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The War with Mexico/Volume 1/Appendix (Manuscript Sources)

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2594479The War with Mexico, Volume 1 — Appendix (Manuscript Sources)1919Justin Harvey Smith



As a number of the owners or holders of MSS. (whose names are preceded below by colons) did not desire to receive applications for the use of their papers, it has been thought best to omit all addresses,

Some documents belonging to large collections are, for convenience of citation, listed separately. A few verbal statements (so described) are included. The numbers preceding collections, etc., correspond to numbers preceding citations of MS. documents in the notes.

The complete Appendix Follows the Notes of volume ii.

Allen, William. 1Papers: Library of Congress.
Allred, R. N. 2Recollections: R. R. Allred, Esq.
Alvarado, J. B. 3Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll., Univ. of California.
Amador, J. M. 4Memorias sobre la Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll.
Anaya, P. M. 5Memoria: Señ. Lic. D. Genaro García.
Anderson, Robert. 6Papers: Mrs. James M. Lawton.
Anderson, W. E. 7Document.
Anonymous. 8Soldier’s Diary sent anonymously to the author,
Antrim, Jay. 9Sketches: Library of Congress.
Aram, Joseph, 10Narrative: Mrs. Grace Aram.
Archives of France, 11Dépt. des Affaires Etrangères, Paris.
Archives of Great Britain. 12Admiralty Papers; 13Foreign Office Papers: Public Record Office, London.
Archives of States. 14Alabama, 15Arkansas, 16Connecticut, 17Delaware, 18Georgia, 19Florida, 20Illinois, 21Indiana, 22Iowa, 23Kentucky, 24Louisiana, 25Maine, 26Maryland, 27Massachusetts, 28Michigan, 29Mississippi, 30Missouri, 31New Hampshire, 32New Jersey, 33New York, 34North Carolina, 35Ohio 36Pennsylvania, 37Rhode Island, 38South Carolina, 39Tennessee, 40Texas, 41Vermont, 42Virginia, 43Wisconsin.
Archives of the 44U. S. Embassy at Mexico.
Archives of the 45U. S. Legation in Texas: State Dept., Washington.
Archives of U. S. Navy Dept. 46Captain’s Letters; 47Squadron Letters ; 48Confidential Letter Books; 49Orders; 50Executive Letters ; 51Marine Corps.
Archives of U. S. State Dept. 52Correspondence (and enclosures) with diplomatic and consular agents in Mexico, Great Britain, France, Spain, Prussia and Texas; 53Notes to and from the legations of those countries; 54Report Books; 55Confidential Report Books; 56Special
Missions and Correspondence with confidential agents in Mexico, Texas and California; 77Domestic Letter Books; 58Miscellaneous Letters and Replies; 59Circulars issued to diplomatic and consular agents. See also Claims Commission.
Archives of U. S. War Dept. 60Secrerary of War's files; 61Adjutant General's files; 62Quartermaster General's files: 63Military Book ; 64Adjutant General, Miscellany; 65Orders; 66Engineer's office; 67Bureau of Topog. Engineers; 68Judge Advocate General's office, courts martial. courts of inquiry; 69Discontinued Commands, etc.
Archive 69adel Distrito Federal, Mexico.
Archive 70General y Público (particularly "Guerra"), Mexico.
Archivo 71Histórico—Nacional, Madrid.
Archive 72Nacional de Cuba.
Archive 73Particular del Ministerio de Estado, Madrid.
Archivos (National) de 74Fumento (Maps); 75Gobernación (formerly called "Relaciones Interiores"); 75aHacienda; 76Guerra y Marina; 77Relaciones (i.e.,Exteriores). At Mexico City.
Archivos (State) de 78Coahuila, 79Jalisco, 80Mexico, 81Nuevo León, 82Puebla, 83Querétaro, 84San Luis Potosí, 85Tamaulipas, 86Vera Cruz, 87Zacatecas. At the state capitals.
Archivos (Municipal) de 88Córdoba. 89Guadalajara, 90Jalapa, 91Mata—moros, 92México, 93Monterey, 94Orizaba, 95Puebla, 96Querétaro, 97Saltillo, 98San Luis Potosí, 99Tampico, 100Vera Cruz, 101Victoria, 102Zacatecas.
Avila, Juan. 103Notas Californianas: Bancroft Coll.
Ayer 104Collection: Newberry Library, Chicago.
Baldridge, William. 105The Days of 1846: Bancroft Coll
Bancroft 106Collection: Univ. of California.
Bancroft 107Papers: New York City Public Library.
