The War with Mexico/Volume 2/Index 1
Index From A to L
Aberdeen, Earl of, and Oregon controversy and Mexico, 1. 115; and California, 321, 2. 302; counsel to Mexico, 1. 434; warning on annexation, 2. 299, 508; offers mediation, 301, 503; and interposition, 302, 304, 504-6. |
Abert, J. J., chief topographical engineer, 1. 475. |
Aburto, Juan, guerilla, 2. 421. |
Academy of Fine Arts, 1. 14. |
Acapulco, as port, 1. 3; not occupied, 2. 207, 448. |
Acordada, insurrection of the, 1. 41; building, 413. |
Active corps in Mexican army, 1. 157. |
Acuerdo, meaning of citation to, 2. 346 n. |
Adams, J. Q., Texas speech, 1. 70, 111; and Oregon, 152; on secession, 2. 272; effect of death on treaty of peace, 246. |
Aetna, in attack on Tuxpán, 2. 444; in Home Squadron, 445, 446. |
Agiotista, as term of reproach, 2. 327. |
Agriculture, Mexican products, 1. 12; farms, 5; conditions, 16, 410. |
Agua Nueva, Taylor's advance at, 1. 374; Santa Anna's advance, Taylor's retreat, 381-4, 554; Santa Anna's retirement to, parley, 398, 561. Aguascalientes battalion, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
Aguirre, J. M. de, and occupation of Saltillo, 1. 266, 508; and guerilla warfare, 2. 170; efforts to apprehend, 418. |
Aiken, William, opposes war, 1. 188. |
Alabama troops, first enlistments, 1. 195; at Tampico, 282, 512; at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 343; in Alvarado expedition, 344; leave Scott, 356; call (1847), 364, 365; in Taylor's later force, 417; slow response to call, 431. |
Alamán, Lucas, industrial scheme, 1. 16; appearance, 25; as real ruler, character, 43; and boundary negotiations, 60, 418-9; and Butler, 62, 420; and monarchy, 90, 214; on judicial system, 409; on Mexican character, 410; and American troops, 2. 230. |
Alamo massacre, American indignation, 1. 117. |
Albany, and Vera Cruz expedition, 2. 18; in attack on Tuxpán, 444; in Home Squadron, 445, 446. |
Albany Statesman, on tariff for Mexican ports, 2. 500. |
Alcorta, L. J., and executive power (1847), 2. 180; and armistice, 394; and war policy, 430. |
Alemán, Lieutenant, at Chapultepec, 2. 410. |
Aliens, Mexican antipathy and treatment, 1. 58, 74, 103, 416. See also Attitude towards United States. |
Allen, G. W., at Palo Alto, 1. 164. |
Allen, James, and Mormon battalion, 1. 290. |
Allen, William, and war bill, 1. 183; and Democratic dissension, 2. 496. |
Alleye de Cyprey, Baron. See Cyprey. |
Almonte, J. N., character, 1. 26; and annexation of Texas, 84, 87; belittles American chances in war, 104, 105, 107, 110, 115; excites fear, of Spanish America, 111; and European protection, 122; and outbreak of war, 201, 442; treachery to Paredes, 215; combination with Santa Anna, 216, 222; return to Mexico with Santa Anna, 486; Presidential candidacy (1846), 2. 5, 82, 84; arrested (1846), 84; anti-peace attitude (1847), 235, 236, 466; combination against Santa Anna, 134; and privateering, 191, 192; subsides, 242; candidacy for Senate, 474. |
Altata, blockaded, 2. 448. |
Alvarado, J. B., leader in California, 1. 319; and American occupation, 335. |
Alvarado, expedition, 2. 38, 344-5; blockade, 194; naval attacks, 197-9, 442; map, 198. |
Alvarez, Juan, at Acapulco, revolt (1846), 1. 216, 2. 448; seizes California expedition, 1. 522; supports Santa Anna (1847), 2. 86, 88; character, 88; in plan of defence of capital, 90; and Scott's advance to San Agustin, 95, 97, 374; and combination against Santa Anna, 134; at Molino del Rey, 142, 146; at siege of Puebla, 174, 175, 425; force (Oct. 1847), 182; and Scott at Puebla, 363; "pintos" in force, 369; and Contreras, 380; and Chapultepec, 408; in the city, 414; later movements, 425, 433; and Santa Anna's surrender of command, 429. |
Alvarez, Manuel, American consul at Sante Fe, and Armijo and Kearny's expedition, 1. 289. |
American Review, on spirit of expansion and unrest, 1. 123, 124; on Slidell mission, 133; on advance to Rio Grande, 459-61; on British criticism of military operations, 2. 307; on peace negotiations (1847), 400. |
American Star, accompanies Scott's army, 2. 227. |
Amigo del Pueblo, on Herrera's rule, 1. 56; on incitation to war, 87; on Slidell mission, 436; on California, 522. |
Amnesty, for Mexican political offenders, 2. 367. |
Amozoc, Worth at, Santa Anna's attack, 2. 69-70, 360. |
Ampudia, Pedro de, cruel execution of Sentmanat, 1. 117; commands at Matamoros, 148; and Taylor, 148, 149, 158, 455; intention to attack, subordinated to Arista, 149, 455; and guerillas, 153; character and appearance, 158, 234; propaganda among American troops, 160; in advance, 162; before Fort Brown, 164, 166, 176, 468; at Palo Alto, 165; and rumors of Arista's treachery, 168, 172; at Resaca de la Palma, 174; preparations and force at Monterey, 230-1, 234, 494; position and policy in command at Monterey, 234; "Culinary Knight," 241; during attack on city, 241, 242, 248, 255, 258, 259, 501; capitulation and retirement, 259, 502, 504; and Pass of Rinconada, 265, 508; at Buena Vista, 366, 388-91; and Wool's march, 510; force at San Luis Potosi, 550; trial, 550; hostility to Santa Anna, 2. 82; sent away, 84. |
Amusements, Mexican, 1. 19, 23, 24, 27. |
Anaya, J. P., at Mazatlán, 2. 448. |
Anaya, P. M., substitute President, 2. 15; council to consider defence of capital, 79; on effect of Cerro Gordo, 80; and Santa Anna, 82, 92; and Santa Anna's return to capital, 83; at Churubusco, 110; chosen interim President, 236; suppresses warparty insurrection, 236; term expires, 240; appearance, at exchange of ratifications, 251; brigade, 369; in meeting of governors on peace, 464. |
Anderson, Robert, military book, 1. 451; and volunteer officers, 481; on American rule in Puebla, 2. 225; on effect of victories, 305; on Cerro Gordo, 354; on Worth, 360. |
Andrade, Manuel, at Cedral, 1. 553; at Buena Vista, 557; at Molino del Key, 2. 141, 146, 404. |
Andrews, T. P., at Chapultepec, 2. 154; regiment, 363; at Churubusco, 385. See also Voltigeurs. |
Angeles. See Los Angeles. |
Angostura, at Buena Vista, 1. 383-6. |
Annexations of Mexican War, Mexican desire for, effect on, of occupation, 2. 125, 215, 323; as only guaranty of order, 234; plan to absorb Mexico, 243-4, 309; opposition to any, 274, 287-9, 492, 498, 502; and Wilmot Proviso, 287-8, 498; foreign opinion on, 297, 308; Yucatan, 472; Polk and policy, 502. See also California; Expansion; Peace; Texas. |
Antigua, expedition, 2. 38, 344. Antislavery sentiment, as expected factor in war, 1. 105, 107; and Mexico, 119. See also Slavery. |
Antón Lizardo, rendezvous of Vera Cruz expedition, 2. 17, 332. Apache Canyon, N. Mex., expected fight at, 1. 293-5, 516. |
Apodaca, Juan Ruiz de, and liberal constitution, 1. 32. |
Appropriations for American navy, 1. 190, 2. 189. See also Finances. |
Arab, Santa Anna returns in, 1. 486. |
Arbitrary rule, tradition, 1. 30. |
Arbitration of claims on Mexico, 1. 79-81, 429-31. |
Archer, William S., and advance to Rio Grande, 1. 152; and war bill, 182; and British mediation, 2. 504. |
style="padding-left:2em; text-indent:-2em;"|Argüelles, D. (at Belen garita, 2. 159, 160. |
Arista, Mariano, position, commands at Matamoros, 1. 149; orders troops to cross and attack, 149; on beginning of war, 155; force, 158; propaganda among American troops, 160; and outlook, 161; advance on Taylor's communications, 162, 464; battle of Palo Alto, 164-70, 465; treachery rumored, 168, 172; battle of Resaca de la Palma, 170-6, 467; position after battle, 177; retires from Matamoros, 177-8, 469; relieved of command, 178; pursuit, 204; effect of defeat, 213; rebuilds army, 225, 489; and Fort Brown, 468; hostility to Santa Anna, 2. 82; sent away, 84; refuses command, 182. |
Aristocracy, conditions, aspect, 1. 5. 23-7; fears American influence, 103, See also Oligarchy. |
Arkansas troops, and Santa Anna's advance, 1. 383, 554; at Buena Vista, 386, 555, 558; in Wool's march, 509; call (1847), 2. 365; in Taylor's later force, 417. |
Arlégui, J. M. de, and Doniphan's expedition, 1. 521. |
Armijo, Manuel, control of New Mexico, character, 1. 285, 2. 216; and advance of Kearny's expedition, 1. 289, 292-3, 516; wavering and flight, 294-5, 516-7. |
Armistice, Taylor's, at Monterey, 1. 259, 501-6; terminated, 263-4; after Churubusco, 2. 133; Santa Anna's activity and position, 134; peace negotiations during, 135-8, 396-400; question of extension, 136, 398; Santa Anna violates, 137; terminated, 138, 399; results, 138; terms, 394; wisdom, 394; clashes during, 396; opposing views on, 399; question and renewed peace negotiations, 240, 242; after signing of peace treaty, terms, 242, 471. |
Arms, Mexican, 1. 156-7, 462; of American army, 450. |
Army, American, character of official reports, 1. ix, 404; belittled by foreigners, 105; condition, arms (1845), 139, 450-1; war acts on regulars, 190, 191, 474; attitude of regulars, 208, 481; size before call for Vera Cruz expedition, 537; regular force during war, recruiting, 537; Ten Regiment Bill and amendment, 2. 74-6, 363; question of lieutenant generalcy and major general cy commanding for Benton, 75, 365; character of new officers under Ten Regiment Bill, 76; statistical facts, 318, 511, 512; regulars and volunteers contrasted, 319-20, 512-3; character of special arms, 320, 513; general character and achievement, 321; Voltigeurs, 363; bounty, 364; authorized regular (1847), 431; supposed size (Nov. 1847), 432. See also Morale; Mounted Riflemen; Voltigeurs; Volunteers; and officers and campaigns by name, regular regiments by number, and volunteers by name of state. |
Army, Mexican, position and character of officers, 1. 8-10, 408; of rank and file, 10; cavalry and artillery, 11; and Iturbide, 35; power, 36; supports Guerrero, 41; and Bustamante, 43; backs Santa Anna (1832), 45; Farias' attempted reforms, 45; makes Santa Anna dictator, 46; and Seven Laws, 47; and financial crisis, 48; revolts against Santa Anna, 53; and Herrera, 55; foreign opinion, 106, 440; Mexican opinion, 106; organization and condition (1845), 156-7, 461-2; size then, 157; and Paredes, 214; fragmentary character, 494; condition and command after elimination of Santa Anna (1847), 2. 182, 429-30; as fighters, 311; and civil discouragement, 509. See also commanders and campaigns by name, especially Ampudia; Arista; Santa Anna. |
Army of the East, Mexican, 2. 88, 369. |
Army of the North, Mexican, 2. 88, 369. See also Valencia. |
Army of the South, Mexican, 2. 88. See also Alvarez. |
Arrangóiz, J., Mexican consul at New Orleans, on hope in privateering, 1. 109. |
Arriero, 1. 18. |
Arroyo, Miguel, and douceur fund, 2. 391. |
Arroyo Colorado, Mejia's ruse at crossing, 1. 147. |
Art of war, 1. 405. |
Arteaga, M., at Cerro Gordo, 2. 347, 352. |
Artillery, Mexican, 1. 11, 156, 461-2; in Monterey campaign, 1. 228; field, of American army at outbreak of war, 450; in Scott's army. 2. 77, 365; character of American, 320. See also regiments by number. |
Artillery Battalion, in Monterey campaign, 1. 241, 242, 244, 492, 496, 501, 508; at Resaca de la Palma, 467. See also Childs. |
Ashburnham, Charles, British charge at Mexico, on Mexican relations, 1. 74; on Mexican obduracy, 134. |
Ashburton, Baron, and California, 1. 524; and control of Mexico, 2. 309. |
Ashmun, George, and advance to Rio Grande, 1. 456. |
Assessments, American, on Mexicans, 2. 264-6, 485-8. |
Atalaya, hill at Cerro Gordo, 2. 45 ; occupied by Americans, 50-3. |
Athenæum, and American absorption of Mexico, 2. 297. |
Atlixco, aspect, Rea at, 2. 178; Lane's attack, 179, 426. |
Atocha, A. J., and Santa Anna, 1. 202 ; and peace negotiations, 2. 123, 124, 126, 387. |
Atristain, Miguel, peace commissioner, 2. 135, 239. |
Attitude toward Mexico, American, 1. 58, 60, 61, 65, 76-8, 85, 88-91, 95, 100, 101, 117-21, 125-7, 130-4, 323, 332, 422, 428, 429, 434-6, 439, 443-5, 458-61, 2. 121, 123, 310, 508. See also Conquered territory; Diplomatic intercourse; Outbreak; Preparation. |
Attitude toward the war, of Mexican people, 1. 115-6, 442, 2. 312, 510. See also Opposition; Popularity ; Preparation. |
Attitude toward United States, Mexican, 1. 28, 57-61, 63, 67, 70, 77, 81, 1 83, 102, 109, 111, 116, 161, 375-6, 418, 423, 431, 484, 2. 124, 310. See also Diplomatic intercourse; Outbreak; Preparation. |
Aulick, J. H., at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 238. |
Aurora de la Libertad, excites fears of Spanish America, 1. 112; appeal to Europe, 114. |
Avalos, F., and plans against Taylor, 2. 165, 419. |
Ayotla, Twiggs at, 2. 94. |
