The Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilised by Insects/Index
- Aceras anthropophora, 26; pollen-tubes, 258
- longibracteata, 26
- , monstrous flowers, 255
- Acianthus exsertus, 90
- fornicatus, 90, 280
- sinclairii, 90; fertilised by insects, 280
- Acontia luctuosa with pollen-masses, 31
- Acropera, pollinia of, 154, 156; upper petals, 276
- loddigesii, 166
- luteola, 166; vessels of, 239
- Adaptations, how far special, 267; diversity of, 282
- Aerides, movement of poUinia, 156; secretion of nectar, 265
- cornutun, 265
- odorata, 158
- virens, 156
- Amici, on number of pollen-grains in Orchis morio, 278
- Anderson, Mr., on Dendrobium, 142; on the Epidendrea, 147
- Angræcum, viscid matter in, 251
- distichum, 154
- eburneum, 155
- sesquipedale, 154, 162, 282; nectary of, 265
- Antennæ of the rostellum of Catasetam, 184, 187
- Anthers, rudimentary, 240
- Apostasia, 248
- Arethuseæ, 80
- Auricles, or papillæ, rudimentary, 241, 242
- Babington, Prof., on the rostellum, 255
- Baillon, M., on Catasetum, 191
- Barkeria, 146.
- Bateman, Mr., obligations to, 105, 162; on Cycnoches, 224.
- Battershy, Dr., obligations to, 106
- Bauer, Mr., on pollen-grains in Cephalanthera, 80, 82; on pollen-masses of Bletia, 143
- Bee Ophrys, 52
- Beer, J. G., on Catasetum, 197; on Cyonoches, 224
- Bees with attached pollinia, 30
- Belt, Mr., on Angræcum sesquipedale, 165
- Bentham on monstrous flowers of Orchis pyramidalis, 38
- Bird's-nest Orchis, 125
- Bolbophyllum, 274; upper petals, 276
- barbigerum, 138
- cocoinum, 137
- cupreum, 137; nectary of, 265
- rhizophoræ, 137
- Bonatea speciosa, 71, 76; vessels of, 244; modified structure, 264; caudicle, 361
- Bond, Mr. F., on moths with attached pollinia, 30; obligations to, 72, 75
- Bracteæ, secreting nectar, 266
- Brassia, movement of pollinia, 156
- Bree, Mr., on seed of Epipactis latifolia, 278
- Brongniart, M., on secretion of nectar, 41; on Catasetum, 196; spiral vessels in Orchids, 235; on Uropedium, 240
- Bronn, Prof., on Stanhopea devoniensis, 171; classification of organic beings, 264
- Brown, C, on Sobralia macrantha, 91
- pollen-tubes, 258; Sprengel's work, 275 , Robert, on the fertilisation of Orchids, 3; viscidity of stigma, 13; Ophrys apifera, 54; utriculi of the stigma, 202; homologies of Orchids, 234, 235, 237; rostellum of Orchids, 247; Apostasia, 248;
- Butterflies with attached polli,ia, 31
- Butterfly orchis, 69
- , lesser, 73
- Caladenia dimorpha, 89
- Calæna, 89
- Calanfhe dominii, 161
- masuca, structure of flower, 161; long nectary, 267, 269
- veratrifolia, 280
- vestita, 162
- Carpenter, Dr., on Myanthus and Catasetum, 196
- Catasetidæ, 178
- Catasetum, peculiar rostellum, 256; labellum, 270
- luridum, 191
callosum, 192, 195
- mentosum, 206
- planiceps, 193
- saccatum, structure of flower, 180–185; vessels of, 239
- tabulare, 192
- tridentatum, structure of flower, 191; three forms on the same plant, 196; a male orchid, 197; vessels of, 239; peculiar form of rostellum, 256; nectar-receptacle, 269
- Cattleya, structure of flower, 143–148; vessels of, 239; nectary, 265
- crispa, 147
- Caudicles of pollinia in the Vandex, 152; development of, 252; structure, 260, 261
- Cephalanthera, number of seeds, 277
- ensifolia, 86
- grandiflora, structure of flower, 80–86; vessels, 239, 242; change of colour in viscid secretion, 249; pollen, 259; labellum, 269; number of seed, 277; upright position of flower, 287; partially self-fertile, 290
- Cheeseman, Mr., on Pterostylis trullifolia, 88; Acianthus sinclairii, 90; imperfect fertilisation of Pterostylis, 280
- Chysis, 146
- Cirrhæa, contracted stigma, 171
- Clinandrum, the, 241