Bancroft, George. 108Papers: Massachusetts Hist. Soc.
Bandini, Juan. 109Documentos para la Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll.
Barbour, H. H. 110Diary: Mrs Barbour.
Beauregard, P. G. T. 111Papers: C. S. Hook. Esq.
Beauregard, P. G. T. 112Papers: Justin H. Smith.
Beauregard, P. G. T. 113Reminiscences (done by him from diary and notes): Claiborne papers, Mississippi Dept. of Hist.
Beeler, Louis F. 114Recollections.
Belden, Josiah. 115Statement: Bancroft Coll.
Bell, A. N. 116Document.
Benjamin, W. R. 117Collection.
Berlandier, Luis. 118Papers: Library of Congress.
Bevan, William. 119Statement.
Biddle, James. 120Papers: Library of Congress.
Biddle, Charles J. 121Papers: Charles Biddle, Esq.
Bidwell, John. 122California, 1841—8: Bancroft Coll.
Bidwell, John. 123Statement: Harvard Univ. Library.
Blocklenger, Benjamin. 124Letter.
Bonham, Milledge L.125Letters: Dr. Milledge Lake Bonharn, III.
Botello, Narciso.126Anales del Sur de In California: Bancroft Coll.
Boyle, John. 127Letter: Miss Esmeralda Boyle.
Brackett, A. G. 128Diary: Mrs. Brackett.
Breckenridge, Robert J. 129Papers: Library of Congress.
Brichta, A. C. 130Letter: belonging to the Family.
Brindle, William. 131Statement: J. D. Parrish, Esq.
Buchanan, James. 132Papers: Pennsylvania Hist. Soc.
Buck, Dr. Solon J. 133Collection.
Burton, C. M. 134Collection, Public Library, Detroit.
Butler, Anthony. 135Papers: Univ. of Texas.
Butterfield, James. 136Recollections.
Calhoun, John C. 137Papers: Clemson Coll.
Calhoun, John C. 137aPapers: Library of Congress.
Campbell, William B. 138Letters: John DeWitt, Esq.
Campbell, William B. (and David). 139Papers: Lemuel R. Campbell, Esq.; Mrs. James S. Pilcher.
Cantwell, John L. P. 140Letter: Miss Jessica R. Smith.
Carson, J. C. 141Statement: Bancroft Coll.
Carson, J. H. 142Gold Mines of 1848: Bancroft Coll.
Cary, T. G. 143California Papers: Boston Public, Library.
Cassidy, P. A. 144Recollections.
Castro, Manuel. 145Documentos para la Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll.
Caswell, William R. 14GDiary and Letters: Massachusetts Hist. Soc.
Chamberlain, S. E. 147Diary: loaned by the writer.
Chamberlain, S. E. 143Recollections (verbal).
Chase, Salmon P. 149Papers. Library of Congress.
Cheatham, B. F. 150Diary and Papers: Mrs. Telfair Hodgson.
Claiborne, J. F. H. 151Papers: State of Mississippi, Dept. of Hist.
Claiborne, Thomas. 152Memoirs: belonging to the family.
Claims Commission of 1849. 153Book of Awards; 154Book of Opinions ; 155Journal: U. S. State Dept.
Clay, Henry. 156Papers: Library of Congress.
Cobb, Howell. 151Papers (printed later by the Amer. Hist. Assoc.): Dr. U. B. Phillips.
Cobb, Howell. 158Papers: Dr. R. P. Brooks.
Collins, Francis. 159Papers (published later in the Qtrly. Publication of the Hist. and Philos. Soc. of Ohio, 1915, Nos. 243).
Columbus. 160Record of Punishments, 184677: U. S. Naval Academy Library.
Congress. 161Journal of a Cruise, 1846: U. S. Naval Academy Library.
Conner, David. 162Papers: Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Conner, David. 163Papers: P. F. Madigan, Esq.
Conner, David. 164Papers: Library of Congress.
Conner, David. 165Papers: Navy Dept. Library.
Conner, David. 166Papers: New York City Library.
Coutts. 167Diary of a March to California: Bancroft Coll.
Hastings, D. H. 212Diary: loaned by the Writer.
Hatch, John P. 213Letters: Library of Congress.
Hays, John C., and Caperton, John. 214Life and Adventures of John C. Hays: Bancroft Coll.
Heald, Nathan. 215Papers: Univ. of Wisconsin Library.
Heirnan, A. 216Services of the First Regt. of Tennessee: Tennessee Hist. Soc.
Henshaw, J. C. 217Papers: Massachusetts Hist. Soc.