Ayuntamientos, in occupied territory, 2. 229, 461. |
B |
Backus, Electus, at Monterey, 1. 252, 500; on mistakes there, 502. |
Badillo, Colonel, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 44. |
Bahía company, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
Baker, E. D., wounded, 1. 207; on war and expansion, 444; and absorption of Mexico, 2. 243; at Cerro Gordo, 352. |
Balderas, Lucas, killed at Molino del Key, 2. 145. |
Baldwin, John, claim, 1. 427. |
Ballentine, George, on American infantry, 1. 451; on Tampico and American occupation, 2. 461. |
Baltimore American, on California, 1. 325. |
Baltimore troops. See Washington and Baltimore battalion. |
Bancroft, George, on Polk and California, 1. 127; on Polk's reluctance to fight, 127, 133; on Polk's ability, 129; and war, 181; instructions to Sloat, 530; as secretary of the navy, 2. 190; and plan to attack Ulúa, 201; and Conner, 201; and absorption of Mexico, 243; on war finances, 260; on victories and foreign relations, 305; on British and war annexations, 309; on influence abroad of war, 324. |
Bancroft, H. H., on Castro's meeting, 1. 526; on Gillespie, 526; on Sloat, 530, 531. |
Baneneli, J., at Cerro Gordo, 2. 55. |
Bankhead, Charles, British minister at Mexico, and annexation of Texas, 1. 85; and Mexican-American relations, 91-3, 435; and Oregon and Mexican controversies, 1 14-5; on Rio Grande campaign, 179, 180; on Mexican abandonment of California, 319, 322; on Mexican war enthusiasm, 442; on Santa Anna and peace (1846), 487; on factions of Federalists, 2.4; on Mexican finances, 8, 328; on Mexican attitude toward peace (1846), 122, 386; and Trist mission, 129-31, 133, 390; and privateering, 192; and mediation, 368, 504; on evacuation of city, 415. |
Bankhead, James, occupation of Córdoba and Orizaba, 2. 184-5, 222, 433; at siege of Vera Cruz, 335; in command at Vera Cruz, 432, 457. |
Banking, Mexican attempt, 1. 17. See also Finances. |
Baranda, Manuel, and return of Santa Anna, 1. 221, 2. 368; and Trist mission, 132, 390. |
Barbour, P. N. at Resaca de la Palma, 1. 174. Barker, E. C., acknowledgment to, 1. 450. Barnburners, and Polk, 2. 270, 281. |
Barrios, Colonel, at Belen garita, 2. 159, 160. |
Barron, E., British consul at Tepic, and California, 1. 524. |
Beach, Moses Y., in Mexico, intrigue, 2. 11-4, 65; escape, 14, 332; and absorption of Mexico, 243; on intrigue, 331. |
Beale, E. F., and battle of San Pascual, 1. 535. |
Beale's grant, 1. 449. |
Bear Flag war, 1. 331-3, 528-9, 531. |
Beauregard, P. G. T., and landing at Vera Cruz, 2. 23, 336; at Cerro Gordo, 50, 350; reconnoitres Contreras route, 103; on plan of attack of capital, 149; at Belén garita, wounded, 160, 415; engineer with Scott, 366; at battle of Contreras, 379; reconnoitres southern approach of capital, 408; on Mexican soldiers, 509. |
Béjar company, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
Belén garita and citadel, 2. 147; Quitman's attack, 158-60, 162, 412, 4146. |
Belknap, W. G., at Palo Alto, 1. 164 ; at Resaca de la Palma, 174. |
Belknap, Camp, 1. 206. |
Belmont, August, and American funds in Mexico, 2. 266, 488; and war loans, 482. |
Belton, F. M., at Tampico, 1. 281, 512. |
Benham, F. G., at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 338. |
Benham, H. W., on Taylor's carelessness at Agua Nueva, 1. 549. |
Benjamin, Calvin, at Chapultepec, 2. 156; at Belén garita, killed; 160. |
Benjamin, Park, on call to arms, 1. 193. |
Bentinck, Lord George, and interposition, 2. 302. |
Benton, T. H., on Polk and war, 1. 130; and war, 182, 183, 471; on cause of war, 189; and Scott, 197, 354; welcome to Doniphan's force, 314; war plan, 349, 351; on advance to Rio Grande, 458; and Doniphan's expedition, 517; on Gillespie's mission to Frémont, 528; and lieutenant generalcy, 2. 75, 363 ; and peace, 123; opposes Slidell as peace commissioner, 126; and treaty of peace, 247, 473, 475; public land gradation policy, 261, 482; and tariff for Mexican ports, 261; character and leadership, 282, 291; and major-generalcy, 365. |
Bent's Fort, Kearny's expedition at, 1. 288-9, 515. |
Bermúdez de Castro, Salvador, Spanish minister at Mexico, and Slidell mission, 1. 100; on Mexican aggression, 455; on Mexican finances, 2. 8; on difficulties of march to Mexico City, 37; on Trist mission, 132; and peace, 133; and privateering, 192; and war, 298; on American army, 321; on Scott's expedition, 357. |
Berra, F., at Monterey, 1. 248. |
Berrien, J. M., and war bill, 1. 183; and treaty of peace, 2. 247; no annexation plan, 287-8, 498. |
Biddle, James, on Asia station, 2. 189: commands Pacific squadron, vessels, 206, 447. |
Bidwell, John, and Bear Flag war, 1. 529. |
Bishop's Palace at Monterey, in battle, capture, 1. 239, 245, 247-8. |
Bissell, W. H., at Buena Vista, 1. 390, 391, 394. |
Black, John, American consul at Mexico, and restoration of intercourse, 1.89, 91, 96; and Slidell mission, 145, 453; report on Santa Anna's attitude, 201; expelled, 2. 41; and peace negotiations, 122. |
Black, S. W., at siege of Puebla, 2. 174, 424. |
Black Pass. See Hoya. |
Blair, F. P., Sr., warning on political effect of war, 1. 353; on Polk, 2. 270; on excesses in New Mexico, 453. |
Blake, J. E., at Palo Alto, 1. 165. |
Blanchard, A. G., in Monterey campaign, 1. 241, 245, 247, 492, 496-8; advance to Saltillo, 264. |
Blanco, Colonel, and Wool's march, 1. 273, 274, 510; guerilla, 274, 283. Blanco, S., at Buena Vista, 1. 389. |
Bliss, W. W. S., as Taylor's adjutant, 1. 141, 261, 451, 2. 318; on Rio Grande campaign, 1. 179; parley after Buena Vista, 398; at Palo Alto, 466. |
Blockade, not feared by Mexico, 1. 110; expected European difficulty, 114; policy, character, 2. 193, 208, 303, 440; physical difficulties, 194-5 ; on Pacific coast, 205-6, 446, 448. |
Bloomington (Muscatine), Iowa, on good will toward Mexico, 2. 508. |
Boca Chica, 1. 205, 480. |
Bocanegra, J. M., character, 1. 25 ; American correspondence, 68; and decree expelling Americans, 73 ; and Texas, 84, 85, 419, 433. |
Bocas, force at, 1. 553. |
Boletín Oficial, on Mexican army, 1. 106; on Santa Anna, 487. |
Bonham, M. L., regiment, 2. 363 ; leaves Mexico City, 476. |
Bonita, captured, 1. 511; at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 238; added to navy, 438; in Home Squadron, 442, 446 ; in attack at Tuxpán, 444. |
Bonneville, B. L. E., and Wool, 1. 509. |
Borland, Solon, carelessness and capture, 1. 370-1. See also Encarnación prisoners. |
Boston, wrecked, 2. 449. |
Boston Atlas, demand for war, 1. 456 ; on Folk's Cabinet, 2. 270; on Polk, 275, 276; on outlook of war, 277; encourages enemy, 280; on tariff, 286; on Folk's war policy, 288. |
Botts, J. M., opposes war, 1. 189. |
Bouck, W. C., federal appointment, 2. 271. |
Boundaries, Mexican negotiation on Louisiana Purchase, 1. 59-61, 418; Sabine River, 63; offer of compensation for proper Texan, 84-5, 88, 91, 95, 436; southern, of Texas, 138, 449, 457, 470; Texan, in peace negotiations, 2. 135-6, 238, 396, 399, 463, 464, 469. See also Annexations. |
Bounty in Ten Regiment Bill, 2. 364, 490. |
Bowles, W. A., at Buena Vista, 1. 388, 390, 391, 555, 557. |
Boyd, J. McH., American chargé at London, reports cited passim. |
Bragg, Braxton, force in Texas, 1. 146, 452; at Fort Brown, 163; at Monterey, 251, 254, 492, 496; at Buena Vista, 388, 390-2, 395, 555, 557, 558; on reports, 404; field battery, 450; in Harney's brigade, 541; on Scott's order against the cabal, 2. 436; sent to New Mexico, 475. |
Bravo, Nicolás, as partisan leader, 1. 32; revolt against Itúrbide, 35 ; Presidential candidacy, 37; attempted revolt (1827), 38; pardoned, 44; acting President (1846), reforms, 217; and revolt, 217; incites against United States, 418 ; and Santa Anna (1847), 2. 82, 83; retires, 84; at Churubusco, 113, 117 ; and desire for peace, 122; at Chapultepec, surrenders, 153, 155, 157, 408, 411; and guerilla warfare, 173. |
Bravos battalion, formation, 2. 3; at Churubusco, 111. |
Brazito affair, 1. 301-2, 518. |
Brazos Island, camp, 1. 205. |
Breckenridge, H. M., claims commissioner, 1. 430. |
Breese, Sidney, position in Senate, 2. 496. |
Bribery money in peace negotiations, 2. 131-2, 390. |
Bridgehead at Churubusco, 2. Ill ; maps, 112, 113; attack and capture, 114-6, 383. |
Briggs, G. N., on attitude toward war, 2. 492. |
Brinkerhoff, Jacob, and advance to Rio Grande, 1. 456; position in House, 2. 496; and Wilmot Proviso, 498. |
Briscoe, W. F., guerilla attack on, 2. 423. |
Britannia, on American army, 1. 105 ; on military titles, 2. 295; on people, 295; on Polk, 300; on conquests in India, 302; on guerilla warfare, 306; criticism of military operations, 307, 308; on absorption of Mexico, 309. |
British in Mexico, merchants, 1. 5, 17; mining companies, 15. |
Broglie, Duc de, and war, 2. 303. |
Brokers, in Mexican public finances, 2. 327. |
Brooke, G. M., and reinforcement of Tampico, 1. 282, 512; and alarm over Buena Vista, 400. |
Brooks, W. T. H., at Contreras, 2. 108. |
Brough, C. H., in Lane's march to Puebla, 2. 426. |
Brown, | , American agent to Santa Anna, 1. 479.
Brown, Jacob, at Fort Brown, 1. 163 ; killed, 176, 468. |
Brown, Milton, on advance to Rio Grande, 1. 457. |
Brown, Fort, construction, position, map, 1. 148, 159, 463, 468; attack on, and battle of Resaca de la Palma, 164, 176, 467-9; former names, 454. |
Bryce, James, on justice of expansion, 2. 323. |
Buchanan, James, and Almonte, 1. 87; and Slidell mission, instructions, 95, 100, 127, 436-7; on war spirit, 126; on peaceful policy, 131; and monarchist plans in Mexico, 135, 448 ; and southern boundary of Texas, 139; and California, 327; and defensive-line policy, 348; and Patterson, 351; and war programme, 351; and Parrott, 434; and Gillespie, 528; desire for peace negotiations, 2. 121; overtures (1846), 122, 386; and Trist, 127, 128; appearance, 128; and recall of Trist, 236, 237, 464; and absorption of Mexico, 243, 244; opposes treaty, 246, 471; as Cabinet officer, 282; and Dallas faction, 282; circular and conciliation of European opinion, 297, 502; and British offer of mediation, 301, 504; and Beach, 331; and Scott-Trist, 390; does not expect peace, 391; on Texas and Kearny's occupation of New Mexico, 497; and annexation and slavery, 502; and Polk, 510. |
Buena Vista, later force at, 2. 417, 418; mutiny, 418. See also next title. |
Buena Vista campaign, Taylor's insubordinate advance to Agua Nueva, 1. 368, 373-4, 547-8; carelessness and capture of Wool's scouting parties, 3701; lessened morale of Wool's force, 371; Taylor's unstrategic position and carelessness, 374, 549, 550; assembling of Santa Anna's army, 374-9, 550; plan to attack Taylor's weak and isolated force, 379, 543, 552; Mexican advance for surprise, 380-8, 553, 554; map of route between Mexico and Agua Nueva, 381; Mexican force, 381, 552; flight of Americans to Buena Vista, 382-3, 554; map of roads between Monterey and El Encarnacion, 382; Taylor's trips to Saltillo, 383, 388, 555, 556; pursuit of Americans, 384, 555; Santa Anna's failure to charge, 384; his play for time, 385, 555; field, 385; American position and force, 386, 548, 555; flank movement on American left, 386, 388; map of field, 387; condition of troops during night, 388; second day: mass in Mexican army, 388; continuation of flanking, 389, 390; repulse of Blanco's frontal charge, 389; Pacheco's advance on American left, 389-91, 557, 558; repulse of flanking force, 391; repulse of Pacheco, 391; rout of flanking force, ruse to save it, 392-3, 558; criticism of Santa Anna's tactics, 393, 558; Hardin's charge and repulse, 393, 559; repulse of Perez's charge on centre, 394-5; Minon's repulse at Saltillo, 395, 555, 556, 559; factors in American success, Taylor, 395-6, 559; Mexican valor, 396; losses and condition of American army, 396, 561; Taylor's determination to hold ground, 397, 561; condition of the Mexican army, 397; Santa Anna's retirement to preserve organization, 397-8, 562; parley, 398, 562; horrors of Mexican retreat, 399; Santa Anna credited with victory, 399; Taylor's tardy advance, 399; forays in his rear, 399, 562; alarm in United States, reaction, 400; Mexican batteries, 556; question of Taylor's order to retreat, 558; foreign comment, 2. 307. |
Bullion, export forbidden, 2. 487. |
Burke, Edmund, on arbitrary government, 1. 52; on political slavery, 2. 311. |
Burnett, E. C., acknowledgment to, 1. 419. |
Burnett, W. B., wounded at Churubusco, 2. 117. |
Burns, | , paymaster, and Leonidas letter, 2. 435, 437.
