The Vatican as a World Power/Index

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4519122The Vatican as a World Power — IndexGeorge Nauman ShusterJoseph Bernhart


Abelard, 150, 156-7.

Abraham, 11.

Acasius, patriarch of Constantinople, 64.

Action Française, 382, 439.

Adalbert of Tuscany, 100-1, 123.

Adelheid of Burgundy, 100, 101.

Aeschylus, 22.

Agilulf, 71.

Agnes, German empress, 114, 118, 119, 121, 128.

Agnes de Méran, French queen, 173.

Aiguillon, Emmanuel-Armand, 311.

d'Ailly, Pierre, 215, 217, 220,

Aistulf, 79, 80.

Alaric, 57.

Alba, duke of, 276.

Alberich of Spoleto, 99, 100, 101.

Alberti, Leo Battista, 230.

Albigensian heresy, 178 et seq.

Albornoz, Cardinal, 210-11.

Albrecht I, German king, 196, 201.

Albrecht of Brandenburg, 248.

Aldobrandini, Olimpia, 298.

d'Alembert, 311-12, 318.

Alexander the Great, 23.

Alexander II, Pope, 121, 122, 123, 124.

Alexander HI, Pope, 162, 163-4, 165, 166,


Alexander IV, Pope, 188. Alexander V, Pope, 217. Alexander VI, Pope, 236-9, 241, 245, 254,


Alexander VII, Pope, 300. Alexander VIII, Pope, 304, 305, 307, Alexander I, Russian czar, 352. Alfonso n, prince of Naples, 237. Alfred the Great, English king, 95, 103. Ambrose, 49.

Arfaclcte II, anti-pope, 148, 151, 152, Anagnani, treaty of, 165. Anastasius II, Pope, 65. Ano of Cologne, archbishop, 120, 122, 123. Anselm, English primate, 137. Antioch, 14, 15, 1 8. Antonelli, Cardinal, 358, 359 360, 363,


Aquinas. See Thomas Aquinas. Aranda, Pedro, 311, 316. Arduin of Ivrea, 109. Arianism, 51, 54 et seq. t 64, 65. Aristotle, 22, 23, 230. Arius, 54 et seq. Arnold of Brescia, 150, 154, 157-8, 160,

170, Arnulf, German king, 97.


Asiarta, Paul, 82.

Athanasius of Alexandria, 49, 55-6.

Attila, 63, 64.

Audiences, papal, 408-9.

Augustine, St., 49, 50, 53-4, 56-61, 69, 8x,

131, 156, 186, 304, 310. Augustus, Roman emperor, 1-2, 4, 23, 81. Augustus n, Saxon king, 312. Avars, 87.

Averroists, 204, 227. Avignon, 199, 207, 209, 224 et seq. d'Azeglio, 356, 357.

Bacon, Francis, 311.

Balbo, Cesarc, 356, 357,

Bandinelli, Roland, 161. See also Alex- ander IH, Pope.

Barbarossa, Frederic, 148, 158-67, 178, 182.

Barnabas, 14, 15.

Basel, Council of, 217, 223-4, 231, 273, 391.

Basil, archbishop of Caesarea, 51.

Bayle, Pierre, 156, 303.

Beatification, process of, 423 et seq.

Beatrice of Tuscany, 118.

Beauregard, Pere, 318.

Becket, Thomas a, 163, 164.

Bellannine, Robert, 293, 366.

Belloy, archbishop, 329.

Benedict V, Pope, 102.

Benedict VII, Pope, 105.

Benedict VIII, Pope, 109, in-ia.

Benedict IX, Pope, 113, 114.

Benedict XI, Pope, 199-

Benedict XII, Pope, 207.

Benedict XUI, anti-pope, 216, 220-1, 3x0.

Benedict XIV, Pope, 312-13, 317, 354.

Benedict XV, Pope, 375-6, 389, 406, 416, 421, 433, 435-

Benedict of Nursia, St., 52, 109, 429.

Benevent, treaty of, 161.

Benzo, bishop of Alba, 120, 122.

Beranger of Friuli, 97, 98, 99, 101.

Beranger of Ivrea, 100, 101.

Bernard of Clairvaux, St., 148-58, 186,, 227, 250.

Bernier, Abb, 327, 328.

Bernini, i, 294.

Berno of Cluny, 109.

Berthier, 323.

Birgitta, St., 208-9, 212.

Bismarck, 370-3.

Boabdilla, Nicholas, 267.

Boccaccio, 209, 210.

Bonaparte, Jerome, 334.



