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The Works of Francis Bacon/Volume 2

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Francis Bacon2838611The Works of Francis Bacon — Volume 21884Basil Montagu












Century I.
Of straining or percolation, outward and inward 7
Of motion upon pressure 8
Of separations of bodies liquid by weight 8
Of infusions in water and air 9
Of the appetite of continuation in liquids 10
Of artificial springs 10
Of the venomous quality of man's flesh 10
Of turning air into water 10
Of helping or altering the shape of the body 11
Of condensing of air, to yield weight or nourishment 11
Of flame and air commixed 11
Of the secret nature of flame 12
Of flame, in the midst, and on the sides 12
Of motion of gravity 12
Of contraction of bodies in bulk 13
Of making vines more fruitful 13
Of the several operations of purging medicines 13
Of meats and drinks most nourishing 14
Of medicines applied in order 17
Of cure by custom 17
Of cure by excess 17
Of cure by motion of consent 17
Of cure of diseases contrary to predisposition 17
Of preparation before and after purging 18
Of stanching blood 18
Of change of aliments and medicines 18
Of diets 18
Of production of cold 18
Of turning air into water 19
Of induration of bodies 20
Of preying of air upon water 21
Of the force of union 22
Of making feathers and hairs of divers colours 22
Of nourishment of young creatures in the egg, or womb 22
Of sympathy and antipathy 22
Of the spirits or pneumaticals in bodies 23
Of the power of heat 23
Of impossibility of annihilation 24
Century II.
Of music 24
Of the nullity and entity of sounds 26
Of production, conservation, and delation of sounds 28
Of magnitude, exility, and damps of sounds 29
Of loudness and softness of sounds 32
Of communication of sounds 32
Of equality and inequality of sounds 32
Of more treble and base tones 33
Of proportion of treble and base 34
Of exterior and interior sounds 34
Of articulation of sounds 35
Century III.
Of the lines in which sounds move 36
Of the lasting and perishing of sounds 36
Of the passage in interception of sounds 37
Of the medium of sounds 37
Of the figures of bodies yielding sounds 38
Of mixtures of sounds 38
Of melioration of sounds 39
Of imitation of sounds 40
Of consent and dissent between audibles and visibles 41, 42
Of sympathy and antipathy of sounds 43
Of hindering or healping of hearing 44
Of the spiritual and fine nature of sounds 44
Of orient colours in dissolution of metals 45
Of prolongation of life 45
Of the appetite of union in bodies 45
Of the like operations of heat and time 45
Of the differing operations of fire and time 45
Of motions by imitation 45
Of infectious diseases 46
Of the incorporation of powders and liquors 47
Of exercise of the body, and the benefits or evils thereof 46
Of meats soon glutting, or not glutting 46
Century IV.
Of clarification of liquors and the acceleration thereof 47
Of maturation, and the accelerating thereof: and of the maturation of drinks and fruits 48
Of making gold 49
Of the several natures of gold 50
Of inducing and accelerating putrefaction 50
Of prohibiting and preventing putrefaction 51
Of rotten wood shining 52
Of acceleration of birth 53
Of acceleration of growth and stature 53
Of bodies sulphureous and mercurial 53
Of the chameleon 54
Of suhterrany fires 54
Of nitrous water 54
Of congealing of air 54
Of congealing of water into crystal 54
Of preserving the smell and colour in rose leaves 55
Of the lasting of flame 55
Of infusions or burials of divers bodies in earth 56
Of the effects on men's bodies from several winds 57
Of winter and summer sicknesses 57
Of pestilential years 57
Of epidemical diseases 57
Of preservation of liquors in wells, or deep vaults 57
Of slutting 57
Of sweet smells 58
Of the goodness and choice of waters 58
Of temperate heats under the equinoctial 59
Of the coloration of black and tawny Moors 59
Of motion after the instant of death 59
Century V.
Of accelerating or hastening forward germination 60
Of retarding or putting back germination 61
Of meliorating, or making better, fruits and plants 62
Of compound fruits and flowers 66
Of sympathy and antipathy of plants 67
Of making herbs and fruits medicinal 69
Century VI.
Of curiosities about fruits and plants 70
Of the degenerating of plants, and of their transmutation one into another 72
Of the procevity and lowness of plants, and of artificial dwarfing them 73
Of the rudiments of plants, and of the excrescences of plants, or super-plants 74
Of producing perfect plants without seed 76
Of foreign plants 77
Of the seasons of several plants 77
Of the lasting of plants 78
Of several figures of plants 78
Of some principal differences in plants 79
Of all manner of composts and helps for ground 79
Century VII.
Of the affinities and differences between plants and bodies inanimate 81
Of affinities and differences between plants and living creatures, and of the confiners