Burr, Aaron, and spirit of expansion, 1. 123, 444. Burrita, expedition, 1. 177, 469; camp, 206. |
Burrough, Marmaduke, American consul at Vera Cruz, reports cited passim. |
Burton, H. S., in Lower California, 2. 448, 449, 476. |
Bustamante, Anastasio, Vice-President, revolt, 1. 43; as President, 43; resigns, reëlevates Pedraza, 45; returns to power, Santa Anna undermines, 47-51; and California, 319; and chief command, 2. 182. |
Butler, Andrew P., position in Senate, 2. 496. |
Butler, Anthony, as minister at Mexico, 1. 62, 419, 420; and Sabine River boundary, 64; and claims, 76, 427, 428; and Scott, 476. |
Butler, B. F., on Polk, 2. 272. |
Butler, P. M., killed, 2. 117. See also Palmetto. |
Butler, W. O., division in march to Monterey, 1. 229, 492, 496; in battle of Monterey, 252-4, 499; command and force at Monterey (Dec. 1846), 283, 357; and command of Vera Cruz expedition, 351; and expected attack, 358; Scott's instructions on troops for Vera Cruz, 362; in command at Saltillo, 370, 549; at Brazos, 476; takes reinforcements to Scott, 2. 184; succeeds Scott, 188, 438; evacuates Mexico City, 252, 476; and Price's Resales expedition, 419; retained in service, 432; division garrisoned at Molino del Rey, 461; and peace commission, 464. |
C |
Cabinet, character of Folk's, 2. 269, 282. |
Cadereita, aspect, 1. 357. |
Cadwalader, George, reinforcements for Scott, 2. 77; brigade in Scott's army, 78, 363; at Contreras, 105, 108, 379; at Churubusco, 110; advance after armistice, 142; at Molino del Rey, 144-6, 402, 403; at San Cosme garita, 161, 414; and douceur, 391; and plan of attack on capital, 408; at Chapultepec, 410; occupies Toluca, 433; leaves Mexico, 438. |
Cahuenga, capitulation of, 1. 345. |
Calderón de la Barca, J. M., Spanish minister at Washington, on Mexican army, 1. 106. |
Calhoun, J. C., and annexation of Texas, 1. 84, 86, 433; opposition to war, 123, 182, 183, 185-7, 189, 443, 472; desire to supplant, 123, 2. 257; on unrest, 1. 124; and defensive-line policy, 348, 2. 183; and advance to the Rio Grande, 1. 457, 458; and Oregon question, 458; and lieutenant generalcy for Benton, 2. 75; and peace, 125; and Folk's Cabinet, 269; encourages enemy, 281; followers and Polk, 281, 496; character and leadership, 282, 291; and Wilmot Proviso, 287; on treaty of peace, 472; and war annexations, 499. |
California, Jones at Monterey, 1. 69, 423; abuse and expulsion of Americans, 71, 73, 423; misgovernment and expulsion of Mexican officials, virtual abdication, 87, 319-22, 522, 523; European interference feared, American precautions against it, 90, 95, 325-6, 530; offer to purchase, 95, 436; attitude of American government, 127, 324-5; conditions under Mexican rule, 315; population, 315; character and life of Californians, 315-7; map of coast, (1846), 316; map of northern, 317; foreign element, commerce, 317-9, 521; question of future, American interest, 322-4, 444, 523; Great Britain and, 323-5, 334, 336, 524, 527, 531, 2. 302, 308, 505; France and, 1. 324, 32/, 523; expected peaceful acquisition, 325; and cause of Mexican War, 326, 526; attitude of Californians toward foreign control, 327-9, 526; factional war (1846), 329, 527; Frémont and Castro, 331, 528; Gillespie and Frémont's return, Bear Flag war, 331-3, 528-9, 531; its results, 333; Sloat's hesitation, 333-4, 530, 531; possession taken at Monterey, 334-5, 531; defensive union of factions, 335; Stockton-Frémont union and address, 336, 532; first southern campaign, 336-7, 532; Stockton's rule, 337-8; rising in south against Gillespie's rule, 338-9, 533-1; second southern campaign, 339-46, 534-6; Kearny, battle of San Pascual, 341, 534; American force, 342, 535, 2. 219, 432; advance and recapture of Los Angeles, 1. 342-4; Frémont's conduct, his capitulation with insurgents, 345-6, 535-6, 2. 218; results, 1. 346, 536; in peace negotiations and treaty, 135, 136, 238, 240, 248, 468, 469; under American rule, 217-20, 285, 454; justice of acquisition, 322, 514; friction between Kearny and Frémont, 454. |
Callender, F. D., at Contreras, 2. 104, 105. |
Camargo, occupation, as camp, 1. 210, 484; camp broken up, 356; troops left at, 493; force at (Oct.), 506. |
Cameron, J. A., American consul at Vera Cruz, reports cited passim. |
Campbell, J. A., opposes war, 1. 189. |
Campbell, R. B., American consul at Havana, and Santa Anna, 1. 221; on strength of Ulúa, 536; and spy for Scott, 2. 332. |
Campbell, W. B., in battle of Monterey, 1. 249, 252; on mistakes at Monterey, 502, 505; on Taylor, 549, 2. 316; at Cerro Gordo, 56, 57, 353; on attitude on reinlistment, 63; on Pillow, 377, 435. |
Campomanes (Campos), | , intermediary between Scott and clergy, 2. 357.
Campos. See Campomanes. |
Camps, Taylor's, at Corpus Christi, 1. 143; Texan, of Taylor's reinforcements, 205-7, 480; Camargo, sickness, 211, 484, 493; Cerralvo, 212, 229, 493; Scott's, before Vera Cruz, 2. 27; Vergara, 222. |
Campusano, Antonio, at Guaymas, 2. 206, 209, 447. |
Canales, Antonio, force at Matamoros, 1. 158; character, 158; at Palo Alto, 165, 166; at Resaca de la Palma, 171, 174; and Fort Brown, 176; leaves Taylor's advance unopposed, 226, 236, 495; guerilla warfare, 479, 2. 169-70. |
Canalizo, Valentín, command below Perote, and preparations, 2. 40, 41, 47, 61, 347; at Cerro Gordo, 45, 352; in the battle, 52, 55; and Santa Anna at Orizaba, 68; and army at capital, 88; in plan of its defence, 90; fails, 95; combination against Santa Anna, 134. |
Canitz, Baron von, Prussian minister of foreign relations, and the war, 2. 298, 403. |
Canning, George, on national responsibility, 1. 76. |
Cano, Juan, at La Hoya, 2. 42; at Cerro Gordo, 44. |
Cárdenas, J., protest to Taylor, 1. 454. |
Carmelita, captured, 2. 191. |
Carmen Island, occupied, 2. 204. |
Carnero Pass, Taylor and, 1. 549. |
Carpender, E. W., and loss of Truxtun, 2. 445. |
Carrasco, J. M., at Monterey, 1. 252. Carson, Kit, and battle of San Pascual, 1. 535. |
Casa Mata, defences, 2. 140; force, 142; capture, 145, 146, 403; blown up, 404. |
Casey, Silas, at Chapultepec, 2. 153, 156, 410; wounded, 157. |
Cass, Lewis, and Gaines's Texan expedition, 1. 66; and war bill, 183 ; and Oregon, 200; on defensive-line policy, 348; and absorption of Mexico, 2. 243; and Barnburners, 281; character and leadership, 282 ; on annexation of Texas, 509. |
Castillo, Pedro Fernández del, as claims commissioner, 1. 80, 429-31. |
Castillo y Lanzas, J. M. de, minister at Washington, 1. 77; minister of relations, and Slidell, 100, 120, 438, 439; on approach of war, 104. |
Castro, José, leader in California, 1. 319; comandante general, 319 ; and foreign occupation, 328, 329, 526; civil war with Pico, 329; and Frémont, 331, 528; and American occupation, 335-7, 530, 532; leaves, 337, 533; and Bear Flag war, 529 ; returns, 2. 219. |
Caswell, W. R., on Pillow, 1. 361. |
Causes of the war, in general, 1. 5899, 102-16, 134-7, 148-5X), 153-5, 158, 179, 185, 432-3, 439, 442, 448, 457-61, 470-3; special, 189-90, 4713; advance to Rio Grande not cause, 154-5. See also Outbreak ; Preparation. |
Cavalry, Mexican, 1. 11, 19; in Scott's advance on Mexico, 2. 77; call for American volunteer, 365. See also Dragoons. |
Ceballos, Ramón de, on treatment by Americans, 2. 324. |
Cedral, force at, 1. 553. |
Centralists, oligarchy as, 1. 37; party resentment, 38-9; Santa Anna supports, 46-7, 415; rule, 47-8; and Farias (1846), 2. 9. See also Federalism; Oligarchy. |
Cerralvo, as camp, 1. 212, 229, 493; occupied, 229, 562; force at, 2. 417. |
Cerro Gordo, as defensive point, 2. 40, 41; map of contour lines near, 40; selected as point to resist Scott's advance, 42; field, defences, 42-5, 347, 348; general map of battle, 43 ; size and condition of Mexican force, 44-5, 347; Twiggs's force and artillery, 45; Twiggs's character, 48 ; his blunder into, and retreat, 48 ; question of precipitous assault, 489; Scott on field, 49; reconnaissance, 50, 349; Scott's force, 50; advance flanking Mexican left, 50-1, 53, 55, 350-2, 354; map of central part of battle, 51; capture of La Atalaya, 51; attacks on and capture of Télegrafo, 52-5, 350, 352, 354; flight of flanked Mexicans, 54, 58-9 ; Pillow's mismanaged attack, 56-8, 352-3; pursuit to Jalapa, 58, 59, 354; spoils, losses, 58, 353; character of Scott's report, 59, 354; effect on Mexicans, 80. |
Chachapa conference, 2. 70, 360. |
Chalco, Worth at, 2. 94. |
Chamberlain, S. E., on retreat to Buena Vista, 1. 554. |
Chapultepec, and battle of Molino del Rey, 2. 143, 145, 402, 403; and approach of Mexico City, 149; decision to attack, 149, 408; position and defences, 149-52, 405-6, 408; maps, 150, 151; American dispositions and bombardment, 152-3, 409 ; plan for assault, 153; misgivings, 153-4; attack on grove and outworks, 154, 155; problem of Santa Anna's support, 154-5, 410; charge to the fosse, delay, 155-6, 409; attack on gateway, 156, 158, 411; capture of fort, 157, 410, 411; view from, 158; losses, 158,411; Worth's advance, 160, 410; and armistice, 394; Mexican force, 408; wisdom of attack, 408; threat to American rear during attack, 410 |
Character, Mexican, 1. 3-7, 15, 18-28, 53, 57, 115, 229, 266, 285, 293, 295, 315-7, 320, 333, 339, 346, 396, 407-9, 416-8, 438, 455, 2. 1-2, 31, 32, 45, 63, 79-87, 91-2. 132, 136, 170, 228, 230-1, 233-5. 251, 254, 297, 306, 3102, 323, 327, 329, 346, 367, 449, 450, 461, 509. See-also Population; Social condition. |
Charleston Courier, on war spirit, 1. 132; and the war, 473. |
Charleston Mercury, on Folk's alarm, 1. 476. |
Charleston Patriot, and the war, 1. 473. |
Chase, Franklin, consul at Tampico, and occupation of city, 1. 279, 511. Chase, Mrs. Franklin, and occupation of Tampico, 1. 279, 511. |
Cheatham, B. F., on mistakes at Monterey, 1. 502. |
Chew, Samuel, claim, 1. 426. |
Chihuahua, situation, 1. 3; plans for expedition against, 266; gathering of Wool's force, 267-70; his advance to Monclova, 270-3, 509; his difficulties, 273-4, 509-10; advance to Parras, 274-5, 510; diversion of Wool's march, 275; results of march, 276, 510; and caravan trade, 286; Doniphan's force against, 298-9, 519; his march to El Paso, Brazito affair, 299-303, 518; his advance to Sacramento River, 303-4, 519"; political affairs and preparations against Doniphan, Mexican force, 304-6, 519; battle of Sacramento, 306-13, 520; occupied, 313, 520; Doniphan's negotiations, 313; his march to Saltillo, 313, 521; occupied by Price, 2. 166, 419; under American rule, 454. |
Chihuahua Rangers, in Doniphan's expedition, 303, 519. |
Childs, Thomas, at Palo Alto, 1. 164; at Monterey, 241, 246; at Jalapa, 2. 361; command at Puebla, besieged, 2. 174-8, 424; as governor, 226. |
Chimalpa, Pillow at, 2. 95. |
China, Mexico, proposed attack on Texans at, 1. 235. |
Chiquihuite, as defensive point, 2. 41. |
Chronology of the war, 1. xix-xxi. |
Churchill, Sylvester, in Wool's march, 1. 270, 273. |
Churchill, W. H., at Palo Alto, 1. 164, 167, 466. |
Churubusco, defences, 2. 98, 110-1, 382; map of battle, 111; maps of bridgehead, 112, 113; capture of San Antonio, 112; pursuit of Mexicans to bridgehead, 113; Coyoacán as American point of concentration, 112, 382, 383; attack and capture of convent, 113-4, 117, 382, 383, 385; map of convent, 114; attack and capture of bridgehead, 114-6, 383; Shields-Pierce flank attack, 115-7, 384; pursuit of Mexicans, 117; Kearny's charge, 118; losses, spoils, 118; American elation, 1189; Scott's army after the battle, 120; why not followed up, 120-1 386, 393; Scott's probable plan, 383; as blunder, 383; effect on morale, 384; Mexican force, 385; Pillow's troops in, 385; fate of captured American deserters, 385. |
Citadel at Mexico City, 2. 159, 160, 413, 415. |
Cities of Mexico, 1. 2. |
Civil service, Mexican, character, 1. 11, 20. |
Claiborne, J. F. H., on war spirit, 1. 444. |
Claims against Mexico, European, 1, 74, 425; American, and conduct of Americans, 74; character and justice, 74-6, 424-7; American patience and forbearance, 76, 427; Jackson's Message (1837), 77-8, 428; demand (1837), 78-9, 429; arbitration, delays, 79-80, 429-31; award (1841), convention on payments, cessation of payments, excuse, 80, 431; question in efforts for resumption of intercourse, 92-5, 97, 435; Mexican attitude, 103; and cause of war, 120, 132, 134, 190, 448, 2. 279; Folk's review, 49; assumption in treaty of peace, 241, 468, 469; necessity of enforcement, 311. |
Clamor de las Ovejas, 2. 346. |
Clark, M. L., in Kearny's expedition, 1. 288; to hold Santa Fe, 298; joins Doniphan, 299, 303, 519; in battle of Sacramento, 310, 312. |
Clarke, N. S., command at Matamoros, 1. 493; brigade in Scott's army, 2. 77; at Churubusco, 112, 113; at Molino del Rey, 144, 145, 402, 403; at Chapultepec, 157, 409; at San Cosme garita, 161, 162; occupies Cuernavaca, 433. |
Classes, Mexican. See Population. |
Clausewitz, Karl von, on simplicity of war, 1. 508. |
Clay, C. M., captured, 1. 370-1. See also Encarnación prisoners. |
Clay, Henry [1], on cause of war, 1. 189; speech and resolution on war, 2. 289; war programme, 290; results of policy, 314. |
Clay, Henry [2], killed, 1. 394. |
Clayton, J. M., and war bill, 1. 182; defence of Taylor, 260; and tariff of 1846, 2. 257, 496; position in Senate, 496. |
Clergy. See Roman Catholic church. |
Clifford, Nathan, and Scott's expedition, 1. 540; and tariff for Mexican ports, 2. 261; ratification commissioner, 249, 251, 474; minister at Mexico, 475. |
Climate of Mexico, 1.1. |
Coahuila state, overrun, 2. 418. |
Coalition of Mexican states, and secession, 2. 87, 234; opposes peace, 131; and opposition to Santa Anna, 134, 136; and collapse of government, 428. |
Cochelet, | , French agent in Mexico, reports cited passim.