Henshaw, J. C. 218Narrative, prepared by Mrs. Henshaw from his papers: Massachusetts Hist. Soc.
Heraldica 219del Ejército Mex., eta: Biblioteca Nacional.
Higgins, H. H. 220Plans and letters: Mrs. T. M. Coxe.
Hill, D. H. 221Diary: Pres. D. H. Hill.
Hiney, E. F. 222Diary.
Hirschorn, Jacob. 223Recollections: Justin H. Smith.
Hitchcock, E. A. 224Diary and Papers: Mrs. E. A. Hitchcock (now in the Library of Congress).
Holt, Joseph. 225Papers: Library of Congress.
Hook, C. S. 226Collection.
Hoyle, E. D. 227Recollections.
Illinois University. 228Collection.
Indiana State Library 229Colleetion.
Itfirbidc, Agustin de. 230Papers: Library of Congress.
Jackson, Andrew. 231Papers: Library of Congress.
Jameson, J. Franklin. 232Collection.
Janssens, Agustin. 233Documentos para la Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll.
Johnson, Andrew. 234Papers: Library of Congress.
Jones, Roger. 235Papers: W. R. Benjamin, Esq.
Judah, H. M. 236Diary: Library of Congress.
Kearny, S. W. 237Letter Book: Missouri Hist. Soc.
Keuting, E. H. 238Map of Monterey, Mexico.: Monterey City Govt.
Kemper, Jackson. 239Papers: Univ. of Wisconsin Library.
Kennerly, W. C. 240Narrative.
Kent, James. 241Papers: Library of Congress.
Kingsbury, D. M. 242Letters to his Mother.
Kribben, Christian. 243Home Letters: B. D. Kribben, Esq.
Lakin, George W. 244Papers: Univ. of Wisconsin Library.
Lamar, M. B. 245Papers: Texas State Library.
Lane, Joseph. 246Autobiography: Bancroft Coll.
Larkin, T. O. 247Papers: Bancroft Coll.
Lasselle, Stanislaus. 248Papers: Indiana State Library.
Leese, Jacob P. 249Bear Flag Papers: Bancroft Coll.
Lieber, Francis. 250Papers: Library of Congress.
Lowry, Robert. 261Narrative.
Mackall, W. W. 252Letters: belonging to the family.
McLean, John. 253Papers: Library of Congress.
McClellan, Geo. B. 254Diary and Papers: Library of Congress.
Hastings, D. H. 212Diary: loaned by the Writer.
Hatch, John P. 213Letters: Library of Congress.
Hays, John C., and Caperton, John. 214Life and Adventures of John C. Hays: Bancroft Coll.
Heald, Nathan. 215Papers: Univ. of Wisconsin Library.
Heirnan, A. 216Services of the First Regt. of Tennessee: Tennessee Hist. Soc.
Henshaw, J. C. 217Papers: Massachusetts Hist. Soc.
Henshaw, J. C. 218Narrative, prepared by Mrs. Henshaw from his papers: Massachusetts Hist. Soc.
Heraldica 219del Ejército Mex., eta: Biblioteca Nacional.
Higgins, H. H. 220Plans and letters: Mrs. T. M. Coxe.
Hill, D. H. 221Diary: Pres. D. H. Hill.
Hiney, E. F. 222Diary.
Hirschorn, Jacob. 223Recollections: Justin H. Smith.
Hitchcock, E. A. 224Diary and Papers: Mrs. E. A. Hitchcock (now in the Library of Congress).
Holt, Joseph. 225Papers: Library of Congress.
Hook, C. S. 226Collection.
Hoyle, E. D. 227Recollections.
Illinois University. 228Collection.
Indiana State Library 229Colleetion.
Itfirbidc, Agustin de. 230Papers: Library of Congress.
Jackson, Andrew. 231Papers: Library of Congress.
Jameson, J. Franklin. 232Collection.
Janssens, Agustin. 233Documentos para la Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll.
Johnson, Andrew. 234Papers: Library of Congress.
Jones, Roger. 235Papers: W. R. Benjamin, Esq.
Judah, H. M. 236Diary: Library of Congress.
Kearny, S. W. 237Letter Book: Missouri Hist. Soc.
Keuting, E. H. 238Map of Monterey, Mexico.: Monterey City Govt.
Kemper, Jackson. 239Papers: Univ. of Wisconsin Library.
Kennerly, W. C. 240Narrative.
Kent, James. 241Papers: Library of Congress.
Kingsbury, D. M. 242Letters to his Mother.
Kribben, Christian. 243Home Letters: B. D. Kribben, Esq.
