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The Virginia Housewife: or, Methodical Cook/Table of Contents

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Asparagus soup, 13
Beef soup, 13
Gravy soup, 14
Soup with Bouilli, 15
Veal soup, 15
Oyster soup, 16
Barley soup, 16
Dried pea soup, 17
Green pea soup, 17
Ochra soup, 17
Hare or Rabbit soup, 18
Soup of any kind of old fowl, 18
Catfish soup, 19
Onion soup, 19
To dress turtle, 20
For the soup, 21
Mock turtle soup of calf's head, 22
Directions for curing beef, 22
To dry beef for summer use, 24
To corn beef in hot weather, 25
Important observations on roasting, boiling, frying, &c. 26
Beef a-la-mode, 29
Brisket of beef baked, 29
Beef olives, 29
To stew a rump of beef, 30
A fricando of beef, 30
An excellent method of dressing beef, 31
To collar a flank of beef, 31
To make hunter's beef, 31
A nice little dish of beef, 32
Beef steaks, 32
To hash beef, 33
Beef steak pie, 33
Beef a-la-daube, 33
Directions for the pieces in the different quarters of veal, 34
Veal cutlets from the fillet or leg, 34
Veal chops, 35
Veal cutlets, 35
Knuckle of veal, 36
Baked fillet of veal, 36
Scotch collops of veal, 36
Veal olives, 37
Ragout of a breast of veal, 37
Fricando of veal, 37
To make a pie of sweetbreads and oysters, 38
Mock turtle of calf's head, 38
To grill a calf's head, 39
To collar a calf's head, 40
Calf's heart, a nice dish, 40
Calf's feet fricassee, 41
To fry calf's feet, 41
To prepare rennet, 41
To hash a calf's head, 42
To bake a calf's head, 42
To stuff and roast calf's liver, 43
To broil calf's liver, 43
Directions for cleaning calf's head and feet, 43
To roast the fore-quarter, &c. 44
Baked lamb, 44
Fried lamb, 44
To dress lamb's head and feet, 44
Boiled leg of mutton, 45
Roasted leg of mutton, 46
Baked leg of mutton, 46
Steaks of a leg of mutton, 46
To harrico mutton, 46
Mutton chops, 47
Boiled breast of mutton, 47
Breast of mutton in ragout, 47
To grill a breast of mutton, 47
Boiled shoulder of mutton, 48
Shoulder of mutton with celery sauce, 48
Roasted loin of mutton, 48
To cure bacon, 48
To make souse, 50
To roast a pig, 51
To barbecue shote, 51
To roast a fore-quarter of shote, 52
To make shote cutlets, 52
To corn shote, 52
Shote's head, 53
Leg of pork with pease pudding, 53
Stewed chine, 53
To toast a ham, 54
To stuff a ham, 54
Soused feet in ragout, 54
To make sausages, 54
To make black puddings, 54
A sea pie, 55
To make paste for the pie, 55
Bologna sausages, 55
To cure herrings, 56
To bake sturgeon, 57
To make sturgeon cutlets, 57
Sturgeon steaks, 57
To boil sturgeon, 58
To bake a shad, 58
To boil a shad, 58
To roast a shad, 59
To broil a shad, 59
To boil rock fish, 59
To fry perch, 60
To pickle oysters, 60
To make a curry of catfish, 60
To dress a cod's head and shoulders, 61
To make sauce for the cod's head, 61
To dress a salt cod, 62
Matelote of any kind of firm fish, 62
Chowder, a sea dish, 63
To pickle sturgeon, 63
To caveach fish, 64
To dress cod fish, 64
Cod fish pie, 64
To dress any kind of salted fish, 65
To fricassee cod sounds and tongues, 65
An excellent way to dress fish, 66
Fish a-la-daub, 66
Fish in jelly, 66
To make egg sauce for a salt cod, 67
To dress cod sounds, 67
To stew carp, 67
To boil eels, 68
To pitchcock eels, 68
To broil eels, 68
To scollop oysters, 68
To fry oysters, 69
To make oyster loaves, 69
To roast a goose, 69
To make sauce for a goose, 70
To boil ducks with onion sauce, 70
To make onion sauce, 70
To roast ducks, 70
To boil a turkey with oyster sauce, 71
To make sauce for a turkey, 72
To roast a turkey, 72
To make sauce for a turkey, 72
To boil fowls, 73