Collins, John, messenger to Wool, 1. 313. |
Colombia. See New Granada. |
Colonies, mercantile system, 1. 29. |
Colquitt, W. T., position in Senate, 2. 496. |
Colton, Walter, as alcalde, 1. 338. |
Columbus, in Pacific squadron, 2. 447. |
Comanche Indians, raids, 1. 479, 521. |
Comandú, and American occupation, 2. 448. |
Commander in the field, selection (1846), 1. 196-8, 200, 477; for Vera Cruz expedition, 351-4, 538-9; proposed lieutenant generalcy, 2. 75; Scott removed, 188, 437. |
Commerce, American, influence on demand for war, 1. 122, 443. See also Santa Fe trail; Tariff. |
Commerce, Mexican, mercantile class, 1. 5, 17; roads, inland transportation, 16, 18; protective tariff and prohibition, 17; smuggling, 17; American negotiations, 61, 419; over Santa Fe trail, 72; general restriction on American, 73, 424; of California, 317, 521; foreign, in occupied Mexican ports, 2. 262, 303, 484, 505, 506. |
Commissaries, Mexican, 1. 157. |
Concepción, Fort, at Vera Cruz, 2. 19. |
Congress, American, and advance to the Rio Grande, 1. 151, 456-9, 2. 277; war Message and war bill, 1. 181-3, 470-3; war preparations, 190; and Oregon, 201; the Ten Regiment Bill, 2. 74-6; and lieutenant generalcy, 75, 363, 365; and two and three million funds, 123, 387; and military government, 220; and absorption of Mexico, 243-4; tariff of 1846, warehouse system, sub-treasury, 257, 478-9; treasury notes and loans, 258, 260, 264, 479, 485; proposed impost on tea and coffee, 261, 285, 482; proposed gradation of public lands, 261; initial popularity of war, 268; reaction, 269, 281; Democratic dissensions, lack of leaders, 281-3, 496; position of Whigs, leaders, 283, 496; character of war-time speeches, 284; attacks on war policy, 284-6; Wilmot Proviso, 286-7, 498; Whig noterritory plan, 287-8, 498; Clay's speech and resolutions, 289; demand for stoppage of supplies and recall of troops, 290-1, 500; Whig control of House, programme, 290; influence of success of war, 290; continued baiting of Polk, 291, 500; war-time character, 313-4; act (1847) for volunteers, 431; and Yucatan, 472; other war-time financial legislation, 489. See also Senate. |
Congress, Mexican, first under Itúrbide, 1. 35-6; first republican, 36-7; first constitutional (1825), 37; and reëlevation of Pedraza, 45; and Farías' reforms, 46; of Santa Anna's supporters (1835), 47; Seven Laws (1835), 47; and Santa Anna, 52-3; character (1846), 2. 5; war-time Presidential elections, 5, 84, 236; war measure against church property, 9-12, 14, 329; new constitution (1847), 82; in abeyance, 85; and Trist mission, 130, 132; supports peace party, 236; ratifies treaty, 250-1, 474; and British mediation, 368. |
Congress, in Pacific squadron, 1. 336, 337, 532, 2. 189, 206, 447; at Guaymas, 206, 447. |
Connelly, Henry, and Kearny, 1. 516. |
Conner, David, and resumption of intercourse (1845), 1. 94, 436; peaceful instructions to (1845), 131; and policy of bold military attitude, 152; and return of Santa Anna, 202, 478, 486, 487; attitude toward attack on Tampico, 277; occupies it, 279-81, 511-2; and the plan to attack Vera Cruz, 349-51, 536; and attack on Taylor, 466, 2. 197; and crossing of Rio Grande, 1. 469; and Vera Cruz expedition, 2. 18, 23, 332, 335, 336, 338; superseded by Perry, 30, 201; squadron, distribution, 189, 197, 442; and blockade, 193; difficulties of shore operations, 196; character as officer, 196, 444; attacks on Alvarado, 197-9, 442; Tabasco River expedition, 199-200; Yucatan operations, 201; and plans to attack Ulúa, 201, 444. |
Conner, P. E., at Buena Vista, 1. 389, 556. |
Conquered territory, policy of occupying territory, 1. 262, 266-7, 508, 2. 273, 492; civil government in New Mexico and California, 1. 337-8, 2. 217, 218, 285, 453; character of naval control, 208; policy toward noncombatants, conciliation, 210-1, 449; outrages by volunteers at Matamoros, 211, 450; and at Monterey, 212-3, 450; liquor and troubles, 212, 213, 224, 457; regulations at Monterey, later security, 213, 450-1; difficulty of convicting Mexican offenders, 213, 451; rule in Saltillo, 213, 452; police regulations, 213, 215, 229, 450, 452; conditions in Tampico, 214, 452; prosperity, 2145, 219; effect of occupation on Mexican desire for annexation, 215; excesses in New Mexico, 216, 453; Price's rule there, insurrection, 217; successful rule in California, 217-20, 454; use of local civil officers, 218, 229, 461; Scott's orders for military government, 220, 455-7; rule at Vera Cruz, 220-2, 457; at Córdoba and Orizaba, 222; affairs at Jalapa, 223-5, 458; excesses elsewhere, 224, 225; Mexican offences and exaggerations, 224; rule at Puebla, 225, 459; clemency toward Mexico City, 226, 459; military discipline there, 226, 459-60; life at capital during occupation, 226-8, 460; Mexican courts, 229; social relations, 230-1, 4612; general conclusions on conduct of occupation, 231-2; tariff, 261-3, 484; levies on Mexicans, 264-6, 485-8; American opposition to occupation, 273, 492; title by conquest, 285, 468, 497; justice of conquest, 322, 514; conditions at Chihuahua, 454. |
Conspectus of events, 1. xix-xxi. |
Constitutions, Spanish liberal (1820), 1. 32; first Mexican (1824), 36-7, 412-3; Seven Laws, 47; Bases of Tacubaya, 51; Organic Bases, 52; revival of Organic Bases, 217; renewal of constitution of 1824, 222, 488; of 1847, 2. 82. |
Consuls in Mexico, cut off, 1. 212, 484. |
Contreras, battle of, field, 2. 101; Valencia's occupation of it, 102, 104; American reconnaissance and advance, 103, 380; Pillow's attack and Riley's flank movement, 104, 376, 378, 380; support of Riley, 105, 107, 378-80; Santa Anna's movements, 105, 110, 379, 380; Valencia disobeys order to retire, 106; map, 107; American troops during night, 107; American flank and rear attack, 108-10, 379, 380; flight of Mexicans, 109; losses, spoils, 11.0; credit for victory, 376. |
Convent at Churubusco, 2. Ill, 382; attack and capture, 113-1, 117, 382, 383, 385; map, 114. |
Convoy. See Transportation. |
Cooke, P. St. G., in Kearny's expedition, 1. 290, 293; in California, 2. 218, 455. |
Córdoba, Bankhead's expedition, aspect of route to, 2. 184-5, 433; under American rule, 222, 229; Lane at, 427. |
Corcoran, W. J., company raised by, 2. 431. |
Corpus Christi, Taylor's force at, 1. 142, 452. |
Corral Falso, as defensive point, 2. 39. 41, 42. |
Corruption, Mexican, in army, 1. 9; in civil service, 12; extent and effect, 13, 57, 416-7; question in peace negotiations, 2. 123, 132, 390-1; and war-time trade, 263; and Mexican attitude on the war, 312. |
Corwin, Thomas, on Scott, 1. 197; opposition to war, 2. 126; and treaty of peace, 247; effect of "hospitable graves" speech, 278, 494; demands recall of troops, 290. |
Cos, M. P. de, at Tuxpán, 2. 202, 445. Cossack, claim, 1. 426. |
Cost of the war to United States, 2. 266-7, 488. |
Council Grove, trade rendezvous, 1. 288. |
Courtesy, Mexican, 1. 26. |
Couto, J. B., peace commissioner, 2. 135 239; and Peña, 180; on Trist, 323. |
Cox, I. J., acknowledgment to, 1. 450. |
Cox, Nathaniel, claim, 1. 426. |
Coyoacán, force at, 2. 101; and battle of Churubusco, 112, 382-3. |
Crampton, J. F. T., British chargé at Washington, and levy on Mexicans, 2. 486; on slavery and cessation of war, 500; on Whig war policy, 500. |
Crawford, J. T., British consul at Tampico, reports cited passim. |
Credit, lack of Mexican public, 2. 7, 253; American foreign, 256. See also Finances. |
Creole, burned, 2. 444. |
Creoles, characteristics, 1. 3, 407; and Spanish-born, 29; and independence, 30-1. |
Crepúsculo, on Santa Anna as dictator, 1. 47; on Santa Anna and Zacatecas, 550. |
Crime and criminal law, Mexican, 1. 13, 21. |
Crittenden, J. J., and war bill, 1. 183, 187, 473, 2. 277; defence of Taylor, 1. 260; and Taylor's candidacy, 368; and tariff of 1846, 2. 257, 496; and plan to stop war, 290; position in Senate, 496; on American attitude toward Mexico, 508. |
Cross, Trueman, killed, 1. 160, 463; on Taylor and transportation, 490. |
Cuba, Mexico and, 1. 417; and Mexican privateering, 2. 192, 193. |
Cuernavaca, and Santa Anna's dictatorship, 1. 46; occupied, 2. 184, 433. |
Cuevas, L. G., on chances of expected war, 1. Ill; and annexation of Texas, 434; on resumption of intercourse, 435; and Peña, 2. 180; peace commissioner, 239, 466; on Trist, 323. |
Cumberland, in Home Squadron, 2. 197, 442; damaged, 449. |
Cumplido, I., Presidential candidacy, 2. 236. |
Curtis, S. R., and forays on Taylor's rear, 1. 562. |
Gushing, Caleb, sent to Scott, 2. 184, 418; brigade in Taylor's force, 417; leaves Mexico, 438. |
Customs, Mexican internal, 1. 16, 2. 253. See also Tariff. |
Cuylti, Gavino, and Doniphan's advance, 1. 301. |
Cyane, at Monterey, 1. 423; in Pacific squadron, 2. 189, 205, 206, 446, 447; at La Paz and San Jose, 449. |
Cyprey, Baron Alleye de, French minister at Mexico, on British recognition of Texas, 1. 432. |
D |
Dakin, J. H., recruiting advertisement, 1. 445. |
Dale, in Pacific squadron, 2. 189, 206, 447; at Guaymas, 447. |
Dallas, G. M., and Buchanan faction, 2. 282; on Polk, 510. |
Dana, R. H., and public interest in California, 1. 323. |
Davidson, G. R., captured, 1. 370-1. See also Encarnación prisoners. |
Davis, C. W., and outrages, 1. 425. |
Davis, G. T. M., on errors at Churubusco, 2. 383; on Belén operations, 412. |
Davis, Jefferson, at Monterey, 1. 249, 252, 500; in negotiations, 502, 504, 505; at Buena Vista, 555; and peace negotiations, 2. 464; on glory of the war, 324. |
Davis, John, and two million bill, 2. 123. |
Deas, Edward, battery in Taylor's later force, 2. 418. |
Deaths, in American army, 2. 318, 511, 512. |
Decatur, in attack on Tuxpán, 2. 444; in Home Squadron, 446. |
Declaration of war. See Outbreak. |
Defensive-line policy, Taylor's plan, 1.282-3,461,513,514; popularity, 347; persistence, 2. 183, 430. |
Deffaudis, Baron. French minister at Mexico, reports cited passim. |
Delano, Columbus, and war bill, 1. 472; inconsistent war criticism, 2. 277. |
Delaware Indians, in Kearny's expedition, 1. 288. |
Delaware troops, 2. 431. |
Democracy, radical party in Mexico (1846), 2. 2-4. See also Federalism; Puros. |
Democratic party, and war, 1. 184, 471; early reaction, 2. 269, 281; and Polk, dissensions, 269-73, 281, 283; leaders in Congress, 282, 496; dissensions and Wilmot Proviso, 286; dissensions protract war, 288. See also Congress; Polk. |
Democratic Review, and absorption of Mexico, 2. 243. |
De Russey, L. G., wrecked, march to Tampico, 1. 547; attempt to rescue prisoners of war, 2. 418. |
Descriptions. See Physical aspect. |
Desertion, in Taylor army at Rio Grande, 1. 160, 463; tendency after Monterey, 262; amount, 318, 319; fate of deserters captured at Churubusco, 385; deserters and peace, 474. See also Irish: Propaganda. |
Diablo, El, earthwork at Monterey, 1. 249; attack on, 253-4, 500; evacuated, 255. |
Diario, desires war, 1. 105, 115; on help from abroad, 112; on the army, 408; on United States and Texas, 423 ; on start of final campaign, 2. 92 ; on Scott's predicament, 103 ; on peace negotiations, 123, 130. |
Diaz de la Vega, R. See La Vega. |
Dickens, Charles, jibes at Americans, 2. 294. |
Dickinson, D. S., and expansion, 1. 188; and absorption of Mexico, 2. 243; position in Senate, 496. |
Dictatorship, under first Mexican constitution, 1. 37; Victoria's, 39; Guerrero's, 42; Santa Anna's, 46, 51-3, 415; his virtual, during the war, 2. 81, 85; invitation to Scott, 323. |
Dimond, F. M., American consul at Vera Cruz, and restoration of intercourse, 1. 89; report on Santa Anna's attitude, 201; and war programme, 350; on Mexico and AmericanBritish relations, 442; and spy for Scott, 2. 332. |
Diplomatic intercourse, AmericanMexican, Mexican characteristics, 1. 58, 416; treatment of Poinsett, 589, 417; Louisiana Purchase boundary, 59-61, 418; treaty of amity and commerce, 61, 419; recall of Poinsett demanded, 62; Butler as minister, 62, 419, 420; Ellis as chargé, 63; Sabine River boundary and Gaines's expedition, 63-6, 420-2; departure of Gorostiza, 66, 77; and recognition of Texas, 66, 422, 423; Bocanegra's threat, 68; Gorostiza's pamphlet, disavowal, 77-9; rupture (1845), 87; efforts to restore, 88-91, 133, 434, 447; preparation to reopen, 91; British efforts for renewal, 91, 435; Mexico agrees to resume, claims question in agreement, 92-4, 97, 435-6; need of haste, 94; instructions to Slidell, 95, 127, 436; rejection of Slidell, 96-8, 100-1, 120, 127, 133, 135, 145, 437-9, 447, 453; policy of bold military attitude to encourage resumption, 152; negotiations with Santa Anna (1846), 201-3, 471; difficulties of contrasted national characteristics, 2. 310, 508. See also Claims; Foreign relations; Peace. |