- Cœlogyne cristata, 146
- Coryanthes, 90, 173; nectary, 232; secretion of nectar, 265
- fieldingii, 175
- macrantha, 175
- speciosa, structure of flower, 174
- triloba, partially self-sterile, 281
- Crüger, Dr., on the Epidendreæ, 147; Gongora maculata, 168; Stanhopea, 171; Coryanthes, 173; C. macrantha, 175;
Catasetum, 197, 200; female pollen-masses, 202; Selenipedium palmifolium, 232; homologies in Orchids, 235; bees gnawing the labellum, 270
- Cyonoches egertonianum, 224
- ventricosum, structure of flower, 220–224
- Cymbidium giganteum, 155; pollinia, 252, 260; modification of form, 263
- Cypripedium, structure of flower, 226; secretion from, 229; pollen, 262; labellum, 275
- acaule, 229
- barbatum, vessels of, 239
- calceolus, 229–231; fertilised only by small bees, 282
- candidum, 235
- pubescens, 229, 230
- purpuratum, vessels of, 239
- Cyrtostylis, 90
- Darwin, Francis, on the movement of the awn of Stipa, 273
- , George, insects fertilising Herminium monorchis, 61; Gymnadenia conopsea, 67
- , William, on Epipactis palustris, 99, 100
- Delpino on insects being deceived by the presence of a nectary not containing nectar, 41; sterility of Spider Ophrys, 50, 51; Cephalanthera ensifolia, 86; movements of pollinia, 155; fertilisation of Cypripedium calceolus, 231; imperfect fertilisation of Ophrys aranifera in Liguria, 280
- Dendrobium, length of anther, 287
- bigibbum, 142
- cretaceum, 142, 291
- Dendrobium chrysanthum, structure of, 138–142; nectary, 265
- formosum, 142
- speciosum, partially sterile, 281
- tortile, 142
- Descent, lines of, 262–265
- Dickie, Prof., obligations to, 124
- Disa, secretion of nectar, 265
- cornuta, 78
- grandifiora, 77; partially self-sterile, 281
- macrantha, 78; partially self-fertile, 290
- Disc, viscidity, of, in the Ophreæ, 43; in Catasetum, 190; double in the Ophreæ, 254; of Gymnadenia conopsea, 272
- Disperis, secretion of nectar, 265
- Duchartre, M., on Catasetum and Myanthus, 196
- Dyer, Mr. Thiselton, obligations to, 175
- Epidendreæ, 142; few seed capsules produced, 281
- Epidendrwm cochleatum, viscid secretion of, 249
- floribundum, 146; viscid secretion, 249
- glaucum, 146
- Epipactis, vessels of, 239; viscidmatter, 251
- latifolia, 100, 101; pollen, 259; fertilised only by wasps, 282; use of knob of anther, 287
- microphylla, 102
- palustris, structure of flower, 93–100; labellum, 275
- purpurata, 102
- rubiginosa, 102
- viridiflora, 102; self-fertile, 291
- Epipogium gmelini, 103
- Eulophia viridis, 156; nectary of, 269
- Evelyna, nectary of, 265
- carivata, 146; vessels of, 239; clinandrum, 241
- Farrer, T. H., obligations to, 46; on Bee Ophrys, 55; Peristylis viridis, 63
- Fertilisation, summary on, 290
- Fertility of English Orchids 33
- Fitzgerald, R. D., on Pterostylis longifolia, 89; Caladenia dimorpha, 89; Acianthus fornicatus, and exsertus, 90; Vanilla aromatica, 91; Spiranthes australis, 115; Thelymitra carnea and longifolia, 127; numbers of Orchideæ collected near Sydney, 279; self-fertilisation of Thelymitra carnea, 280; Dendrobium speciosum, 281
- Flowers, use of external envelopes, 274
- Fly Ophrys, 46
- Frog Orchis, structure of flower, 62; secretion of nectar, 63
- Galeandra funkii, 155
- Gärtner on viscid matter of stigma, 249; pollen-grains in Orchids, 288
- Gerard, M. M., pollinia adhering to longicorn beetle, 16
- Glossodia, 237
- Gongora, labellum of, 276
- atro-purpurea, 169
- maculata, 168
- truncata, 169
- Goodyera, vessels of, 239; caudicle in a nascent condition, 260
- discolor, 105
- pubescens, 105
- repens, 103, 105
- Gordon, Rev. G., obligations to, 103
- Gosse, Mr., on self-fertilised seeds of Epidendreæ, 147, 148
