The Voice of the Valley/Song of Night
Song of Night
in Yosemite Valley
Song of Night in Yosemite Valley
Hark! The prophecy-inciting windquake of the unfathomable concave of darkest Hell!O, the God-scorning demon's shout against the truth-locked gate of mighty Heaven!Heaven and Hell joining their palace and dungeon, remould the sinful universe to an ethereal paradise—O, the sphere is shaken by the Master-Mechanic working from the surface of the world to its center! Alas, the sun has fled in saddest woe!—O mortal, breathe thy silent prayer unto mighty Yosemite for mirth!Behold, the light of day leaves the white mansion to the care of dolorous night!—The genii of the Valley fly from the roar of a thousand lions to the sacred peace above—Lo, an unknown jeweler decks the black, velvety heaven with treasure-stars—Yea, the Mother-Goddess, mantling the earth with the night, forbids Yosemite disturb her baby-angel's dream in the heaven!Hark! the night disconcord of the eternal falling of waters sounding discontent throughout the earth— O, a chariot is rushing down to an unknown hollow in wild triumph!Behold, a dragon reveals divinity in the ghostly-odorous sky of night—Nay, the mighty sword of the Judgment Day blazes down the Heaven to the gate of Hell!