Direct tax. American attitude toward, 2. 258, 480. Discipline. See Conquered territory; Morale. |
Disraeli, Benjamin, on Mexico, 2. 296; and the war, 299; and interposition, 302. |
District of Columbia troops, call and response (1847), 2. 364, 431; in Taylor's later force, 417; at Jalapa, 433. See also Washington and Baltimore battalion. |
Dodd, W. E., on Calhoun's rivals and war, 1. 444. |
Domínguez, Manuel, as Scott's spy, 2. 362. |
Don Simplicio, on Santa Anna's efforts at San Luis Potosí, 1. 376, 377, 379; on revolt of 1846, 2. 1; on political situation (1847), 16. |
Donaldson, J. L., at Saltillo, 1. 559. |
Donelson, A. J., on Texas and European aid, 1. 82; peaceful instructions to (1845), 131; on Mexico and slavery, 188; and war, 445. |
Doniphan, A. W., regiment in Kearny's expedition, 1. 288; reduces Indians, 298; force for Chihuahua march, 98, 303, 519; Character and appearance, 299; character of force, 299, 303; caravan with, 298, 303, 519, 520; crossing of Jornada del Muerto, 299, 518; Clark's reinforcement, 299, 303; preparations against at El Paso, 300-1, 518; affair of Brazito, 301-2, 518; at El Paso, 302-3; advance to Sacramento River, 303-4, 519; preparations against at Chihuahua, 304-6, 519; map of march, 305; battle of Sacramento, 306-13, 520; at Chihuahua, 313, 520; negotiations, 313; march to Saltillo, 313, 521, 547, 548; return to Missouri, reception, results of march, 314; on and during the battle, 520; later career, 521. |
Dorsey, G., on Spanish American fear of aggression, 1. 111. |
Dosamantes, Señorita, as volunteer, 1. 230, 494. |
Dosamantes, J., captured at Chapultepec, 2. 411. |
Douglas, S. A., on cause of war, 1. 189; on policy of occupying territory, 2. 492; position in House, 496. |
Doyle, P. W., British chargé at Mexico, on British recognition of Texas, 1. 432; on conduct of American soldiers, 2. 226, 231, 460; and renewal of peace negotiations, 238-40, 465; and armistice, 242, 470; on relaxed discipline after Scott's departure, 438. |
Dragoons, force (1845), 1. 139, 450; at Churubusco, 2. 110, 119, 385; during armistice, 134; at Molino del Rey, 144, 146, 403; at Chapultepec, 161, 408, 410; in Mexico City, 164; with Scott, 356; garrison at Jalapa and Perote, 361; in California, 475. See also regiments by number. |
Dress, Mexican, 1. 18-9, 24; Californian, 316. |
Drink. See Liquor. |
Dromgoole, G. C., position in House, 2. 496. |
Drum, S. H., company at Molino del Key, 2. 143, 145, 403; at Chapultepec, 152, 156; at Belén garita, 159, 160; killed, 160; light artillery, 366. |
Ducoing, Theodore, claim, 1. 427. |
Duflot de Mofras, Eugène, on cause of war, 1. 189; and California, 324, 523. |
Duncan, James, battery in Texas, 1. 146; at Palo Alto, 168, 169, 465; at Monterey, 241, 243, 248, 258, 492, 496; advance to Saltillo, 264; field battery, 450; at Resaca de la Palma, 467; in advance of Perote, 2. 61; Amozoc affair, 70; in Scott's army, 77; at Churubusco, 115, 117; at Molino del Rey, 143-6; at Chapultepec, 161; and uprising in the city, 167; and cabal against Scott, 178, 435; Scott's charges against, 188, 436; Polk rescues, 188; reconnaissance of Mexicaltzingo route, 372, 373; and Quitman's advance to Belén garita, 414. |
Du Petit Thouars, A. A., and California, 1. 523. |
Du Pont, S. F., cruise off western coast of Mexico, 2. 205; at La Paz and San José, 449. |
Duran, Jose, and surrender of Ulúa, 2. 340, 342. |
Durango state, and Santa Anna, 1. 376; and secession coalition, 2. 86. |
E |
Echagaray, Domingo, at San Juan |
Bautista, 2. 446. |
Echeagaray, Lt. Col., at Molino del Rey, 2. 145; at San Cosme garita, 413. |
Echols, R. M., regiment in Taylor's force, 2. 417. |
Eckford, Henry, claim, 1. 426. |
Edson, Alvin, at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 335. |
Education, under Spanish rule, 1. 13; common, after independence, 14, 409; higher, 14. |
Eighth Cavalry, Mexican, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
Eighth Infantry, in Texas, 1. 143; at Palo Alto, 164, 168, 466; at Resaca de la Palma, 174; at Monterey, 246, 492, 496, 501; advance to Saltillo, 264; in Scott's army, 2. 77; at Churubusco, 112, 115, 116, 384; at Chapultepec, 157; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; at Molino del Rey, 402. |
Eighth Line Infantry, Mexican, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
El Carmen Island. See Carmen. |
El Paso, aspect and people, 1. 300, 302; force against Doniphan Brazito affair, 300-2, 518; Doniphan occupies, 302-3. |
El Telégrafo. See Telégrafo. |
Elections. See President. |
Eleventh Infantry, in Scott's army, 2. 77, 363, 422, 432; at Chapultepec, 154, 410; at Churubusco, 385; at Molino del Rey, 402. |
Eleventh Line Infantry, Mexican, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 52, 347; at San Cosme garita, 162; and Vera Cruz, 334. |
Elkins, Samuel, claim, 1. 426. |
Elliot, Charles, British minister in Texas, on chances of expected war, 1. 105, 107; on Texas as theat e of war, 107; on policy of expansion, 123. |
Ellis, Powhatan, American representative at Mexico, 1. 63; and claims, 76-7; and California, 324; on Tornel, 484. |
Ellis, T. H., American chargé at Mexico, reports cited passim. |
Empire of Itúrbide, 1. 35. |
Encarnación, Santa Anna's army at, 1. 381; map of district, 382. See also next title. |
Encarnación prisoners, capture, 1. 370-1; sent south, 562; at Huejutla, attempt to release, 2. 418. |
Engineers, military, Mexican, 1. 156, 461, 2. 312; American corps, 1. 451; in the war, 2. 320, 513; under Scott, 349, 356, 366. |
England. See Great Britain. |
Erie, in Pacific squadron, 2. 189, 447. |
Escudero, J. A. de, and Farias, 2. 5, 9. |
Espectador, on the war, 1. 442. |
Esperanza, on Americans, 1. 484. |
Esteva, J. W., on Mexican character, 1. 410. |
Estrada, Gutierrez de. See Gutierrez de Estrada. |
Europe, expected to aid Mexico, 1. 1125, 442. See also Foreign relations; Interposition; nations by name, especially France; Great Britain; Spain. |
Eutaw Indians, subdued, 1. 298. |
Evacuation of Mexican territory, 2. 251-2, 475-0. |
Evans, George, and war bill, 1. 183. |
Eventualists, and secession and peace, 2. 234, 239: 465. See also Puros. |
Execution of American citizens, 1. 70. |
Expansion, spirit and attitude toward Mexico, 1. 123, 444; London Times on, 2. 294; justice, 322-3. See also Annexations. |
Expulsion of American citizens, 1. 71, 73, 423, 424. |
F |
Fairfield, John, on Scott, 1. 197; on speeches in Congress., 284. |
Falcon, at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 338; in Home Squadron, 445, 446. |
Falmouth, scurvy, 2. 195; in Home Squadron, 197, 442. |
Farías, Valentin Gómez, Vice President, character, 1. 45; as acting President, attempted reforms, 45; flees, 47; as Federalist leader, 48; and the war, 201; combination with Santa Anna, 216; imprisoned, 216; and revolt for Santa Anna (1846), 217, 221-3; and Salas and Santa Anna., 1, 327; as leader of radicals (Puros), 2; shelved, 4; election as Vice President and actual Executive (1846), 5; war policy, 6; financial problem and church property, 6, 9-14; and Beach, 12; superseded by Santa Anna, 14; office abolished, unpopularity, 15, 332; hostility to Santa Anna, 82; and Olaguibel, 86; opposes peace negotiations (4847), 136. |
Farragut, D. G., and Ulúa, 2. 201. |
Federal Union, and war, 1. 473. |
Federalism and Federalists, in first Mexican constitution, 1, 367; oligarchical plots and revolt against, 37-8; party resentment, 38-9; overthrow, 47; pre-war factions, 48; Bustamante's attempt to restore, 51; and Herrera's rule, 55-6; party and Poinsett, 59; restoration (1846), 217, 222, 488; war-time factions, 2. 2-5; in election of 1846, 5; split on demands on church property, 11; and Santa Anna as Executive, 15; states defy Santa Anna, plan for new republic, 86-7, 234, 369; state discussion on peace, 236, 464; antagonistic state groups, 510. See also Constitutions; Government; Moderados; Puros. |
Federation Ridge at Monterey, 1. 239, 497; capture, 244, 498. |
Fernández del Castillo, Pedro. See Castillo. |
Ferry, Gabriel, on battle of Monterey, 1. 503; and interposition, 2. 304; on American army, 321. |
Fifteenth Infantry, in Scott's army, 2. 78, 363, 422, 432; at Contreras, 105; at Chapultepec, 154, 155, 157; garrisons it, 159; at Churubusco, 384; advance after armistice, 400. |
Fifth Cavalry, Mexican, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 347. |
Fifth Infantry, in Texas, 1. 143; at Palo Alto, 164, 167; at Resaca de la Palma, 174; at Monterey, 245, 247, 259, 492, 496; advance to Saltillo, 264; in Scott's army, 2. 77, 422; at Churubusco, 112, 115, 116, 384; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; at Molino del Key, 402, 403. |
Fifth Line Infantry, Mexican, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 347. |
Filisola, Vicente, and Doniphan's expedition, 1. 521; and plans against Taylor, 2. 165, 419; and later command, 182, 430. |
Finances, American, naval appropriations, 1. 190, 2. 189; unfavorable pre-war conditions, 255, 306; problem of war loans, lack of credit abroad, 256, 478; need of mere income, 258, 260, 481; tariff of 1846, warehouse system, and sub-treasury, 257, 478-9; treasury notes, 258, 479, 480; first loan, 259, 479, 481; second loan, 260, 481; proposed impost on tea and coffee, 261, 285, 482; and gradation of public lands, 261; tariff for Mexican ports, 261-3, 303, 484, 500, 505; effect of prosperity due to European conditions, 263, 484; third loan, 264, 485; levies on Mexicans, 264-6, 485-8; funds and expenditures in Mexico, 266, 488; cost of the war, 266-7, 488; political effects of Folk's policy, 273, 281; money market during the war, 489; other wartime Acts, 489. |
Finances, Mexican, Itúrbide's troubles, 1. 34-5; and expulsion of Gachupines, 39; early republican difficulties, 39; crisis (1837), 48; under Santa Anna's dictatorship, 52; Herrera's predicament, 55; war preparations, 213-4, 223, 488; Santa Anna's preparations at San Luis Potosí, 377; forced loans, 410, 431, 2. 254, 477; general war-time character, 6, 327; problems, 7; demands on Church, law of Jan. 11, opposition, 8-11, 329; Beach's intrigue and clerical revolt, 11-4, 333-2; Santa Anna and Church property, 15, 329; effect of war on normal income, 253; taxation projects, 253; state donations, 254; clerical donations, 254, 477; loans, 254, 477; seizures and requisitions, 255; state of treasury (1846), 328. |
First Artillery, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 52, 54, 352; in Scott's army, 77; at Churubusco, 114, 382; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; garrison at Jalapa, 381; at Belén garita, 413; in Taylor's later force, 417. |
First Cavalry, Mexican, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
First Dragoons, in Kearny's expedition, 1. 286, 288, 515; leave for California, 297; in Wool's march, 509; at Buena Vista, 554, 555; in Scott's army, 2. 77; at Churubusco, 119; in California, 219; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; in Taylor's later force, 417. |
First Infantry, at Burrita, 1. 177; at Monterey, 250, 252, 492, 496; in Smith's brigade, 541; garrisons Vera Cruz, 2. 37; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343. |
First Ligero, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 347. |
First Line Infantry, Mexican, at Monterey, 1. 49 1. |
Fischer, Waldemar, company in Kearny's expedition, 1. 288, 515. |
Flagg, A. C., and Folk's Cabinet, 2. 269, 271. |
Flirt, in Home Squadron, 2. 197, 442. |
Flores, J. M., rising in California, 1. 339, 533; as provisional governor, 340; and battle of San Pascual, 342; and American advance on Los Angeles, 343-4, 535; retires to Sonora, 345; and Larkin, 536. |