- Gradation of organs, 247
- Gray, Prof. Asa, on Gymnadenia tridentata, 68; Platanthera, 75; Goodyera repens, 105; Spiranthes gracilis and cernua; 111; Cypripedium, 229, 230, 235
- Gymnadenia, viscid matter, 251
- albida, 43, 68
- conopsea, transplanted, 32; secretion of nectar, 40, 43; structure of flower, 65; vessels, 238, 239; rostellum, 255; movements of pollinia, 271; disc, 272
- odoratissima, 68
- tridentata, 68; self-fertile, 291
- Habenaria bifolia, 78; secretion of nectar, 40, 43; viscid matter, 251
- Habenaria chlorantha, 43, 69; vessels of, 239, 244; viscidity of exterior surface, 251
- Hance, Dr., on Catasetum, 197
- Herbert, Dean, on Catasetum luridum and Myanthus, 196
- Herminium monorchis, 59; fertilised by insects, 61; rostellum, 255
- Hildebrand, F., on the ovules in Orchids, 172
- Homologies of Orchids, 232
- Hooker, Dr., on Listera, 3, 115; labellum of Calæna, 89; obligations to, 115, 128, 244; spiral vessels in Orchids, 235; variability of the labellum of Orchids, 238; on the rostellum, 254
- Horwood, Mr., assistance from, 129
- Insects, frequency of visits to Orchids, 33; attracted by bright colours, 275
- Irmisch on Epipogium, 103; Neottia nidus-avis, 125; flower-bud of Cypripedium, 240
- Krünitz, secretion of nectar by Orchis, 36
- Kurr, on Orchids secreting nectar, 38; secretion from hairs in Cypripedium calceolus, 229; nectar secreted from bracteæ, 266
- Labellum easily vibratile, 138; cup of, not secreting nectar in the Vandeæ, 269; excrescences on, 269; gnawed by insects, 270; its importance to the flower, 275; of Sarcanthus, 276
- Ladies' slipper, 227
- tresses, 106
- Lælia, 146
- cinnabarina, 148
- Lepidoptera with attached pollinia, 30, 31
- Leptotes, 146
- Lindley, Dr., obligations to, 129; arrangement of Orchids, 128; on forms of Catasetum, 197; of Cycnoches, 224; homologies of Orchids, 235; on the number of genera and species, 279
- Link on homologies of Orchids, 235, 238
- Liparis pendula, vessels of, 239; clinandrum, 241
- Listera, viscid matter, 251; crest of rostellum, 287
- cordata, 124
- ovata, structure of, 115–124; labellum, 276
- Lycaste skinnerii, 155; pollen of 260
- Malaxeæ, 128
- Malaxis, viscid matter, 251; upper petals, 276
- paludosa, transplanted, 32; structure of flower, 129–135; vessels, 239, 241; clinandrum, 241; pollen-tubes, 258; position of labellum affected by ovarium, 284
- Malden, Rev. B. S., obligations to, 35, 64
- Male flowers of Catasetum, 198
- Marantaceæ, 238
- Marshall, Mr., on sterility of transplanted Orchids, 32; Habenaria chlorantha, 72,
- Masdevallia, clinandrum of, 241; sepals, 274; upper petals, 276
- fenestrata, 135, 136, 142
- Maxillaria, movements of pollinia, 156; number of pollen-grains in anther, 278
- ornithorhyncha, movement of pollinia, 157, 159
- Megaclinium falcatum, labellum of, 138
- Ménière M., on insects visiting Orchids, 30; secretion of nectar by Coryanthes, 173; movement of Catasetum, 187, 191; the nectar-receptacle, 269
- Microstylus rhedii, 132, 135
- Miltonia clowesii, pollinia of, 154, 155
- Modifioations in Orchids, 246
- Moggridge, J. Traherne, on Ophrys scolopax, 52, 292; Ophrys apifera, 56, 58, 59; flowering of the Ophreæ, 59
- Monaohanthus viridis, 196, 197, 198, 201
- More, Mr. A. G., on fertility of Bee Ophrys, 55; Epipactis palustris, 39, 97, 99; obligations to, 106
- Mormodes ignea, structure of flower, 208–219; viscid secretion, 249; use of labellum, 276, 283
- luxata, 219
- Morren, on Vanilla aromatica, 91
- Moths with attached pollinia, 21, 30, 31; intellect of, 37
- Movements of pollinia, 271