Bonaparte, Joseph, 334, 335.

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 323, 324, 325-9,

33*-43 344- Boniface, St., 77-9, 83. Boniface VIC, anti-pope, 105, Boniface VHI, Pope, 192-4, 195, 196, 197,

198-9, 200, 201. Boniface IX, Pope, 215, 222. Borgia family, 236 ft seq., 242. Borromeo, Charles, 277-8, 279, 288. Bosco, Don, 423.

Bossuet, French bishop, 299, 301-2. Bramantc, i, 243. Broglie, Victor de, 357. Brownson, Orestes, 353. Brunhilde, Franconian queen, 72. Bruno, Giordano, 291-2. Bruno, St., 103, 137-8. Buchner, Max, 91. Byzantium, 76, 86, 93.

Cadorna, 364, 369.

Cadulus, 122.

Caesarini, Cardinal Giuliano, 223, 224.

Caligula, Roman emperor, 17.

Calixtus I, Pope, 39, 41, 42.

Calixtus II, Pope, 136, 142-3* *44> 148-

Calixtus III, anti-pope, 164, 165.

Calixtus III, Pope, 231.

Callicles, 23.

Calvin, John, 187, 259, 285.

Campanclla, 295.

Campeggio, papal legate, 257.

Canisius, Peter. See Peter Canisius.

Cano, Melchior, 311.

Canonization, process of, 423 et scq.

Canossa, 118, 132, 133.

Capponi, Gino, 356.

Caracalla, Roman emperor, 39.

Carafia, Carlo, 276, 277, 278.

Carloman, 77, 78.

Carnesccchi, Pietro, 283.

Carrafa, Cardinal Gian Pietro, 262.

Carranza, archbishop of Toledo, 283.

Carthusians, 137-8.

Carvajal, Cardinal, 231,

Cassiador, 68-9, 226.

Castcl Gandolpho, 406.

Castellesi, Hadrian, 238.

Catherine of Aragon, 257.

Catherine of Siena, Sti, 212, 213, 214,

216, 250.

Catherine II of Russia, 318, 352. Cavour, Camillo, 356, 357, 360, 362, 363. Celestinc HI, Pope, 167, 169, 173. Celestine IV, Pope, 184. Celestinc V, Pope, 190-1, 192, 193, 195,


Centius, 105, 128. Centre Party, German, 361, 370-1, 373.

Chalcedon, Council of, 63.

Charles I of Austria, 426.

Charles II of Naples, 190.

Charles III, king of Spain, 316.

Charles IV, German emperor, 209, 210, 212, 213.

Charles V, German emperor, 228-9* 55> 256, 261, 277.

Charles VI, French king, 215-16.

Charles VIII, French king, 228, 237, 241.

Charles X, French king, 349.

Charles Albert of Sardinia-Piedmont, 358, 360.

Charles of Anjou, 188, 189, 190, 191, 194.

Charles of Luxembourg, 208.

Charles of Valois, 201.

Charles the Bald, 95, 96, 97.

Charles the Fat, 97.

Chartreuse, 137-8,

Chateaubriand, Rene* de, 347.

Chieregati, 254.

Chigi, nuncio to Germany, 299.

Choiseul, Etienne-Francois dc, 3x1.

Christian of Maycnce, 159.

Clairmont, synod of, 138.

Claudius, Roman emperor, 5.

Clement I, Pope, 28.

Clement II, Pope, 114.

Clement in, anti-pope, 133, 134, 136.

Clement III, Pope, 166, 169.

Clement IV, Pope, x88.

Clement V, Pope, 199, 200-1.

Clement VI, Pope, 208-10.

Clement VII, anti-pope, 214, 2x5.

Clement VII, Pope, 254-7, 259, 283.

Clement VIII, Pope, 291, 292.

Clement EX, Pope, 300-1.

Clement X, Pope, 301, 307.

Clement XI, Pope, 304, 310.

Clement XII, Pope, 310, 313.

Clement XIII, Pope, 313.

Clement XIV, Pope, 317-19*

Clement of Alexandria, 33.

Clovis I, king of Franks, 66.

Cluny, Abbey of, 103, 106, 109 et seq n 113, 1x6, n8, 125, 127.

Cobenzl, Count, 327, 328.

Coligny, Admiral, 285.

Colombjni, Prussian charg d'affaires, 3x9,

Colonna, 190, 195, 196, 197, 221, 237-8, 405.

Colonna, Sciarra, 198, 206-

Colonna, Vittoria, 260.

Columba, Irish missionary, 72.