Florida troops, calls, 1. 537, 2. 364; in Taylor's later force, 417; at Puebla, 433. |
Food and drink, Mexican, 1. 2, 20-1. |
Forbes, Alexander, British consul at Tepic, effect of his book on California, 1. 323. |
Forbes, J. A., British vice consul in California, on California and independence, 1. 321; on expected American annexation, 325; and British control, 328, 329, 332. |
Forced loans in Mexico, 1. 410, 2. 254, 477; to pay claims, 1. 431. |
Ford, Lemuel, at siege of Puebla, 2. 424; in Lane's guerilla operations, 426. |
Foreign relations, American, European attitude toward United States, 2. 294-6, 502; and toward Mexico, 296, 502; Buchanan's circular on origin and purpose of war, 297; Spanish America and the war, 298; attitude of Spain, 298; of Prussia, 298; England and outbreak of war, 299-300; France and outbreak, 390, 503; British offer of mediation, 301, 503-4; question of British interposition, 301-4, 504-6; and British-French relations, 304, 506; France and interposition, 304; effect of victories, 305; foreign help of Mexico, 306; criticism of war operations, 306-8, 507; and treaty of peace, 3 38-9; influence of war on, 323. See also Diplomatic intercourse; Preparation; nations by name, especially France; Great Britain; Spain. |
Foreigners. See Aliens. |
Forsyth, John, and Gaines's expedition, 1. 64, 66, 422; and claims commission, 80, 429. |
Forward, in attack on Alvarado, 2. 199; in Tabasco expedition, 200. |
Foster, J. G., at Molino del Rey, wounded, 2. 142, 144, 403; at Cerro Gordo, 349; engineer with Scott, 366. |
Fourteenth Infantry, in Scott's army, 2. 77, 383, 432; at Chapultepec, 154; at Churubusco, 385; at Molino del Rey, 402. |
Fourth Artillery, at Buena Vista, 1. 555; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 53; in Scott's army, 77; at Molino del Rey, 143; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; left at Contreras, 382; in Taylor's later force, 417, 418. |
Fourth Infantry, at Fort Jesup, 1. 140; goes to Texas, 141-2, 452; at Palo Alto 164, 167, 168; at Monterey, 252, 256, 492, 498, 503-2, 506; in Scott's army, 2. 77, 422; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; at San Cosme garita, 414. |
Fourth Ligero, at Monterey, 1. 494; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 347. |
Fourth Line Infantry, Mexican, at Palo Alto, 1. 165, 168; at Resaca de la Palma, 171, 174, 175; at Monterey, 494; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 52, 53, 347. |
Fourth of July, claim, 1. 424. |
France, attack on Mexico, 1. 49, 74; and Texas, 55, 67, 90, 432; and expected war, 112; and annexation of Texas, 113, 2. 295, 501, 502; and support of Mexico, interposition, 1. 112-5, 2. 304; supposed manipulation of Mexico, 1. 121; and California, 324, 326, 327, 523, 2. 505; and Mexican privateering, 193; and American tariff for Mexican ports, 262, 484; attitude toward United States, 295; attitude toward Mexico, 296-7; and outbreak of war, 300, 503; attitude and British relations, 304, 506; and American victories, 305. |
Franklin, W. B., reconnaissance in Wool's march, I. 271. |
Freaner, J. L., and recall of Trist, 2. 465; takes treaty to Washington, 467. |
Frederick William of Prussia, and the war, 2. 299. |
Frémont, J. C., expedition canceled (1845), 1. 131, 447; and Castro, retirement, 331, 528; Gillespie and return, Bear Flag war, 331-3, 528-9, 531; and Sloat, 335, 531; joins Stockton, force and appearance, 336; influences address, 336; in first southern campaign, 336, 337; command in north, 338; and second southern campaign, 342, 345, 535-6; treaty with insurgents, 345-6, 2. 218; as governor, 217; and Kearny, 454. |
French, S. G., on Taylor as fighter, 1. 238. |
French in Mexico, merchants, 1. 5. |
French revolution, influence in Mexico, 1. 30. |
Frontera, blockade, 2. 194; importance, 443. |
Fugitive slaves, rendition in AmericanMexican negotiations, 1. 419. |
Furber, G. C., work as source, 1. 404. |
Fúrlong, C., and Americans at Puebla, 2. 225. |
G |
Gachupines, characteristics, 1.3; expulsion, 39, 42, 413. See also Oligarchy. |
Gahagan, Dennis, claim, 1. 427. |
Gaines, E. P., Nacogdoches expedition, 1. 64-6, 420-2; requisition for six-months men, 196, 205, 452, 476, 2. 272, 511; and Scott, 1. 197; Taylor's letter, 347, 507; and command of Vera Cruz expedition, 353; relieved, court of inquiry, 476. |
Gaines, J. P., carelessness and capture, 1. 370-1; at Saltillo, 541; of Scott's staff, 2. 366. See also Encarnación prisoners. |
Gallatin, Albert, on annexation of Texas, 1. 83; pessimism on peace prospects, 2. 235; on treasury notes, 258; and the war, 314. |
Gambling, American, 1. 144, 207, 2. 214; at Mexico City, 2. 460. |
Gamboa, Ramón, and Santa Anna, 2. 134; on evacuation of Mexico City, 415, 416. |
Gaona, General, in preparations below Perote, 2. 40; abandons Perote, 61. |
Garay, F. de, and De Russey's expedition, 2. 418. |
Garay, J. G. Perdigón. See Perdigón Garay. |
García, General, at Matamoros, character, 1. 158, 462. |
García Conde, Pedro, and battle of Sacramento, 1. 306, 309, 312, 519, 520. |
Gardner, J. L., command at Point Isabel, 1. 493. |
Garland, John, at Palo Alto, 1. 164; at Monterey, 250, 251, 253, 492, 496, 499, 500; brigade in advance of Perote, 2. 61; in Scott's army, 77; before San Antonio, Mex., 102; at Churubusco, 113, 116; at Molino del Rey, 143, 145; at Chapultepec, 161; at San Cosme garita, 162; wounded in uprising, 167; and Contreras, 381. |
Garro, Máximo, Mexican chargé at Paris, reports cited passim. |
Gates, William, at Tampico, 1. 281, 282, 486, 512, 546, 2. 484; discipline, 215; and prisoners at Huejutla, 418. |
Gateways of Mexico City, 2. 147. See also Belén; San Cosme. |
Georgia troops, in Victoria march, 1. 357; at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 343; in Alvarado expedition, 344; leave Scott, 356; calls (1847), 364, 365, 430; for Scott, 423; cavalry at Huamantla, 426. |
"Germanicus," on volunteers, 1. 474. |
Germans in Mexico, merchants, 1. 5; mining companies, 15. |
Germantown, in attack on Tuxpán, 2. 444; in Home Squadron, 445, 446. Germany. See Prussia. |
Gerolt, Baron, Prussian minister at Washington, and the war, 2. 503. |
Gibson, George, commissary general of subsistence, 1. 475; and Graham, 500. |
Giddings, J. R., and secession, 2. 272; position in House, 496. |
Giffard, F. L., British consul at Matamoros, on conduct of volunteers, 2. 211. |
Giffard, T., British consul at Vera Cruz, on Vera Cruz expedition, 2. 22, 32, 3, 337, 341; on American rule, 221; on Scott and Jalapa, 362. |
Gillespie, A. H., mission to California, 1. 326, 329, 526, 530; and return of Frémont, 331, 332, 528; and Bear Flag war, 332, 529; in southern _ campaign, 336; rule at Los Angeles, 338; rising against, surrender, 339, 533-4; joins Kearny, 341; in battle of San Pascual, 342; in expedition to Los Angeles, 342. |
Gillespie, R. A., at Monterey, 1. 245; march to Mier, 483. |
Glass, J. W., British consul at Tampico, reports cited passim. |
Glasson, J. J., at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 338. |
Goliad massacre, American indignation, 1. 117. |
Gómez, Gregorio, Jefferson and Natchez incidents, 1. 424-5; in preparations below Perote, 2. 40; flight from La Hoya, 58. |
Gómez Farías. See Farías. |
Gómez Pedraza. See Pedraza. |
González, | , and Armijo, 1. 293. Gore, J. H., at San Cosme garita, 2. 414.
Gorman, W. A., at Buena Vista, 1. 386, 556; at Huamantla, 2. 426. |
Gorostiza, M. E. de, as minister at Washington, 1. 64; and Games' s expedition, 65-6, 420-2; pamphlet, Mexican disavowal, 779; and Texas, 432; and Santa Anna, 2. 92. |
Government, Mexican, results of colonial system, 1. 29-30; causes of failure, 56-7, 416-7, 438, 2. 310, 312; difficulties in tracing political development, 1. 411; extempore, after loss of capital, 2. 179-81, 427, 428; results to, of the war, 514. See also Centralists; Congress, Mexican; Conquered territory; Constitutions; Dictatorship; Federalism; Independence; Local government; Monarchy; Oligarchy; President of Mexico; Revolutions; Roman Catholic church. |
Graham, G. M., and Garland at Monterey, 1. 500; messenger to Mexico, 2. 473. |
Graham, James, and Oregon, 1. 200. |
Grande, Rio. See Rio Grande. |
Grant, U. S., at Monterey, 1. 252, 256, 501; on Worth, 498; on magnifying of Taylor's victories, 549; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 49; at San Cosme garita, 162, 414; on departure from Mexico, 252; on Cerro Gordo, 354; on Churubusco, 383; on battles before Mexico City, 408; on Mexican soldiers, 509. |
Gray, A. F. V., at San Pascual, 1. 535. |
Grayson, J. B., Scott's chief of subsistence, 2. 366. |
Great Britain, British loans to Mexico, 1. 37; and Texas, 55, 67, 86, 90, 419, 432, 449, 2. 295, 303, 502, 506; commercial treaty with Mexico, 1. 61; and California, 69, 319, 323-6, 328, 334, 336, 524, 527, 531, 2. 302, 308, 505; Mexican relations and claims, 1. 74, 135, 425, 2. 296-7, 502; and restoration of American-Mexican intercourse, 1. 91, 435; Oregon controversy, 90, 94, 114-5, 200, 478, 2. 295, 299, 504; question of interposition, 1. 112-5, 442, 2. 238, 301-4, 504-6; supposed manipulation of Mexico, 1. 121, 443; and Mexican privateering, 2. 192; and blockade, 193, 303, 440; and peace negotiations, 238, 465; attitude toward United States, 294-5, 501; and outbreak of the war, defeat of her policy, 299-300; offer of mediation, 301, 368; influence of French relations, 304, 506; and American victories, 305; volunteer officers for Mexico, 306; and treaty of peace, 308-9, 508. See also Bankhead; Doyle; Pakenham; Thornton. |
Green, B. E., and Mexican negotiations, 1. 84-5, 433, 436; on Tornel, 484. |
Green, Duff, on Mexican finances, 2. 8. |
Green, P. C., claim, 1. 426. |
Greenhow, Robert, and claims on Mexico, 1. 78, 429. |
Grievances, American, 1. 70 3, 423, 424. See also Claims; Diplomatic intercourse. |
Griffin, W. P., at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 338. |
Grijalva River. See Tabasco. |
Grone, Karl von, on Scott, J. 316; on American soldiers, 321. |
Guadalajara, situation, 1. 3. |
Guadalupe, escape, 2. 195. |
Guadalupe Hidalgo, shrine, 1. 223, 488, 2. 141; Valencia at, 2. 88; treaty signed at, 240, 467. |
Guadalupe Hidalgo, treaty of. See Peace. |
Guanajuato, powder-mill, 2. 87. |
Guanajuato cavalry battalion, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
Guanajuato state, in discussion on peace, 2 464. |
Guatemala, and the war, 2. 298. |
Guaymas, as port, 1.3; bombarded, 2. 205, 446; map, 206; blockade, 206; occupied, 206, 208, 447. |
Guerilla warfare, in revolt against Spain, 1. 31-2; threat (1846), 153, 154; Canales' force, 158, 226, 236, 479, 495; Blanco's force, 273, 274, 283, 510; in north after Buena Vista, suppression, 399-400, 562, 2. 169-71, 421, 422; during battle of Buena Vista, 1. 559; operations on Scott's line, 2. 77, 171, 355, 422, 423; and Scott's advance, 98; Mexican addiction to, 168; adoption and sanction, 168-9, 421; Vera Cruz state as chief home, leaders, 171, 421; Scott's operations against, 172, 423; lack of morale, attacks on Mexicans, 172-3; operations and siege of Puebla, 173-4, 178, 424; Lane's operations against, 178-9, 426-7; British encouragement, 306; Scott's warning on, 358; failure, 423. |
Guerillas of Vengeance, 2. 169. |
Guerrero, Vicente, as partisan leader, 1. 32; in Itúrbide's revolt, 33; revolt against Itúrbide, 35; and Montaño's revolt, 38; Presidential candidacy, 401; proclaimed President, 41; character, as President, 42; overthrow, killed, 43; warned by United States, 59, 418; and Poinsett, 62. |
Guexocingo, Lane at, 2. 426. |
Guizot, F. P. G., policy of balance of power in America, 1. 90, 2. 304; and expected war, 1. 108, 112, 115; and Texas, 295; policy of neutrality., 300; and United States, 301; and Palmerston, 304. |
Gutiérrez, Captain, at Monterey, 1. 254. |
Gutiérrez de Estrada, J. M., and monarchy, 1. 90; on conduct of American army, 2. 232. |
Gwynn, T. P., at siege of Puebla, 2. 174. |
H |
Hacienda, 1. 19. |
Hacienda department. See Finances, Mexican. |
Haddon, W. R., on Buena Vista, 1. 557. |
Hagner, P. V., at Chapultepec, 2. 152; ordnance officer with Scott, 366. |
Haile, | , on losses at Monterey, 1. 505.