Lakin, George W. 244Papers: Univ. of Wisconsin Library.
Lamar, M. B. 245Papers: Texas State Library.
Lane, Joseph. 246Autobiography: Bancroft Coll.
Larkin, T. O. 247Papers: Bancroft Coll.
Lasselle, Stanislaus. 248Papers: Indiana State Library.
Leese, Jacob P. 249Bear Flag Papers: Bancroft Coll.
Lieber, Francis. 250Papers: Library of Congress.
Lowry, Robert. 261Narrative.
Mackall, W. W. 252Letters: belonging to the family.
McLean, John. 253Papers: Library of Congress.
McClellan, Geo. B. 254Diary and Papers: Library of Congress.
Mangum, W. P. 255Papers; A. w. Graham. Esq
Marcy, W. L. 256Papers: Library of Congress.
Markoe and Maxcy. 257Papers: Library of Congress.
Marshall. Henry. 258Recollections: Bancroft Coll.
Maryland Hist. Soc. 259Collection.
Massachusetts Hist. Sue. 260Cullection.
Mémoires. 261I, Apparently prepared by the French agent in Mexico; 261a II, Sur les Revolutions du Mexique: Dépt. des Affaires Etrangéres. Paris.
Memories. 262Reports issued under this title by Depts. of the Mexican government (see·also "Memorias" under the head of Books and Pamphlets. A number of the Memorias were not published—unless in newspapers——but exist in MS. in the library of the Sría. de Relaciones).
Mervine, William. 263Letter Books and Papers: Navy Dept. Library.
Mexican Hist. 264Documents: Museo Nacional, Mexico.
Miller. N. C. 265Letter.
Miller. W. D. 266Papers: belonging to the family.
Mississippi Dept. of Hist. 267Cullections (Dr. Dunhar Rowland, Director).
Missouri Hist. Soc. 268Collection.
Molina, Señ. D. Ignacio. 269Recllections (verbal).
Moore, H. Judge. 270Diary.
Morales, J. B. 271Papers: Library of Congress.
Morgan, George. 272Memoir of: Col. J. M. Morgan.
Mullan, James. 273Diary: belonging to the family.
Neeld, Peter C. 274Letter.
Nelson, T. B., Jr. 275Letter: Mrs. Annie J. Holland.
Neville, Harvey. 276Diary: Chicago Hist. Soc.
New York Hist. Soc. 277Collection.
Niehenke.R. 278Statement.
Notes. 279Sur les Possessions Espagnoles en Amérique: Dépt. des Affaires Etrangéres. Paris.
Nunelee, S. F. 280Diary: James Howell Nunelee, Esq.
O'Keefe, Michael 281Statement: Justin H. Smith.
Olivera. Agustín. 282Documentos para la Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll.
Orders (General and Special). 283Army of the North under Mejía, Ampudia and Arista: New York Hist Soc.
Otero. M. 284Comunicación que sobre las Negoc. Diplom., etc.: Yale Univ. Library.
Parades y Arrillaga, Mariano. 285Papers: Señ. Lic. D. Genaro García.
Parkrr, James. 286statement.
Parrish. P. C. 287Diary.
Pennsylvania Hist. Soc. 288Collection.
Pérez de Acal. 289Papers: Guadalajara Public Library.
Pico. Pio (Familia Pico). 290Documentos para la. Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll.
Pierce, Franklin. 291Papers: Library of Congress.
Pillow, Gideon J. 292Letters: W. R. Benjamin Collection.
Pillow, Gideon J. 293Letters: Library of Congress.
Pillow, Gideon J. 294Letters: Pennsylvania Hist. Soc.
Pinto Rafael. 295Apuntaciones para la Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll.
Poinsett, Joel R. 296Papers: Pennsylvania Hist. Soc.
Polk, James K. 297Papers: Library of Congress (including the Polk papers examined by the author at the Chicago Hist. Sort).
Porter, Andrew. 298Papers: Major John Biddle Porter.
Posey, Carnot. 299Letters: Dr. Walter L. Fleming.
Pricket, John A. 300Letters.
Primer Battn. Active de Oaxaca. 301Libro de Servicios: Rhode Island Hist. Soc.
Puryear, J. F. 302Document.
Quitman, John A. 303Papers: in possession of the family.
Quitman, John A. 304Papers in the Claiborne Papers.
Richardson, C. T. 305Recollections: Justin H. Smith.
Riser, J. J. 306Recollections (Mormon Battalion).
Roberts, B. S. 307Diary and letters: Brigadier General B. K. Roberts.
Roberts, Charles. 308Autograph Collection 2 Haverford Coll.
