The Works of Sir John Suckling in prose and verse/Sonnets
That piece of beauty passes?
There was a time when I did vow
To that alone;
But mark the fate of faces;5
The red and white works now no more on me
Than if it could not charm, or I not see.
And I have still desires,
Am still the selfsame flesh and blood,10
As apt to melt
And suffer from those fires;
O! some kind power unriddle where it lies,
Whether my heart be faulty, or her eyes?
And I as often die;
Neither her power, then, nor my will
Can questioned be,
What is the mystery?
Sure Beauty's empires, like to greater states,20
Have certain periods set, and hidden fates.
To make up my delight;
No odd becoming graces,
Black eyes, or little know-not-whats in faces;
Make me but mad enough, give me good store5
Of love for her I court:
I ask no more,
'Tis love in love that makes the sport.
It is mere cosenage all;10
For though some long ago
Lik'd certain colours mingled so and so,
That doth not tie me now from choosing new:
If I a fancy take
To black and blue,15
That fancy doth it beauty make.
Makes eating a delight,
And if I like one dish
More than another, that a pheasant is;20
What in our watches, that in us is found;
So to the height and nick
We up be wound,
No matter by what hand or trick.
Some kind unbodied post
Sent from the shades below!
I strangely long to know,
Whether the nobler chaplets wear,5
Those that their mistress' scorn did bear,
Or those that were us'd kindly.
To make those sufferings dear,
'Twill there I fear be found,10
That to the being crown'd
T' have loved alone will not suffice,
Unless we also have been wise,
And have our loves enjoy'd.
That here unlov'd again
Departs, and 's thither gone
Where each sits by his own?
Or how can that elysium be,
Where I my mistress still must see20
Circled in others' arms?
And Sophonisba must
Be his whom she held dear,
Not his who lov'd her here:25
The sweet Philoclea, since she died,
Lies by her Pirocles his side,
Not by Amphialus.
For difference crowns the brow30
Of those kind souls that were
The noble martyrs here;
And if that be the only odds
(As who can tell?) ye kinder gods,
Give me the woman here.35