Hamer, T. L., as volunteer officer, 1. 207, 481; at Monterey, 253, 254, 492. |
Hamilton, C. S., on mistakes at Monterey, 1. 503; on army life in Mexico, 2. 321. |
Hamilton, Schuyler, of Scott's staff, 2. 366. |
Hamley, E. B., on military strategy, 2. 317. |
Hammond, J. H., on war spirit, 1. 127. |
Hamtramck, John, command at Saltillo, 2. 418. |
Hancock, W. S., at Churubusco, 2. 385. |
Hannah Elizabeth, claim, 1. 424. |
Hannegan, E. A., and expansion, 1. 188; and absorption of Mexico, 2. 243; on Polk and Oregon, 271; position in Senate, 496; on responsibility of Mexico, 508. |
Haralson, H. A., position in House, 2. 496. |
Hardcastle, E. L. F., topographical engineer with Scott, 2. 366. |
Hardee, W. J., captured, expected Mexican victory at Palo Alto, 1. 161. |
Hardin, J. J., at Buena Vista, 1. 383, 386, 390, 391; charge, killed, 3934, 556, 559. |
Hargous, Louis, and Santa Anna, 1. 487; Scott's agent, 2. 362, 396; and navy, 444. |
Harmony, Peter, claim, 1. 426. |
Harney, W. S., escapade, 1. 268-70, 509; insubordination and magnanimity of Scott, 364-5, 545, 546, 2. 248; and Wool, detached from Wool's march, 1. 509; brigade, 541; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 51, 53-6, 352, 354; command in Scott's army, 77; in advance from Puebla, 93, 94; at San Agustín, 97, 381; at Churubusco, 119; in Mexico City, 164; at siege of Vera Cruz, 335, 339; La Antigua expedition, 344; during Chapultepec, 408. |
Haro y Tamáriz, Antonio de, and Santa Anna, 2. 4; and financial chaos, 11. |
Harrison, W. H., and control of occupied territory, 2. 285, 497. |
Haskell, W. T., at Cerro Gordo, 2. 56, 57, 353. |
Hawkins, E. S., commands Fort Brown, 1. 468. |
Hays, J. C., at Monterey, 1. 238, 241, 255, 497, 498, 501; and protection of Texas, 452; operations against guerillas, 2. 172, 423; goes to Scott, 184, 418, 432; character of Rangers, 423. |
Haywood, W. H., Jr., and tariff, 2. 479. |
Heady, W. J., carelessness and capture, 1. 371. See also Encarnación prisoners. |
Hébert, P. O., at Chapultepec, 2. 410. |
Hecla, in attack on Tuxpán, 2. 444; in Home Squadron, 445; ashore, 446. |
Heintzelman, S. P., at Huamantla, 2. 426; in Lane's operations, 426. Henderson, G. F. R., on civilian judgment on military subjects, 1. x. |
Henderson, J. P., command of Texan troops, 1. 480; division in Monterey campaign, 492, 496; in Monterey negotiations, 502. |
Henry, Thomas, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 55. |
Henry, W. S., on Camargo camp, 1. 212; on mistakes at Monterey, 502; on Taylor's force after battle, 507. |
Heredia, J. A., command at Chihuahua, 1. 305; battle of Sacramento, 30613; negotiations, 313; displaced, 521. |
Hernández, priest, and Butler, 1. 62. Herrera, J. J. de, head of government (1845), 1. 55-6; arid resumption of American intercourse, 89, 92, 94, 435, 436; administration totters, 95; and Slidell mission, 93-8, 120, 437; fall. 98-9, 438; endorsed by many (1846), 216, 221; and California, 329; and Santa Anna (1847), 2. 92; peace commissioner, 135; and evacuation of city, 167, 420; and executive power (1847), 180; supports Peña, 180; force, resigns, 182, 429; President (1848), and American evacuation, 252; on restoration of cordiality, 323; arid riot during armistice, 396. |
Hervey, L., British agent in Mexico, reports cited passim. |
Heywood, Charles, at San José, 2. 449. |
Hidalgo, Miguel, revolt, 1. 31. |
Hidalgo battalion, formation, 2. 3-4; at San Antonio, 112, 384; at Chapultepec, 410. |
Hill, D. H., on Monterey, 1. 254, 505; on Pillow, 2. 377. |
Hilliard, H. W., on advance to Rio Grande, 1. 457. |
Hitchcock, E. A., in Texas, on TayJor, 1. 144, 145, 452; leaves front, 158; Scott's magnanimity, 545, 2. 248; on Worth's Chachapa agreement, 70; on Churubusco, 118; on Molino del Rey, 147; at siege of Vera Cruz, 335; on Worth, 361; of Scott's staff, 3%; and plan of attack on Mexico City, 408. |
Holmes, I. E., on war spirit, 1. 444; and war bill, 471, 472; on Folk's alarm, 476. |
Hoist, H. E. von, on Polk and war, 1. 472, 473: on justice of acquiring California, 2. 322. |
Home Squadron during the war, vessels, distribution, men, 2. 189, 197, 442, 444-6. See also Conner; Perry. |
Hooker, Joseph, at Monterey, 1. 253. |
Hopping, E. D., brigade in Taylor's force, 2. 417. |
Horn, Carlos, at Mazatlán, 2. 448. |
Horsemanship, Mexican, 1. 24. |
Houses, Mexican, 1. 18-20, 23; inns, 20. |
Houston, Sam, European intrigue, 1. 82; and treaty of peace, 2. 247. Howard, Joshua, regiment, 2. 363. Hoya Pass, as defensive point, L. 39, 42; abandoned, 58, 60. |
Huamantla, battle, 2. 176-8, 425-6. |
Hudson, Charles, position in House, 2. 496. |
Hudson, T. B., in battle of Sacramento, 1. 309, 311, 312. |
Huejutla, prisoners of war at, 2. 418. |
Huger, Benjamin, at Molino del Rey, 2. 143, 145, 146; at Chapultepec, 149, 153, 409; at San Cosme garita, 161, 162, 415; at siege of Vera Cruz, 335; ordnance officer with Scott, 356, 366. |
Hughes, G. W., reconnaissance in Wool's march, 1. 271; on population of Mexico, 407; on Wool's force, 509; as governor of Jalapa, 2. 224, 230. |
Hull, J. B., off western coast of Mexico, 2. 205. |
Humboldt, Alexander von, on leperos, 1. 6; and the war, 2. 299, 3)9; on justice of acquisition of California, 322. |
Hunt, H. J., at Chapultepec, 2. 156; at San Cosme garita, 162. |
Hunt, W. E., in occupation of Tampico, 1. 279. |
Hunter, O. G., at Alvarado, 2. 344. |
I |
Ibarra, D., removed, 2. 66; and Trist mission, 130, 390; attack on, 387. |
Iguala, Plan of, 1. 33. |
Illinois, hard times and unrest, 1. 124. See also Illinois troops. |
Illinois troops, at Buena Vista, 1. 383, 386, 387, 389, 390, 556, 559; in Wool's march, 509; at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 343; leave Scott, 356; call and response (1847), 364, 365, 430, 431; in Taylor's later force, 417; at Tampico, 418; for Scott, 423. |
Importance of the war, 1. vii. |
Independence, in Pacific squadron, 2. 189, 206, 446, 447. |
Independence Hill at Monterey, 1. 239, 497; capture, 244-6, 499. |
Independence of Mexico, incitation, 1. 30-1; Hidalgo's revolt, 31; partisan warfare, 31-2; education for, 32; revolt of oligarchy and Itúrbide, Plan of Iguala, 32-3; Itúrbide's rule, 33-5; his overthrow, 35; Congress, first republican constitution, 35-7, 412, 413; Victoria's administration, 37-8; expulsion of Gachupines, 39, 42, 413; Spanish invasion (1829), 41. |
Independencia battalion, formation, 2. 3; revolts, 13; at Churubusco, 111, 382. |
Indiana troops, at Buena Vista, 1. 386, 388, 390, 391, 555, 557; call (1847), 2. 364, 431; in Taylor's later force, 417; sent to Scott, 418; at Huamantla, 426; in Lane's operations, 426, 427; garrison at Puebla, 433. Indianapolis, enlistments, 1. 195. |
Indianapolis State Sentinel, on Mexicans, 1. 118. |
Indians, characteristics and conditions of Mexican, 1. 4, 18, 21; Mexican, as soldiers, 10, 161, 463; and independence, 31; Mexico counts on help of American, 107; in Kearny's expedition, 288; war and raids, 269, 509; submission in New Mexico, 298; employment in war, 509; raids on American expeditions, 515. |
Indicador, on war lethargy, 1. 214. |
Industry, conditions of Mexican, 1. 6, 15-7, 22. |
Ingersoll, C. J., on Polk and war, 1. 456; on war bill, 472: on lesson of the war, 2. 324; position in House, 496. |
Ingersoll, J. R., position in House, 2. 496. |
Ingraham, D. N., at Tampico, 1. 512. |
Iniestra, Ignacio, and California, 1. 522. |
Inns, Mexican, 1. 20. |
Intellectual life, lack in Mexico, 1. 20. |
Intelligence arrangements and reconnaissance, Taylor's neglect, 1. 145, 161, 208, 223, 249, 374, 451, 464, 476, 478, 549; Scott's, 2. 72, 332, 362. |
Internal improvements, and Democratic dissensions, 2. 271, 281. |
Interposition, Mexican hope of Spanish-American, 1. Ill; and of European, 112-5, 122, 442; question of British, 2. 301-4, 504-6; and of French, 304; effect of American victories, 305. |
Iowa troops, non-active, 2. 511. |
Ireland, famine, effect on American finances, 2. 263, 484; American relief and the war, 304. |
Irish in American army, Mexican propaganda among, 1. 507, 2. 81, 358; deserters in Santa Anna's army, 88, 385; in Mexican hospital force, 347. See also San Patricio battalion. |
Irregulars. See Guerilla warfare. |
Irving, Washington, American minister at Madrid, reports cited passim. |
Irwin, J. R., Scott's chief quartermaster, 2. 366. |
Irwin, William, at Marin, 1. 562. |
Isunza, J. R., governor of Puebla, and Scott's advance, 2. 66, 69, 95. |
Iturbe, | , finance minister, graft, 1. 214, 2. 328.
