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The Works of Abraham Cowley/Volume 2/The Force of Love

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Throw an apple up a hill,Down the apple tumbles still;Roll it down, it never stopsTill within the vale it drops:So are all things prone to Love,All below, and all above.
Down the mountain flows the stream,Up ascends the lambent flame;Smoke and vapour mount the skies;All preserve their unities; Nought below, and nought above,Seems averse, but prone to Love.
Stop the meteor in its flight,Or the orient rays of light;Bid Dan Phœbus not to shine,Bid the planets not incline;’Tis as vain, below, above,To impede the course of Love.
Salamanders live in fire,Eagles to the skies aspire,Diamonds in their quarries lie,Rivers do the sea supply:Thus appears, below, above,A propensity to Love.
Metals grow within the mine,Luscious grapes upon the vine;Still the needle marks the pole;Parts are equal to the whole:’Tis a truth as clear, that LoveQuickens all, below, above.
Man is born to live and die,Snakes to creep, and birds to fly;Fishes in the waters swim,Doves are mild, and lions grim:Nature thus, below, above,Pushes all things on to Love.
Does the cedar love the mountain?Or the thirsty deer the fountain?Does the shepherd love his crook?Or the willow court the brook?Thus by Nature all things move,Like a running stream, to Love.
Is the valiant hero bold?Does the miser dote on gold?Seek the birds in spring to pair?Breathes the rose-bud scented air?Should you this deny, you'll proveNature is averse to Love.
As the wencher loves a lass,As the toper loves his glass,As the friar loves his cowl,Or the miller loves the toll,So do all, below, above,Fly precipitate to Love.
When young maidens courtship shun,When the moon out-shines the sun,When the tigers lambs beget,When the snow is black as jet,When the planets cease to move,Then shall Nature cease to Love.