Roessler, Edward. 309Diary: belonging to the family.
Roque, J. K, 310Document.
Santa Anna, A. L. de. 311Papers: Señ. Lic. D. Genaro García.
Santa Anna, A. L. de. 312Papers: Library of Congress.
Saunders, J. L. 813Papers Library of Congress.
Sawyer, Charles H. 314Documents for the Hist. of the Conquest of California: Bancroft Coll.
Schouler, William. 315Papers: Massachusetts Hist. Soc.
Sherman, W. T. 316Papers: Library of Congress.
Sibley, H. H. 317Papers: Minnesota Hist. Soc.
Smith, C. B. 318Papers: Library of Congress.
Smith, George. 319Diary: belonging to the family.
Smith, Persifor F. 320Papers: State Normal School, West Chester, Pa.
Smith, T. F. 321Diary: belonging to the writer.
Smith, W. B. 322Diary: belonging to the family.
Stevenson, J. D. 323Letter Book; 324General Order Book; 325Regimental Order Book: New York Hist. Soc.
Sumner, Charles. 326Papers: Harvard Univ. Library.
Sutherland, D. H. 327Letters: belonging to the family.
Sweet, G. N. 328Statement.
Taliaferro, William B. 329Papers: Miss L. S. Taliaferro.
Taylor, Zachary. 330Papers: Library of Congress.
Taylor, Zachary. 331Papers: Henkels catalogue.
Tennery, Thomas D. 332Diary: Rev. John S. Cook, D.D.
Tlacotálpam, Mex. 333Judicial Archives.
Torres, Manuel. 334Peripecias de la Vida California: Bancroft Coll.
Trist, Nicholas P. 335Papers: Library of Congress.
Turner, C. B. 336Letter: belonging to the family.
Turner, H. S. 337Diary: Missouri Hist. Soc.
U. S. House of Representatives. 338Files: Capitol, Washington.
U. S. House of Representatives. 339Papers: Library of Congress.
U. S. Military Academy (West Point). 340Collection.
U. S. Senate. 341Files: Capitol, Washington.
University of Illinois. 342Collection.
Vallejo, M. G. 343Documentos para la Hist. de California: Bancroft Coll.
Vallejo, M. G. 344Recuerdos Hist. y Personales: Bancroft Coll.
Van Buren, Martin. 345Papers: Library of Congress.
Wade, W. P. 346Document: belonging to the family.
Washburne, Elihu B. 347Papers: Library of Congress.
Watterston, George. 348Notes on U. S. History: Library of Congress.
Watterston, George. 349Papers: Library of Congress.
Weber, Juan L. 350Recollections (verbal).
Webster, Daniel. 361Papers: Library of Congress.
Weeks, J. W. 362Reminiscences: Bancroft Coll.
Welles, Edgar T. 353Collection: Connecticut Hist. Soc.
Welles, Gideon. 354Papers: Library of Congress.
Wheaten, Henry. 355Papers: Massachusetts Hist. Soc.
Whitcomb, T. M. 356Diary: T. J. Whitcomb, Esq.
Wilcox, C. M. 367Diary (portions copied by him): Claiborne papers, Mississippi Dept. of History.
Williams, Thomas. 358Letters: Rt. Rev. G. Mott Williams.
Winthrop-Clifford. 359Correspondence: Massachusetts Hist. Soc.
Winthrop-Kennedy. 360Correspondence: Massachusetts Hist. Soc.
Woods, William. 361Recollections.
Worth, G. A. 362Papers: Library oi Congress.
Worth, W. J. 363Papers: W. R. Benjamin Collection.
Worth, W. I. 364Papers: Mrs. K. S. Hubbell.
Wyse, F. O. 365Papers: Miss Mary Wyse.
Yale University. 366Collection (University Library).
Yell, Archibald. 367Papers: Mrs. R. H. Fitzgerald.
Map Division, Library of Congress. 369Map of Palo Alto.
Taylor, Zachary. 370Papers: Mrs. W. R. Stauffer.
Mitchell, W. I. 371Statement.
Hyde, George. 372Statement of Hist. Facts on California: Bancroft Coll.
Evans, Joseph. 373Narrative: Justin H. Smith.
Conner, David. 374Letters: Henkels catalogue.
Madigan, P. F. 375Collection.
Nicholson, A. S. 376Recollections (verbal).
Willing, Wildurr. 377Paper on Scott's operations (published later).
Winthrop, R. C. 378The Mexican War Bill (Massachusetts Hist. Soc.)
De Witt, John. 379Collection (see also No. 138).