- Müller, Fritz, on Epidendreæ, 148; pollinium of Ornithocephalus, 159, 160; Sphinx moth, 163; contracted stigma, 171, 172; ovules of Epidendreæ and Vandeæ, 173; Catasetum mentosum, 206; bracteæ of the Oncidium secreting nectar, 266; labellum gnawed by insects 271; number of seeds in capsule of Maxillaria, 278; number of Orchideæ in South Brazil, 279; the orchideous tribes failing to be fertilised, 280; prepotency of pollen, 289
- , Hermann, on fertilisation of Orchis mascula, 13; bees visiting the flowers of Orchis latifolia, 16; Nigritella angustifolia, 27; fertilisation of Orchids, 29; insects puncturing laburnum flowers, 41; Gymnadenia odoratissima, 68; Habenaria bifolia and chlorantha, 74; Epipactis rubiginosa, microphylla, and viridiflora, 102; Neottia nidus-avis, 125; Cypripedium calceolus, 231; secretion of nectar, 267
- Musk Orchis, structure of flower, 59
- Myanthus barbatus, 192, 199, 203; quite sterile, 205
- Nectar, secretion of, by British Ophreæ, 37, 39; in foreign Orchids, 229; from bracteæ, 229
- Nectary cut off to test the intellect of moths, 37; length of, in Angræcum sesquipedale, 265
- Neotinia intacta, 27, 291
- Neotteæ, 93; vessels of, 241
- Neottia nidus-avis, 125; pollen-tubes, 258; partially self-fertile, 290
- Nevill, Lady Dorothy, obligations to, 129
- Nicotiana, stigma of, 249
- Nigritella angustifolia, 27
- Notylia, contracted stigma, 171
- Odontoglossum, 156
- Oliver, Prof., obligations to, 129
- Oncidium, pollinia, 153, 156, 158; vessels of, 239; viscidity, 251; bracteæ secreting nectar, 266
- unguiculatum, development of caudicles, 252
- Ophreæ, 6; vessels of, 241
- Ophrys apifera, structure of flower, 52; fertility of, 54–58; pollen, 259; self-fertilisation, 279, 291
- arachnites, 51
- aranifera, 50; imperfect fertilisation, 280
- muscifera, transplanted, 32; structure, 45; fertility, 49; self-sterile, imperfectly fertilised by insects, 280
- scolopax, 52, 292
- Orchideæ, modifications in, 246
- Orchis fusca, 15; imperfect fertilisation, 35; secretion of nectar, 37
- hircina, 25; nectary, 39; movement of pollinia, 273
- latifolia, 15; imperfect fertilisation, 35; secretion of nectar, 37; two distinct discs, 255
- maculata, 15, 34; transplanted, 32; imperfect fertilisation, 35: secretion of nectar, 37, 39; two distinct discs, 255; rostellum, 255; number of seeds, 277, 278;
- Orchis mascula, structure of flower, 6; movement of pollinia, 273; number of pollen-grains, 278
- militaris, sterility of, 36; secretion of nectar, 37
- morio, 15, 128; fertility of, in cold season, 33; secretion of nectar, 37, 39; number of pollen-grains, 278
- pyramidalis, structure of flower, 16; movements of pollinia, 21, 272, 273; fertility in different stations, 84; secretion of nectar, 37, 39; monstrous flowers, 38; single disc, 254; rostellum, 256; pollen-grains, 260, 261; contrivances for its fertilisation, 264
- ustulata, 25
- Organs, gradation of, 247
- Ornithocephalus, 160
- Ovaria of Orchids, 284
- Oxenden, Mr. G. C, obligations to, 25; on Epipactis purpurata, 102
- Parfitt, Mr., on attached pollinia, 31
- Parker, Mr. R., obligations to, 129
- Pedicel of pollinium, 253; elasticity of, 283
- Percy, Dr., analysis of labellum of Warrea, 270
- Peristylus viridis, secretion of nectar, 43, 63; rostellum, 255
- Petals, uses of, 274
- Phaius, 146
- grandifolius, 280
- Phalanopsis, viscidity of stigma, 153; movement of pollinia, 159; labellum, 276
- amabilis, 159
- grandiflora, 159; projection of labellum, 269
- Platanthera, 75
- chlorantha, 69
- dilatata, 77
- flava, 76, 77
- hookeri, 75
- hyperborea, 76; self-fertile, 291
- Pleurothallis ligulata, 135
- prolifera, 135
- Pogonia ophioglossoides, 86
- Pollen-masses, rudimentary in Monochanthus, 201; gradation of, 257, 288
