The Writings of Carl Schurz/To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., August 7th, 1903

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Bolton Landing, Lake George, N. Y.,
Aug. 7, 1903.

Yesterday I had a full talk with Mr. Peabody about the Philippine matter, and he was very favorably impressed. Although the “Southern Education Commission,” as he said, engaged his attention as well as his means very much, he was inclined to contribute. He would think the matter over a little and then let me know how far he could go. So I may expect to hear from him very soon, and I shall promptly advise you.

Yes, the interview with General Miles is “mighty interesting reading.” It is to be hoped that all these things will become public before long. What a “truthful Elihu” Mr. Root is! Has there ever been so systematic an effort to deceive the American people and to conceal from them what they have a right to know and ought to know?

I cannot agree with you as to Judge Gray. Do you remember the despatch he wrote from Paris in which he said he was utterly unable to agree to the annexation scheme, and gave the most cogent reasons for rejecting it? And after all this he put his name to the treaty without protest, and then to accept an appointment which looked like—and which all the world regarded as—a reward for his compliance! The man who does such a thing has a weak spot in his character which makes him an uncertain quantity. The assumption that he acted in a diplomatic capacity and had to obey instructions cannot excuse him. As a peace commissioner he had much more freedom of action and was fully authorized to shape his conduct according to his own honest conviction as to what was best for his country. He failed in the great trial. If he should be nominated, it may be good policy to support him, but only as a choice between two evils.