and participles of both

Of plants, experiments promiscuous 82
Of the healing of wounds 89
Of fat diffused in flesh 89
Of ripening drink speedily 89
Of pilosity and plumage 89
Of the quickness of motion in birds 90
Of the clearness of the sea, the north wind blowing 90
Of the different heats of fire and boiling water 90
Of the qualifications of heat by moisture 90
Of yawning 90
Of the hiccough 90
Of sneezing 90
Of the tenderness of the teeth 91
Of the tongue 91
Of the mouth out of taste 91
Of some prognostics of pestilential seasons 91
Of special simples for medicines 91
Of Venus 91
Of the insects, or creatures bred of putrefaction 92
Of leaping 93
Of the pleasures and displeasures of hearing, and of the other senses 93
Century VIII.
Of veins of earth medicinal 94
Of sponges 91
Of sea-fish in fresh waters 91
Of attraction by similitude of substance 94
Of certain drinks in Turkey 94
Of sweat 95
Of the glow-worm 95
Of the impressions upon the body from several passions of the mind 95
Of drunkenness 97
Of the hurt or help of wine, taken moderately 98
Of caterpillars 98
Of the flies cantharides 98
Of lassitude 98
Of casting of the skin, and shell, in some creatures 98
Of the postures of the body 99
Of pestilential years 99
Of some prognostics of hard winters 99
Of certain medicines that condense and rarefy the spirits 99
Of paintings of the body 99
Of the use of bathing and anointing 99
Of chambletting of paper 100
Of cuttle ink 100
Of earth increasing in weight 100
Of sleep 100
Of teeth and hard substances in the bodies of living creatures 100
Of the generation, and bearing of living creatures in the womb 101
Of species visible 102
Of impulsion and percussion 103
Of titillation 103
Of scarcity of rain in Egypt 103
Of clarification 103
Of plants without leaves 103
Of the materials of glass 104
Of prohibition of putrefaction, and the long conservation of bodies 104
Of abundance of nitre in certain sea-shores 104
Of bodies borne up by water 104
Of fuel consuming little or nothing 104
Of cheap fuel 105
Of gathering of wind for freshness 105
Of trials of air 105
Of increasing milk in milch beasts 105
Of sand of the nature of glass 105
Of the growth of coral 105
Of the gathering of manna 105
Of the correcting of wines 106
Of bitumen, one of the materials of wild-fire 106
Of plaster growing as hard as marble 106
Of the cure of ulcers and hurts 106
Of the healthfulness or unhealthfulness of southern wind 106
Of wounds made with brass, and with iron 106
Of mortification by cold 106
Of weight 106
Of supernatation of bodies 107
Of the living of unequal bodies in the air 107
Of water, that it may be the medium of sounds 107
Of the flight of the spirits upon odious objects 107
Of the super-reflection of echoes 107
Of the force of the imagination imitating that of the senses 107
Of preservation of bodies 108
Of the growth or multiplying of metals 108
Of the drowning the more base metal in the more precious 108
Of fixation of bodies 108
Of the restless nature of things in themselves, and their desire to change 108
Century IX.
Of perception in bodies insensible, tending to natural divination or subtile trials 109
Of the nature of appetite in the stomach 112
Of sweetness of odour from the rainbow 112
Of sweet smells 112
Of the corporeal substance of smells 112
Of fetid and fragrant odours 112
Of the causes of putrefaction 113
Of bodies imperfectly mixed 113
Of concoction and crudity 113
Of alterations, which may be called majors 114
Of bodies liquefiable, and not liquefiable 114
Of bodies fragile and tough 114
Of the two kinds of pneumaticals in bodies 115
Of concretion and dissolution of bodies 115
Of bodies hard and soft 115
Of ductile and tensile 115
Of several passions of matter, and characters of bodies 115
Of induration by sympathy 116
Of honey and sugar 116
Of the finer sort of base metals 116
Of certain cements and quarries 117
Of the altering of colours in hairs and feathers 116
Of the difference of living creatures, male and female 117
Of the comparative magnitude of living creatures 117
Of producing fruit without core or stone 117
Of the melioration of tobacco 117
Of several heats working the same effects 118
Of swelling and dilatation in boiling 118
Of the dulcoration of fruits 118
Of flesh edible and not edible 118
Of the salamander 118
Of the contrary operations of time on fruits and liquors 119
Of blows and bruises 119
Of the orrice root 119
Of the compression of liquors 119
Of the nature of air 119
Of the working of water upon air contiguous 119
Of the eyes and sight 119
Of the colour of the sea or other water 120
Of shell-fish 120
Of the right side and the left 121
Of frictions 121
Of globes appearing flat at distance 121
Of shadows 121
Of the rolling and breaking of the seas 121
Of the dulcoration of salt-water 121
Of the return of saltness in pits upon the sea shore 121
Of attraction by similitude of substance 121
Of attraction 121
Of heat under earth 122
Of flying in the air 122
Of the scarlet dye 122
Of maleficiating 122
Of the rise of water by means of flame 122
Of the influences of the moon 122
Of vinegar 123
Of creatures that sleep all winter 123
Of the generating of creatures by copulation, and by putrefaction 123
Century X.
Of the transmission and influx of immateriate virtues, and the force of imagination 124
Of the transmission of spirits, and the force of imagination 124
Of the emission of spirits in vapour, or exhalation, odour-like 126
Of emission of spiritual species which affect the senses 128
Of emissions of immateriate virtues, from the minds and spirits of men, by affections,

