The Whistle Maker and Other Poems/Walking by the Way
In nights of darkness, Lord, let me
With full contentment walk with Thee.
Walking freely, as with brother,
Serving, trusting one another.
When sunshine floods the way with light,
And I would climb the mountain's height,
The night remembering, let me
In gratefulness, still walk with Thee.
When paths are smooth, so prone my feet
To wander off in by-ways sweet,
Where beauty hides the poison vine,
Or loosened stones, for feet like mine.
Walk with me, Lord, and counsel give.
Teach me to love, to help, to live.
When danger does my way entwine,
Lord, let me feel Thy hand in mine.
With hand in Thine, let me reach out
My other hand to those about,
Who know Thee not, Oh, Gentle Friend,
Let me their needs and wants attend.
And so, dear Lord, along the way,
A brotherhood from day to day
Shall fill the paths on land and sea,
'Till all the world is linked with Thee.
Nov. 16, 1914.