Congregations, Roman: Holy Office, 416- 21 ; of Studies, 422-3; of Rites, 423-6; of Ceremonials, 426; of Sacramental Dis- cipline, 426; Consistorial, 427; of Coun- cils, 429; of Religious, 429; Propagation of the Faith, 433; Oriental Churches,


434-5; Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Af- fairs, 436.

Conrad II, German emperor, 112, 113.

Conrad III, German emperor, 153, 155.

Conrad IV, German emperor, 186.

Conrad of Gelnhausen, 215.

Conradin, 186, 188, 190.

Consalvi, Ercole, Cardinal, 324-9, 331, 334, 339> 342, 344> 345, 346, 348, 389-

Constance, Council of, 217-23, 273, 367,

39L Constance, wife of Henry VI, 166, 167,


Constantine Copronymus, 86. Constantinc the Great, 20, 45, 47, 48, 49,

55, 80, 81, 88, 90, 121. Constantinople, siege of, 174. Contarini, Caspar, 261, 262. Conti, 169. Cornelius, 15. Cornelius, Pope, 42, Cornelius Tacitus, 28. Coton, Auger, 305. Cotta, house of, 119. Councils of Church, Ecumenical: Nice, 55,

86, 87; Chalcedon, 63; Lateran, 141,

143, 176, 179; Lyons, 185, 189; Vienne,

201; Constance, 217-23, 273, 367, 391;

Basel, 217, 223-4, 231, 273, 391;

Lateran, 243, 244; Trent, 261-5, 275-9,

286, 391, 415; Vatican Council, 365

  • K4-, 372.

Courts, Roman, 439 et seq. Crequi, duke of, 300. Crescentius, 105, 106, 109, in. Cristina of Sweden, 299. Crusades, 137-9, *45, *47 148, 155, *59

166-7, ^S, 174, 176, 180, 182, 183,

194, 196, 229, 231, 232, 283. Cunigunde, German empress, xix. Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, 39, 41, 42-4.

Damasus I, Pope, 56, 61.

Damasus II, Pope, 114.

Daniel the prophet, 9, 10.

Dante, 119, 170, 191, 196, 200, 202-3,

204, 209, 227, 229, 279-80, 354. Decius, Roman emperor, 39, 41. Desiderius, 82.

Dioclesian, Roman emperor, 45, 47. Dionysius, 39, 49- DoelHnger, 366, 367. Dominic Guzman, St., 180-2. Dominicans, 178 et seq. t 417, 430, 432. Domitian, Roman emperor, 28. "Donation of Constantine," 230. Donatists, 52-4, 116. Dschem, Prince, 236. Dunstan, 103.

Eastern Churches, 37-8, 55, 63, 65, 90-1, 99, 1 17 189, 224, 280, 285, 352, 388, 412, 433, 434-6.

Eckhardt, Master, 205-6.

Edward III, English king, 174, 213.

Edward Vn, English king, 409.

Elias, 9, 10.

Elizabeth, English queen, 283, 286.

England, first missions to, 72-3.

Enzio, 184, 1 86.

Erasmus of Rotterdam, 252-3, 258.

Eskill of Lund, archbishop, 161.

Eugene HI, Pope, 154, 158, 160.

Eugene IV, Pope, 223, 224, 225,

Euscbius, 50.

Falconieri, Juliana, 426.

Felix V, anti-pope, 224-5.

Ferdinand of Spain, 235, 242-3, 277.

Ferrini, 423-4.

Fesch, Cardinal, 331, 332.

Fichte, 383.

Fisher, John, 260.

Foix, Gaston de, 242.

Formosus, Pope, 97-8.

Fra Angelico, 230.

Francis I, French king, 228-9, 244, 255,


Francis de Sales, St., 293. Francis of Assisi, 177, 180-2. Francis Xavier, 267, 269, 295. Franciscans, 178 et seq^ 430, 432. Frangipani, 141. Frankfort, Council of, 87. Franks, 72, 75, 76 et seq., 82, 86, 95 Frederic n, German emperor, 167, 169,

  • 75 I77 181, 182-6, 193.

Frederic HI, German emperor, 201, 230. Frederick the Great, 310, 312, 318, 356. Frederic of Aragon, 195. Frederic of Austria, 218, 219. Frederic of Sicily, 201. Frederick William IV, 351. Freemasonry, 309, 313. Fulda, 103.

Galileo, 235, 292, 297, 418. Gallicanism, 301 et scq. f 309, 334-6. Gallitzin family, 350. Garibaldi, 356, 360, 363. Gebhard of Eichstatt, 117, 118. Gelasius I, Pope, 64-5. Gelasius n, Pope, 141-2. Genseric, 64.