- Pollen-tubes emitted from anther, 258
- Pollinia, movements of, in Orchis mascula, 12–15; in O. pyramidalis, 21; of the Vandeæ, 154; of Catasetum, ejection of, 184; attachment to rostellum, 251; gradation, 257; movements, 271
- Pterostylis, nectary of, 232
- longiflora, 87, 89
- trullifolia, 86, 88; imperfect fertilisation in New Zealand, 280
- Rodgers, Mr., obligations to, 129; on Myanthus and Monochanthus, 196; secretion of nectar in Orchids, 265; in Vanilla, 266
- Rodriguezia secunda, 159
- suaveolens, movement of pollinia, 156, 159
- Rohrbach, Dr., on Epipogium gmelini, 103
- Rostellum, a single organ in the Ophreæ, 45; of the Vandeæ, 150; aborted, 242; gradation of, 247; of Apostasia, 248; diversity of structure, 250; crest of, in the Ophreæ, 255; in Catasetum, 256
- Rucker, Mr., obligations to, 129, 180, 192, 208
- Saccolabium, viscidity of stigma, 153, 156
- Saint-Hilaire, A. de, on pollen of Orchids, 259
- Sarcanthus, labellum of, 276
- parishii, 142
- teretifolius, pollinia of, 154, 156; viscidity, 268
- Scheinsaftblumen, 37
- Schomburgk, Sir R., on Catasetum, 196
- Scott, Mr., on flowers of Acropera, 168, 172; of Gongora, 169; nectar-receptacle, 269; number of seeds in capsule of Acropera, 278; prepotency of pollen, 289
- Scudder, Mr., on Pogonia ophioglossoides, 86
- Secretion of nectar, 36, 229, 265
- Seeds, production and number of, 276, 277
- Selenipedium palmifolium, 232
- Self-fertilisation, summary on, 293
- Sepals, uses of, 274
- Serapias cordigera, 27
- Sexes of Orchids, 196
- Smith, Sir James, on position of flowers in Malaxis, 129
- , Mr. G. E., on bees visiting the Bee Ophrys, 55
- Sobralia macrantha, 91
- Sophronitis, 146
- Spider Ophrys, 50
- Spiranthes australis, 114; labellum, 275; self-fertile, 291
- autumnalis, structure of flower, 106–114; vessels of, 239
- cernua, 111
- gracilis, 111
- Sprengel, C. K., on fertilisation of Orchis militaris, 36; secretion of nectar by Orchis, 36; on Epipactis latifolia, 101; Listera, 115, 123; colours attracting insects, 275; value of his work, 275
- Stamens in Orchids, 242
- Stanhopea, pollinia of, 155; labellum, 276
- devoniensis, 171
- oculata, 171
- Stelis, use of the sepals, 274
- racemiflora, 135
- Sterility of English Orchids, 35
- Stigma, viscidity of, in the Vandeæ, 152; utriculi, 197; gradation, 248; structure, 249
- Stipa, movements of, 273
- Structure, diversity of, 282, 285
- Structure, importance of trifling details, 286, 287
- Thelymitra, self-fertile, 291
- carnea, 127; self-fertile, 280
- longiflora, 127
- Thomson, R. B., on Goodyera repens, 105
- Tilley, H. A., on Vanilla aromatica, 91
- Trevelyan, Sir C., on Bombus with attached pollen-masses from Cattleya, 145
- Treviranus on the secretion of nectar, 41; on Bee Ophrys, 56
- Trimen, R., obligations to, 40; on Bonatea speciosa, 76, 77; Disa grandiflora, 77, 78
- Turnbull, Mr., obligations to, 129
- Tway-blade, 115
- Uropedium, 240
- Utriculli of stigma, 197, 218
- Vandeæ, 156
- , structure of, 149; pollinia, 253, 258
- Vanilla aromatica, 90
- Vanillideæ, 90; few seed capsules produced, 281
- Veitch, Mr. J., obligations to, 129, 180, 220
- Vessels, spiral, of Orchids, 235
- Viscidity of disc in British Ophreæ, 35; in Catasetum, 190
- of rostellum and stigma, 248, 249
- Waetcher on fertilisation of the Orchids, 2
- Walker, Mr. F., obligations to, 100
- Wallis, Mr., obligations to, 129
- Warrea, 155; analysis of labellum, 270
- Weale, J. Mansell, on Habenaria, 76; Bonatea, 77; Disa and Disperis, 78; Disa macrantha, 290
- Weddell, Dr., on hybrids of Aceras, 26
- Wright, Mr. C, on the movement of pollinia, 156
- Zygopetalum mackai, 155