To make white sauce for fowls, 73
Fricasse of small chickens, 74
To roast large fowls, 74
To make egg sauce, 74
To boil young chickens, 75
To roast young chickens, 75
Fried chickens, 75
To roast woodcocks or snipes, 76
To roast wild ducks or teal, 76
To boil pigeons, 76
To roast pigeons, 77
To roast partridges or any small birds, 77
To boil rabbits, 77
To roast rabbits, 78
To stew wild ducks, 78
To dress ducks with juice of oranges, 79
To dress ducks with onions, 79
To roast a calf's head, 79
To make a dish of curry after the East Indian manner, 80
Dish of rice to be served up with the curry, in a dish by itself, 80
Ochra and tomatos, 81
Gumbo—a West India dish, 81
Pepperpot, 81
Spanish method of dressing giblets, 82
Paste for meat dumplins, 82
To make an ollo—a Spanish dish, 83
Ropa veija—Spanish, 83
Chicken pudding, a favourite Virginia dish, 83
To make polenta, 84
Macaroni, 84
Mock macaroni, 84
To make croquets, 85
To make vermicelli, 85
Common patties, 85
Eggs in croquets, 86
Omelette souffle, 86
Fondus, 86
A nice twelve o'clock luncheon, 87
Eggs a-la-creme, 87
Sauce a-la-creme for the eggs, 87
Cabbage a-la-creme, 88
To make an omelette, 88
Omelette—another way, 88
Gaspacho—Spanish, 89
Eggs and tomatos, 89
To fricassee eggs, 89
Fish sauce to keep a year, 90
Sauce for wild fowl, 90
Sauce for boiled rabbits, 90
Gravy, 90
Forcemeat balls, 91
Sauce for boiled ducks or rabbits, 91
Lobster sauce, 92
Shrimp sauce, 92
Oyster sauce for fish, 92
Celery sauce, 92
Mushroom sauce, 93
Common sauce, 93
To melt butter, 93
Caper sauce, 94
Oyster catsup, 94
Celery vinegar, 95
To dress salad, 95
To boil potatos, 96
To fry sliced potatos, 97
Potatos mashed, 98
Potatos mashed with onions, 98
To roast potatos, 98
To roast potatos under meat, 98
Potato balls, 99
Jerusalem artichokes, 99
Cabbage, 99
Savoys, 100
Sprouts and young greens, 100
Asparagus, 100
Sea-kale, 101
To scollop tomatos, 101
To stew tomatos, 101
Cauliflower, 101
Red beet roots, 102
Parsnips, 102
Carrots, 103
Turnips, 103
To mash turnips, 103
Turnip tops, 103
French beans, 104
Artichokes, 104
Brocoli, 105
Peas, 105
Puree of turnips, 105
Ragout of turnips, 106
Ragout of French beans, snaps, string beans, 106
Mazagan beans, 106
Lima, or sugar beans, 107
Turnip rooted cabbage, 107
Egg plant, 108
Potato pumpkin, 108
Sweet potato, 108
Sweet potatos stewed, 109
Sweet potatos broiled, 109
Spinach, 109
Sorrel, 109
Cabbage pudding, 110
Squash or cimlin, 110
Winter squash, 110
Field peas, 111
Cabbage with onions, 111
Salsify, 111
Stewed salsify, 111
Stewed mushrooms, 112
Broiled mushrooms, 112
To boil rice, 112
Rice journey, or johnny cake, 113
Observations on puddings and cakes, 113
Rice milk for a dessert, 115
To make puff paste, 115
To make mince-meat for pies, 115
To make jelly from feet, 116
A sweet-meat pudding, 117
To make an orange pudding, 117
An apple custard, 118
Boiled loaf, 118
Transparent pudding, 118
Flummery, 119
Burnt custard, 119
An English plum pudding, 119
Marrow pudding, 120
Sippet pudding, 120
Sweet potato pudding, 120
An arrow root pudding, 121
Sago pudding, 121
Puff pudding, 121
Rice pudding, 121
Plum pudding, 122
Almond pudding, 122
Quire of paper pancakes, 123
A curd pudding, 123
Lemon pudding, 123
Bread pudding, 124
The Henrietta pudding, 124
Tansey pudding, 124
Cherry pudding, 125
Apple pie, 125
Baked apple pudding, 125
A nice boiled pudding, 125
An excellent and cheap dessert dish, 126
Sliced apple pudding, 126
Baked Indian meal pudding, 126
Indian meal pudding, 126
Boiled Indian meal pudding, 127
Pumpkin pudding, 127
Fayette pudding, 127
Maccaroni pudding, 127
Potato paste, 128
Compote of apples, 128