imagination, or other impressions

Of the secret virtue of sympathy and antipathy 129
Of secret virtues and proprieties 136
Of the general sympathy of men's spirits 137
A discourse of the happy union 138
Articles touching the union 142
Certificate of the commissioners 149
Naturalization of the Scottish nation 150
Union of laws 158
Proposition towards the union of laws 160
The post-nati 166
Considerations touching the plantation 183
Letter to Mr. Secretary Cecil 187
Considerations touching the queen's service in Ireland 188
Letters to Sir Geo. Villiers 190
Report of the Spanish grievances 193
Notes of a speech concerning a war with Spain 199
Considerations touching a war with Spain 201
Miscellaneous tracts 214
Report of Lopez's treason 216
Of the true greatness of Britain 222
Proposition touching the amendment of the laws 229
Offer of digest of the laws 233
Certificate touching the penal laws 236
Advice touching the charter-house 239
Observations on a libel 242
Touching purveyors 266
About undertakers 269
To the king upon the grievances of the Commons 272
On wards and tenures 273
Declaration for the master of the wards 274
On receiving the king's messages 276
Concerning impositions on merchandises 278
To grant supplies to the king 281
Relating to the mint 282
To the speaker's excuse 284
On the motion of a subsidy 286
Commission for the verge 289
Of subordinate magistrates 294
Against duels 295
Decree of Star-Chamber against duels 300
Against Mr. Oliver St. John 303
Against Mr. Lumsden, &c. 307
Against Lord Sanquhar 311
Against Mr. Owen 313
Against Countess of Somerset 315, 319
Against Earl of Somerset 321
Against Letter to the king 326
Against To Sir G. Villiers 326
Against To the king 328
Against To Sir G. Villiers 330
Against Of Somerset's arraignment 330
Against To the king, about Somerset's examination 331
Against To Sir G. Villiers, about Lady Somerset's pardon 331
Against William Talbot 389
Apology of Sir Francis Bacon 333
The proceedings of the Earl of Essex 342
Declarations of his treasons 348
Arraignment of Blunt, Davis, &c. 363
Arraignment of Cuffe 365
Arraignment of Merrick 365
Confession of Lee 365
Confession of Knowd 366
Confession of Gorge 367
Confession of Sir J. Davis 368
Confession of Sir C. Davers 368, 369
Confession of Sir C. Blunt 369, 372
Confession of Lord Sandys 371
Confession of the Earl of Essex 374
Declaration of Sir William Warren 366
Declaration of Thomas Wood 366
Declaration of David Hethrington 366
Declaration of the Lord Keener 370
Examination of Lord Rutland 371
Examination of Lord Cromwell 372
Examination of Lord Southampton 373
Speech of Sir Christopher Blunt 373
Advice to Sir George Villiers 375
A prayer, or psalm, made by the Lord Bacon, chancellor of England 405
A prayer made by the Lord Chancellor Bacon 405
The student's prayer 406
The writer's prayer 406
A confession of faith 407
The characters of a believing Christian, in paradoxes and seeming contradictions 408
An advertisement, touching the controversies of the church of England 411
Certain considerations, touching the better pacification and edification of the church