George of Albania, Prince, 231. Gerbert, Benedictine scholar. See Sylves- ter II, Pope. Gerbert, Pcre, 349-

Gcrson, Jean Charlier de, 215, 217, 220. Ghibellines, 139, 184, 188, 189, 190, 201.



Gibbon, Edmund, 226.

Giobcrti, Vincenzo, 356, 357, 359-

Giotto, 177.

Gnostic heresy, 35 et scq. t 55, 179.

Godfrey o Lorraine, 118.

Godfrey of Tuscany, 121, 122.

Goerres, Jacob-Joseph, 350, 351.

Goethe, 226.

Goths, 57, 64, 65, 66.

Goyan, Georges, 282.

Gratian, Roman emperor, 50, 56.

Gregory I, Pope, 56, 67-74, 75, 78, 86, 124.

Gregory II, Pope, 78.

Gregory III, Pope, 77, 79, 235.

Gregory V, Pope, 106, 107.

Gregory VI, Pope, 113, 114-

Gregory VII, the Great, Pope, 114, u7-3

138, 158, 168, 170, 171, 194, 22 6, 235. Gregory VIE, Pope, 166. Gregory IX, Pope, 169, 181, 183, 184, 187. Gregory X, Pope, 188-9. Gregory XI, Pope, 212-13. Gregory XH, Pope, 216, 220. Gregory XHI, Pope, 284-6, 289. Gregory XV, Pope, 294. Gregory XVI, Pope, 349, 354- Guelph of Bavaria, Duke, 136. Guelphs, 138-9, 153, 165, 167, 184, 186,

199, 212, 256.

Guiscard, Robert, 121, 134, 135, Guise, Francis de, 285. Gustavus Adolphus, 296, 299.

Hadrian, Roman emperor, 26, 81.

Hadrian I, Pope, 82, 86, 87, 88.

Hadrian H, Pope, 96.

Hadrian IV, Pope, 160, 161, 162.

Hadrian VI, Pope, 253-4.

Halinard, archbishop of Lyons, 116.

Hegel, 381.

Henry I, English king, 151.

Henry n, English king, 163, 164.

Henry HI, English king* 174.

Henry VIH, English king, 242, 257-8, 259,

260, 261.

Henry n, French king, 275. Henry m, French king, 288. Henry IV, French king, 287, 290, 291. Henry n, German emperor, 111-12. Henry HI, German emperor, 113-14, 115,

116-17, 118, 119* Henry IV, German emperor, 118, 121-3,

127-35, 136, 138, 139- Henry V, German emperor, I39-4 1 , *43>


Henry VI, German emperor, 166-8. Henry VII, German emperor, 182, 184. Henry VHI, German emperor, 201, 202. Henry of Langenstein, 215. Henry the Lion, Saxon king, 165, 166.

Heraclitus, 22, 32.

Herod Antipas, 8.

Hieronymus, 218, 220.

Hildebrand. See Gregory VII, the Great.

Hildegarde, Empress, 90.

Hildegarde of Bingen, 215.

Hildesheim, 103.

Hinkmar, 93, 96.

Hippolytus, anti-bishop, 42.

Hoflaeus, German Jesuit, 311.

Hohenstaufens, 158, 166, 168, 171, 184,

187, 188, 194, 202. Holbein "the Younger," 258, 260. Holy Roman Empire, 75, 89. Honorius II, anti-pope, 121, 148. Honorius III, Pope, 169, 180, 182. Hontheim, Nicholas von, 316. Horace, 3.

Hucbert of St. Maurice, 92. Hugh Capet, 106. Hugh of Provence, 99, 100. Hugo, abbot of Cluny, 116, 132. Hugo Candidas, Cardinal, 128. Huguenots, 285, 288, 289, 296, 302, 305. Humbert, Burgundian cardinal, 116, 123. Hunyadi, regent of Hungary, 231. Huss, John, 218, 219, 220, 223, 233,

Iconoclasts, 77, 86.

Ignatius Loyola, 262-72, 282, 288, 295.

Ignatius of Antioch, 30.

Index, Roman, 418-21.

Ingeborg, French queen, 173.

Innocent II, Pope, 148, 151, 152, 153, 154.

