power Centers 322
4.The Master Physical Controllers 324
(1)Associate Power Directors
(2)Mechanical Controllers
(3)Energy Transformers
(4)Energy Transmitters
(5)Primary Associators
(6)Secondary Dissociators
(7)The Frandalanks
The Chronoldeks
5.The Master Force Organizers 329
Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers
Associate Transcendental Master Force Organizers

30.Personalities of the Grand Universe 330
1.The Paradise Classification of Living Beings 330
I.Triune-Origin Beings
II.Dual-Origin Beings
III.Single-Origin Beings
IV.Eventuated Transcendental Beings
V.Fragmented Entities of Deity
VI.Superpersonal Beings
VII.Unclassified and Unrevealed Orders
2.The Uversa Personality Register 334
I.The Paradise Deities
II.The Supreme Spirits
III.The Trinity-Origin Beings
IV.The Sons of God
V.Personalities of the Infinite Spirit
VI.The Universe Power Directors
VII.The Corps of Permanent Citizenship
Composite Personality Groups
3.The Courtesy Colonies 338
(1)The Star Students
(2)The Celestial Artisans
(3)The Reversion Directors
(4)Extension-School Instructors
(5)The Various Reserve Corps
(6)The Student Visitors
(7)The Ascending Pilgrims
4.The Ascending Mortals 340
(1)Planetary Mortals
(2)Sleeping Survivors
(3)Mansion World Students
(4)Morontia Progressors
(5)Superuniverse Wards
(6)Havona Pilgrims
(7)Paradise Arrivals

31.The Corps of the Finality 345
1.The Havona Natives 346
2.Gravity Messengers 346
3.Glorified Mortals 347
4.Adopted Seraphim 348
5.Glorified Material Sons 349
6.Glorified Midway Creatures 349
7.The Evangels of Light 349
8.The Transcendentalers 350
9.Architects of the Master Universe 351
10.The Ultimate Adventure 352