Charlotte, 128
Apple fritters, 129
Bell fritters, 129
Bread fritters, 130
Spanish fritters, 130
To make mush, 130

Jumbals, 130
Macaroone, 131
To make drop biscuit, 131
Tavern biscuit, 131
Rusk, 131
Ginger bread, 132
Plebeian ginger bread, 132
Sugar ginger bread, 132
Dough nuts—a yankee cake, 133
Risen cake, 133
Pound cake, 133
Savoy, or spunge cake, 134
A rich fruit cake, 134
Naples biscuit, 135
Shrewsbury cakes, 135
Little plum cakes, 135
Soda cakes, 136
To make bread, 136
To make nice biscuit, 137
Rice bread, 137
Mixed bread, 137
Patent yeast, 137
To prepare the cakes, 138
Another method for making yeast, 138
Nice buns, 138
Muffins, 139
French rolls, 139
Crumpets, 139
Apoquiniminc cakes, 139
Batter cakes, 140
Batter bread, 140
Cream cakes, 140
Soufle biscuits, 140
Corn meal bread, 141
Sweet potato buns, 141
Rice woffles, 141
Velvet cakes, 141
Chocolate cakes, 141
Wafers, 142
Buckwheat cakes, 142
Observations on ice creams, 142
Ice creams, 143
Vanilla cream, 143
Raspberry cream, 143
Strawberry cream, 144
Cocoa nut cream, 144
Chocolate cream, 144
Oyster cream, 144
Iced jelly, 144
Peach cream, 144
Coffee cream, 145
Quince cream, 145
Citron cream, 145
Almond cream, 146
Lemon cream, 146
Lemonade iced, 146
To make custard, 146
To make a trifle, 147
Rice blanc mange, 147
Floating island, 147
Syllabub, 148
Lemon cream, 148
Orange cream, 148
Raspberry cream, 148
Tea cream, 149
Sago cream, 149
Barley cream, 149
Gooseberry fool, 149
To make slip, 150
Curds and cream, 150
Blanc mange, 150
To make a hen's nest, 151
Pheasants a-la-daub, 151
Partridges a-la-daub, 151
Chickens a-la-daub, 151
To make savoury jelly, 152
Turkey a-la-daub, 153
Salmagundi, 153
An excellent relish after dinner, 153
To stew perch, 154
Directions for making preserves, 154
To preserve cling-stone peaches, 155
Cling-stones sliced, 156
Soft peaches, 156
Peach marmalade, 156
Peach chips, 156
Pears, 157
Pear marmalade, 157
Quinces, 157
Currant jelly, 158
Quince jelly, 158
Quince marmalade, 158
Cherries, 159
Morello cherries, 159
To dry cherries, 159
Raspberry jam, 160
To preserve strawberries, 160
Strawberry jam, 160
Gooseberries, 160
Apricots in brandy, 160
Peaches in brandy, 161
Cherries in brandy, 161
Magnum bonum plums in brandy, 161
Lemon pickle, 161
Tomato catsup, 162
Tomato marmalade, 162
Tomato sweet marmalade, 162
Tomato soy, 163
Pepper vinegar, 163
Mushroom catsup, 164
Tarragon, or astragon vinegar, 164
Curry powder, 164
To pickle cucumbers, 164
Oil mangos, 165
To make the stuffing for forty melons, 165
To make yellow pickle, 166
To make green pickles, 166
To prepare vinegar for green or yellow pickle, 167
To pickle onions, 167
To pickle nastertiums, 167
To pickle radish pods, 168
To pickle English walnuts, 168
To pickle peppers, 168
To make walnut catsup, 169
To pickle green nectarines, or apricots, 169
To pickle asparagus, 169
Observations on pickling, 169
Ginger wine, 170
Orgeat, 170
Cherry shrub, 171
Currant wine, 171
To make cherry brandy, 172
Rose brandy, 172
Peach cordial, 172
Raspberry cordial, 173
Raspberry vinegar, 173
Mint cordial, 173
Hydromel, or mead, 174
To make a substitute for arrack, 174
Lemon cordial, 174
Ginger beer, 175
Spruce beer, 175
Molasses beer, 175
To keep lemon juice, 176
Sugar vinegar, 176
Honey vinegar, 176
Syrup of vinegar, 177
Aromatic vinegar, 177
Vinegar of the four thieves, 177
Lavender water, 177
Hungarian water, 178
To prepare cosmetic soap for washing the hands, 178
Cologne water, 178
Soft pomatum, 178
To make soap, 178
To make starch, 179
To dry herbs, 180
To clean silver utensils, 180
To make blacking, 180
To clean knives and forks, 180