Innocent III, Pope, 168, 169-82, 187, 194,

276. Innocent IV, Pope, 169, 170, 184-6, 187,


Innocent VI, Pope, 210. Innocent VIII, Pope, 235, 236. Innocent X, Pope, 297, 298, 299, Innocent XI, Pope, 301, 302, 303-4* 310. Innocent XII, Pope, 304, 305. Inquisition, 150, 181, 182, 186-7, 200, 230,

234-5, 262, 268, 376, 277, 283-4 ^91-2,

297, 417.

Irenaeus of Lyons, 38. Irene, Empress, 86. Isabella of Spain, 235. Isidore of Seville, 91-2. Islam, 76, 95, 138, 194. Ivan the Terrible, czar o Russia, 286. Ivo, bishop of Chartres, 141*

Jacopone di Jodi, 193, 195, James, St., 14, 18. James I, English king, 282. James II, English king, 304. Jansenism, 300, 304, 306-8, 309, 310, 312, 412,



Jansenius, Cornelius, 304, 306.

Jeanne d'Arc, 221.

Jeremiah, 9.

Jerome, St., 61.

Jerome of Dalmatia, 49.

Jesuits, 262 et scq., 275, 277, 278, 282, 284-5, 286, 289, 293, 295, 300, 305-I9 327 344-5. 349. 352, 353'4 3$i, 4". 430-1.

Jesus Christ, i, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, ix, 13-14, 24,

Joachim di Fiore, 178, 203.

Joanna of Naples, 209.

John, St., the evangelist, 14, 31.

John I, Pope, 65.

John HI, Pope, 104-5.

John V, Pope, 98.

John VIH, Pope, 97.

John X, Pope, 99.

John XII, Pope, 100-2,

John XIV, Pope, 105.

John XV, Pope, 105, 106.

John XVI, anti-pope, 106.

John XIX, Pope, 113.

John XXII, Pope, 204-7.

John XXIII, Pope, 217, 218-20.

John of Burgundy, 2x8.

John of the Cross, St., 295.

John of Jandun, 203.

John Sansterre, Plantagenet king, 172,


John the Baptist, 7, 8, 9, 10. Jos, king of Portugal, 313-14. Joseph II of Austria, 319-22. Josephine, Empress, 332. Juan Capistrano, St., 231. Julian the Apostate, 49. Julius H, Pope, 233> 241-3, *45 *52, 254,


Julius in, Pope, 275, 278. Justin, Byzantine emperor, 65. Justinian, Byzantine emperor, 66, 67, 81. Juvenal, 3.

Kaunitz, 319, 321.

Kettcler, bishop of Mayence, 367, 370.

Knights of Malta, 254.

Knights Templar, 151, 200-1.

Kruedener, Frau von, 352.

Ktdturkampi, 370-3.

Lacordaire, Perc, 349.

La Fayctte, 326.

Lafranc of Bee, English primate, 123, 137.

Lambert, king of Italy, 97, 98.

Lammenais, 347, 348, 349.

Lamoriciere, General, 362.

Langton, Stephen, Cardinal, 173, 174.

Las Casas, 295.

ka$ Cases, Emmanuel, historian, 341.

Lateran Councils, 141, 143, 176, 179,


Lavallette, Father, 315. Lavardin, Charles-Henri, 303. Leibnitz, 299.

Leo I, Pope, 56, 61-4, 125, 169. Leo III, Pope, 87-90, 131. Leo IV, Pope, 91. Leo Vin, Pope, 102. Leo IX, Pope, 1 15-17, 153, 392. Leo X, Pope, 236, 244, 248, 250, 253, 254,

260, 288, 391. Leo XH, Pope, 348, 354. Leo Xin, Pope, 177, 364-6, 371-7, 383,

399, 420.

Leo III, Byzantine emperor, 85. Leopardi, 356. Lepanto, 284. Lc Tellier, 305. Lianez, Diego, 267, 274. Liberius, Pope, 55, 56". Liebnitz, 235.

Liutprand, Lombard king, 77. Lollards, 218.

Lombards, 67, 70 et uq* t 82, 134, 153, 185. Lothar III, 148.

Lothar IV, 92-3, 96, 157, 160. Louis n, German emperor, 96. Louis VTI, king of France, 155. Louis Vm, French dauphin, 174. Louis IX of France, St., 194, 195. Louis Xn, king of France, 237-8, 243. Louis XIV, king of France, 288, 300, 301,

302, 303.

Louis XV, king of France, 315. Louis XVI, king of France, 287. Louis XVin, king of France, 348. Louis Philippe, king of France, 349. Louis the German, 95. Louis the Pious, 90, 91. Loyola. Sec Ignatius Loyola. Lucius IH, Pope, 166, 187. Ludovici, Lodovico, 294. Ludwig of Bavaria, 205, 206, 207, 208. Luitprand of Cremona, bishop, 99. Luther, Martin, 222, 229, 235, 245-53, 259. Lyons, Council of (1245), z $5> T ^9-

Macaulay, quoted, 378.

