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The Wisconsin Idea/Men serving both University and State

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The Wisconsin Idea
by Charles McCarthy
Men serving both University and State for 1910-11
3941971The Wisconsin IdeaMen serving both University and State for 1910-11Charles McCarthy


A. Men who receive Compensation both from University and State


E. A. Birge. Dean of the college of letters and science; Superintendent of the geological and natural history survey. (Also serves as member of Fish commission, Forestry commission, Conservation commission.)

C. F. Burgess. Professor of chemical engineering; on engineering staff Railroad and Tax commissions.

R. Fischer. Professor of chemistry; Dairy and food commission.

C. Juday. Lecturer in zoölogy; Biologist, Geological and natural history survey.

J. G. D. Mack. Professor of machine design; on engineering staff Railroad and Tax commissions.

W. D. Pence. Professor of railway engineering; engineer Railroad and Tax commissions.

R. G. Thwaites. Secretary Wisconsin historical society; Wisconsin free library commission; Lecturer in history.


G. H. Benkendorf. Assistant professor of dairy husbandry; Secretary Wisconsin buttermakers' association.

C. G. Burritt. Instructor in railway engineering; on engineering staff Railroad and Tax commissions.

J. A. Cutler. Instructor in topographical engineering. Fifteen hours per week assistance on Mr. Stewart's report on storage reservoirs.

M. J. Kerschensteiner. Assistant in business administration; Tax commission.

O. L. Kowalke. Instructor in chemical engineering; on Engineering staff Railroad and Tax commissions. (He has also made numerous tests of coals and fuels for various state institutions.)

R. A. Moore. Professor of agronomy; Secretary experiment association.

W. A. Scott. Professor of political economy; Director course in commerce; State teachers' examiner.

H. J. Thorkelson. Associate professor of steam engineering; on engineering staff Railroad and Tax commissions; Engineer for state board of control.

J. S. Vosskuehler. Assistant professor of machine design; on engineering staff Railroad and Tax commissions. Discontinued by resignation at end of first semester, 1910-1911.

B. Men who receive Compensation from University serving on State Commissions, etc., without Compensation from the State

J. G. Halpin. Assistant professor of poultry husbandry; Secretary of Wisconsin poultry association.

E. G. Hastings. Associate professor of agricultural bacteriology; ex-officio member of the State live stock sanitary board, as Bacteriologist of the agricultural college.

G. C. Humphrey. Professor of animal husbandry; ex-officio member of Wisconsin live stock breeder's association, as Chairman of department of animal husbandry.

L. Kahlenberg. Director of course in chemistry; Professor of chemistry; Member of the Geological and natural history survey.

G. McKerrow. Superintendent of farmers' institutes; Member of live stock sanitary board, board of agriculture.

H. L. Russell. Dean of college of agriculture; Director of agricultural experiment station; ex-officio member of the State board of forestry; President of the advisory board Wisconsin state tuberculosis sanatorium; ex-officio member of State board of immigration.

J. G. Sanders. Assistant professor of economic entomology; Chief orchard and nursery inspector, appointed by the governor. (Fees for Nursery licenses go to University.)

L. S. Smith. Associate professor of topographical and geodetic engineering; State sealer of weights and measures. (Has also assisted the legislature relative to this matter.)

A. L. Stone. Professor of agronomy; in charge of Seed inspection service as authorized by legislative act. (All fees collected for analytical work go directly into the state treasury, but Stone receives no compensation for his work.)

F. E. Turneaure. Dean of the college of engineering; Member of the Wisconsin highway commission, and the Wisconsin commission of industrial education. (Has also rendered some assistance to the Legislative committee on water power.)

C. R. Van Hise. President of university; Member of forestry commission; Free library commission, President Geological and natural history survey; Chairman Conservation commission.

George Wagner. Assistant professor of zoölogy; work on Geological and natural history survey.

A. R. Whitson. Professor of soils; in charge of Soil survey, for the Wisconsin Geological and natural history survey.

The preceding men have definite official positions. Without such definite positions a large number of men serve the state bureaus in various ways as called upon. Among them are the following:—

J. R. Commons. Professor of political economy.

E. C. Elliott. Director of course for training of teachers.

E. A. Gilmore. Professor of law.

F. T. Havard. Assistant professor of mining engineering; research work relative to the quality of clays in the state, at request of Wisconsin brick manufacturers' association.

A. B. Hall. Instructor in political science.

Chester Lloyd Jones. Associate professor of political science.

H. L. McBain. Associate professor of political science.

D. W. Mead. Professor of hydraulic and sanitary engineering. Spent several days during the past year before legislative committees and is at present in charge of the reconstruction work at Black River Falls.

W. U. Moore. Professor of law.

M. P. Ravenel. Professor of bacteriology; Director hygienic laboratory.

P. S. Reinsch. Professor of political science.

H. S. Richards. Dean of law school; Professor of law.

E. A. Ross. Professor of sociology.

Various members of the medical staff.

C. Men with Compensation from State serving on University Staff without Compensation

T. S. Adams. Tax commissioner; Professor of political economy.

M. S. Dudgeon. Secretary free library commission; Instructor in political science.

E. M. Griffith. State forester; Lecturer in forestry.

Charles McCarthy. Librarian legislative reference department; Lecturer in political science.