of England

The translation of certain psalms into English verse 431
An advertisement touching a holy war 435
Questions about the lawfulness of a war for the propagating of religion 444
Mr. Bacon s discourse in praise of his sovereign 415
A proclamation drawn for his majesty's firstcoming in 451
A draught of a proclamation touching his majesty's style 453
Physiological remains 455
Medical remains 466
On taking his place in chancery 471
Before the summer circuits 475
To Sir W.Jones 477
To Sir J. Denham 477
To Justice Hutton 478
Ordinances for regulating the Court of Chancery 479
Papers relating to Sir Edward Coke.
An expostulation to the Lord Chief Justice Coke 485
To the king, about the commendams 488
A memorial for his majesty 489
To Sir George Villiers 491
Tracts relating to commendams 491
A remembrance of abuse received from Lord Coke 497
Reasons for removing Lord Coke 497
To the king 498
Lord Viscount Villiers to Sir Francis Bacon 498
To the king 499
Remembrances of his majesty's declaration touching Lord Coke 500
To the king 500
To the king 501
Sir Edward Coke to the king 502
The king to the lord keeper 502
Sir Henry Yelverton to the Lord Keeper Bacon 503
To the Marquis of Buckingham 504
The Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the king 505
Lord Coke's answer to the fourth question arising out of Dr. Bonham's case 506
Lord Coke's answer to the last question arising upon Bagg's case 507
Letter to the judges 507
Charge against Whitelocke 508
Letters relating to Legal Proceedings.
Robert, Earl of Somerset, to Sir Thos. Overbury 509
To the king 510
To John Murray 511
To Mr. Murray 511
To Mr. Murray 511
To the king 511
Supplement of passages omitted in Bacon's speech against Owen 512
To the king 512
To Sir George Villiers, touching the examination of Sir Robert Cotton 615
Sir Francis Bacon to the judges 515
Legal questions for the judges 516
Questions of convenience 516
A particular remembrance for his majesty 516
Heads of the charge against Robert, Earl of Somerset 516
To Sir George Villiers 518
To the king 519
Advice to the king, for reviving the commission of suits 520
To the Earl of Buckingham 521
To the lord keeper 521
To the lord keeper 521
To the lord chancellor 522
To Sir Henry Yelverton 522
To the lord chancellor 522
To the lord chancellor 522
To the lord chancellor 523
To the lord chancellor 523
To the lord chancellor 523
To the lord chancellor 524
To the king 524
To the lord chancellor 524
To the Marquis of Buckingham 525
To the lord chancellor 525
Notes of a speech of the lord chancellor 525
To the Marquis of Buckingham 526
To the Marquis of Buckingham 520
To the king 526
To the king 527
Notes upon Michael de la Pole's case 527
Observations upon Thorpe's case 527
Notes upon Sir John Lee's case 527
Notes upon Lord Latimer's case 528
Notes upon John Lord Neville's case 528
Questions demanded of the Chief Justice of the King's Bench 528
Lord Coke's answers to the questions upon the case of the Isle of Ely 529
Lord Coke's answers to the questions upon D'Arcy scase 529
Lord Coke s answer to the question arising upon Godfrey's case 530
John Selden, Esq. to the Lord Viscount St. Alban 530
The first copy of my Discourse touching the safety of the Queen's Person 532
The first Fragments of a Discourse touching intelligence and safety of the Queen's Person 532
The Speeches drawn up by Mr. Bacon for the Earl of Essex, in a device exhibited by his lordship before Queen Elizabeth, on the anniversary of her accession to the throne, Nov. 17,1595 533
Remembrances for the King, before his going into Scotland 537
Account of Council Business 537
An account of Council Business and of other matters committed to me by his Majesty 538
A Draught of an Act against a usurious shift of gain, in delivering Commodities instead of Money 540
A Proposition for the repressing of singular Combats, or Duels 540
Advice to the King for reviving the Commission of Suits 511
Reasons why the New Company is not to be trusted and continued with the trade of Clothes 541
MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS. [Translated from the Latin.]
On the Interpretation of Nature 543
True Hints on the Interpretation of Nature 551
The Phenomena of the Universe; or, Natural History for the Basis of Natural Philosophy 558
Description of the Intellectual Globe 571

This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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