Machiavelli, 204, 243.

Madcrna, 294.

Magna Charta, 174.

Maidalchini, Olimpia, 297-8.

Maintenon, Madame de, 302.

Maistrc, Count Joseph de, 345, 347, 348,

350, 352.

Majazet, Sultan, 236. Malagrada, Jesuit missionary, 314. Mallinckrodt, 370. Malmsbury, 103.



Manfred, 186, 188.

Manichcans, 60, 62, 63, 179, 181.

Mantua, synod of (1064), 122.

Manzoni, Italian writer, 356.

Marcellus II, Pope, 276.

Marcian, 63.

Marcilius o Padua, 203, 205, 206.

Marcion, 35 et seq

Marco Polo, 188.

Marcus Aurelius, 37.

Maria Louisa of Austria, 339.

Mariana, 282.

Mark, St* the evangelist, 6, 14*

Marozia, 99, 100.

Martcl, Charles, 76, 77, 78.

Martin, SL, 226.

Martin IV, Pope, 190.

Martin V, Pope, 221-3.

Mathieu, Cardinal, 400.

Mathilda of Tuscany, 118, 128, 132, 133,

136, 139. *4i 160, 175. Mattheus Rubeus, 184. Matthew, St., the evangelist, i, 10, 130. Maultasch, Duchess Margareta, 208. Maurice of Saxony, 275-6. Mauritius, 71. Maxentius, 45.

Maximilian, Emperor, 242, 243. Mazarin, Cardinal, 288, 297, 302. Mazzini, 356, 357* 358, 359, 360. Medici, 234, 244, 254. Medici, Catherine de, 257, 285. Medici, Cosimo de, 230. Medici, Guiliano, 234. Medici, Lorenzo, 234, 236. Meersen, treaty of, 95. Mdanchthon, 259, 262. Mendicant orders, 178 et seq. Mengs, Raphael, 312. Merovingians, 77, 78, 79. Mctternich, Prince, 345, 349, 354, 358. Michaelangelo, I, 227, 240, 243, 244, 260,


Miollis, General, 334, 335> 33$, 337- Moehler, German historian, 350, 351, 366, Mohammed, 76-7, 138. Monophysites, 64, 65. Montalembert, Count, 349, 362-3. Montanists, 116, 157. Montespan, Madame de, 301. More, Thomas, 258, 260, 295. Moses, 9, 10, 21. Murat, General, 326, 336, 342.

Nantes, Edict of, 288, 302-3. Napoleon. See Bonaparte. Napoleon HI, 362, 363. Narni, Giralamo de, 294. Nero, Roman emperor, i, 18, 20. Newman, John Henry, 352.

Nice, Councils of, 55 86, 87.

Nicholas I, Pope, 92-4.

Nicholas II, Pope, 120, 121.

Nicholas III, Pope, 189-90.

Nicholas IV, Pope, 190.

Nicholas V, Pope, 225-31.

Nicholas I, czar of Russia, 353*

Nicholas of Clemanges, 215.

Nicholas of Cusa, Cardinal, 224, 225, 230.

Nietzsche, 226.

Nilus, St., 107.

Noailles, archbishop of Paris, 307.

Nogarct, William, 196, 197, 198-9, 201.

Normans, 95, in, 123, 127, 128, 134,

161-2, 164, 1 68. Novalis, 345. Novation, 42.

Ockham, 205, 206, 207, 247.

O'Connell, Daniel, 352.

Odo, abbot of Cluny, no.

Offices, Roman, 437-8,* 442 et scq+

Origen, 33, 45-

Orsini, 189, 190, 198, 199, 238, 405.

Otto I, the Great, German emperor, 100,

101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107. Otto II, German emperor, 105. Otto III, German emperor, 105, too", 108. Otto IV, German emperor, 168, 175-7. Otto of Wittclsbach, x6x. Ottocar, 64. Oudinot, Marshal, 360.

Pacca, Cardinal, 335, 336, 337-8, 342.

Pacci, 234.

Palma, Monsignor, 359.

Parentucelli, Thomas. See Nicholas V, Pope.

Pascal, Blaise, 306, 307.

Pascal II, Pope, 136, 139-41.

Pascal IH, anti-pope, 162, 164.

Patterson, Betsy, 334.

