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The Writings of Carl Schurz/From Samuel Bowles, May 8th, 1872

From Wikisource

Springfield, Mass., May 8, 1872.

My dear Senator: I enclose you some of the things I have been writing in criticism and review of the Cincinnati Convention. I presume you have already had the same explanation that I give of Brown's infamous conduct. I had it from one of his friends and delegates, who told me the whole story. He has only hurt himself; he cannot hurt you. His friends ought to demand of him a personal apology, both to you and Grosvenor, and such good behavior as will give security for returning sense.

The thing seems to be going anyhow. Indeed I don't know but what you are right that anything would have gone. New England is very cold towards it as yet. We have got to be warmed up from the outside. Other men may have got more of its honors. But the two men who gained most character out of Cincinnati are yourself and Mr. [Charles Francis] Adams, and I am sure time will show it. Anyhow, you have made me more than ever your friend and admirer, and I am

Most cordially yours,

Samuel Bowles.