Itúrbide, Agustín de, and war on insurgents, 1. 31; revolt, 33; rule, 335; overthrow, 35; and Congress, 35; execution, 37: seizure by, 426; and financial system, 2. 6. |
Iztaccihuatl, Mount, aspect, 2. 93. |
Izucar de Matamoros, Lane at, 2. 179, 427. |
J |
Jackson, Andrew, and Texas, 1. 62, 419, 428; and Sabine River boundary, 64; and claims on Mexico, 778, 428; and war spirit, 124. |
Jackson, T. J., at Chapultepec, 2. 154, 160, 410; at Contreras, 378; at Molino del Rey, 403. |
Jalapa, site, aspect, 1. 2, 2. 63, 223; march of Scott's army for, 38, 45-8; Mexican preparations on route, 3942, 346; defences at Cerro Gordo, 42-5, 347, 348; battle of Cerro Gordo, 48-59; occupied, 59, 354; Scott at, his problems of advance, 61-5; American garrison, 74, 361, 362, 433; American rule, 223-5, 230, 231, 458; Scott's fortification, 358. |
Jalisco Lancers, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
Jalisco state, and Santa Anna, 1. 376; in discussion on peace, 2. 464. |
Jarauta, C. D. de, as guerilla, 2. 171; offers to join Americans, 421; executed, 423. |
Jarero, J. M., at Cerro Gordo, 2. 44. |
Jarnagin, Spencer, and tariff of 1846, 2. 257, 496. |
Jay, John, and War of 1812, 2. 280. |
Jefferson, Tampico incident, 1. 425. |
Jesup, T. S., and tents, 1. 206; and Wool's train, 274; Taylor on, 352; quartermaster general, 475; and Taylor's inadequate preparations for Monterey campaign, 482, 491; and preparations for Vera Cruz expedition, 545. |
Jesup, Fort, troops at (1845), 1. 140. |
Jobson, S., on Ulúa, 1. 536. |
John Adams, and Vera Cruz expedition, 2. 18; in Home Squadron, 197, 446; in attack on Tuxpán, 444. |
Johnson, Andrew, on cause of war, 1. 189. |
Johnson, Sir Thomas, Mexican partisan, 1. 531. |
Johnston, A. S., at Monterey, 1. 253; Texan regiment for Taylor, 480; staff position, 492. |
Johnston, J. E., at Chapultepec, 2. 154, 155; takes reinforcements to Scott, 184; force at Puebla, 432. |
Jomini, Baron de, on simplicity of war, 1.x; on generalship, 2. 315. Jones, Anson, on Polk and war, 1. 445, 446. |
Jones, Roger, adjutant general, 1. 474. |
Jones, T. A. C., occupation of Monterey, 1. 69, 323, 327, 423; commands Pacific squadron, 2. 448. |
Jones, W. D., American consul at Mexico, reports cited passim. |
Jornada del Muerto, Doniphan's march, 1. 300, 518. |
Journal des Débats, on sympathy with Mexico, 1. 1124; on monarchist plan, 470; attitude toward United States, 2. 295; on weakness of Mexico, 297; on outbreak of war, 300; on Palmerston, 301; and interposition, 304; on American victories, 305; and terms of peace, 308, 309; on Mexico expedition as achievement, 321; criticism of military operations, 507. |
Juárez, B. P., and demand on Church property, 2. 10, 11. |
Judiciary, Mexican, character, 1. 12-3, 409, 427; in occupied territory, 2. 229. |
Juno, at Santa Barbara, 1. 527. |
Justice of the war, 1. ix, 66-7, 70-83, 98, 100-1, 116-22, 136-7, 187, 190, 325-7, 2. 310-1, 322-4, 514. |
Juvera, J., at Venado, 1. 553. |
K |
Kearny, Philip, in Scott's army, 2. 77; at Churubusco, 119. |
Kearny, S. W., preparation for Santa Fe expedition, force, 1. 286, 288, 515; map of route, 287; march to Bent's Fort, 288-9, 515; caravan with, 289; Armijo's preparations, 289, 292-3; Price's reinforcement, 290, 516; Mormon battalion, 290, 516; proclamation and letter to Armijo, 290, 516; advance to San Miguel, 291; assurances to inhabitants, 291-2, 516; expected fight at Apache Canyon, condition of force, 292-3, 516; resistance abandoned, 293-5, 516-7; occupies Santa Fe, 295-6; march to southern district, 297; leaves for California, 297, 517; reaches it, condition of force, 341; battle of San Pascual, 341-2, 534; in advance on Los Angeles, 3423; rule in New Mexico, 2. 217; rule in California, 217; governor of Mexico City, 438; and Frémont, 454; governor of Vera Cruz, 457; leaves Mexico City, 476. |
Kendall, Amos, on peace, 2. 314. |
Kendall, G. W., in Santa Fe expedition, 1. 72; on losses at Monterey, 505. |
Kendrick, H. L., at siege of Puebla, 2. 424. |
Kenly, J. R., on war enthusiasm of Mexicans, 1. 442. |
Kennedy, | , and Rebolledo, 2. 423.
Kent, William, on the war, 2. 273. |
Kentucky troops, enlistments, 1. 195; in Monterey campaign, 255, 492, 496; at Buena Vista, 383, 386, 388, 554, 555, 558; in Wool's march, 509; at Saltillo, 541; at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 343; at Cerro Gordo, 352; in Taylor's later force, 417; call (1847), 431. |
Kerr, Croghan, at Palo Alto, 1. 164, 168; at Resaca de la Palma, 172, 467. |
Kilburn, C. L., at Buena Vista, 1. 391, 558. |
Kimball, E. A., at Chapultepec, 2. 410. |
King, Preston, position in House, 2. 496. |
King, W. R., American minister at Paris, on war and slavery, 1. 189; on French war sentiment, 2. 300; on importance of victories, 305. |
Kingsbury, Private, on Mexican women, 2. 230. |
Kirby, Edmund, Scott's chief paymaster, 2. 366. |
Kribben, Christian, on Chihuahua Rangers, 1. 519. |
L |
La Angostura. See Angostura. |
La Antigua. See Antigua. |
La Atalaya. See Atalaya. |
La Bahía. See Bahía. |
Laboring class in Mexico, 1. 6. |
Laclede Rangers, in Kearny's expedition, 1. 288;-to hold Santa Fe, 298 |
La Encarnación. See Encarnación. Lafragua, J. M., and peace negotiations, 2. 466. |
Lagos coalition. See Coalition. |
Laguna, occupation, 2. 201, 204, 445. |
La Hoya Pass. See Hoya. |
Lally, F. T., guerilla attacks on, 2. 171, 422; takes reinforcements to Scott, 184; rule at Jalapa, 224; at Huamantla, 426; in Lane's operations, 426. |
Lampazos company, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
Lancers of the Poisoned Spear, 2. 173. |
Landero, J. J. de, and surrender of Vera Cruz, 2. 33, 334, 340, 342. |
Lane, Camp, 1. 480. |
Lane, Joseph, at Saltillo, 1. 371; at Buena Vista, 390, 555, 557; march to relieve Puebla, 2. 176, 425; battle of Huamantla, 1768, 426; reaches Puebla, 178; operations against guerillas, 179, 426-7; conduct of soldiers, 225; brigade in Taylor's force, 417; career and character, 425; retained in service, 432. |
La Paz. See Paz. |
La Peña redoubt. See Peña. |
Laplace, C. P. T., and California, 1. 523. |
Laredo, occupation, 1. 452. |
Larkin, T. O., as trader in California, 1. 317; on American immigrants, 318; on independence, 321; American consul, 324; on attitude of England, 325; on peaceful absorption, 325; instructions to, as confidential agent, 325, 329; and taking possession at Monterey, 334, 335, 530; in first southern campaign, 337; captured, 536. |
Larnard, C. H., on Taylor, 1. 204, 470. |
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Due de, on detail, 1. ix; on greatness, 2. 314, 316. |
La Rosa, Luis de. See Rosa. |
Las Bocas. See Bocas. |
Las Vegas, Kearny's expedition at, 1. 211. |
Las Vigas. See Vigas. |
La Vaca. See Port La Vaca. |
Lavallette, E. A. F., at Guaymas, 2. 206, 447; evacuates Mazatlán, 476. |
La Vega, R. Díaz de, and Rio Grande campaign, 1. 158, 179; captured at Resaca de la Palma, 467; in preparations below Perote, 2. 40, 42, 346; at Cerro Gordo, 44; captured, not paroled, 354. |
La Viga garita. See Viga. |
Law of April 20, 1847, 2. 81, 130, 135, 367, 389, 393. |
Law of February 4, 1847, 2. 12, 15. |
Law of January 11, 1847, passage and conflict over, 2. 8-15, 329-32. |
Lawrence, in Home Squadron, 2. 442. |
Laws, chaos of Mexican, 1. 12. |
Lawson, Thomas, surgeon general, 1. 366, 475. |
Lay, G. W., of Scott's staff, 2. 366. |
Leavenworth, Fort, aspect, gathering of Kearny's expedition, 1. 286. |
Lee, R. E., in march to Victoria, 1. 358; and landing at Vera Cruz, 2. 23, 336; at siege, 30, 335; at Cerro Gordo, 49-51, 53, 349; reconnoitres Contreras, 103; at battle, 108, 109, 378; at Churubusco, 110, 383, 384; on plan to attack Mexico City, 149, 408; appearance, 149, 405; on removal of Scott, 188; on Scott as general, 317; on victory and humanity, 324; engineer with Scott, 366, 544; reconnoitres southern approaches of capital, 408; at Chapultepec, 409. |
Leese, Jacob, as trader in California, 1. 318. |
Leggett, Aaron, claim, 1. 427, 430. |
Lendrum, J. H., at San Cosme garita, 2. 414. |
Leo XII, and Mexican church, 1. 408. |
Léon, Antonio de, brigade, 2. 67, 369; and revolt in Oaxaca, 369; at Molino del Rey, killed, 142, 145. |
Léon, Joaquin Velázquez de, as claims commissioner, 1. 80, 429-31. |
Leonidas letter, on Scott, 2. 187, 435-7; on Pillow at Contreras, 376. |
Léperos, 1.6; and American soldiers, 2. 166, 459. |
Lerdo de Tejada, M. M., on American rule, 2. 221. |
Lesson of the war to Mexico, 2. 323-4, 514. |
Levant, in Pacific squadron, 2. 189, 447. |
Lewis, D. H., position in Senate, 2. 496. |
Lexington, in Pacific squadron, 2. 447. |
Lexington Commonwealth, on British intrigue in Mexico, 1. 121. |
Libertad redoubt at Monterey, 1. 239, 248. Liberty of the press. See Press. |
Lieber, Francis, on justice of acquiring California, 2. 322. |
Lieutenant generalcy, plan for appointment of Benton, 2. 75, 363, 365. |
Ligero cavalry, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
Lillers, Count, on attitude toward Mexico, 1. 119. |
Linares, aspect, 1. 359. |
Lincoln, Abraham, on Doniphan, 1. 299; war criticism, 2. 277, 493. |
Liquor, Mexican drinks, 1. 2, 21; and outrages by American troops, 2. 211-3, 216, 224, 457; regulation at Vera Cruz, 457. |
Livermore, A. A., on slavery as cause of Mexican War, 1, 473. |
Liverpool Mail, sympathy with Mexico, 1. 112. |
Lizardi banking house, robs treasury, 1. 432. |
Llano, M. M., in Monterey negotiations, 1. 502. |
Loans, Mexican, 1. 37, 2. 254; American, 258-60, 479, 481, 485. See also Finances. |
Lobos Islands, rendezvous for Vera Cruz expedition, 1. 367, 2. 17. |
Local government, in occupied territory, 1. 338, 2. 218, 229, 461. See also Police. |
Loch, G. G., and Cerro Gordo, 2. 348. |
Locofocos, and Polk, 2. 270, 281. |
Löwenstern, Isidor, on Mexican abandonment of California, 1. 319. |
Lombardini, M. M., at Buena Vista, 1. 389-91, 559; character and command, 2. 88; retirement from Chapultepec, 412. |
Lomita, Camp, 1. 480. |
London Daily News, on conduct of Americans in Mexico, 2. 226. |
London Examiner, on expected war, 1. 134; criticism of military operations, 2. 307; on trade through occupied ports, 505; on Polk, 510. |
London Globe, and peace, 2. 125: and interposition, 303. |
London Journal of Commerce, on American aggression, 1. 113. |
London Morning Chronicle, on California, 1. 322; on outbreak of war, 2. 300; criticism of military operations, 307, 308; on American people, 502; on interposition, 505; on the war and development, 514. |
London Morning Herald, on chances of expected war, 1. 108; on annexation of Texas, 113. |
London Post, on outbreak of war, 2. 300. |
London Standard, on chances of expected war, 1. 109, 113. |
London Times, on monarchy for Mexico, 1. 95, 135; on chances of expected war, 105, 106, 110, 113, 441, 442; on Oregon and Mexico, 115; on American hostility to England, 121; on Taylor's force in Mexico, 142; on Santa Anna, 216; on California, 322, 524; on Santa Anna at San Luis Potosí, 379; on Slidell mission, 437; on Mexican finances, 2. 8; attack on United States, 91; and peace, 125, 235; on American government, 294; on military titles, 294; on American people, 295; on absorption of Mexico, 297; on outbreak of the war, 300; and interposition, 302, 306, 505; criticism of military operations, 306-8; on Mexican policy, 310; on probable pillage, 324. |
Longstreet, James, at Chapultepec, 2. 157; at Churubusco, 385. |
López de Santa Anna. See Santa Anna. |
López Uraga, J. See Uraga. |
Loring, W. W., at Cerro Gordo, 2. 350, 352. |
Los Angeles, in 1846, 1. 315; occupied by Americans, 337; Gillespie's rule, rising against it, 338-9, 533-4; American advance and recapture, 342-4, 535; map of engagement near, 344. |
Louis Philippe, and Texas, 1. 67, 2. 304; policy of neutrality, 300. See also France. |
Louisa, claim, 1. 426. |
Louisiana Purchase, Mexican negotiations on boundary, 1. 59-61; and Texas, 138. |
Louisiana troops, calls, 1. 150, 480, 537, 2. 364, 365, 430; in Vera Cruz expedition, 1. 368, 2. 336, 343; at Tampico, 1. 546, 547; with Scott, 2. 422; at Huamantla, 426. |
Louisville Legion, at Monterey, 1. 255. |
Lowell, J. R., and secession, 2. 272; on slavery and the war, 274; opposition to the war, 279. |
Lower California, map of tip, 2. 207; naval occupation, counter-attacks, 207-8, 448-9, 454; in peace negotiations, 469, 476. |
Lozano, Ramón, Spanish chargé at Mexico, and peace negotiations, 2. 135, 396, 467; on Spain and Mexico, 297; on Mexican force at time of evacuation, 416. |
Lumpkin, Wilson, opposes war, 1. 189. |