Paul, St., i, 5-6, 13, 14, 15, 16", *8, 19,

31, 36.

Paul III, Pope, 259-60, 268, 273, 275, 295. Paul IV, Pope, 276-7, 278. Paul V, Pope, 292, 293-4, Pavia, synod of, 112. Pelagius I, Pope, 60. Pclagius H, Pope, 69. Pepin, Prankish king, 77, 78, 79, So, 8x,

83, xoi.

Peter, Roman prefect, 105. Peter, St., i, 6-n, 13, 15-20. Peter Canisius, St., 283, 419. Peter Darm'en, 1x7, 118-19, 120, 123, 124,

139, 250. Peter Faber, 267. Peter of Amiens, 138. Peter of Aragon, 190,



Peter of Maroni, 190-1.

Peter of Pisa, Cardinal, 152.

Peter of Venea, 186.

Petrarch, 207, 208, 209, 227, 229.

Petrucci, Cardinal, 245.

Philip I, French king, 123.

Phillip II, king of Naples, 276.

Philip II, Spanish king, 286, 287-8, 290.

Philip III, Spanish king, 291.

Philip Neri, 288, 295.

Philip of Swabia, 168, 175.

Philippe I, le Beau, Austrian archduke,

194, 195, 196, 197-8, 199, 200-1. Philippe VI, of Valois, 207. Philippe Auguste, king of France, 172-4. Phocas, 71.

Photius, patriarch of Byzantium, 93, 97. Piacenza, synod of, 138. Piccolomini, Aeneas Silvius. See Pius n.


Pierleoni, 148, 151, 152. Pius, bishop, 36.

Pius II, Pope, 225, 226, 231-3, 284. Pius in, Pope, 238. Pius IV, Pope, 277-8, 279. Pius V, Pope, 283-4, 288. Pius VI, Pope, 319, 320-4, 333, 338. Pius VII, Pope, 324-5* 329 330-43, 345

346, 348, 356. Pius VIII, Pope, 349. Pius IX, Pope, 357-71, 372, 406. Pius X, Pope, 375, 389, 399* 47 4*6, 4o,

426, 442.

Pius XI, Pope, 400, 403, 406, 437. Platina, 232-3. Platmus, 28.

Plato, 20, 22, 32, 33, 37, 230. Polanco, 272. Pole, Reginald, 260-1. Polignac, 349, Polycarp, 36, 38. Pombal, Sebastian-Joseph, 311, 313-14*

3*5> 3*7.

Pompadour, Madame, 315. Pompcy, 3.

Pooza di San Martino, Count, 363-4. Poppca, 1 8. Porcaro, 231. Posscvin, Antonio, 286. Propagation of the Faith, 294, 295, 433. Pulcharia, Empress, 63. Puzyna, Polish cardinal, 399.

Quesnel, Janscnist leader, 307.

Racine, Jean, 306.

Radct, French general, 336-7*

Radetfky, 360.

Rampolla, Cardinal, 373-4-

Raphael, 64, 240, 243.

Ravenna, 65, 67.

Reichenau, 103.

Reichensberer, 370.

Reinald von Dassel, 159, 161, 163, 164.

Reformation, 228 et seq.

Religious orders, 429 et seq.

Renaissance, 225, 226 et seq.

Riario, Girolamo, 233, 234.

Riario, Pietro, 233.

Ricci, Lorenzo, 315, 316, 319.

Richard of Aversa, 121.

Richard the Lion-Hcarted, 167, 173,

Richard the Norman, 121.

Richelieu, Cardinal, 288, 295-6, 302*

Rienzi, Cola di, 209, 210, 211, 231.

Robert, French king, 106.

Robert of; Geneva, 212, 213.

Robert of Naples, 201, 204.

Roderic of Toledo, archbishop, 176.

Rodriguez, Simon, 267.

Roger II, Norman king, 151, 152, 153, 155*

157, 161.

Romulus, Roman emperor, 64, Roothaan, John Philip, 353. Rosmini, 356, 357, 359. Rossi, Count Pellegrino, 359, Rousseau, Jean- Jacques, 156. Rovere, Giuliano dclla, 236, 237, 238, 241.

See also Julius II, Pope. Rovere family, 233, 235, 237. Rudolph of Habsburg, 188, 189. Rudolph of Swabia, 133. Rupprecht, German emperor, 213.

Sailer, German bishop, 345, 350.

Saint-Cyran, 304-5, 306,

Saint Gall, 103.

Saladin, 166, 167.

Saldanha, Cardinal, 314*

Salmeron, Alfonso, 267," 274.

Salvian, 50.

Samuel, the prophet, 21.

San Germane, treaty of, 183.

Santa Rosa, 360.

Saracens, 91, 95, 97, 99, in.

Sarpi, Paolo, 292-3.

Savonarola, 237, 239-41.

Schinner, Cardinal, 243.

Schlick, Caspar, 225.

Schloremer, 370.

Sergius IE, Pope, 99, 100.

Servetus, 187.

Severin, bishop, 51.

Sforza, Ascanio, 236.

Sforza family, 237, 243.

Siccardi, 360.

Sigismund, German emperor, 217, 218,

219-20, 221, 223-4, 225. Sixtus n, Pope, 43-4. Sixtus IV, Pope, 233-4, 235.



Sixtus V, Pope, 287, 288-91, 296, 391, 415-

Sobicski, Jean 303.

Soderini, 243.

Sonnenfcls, 317.

Sophocles, 22, 23, 33.

Spc, Count, 235.

Squillace, 311.

Staupitz, 247.

Stephen, St., 13.

Stephen I, Pope, 39, 43*

Stephen II, Pope, 79, 80.

Stephen HI, Pope, 82, 83, 9*1 390-

Stephen VI, Pope, 98.

Stephen IX, Pope, 118-19, 120.

Stephen Barthori, king of Poland, 286,

Stephen of Hungary, 108.

Suarez, 282.

Suger, abbot, 150.

Swiss Guard, 410.

Sylvester I, Pope, 55, 90. 9*

Sylvester II, Pope, 103, 106-9, in.

Sylvester III, Pope, 113, 114.

Taine, Hippolyte, 226.

Talleyrand, 327* 333-

Tancred of Lecce, 167.

Tanucci, Bernardo, 311, 317-

Tauler, 247*

Tertullian, 39-41* 53, I57

Tetzel, 248.

Thaddeus of Suessa, 185.

Theodelinda, 71,

Theodora, Empress, 66.

Theodora, "the Younger," 99, 105,

Theodora "Synatrix," 99.

Theodore II, Pope, 98.

Theodoric, king of Goths, 64, 65-6,

Theodosius I, Emperor, 48, 50, 56.

Theophano, 105, 106,

Theophylact, Count, 99.

Theresa of Avila, 295.

Theresa of Lisieux, St, 423.

Thietbcrga, 92, 93, 96.

Thomas Aquinas, 157, 178, 248, 361,


Thomasius, 235, Tillemant, 306, Titus, 21.

Tocquevillc, Alexis de, 357. Trent, Council of, 261-5, 275-9, 2 ^6, 391,

415. Tuscany, Counts of, 98-100, 109.

Ugolino, See Gregory IX. Urban II, Pope, 136-7, 138. Urban III, Pope, 166. Urban IV, Pope, 188. Urban V, Pope, 211, 212. Urban VI, Pope, 214, 215. Urban VIE, Pope, 296-7, 306.

Valerian, Roman emperor, 39.

Valla, Laurentius, 230.

Vandals in Rome, 61, 64, 65.

Vasa, Gustav, 286.

Vatican Council, 365 ft seq., 372.

Vatican Library, 230, 290, 296, 312, 443,

Vauban, Marshal, 303.

Verdun, treaty of, 91.

Veuillot, Louis, 350.

Vibert. See Clement HI, anti-pope.

Victor I, Pope, 38.

Victor II, Pope, 118.

Victor in, Pope, 136.

Victor IV, anti-pope, 152, 162-

Vlctor Emmanuel II, of Italy, 360, 362,

363, 364-

Vido of Spoleto, 97, 99. Vienne, Council of, 201* Tigilius, Pope, 66, 70. Villani, 189-90. Vincent Ferrer, 214, 221. Visconti, 188, 224.

Vogelweide, Walther von dcr, 169, 176. Voltaire, 311, 312, 318, 356.

Waldes, Peter, 179.

Walrada, 92, 93, 96.

Ward, Mary, 270.

Wenccslaus, German emperor, 2x3,

William I, German emperor, 373.

William II, German emperor, 373, 409.

William I Norman conqueror, 123, 161,


William H, son of Conqueror, 137* William of Orange, 303, William H of Sicily, 167, Willibrord, 83.

Winckelmann, John-Joachini| 3ix Windthorst, 370, 373. Worms, concordat of, 122, 137, 128, 143,

  • 45-

Wyclif, 213, 214, 218. Wynnfrith. See Boniface, St

Zacharias, Pope, 77, 78, 79