The Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906)/Volume 5/Index
Achilles, The Youth of, translation, 385.
Acre, an, as long measure, 60.
Acton (Mass.), 136.
jEschylus, The Prometheus Bound of, translation, 337-375.
jEsculapius, translation, 380.
Agriculture, the task of Americans, 229-231.
Ajax, The Treatment of, translation, 387.
Alphonse, Jean, and Falls of Montmorenci, 38, 39 ; quoted, 91.
America, superiorities of, 220-224.
American, money in Quebec, 24 ; the, and government, 82, 83.
Amphiaraus, The Death of, translation, 387.
Anacreon, quoted, 108, 109, 110.
Andropogons, or beard-grasses, 225- 258.
Ange Gardien Parish, 42; church of, 46.
Angler's Souvenir, the, 119.
Apollo, translation, 383.
Apple, history of the tree, 290-298;
the wild, 299, 300; the crab-, 301,
302; growth of the wild, 302-308;
cropped by cattle, 303-307; the
fruit and flavor of the, 308-314;
beauty of the, 314, 315; naming of
the, 315-317; last gleaning of the,
317-319: the frozen-thawed, 319,
320; dying out of the wild, 321, 322.
Apple-howling, 298.
Arpent, the, 60.
Ashburnham (Mass.), 3 ; with a bet-
ter house than any in Canada, 100.
Ash trees, 6.
Assabet, the, 136.
Audubon, John James, reading, 103;
109, note ; 112, note.
Aurora of Guido, The, verse, 399.
Autumn foliage, brightness of, 249-
Autujen-al Tl>ts, 249-289.
Bartram, William, quoted, 199.
Bathing feet in brooks, 140.
Beard-grasses, andropogons or, 255-
Beauport (Que.), and le Chemin de,
30; getting lodgings in, 35-38;
church in, 69 ; Seigniory of, 96.
Beaupre Seigniory of the Cote de,
" Behold, how spring appearing,"
verse, 109.
Bellows Falls (Vt.), 5.
Birch, yellow, 6.
Birds and mountains, 149.
Bittern, booming of the, 111.
Black Knight, The, verse, 415, note.
Blueberries, and milk, supper of,
Bluebird, the, 110.
Bobolink, the, 113. .
Bodseus, quoted, 317.
Bolton (Mass.), 137.
Bonsecours Market (Montreal), 11.
Books on natural history, reading,
Boots, Canadian, 51.
Boston (Mass.), 3, 7, 9.
Boucher, quoted, 91.
Boucherville (Que.), 20.
Bouchette, Topographical Descrip-
tion of the Canadas, quoted, 41,
42, 63, 64, 89, 92, 94, 95.
Bout de l'Isle, 20.
Brand's Popular Antiquities quoted,
297, 298.
Bravery of science, the, 106, 107.
" Brother, where dost thou dwell ? "
verse, 403.
Burlington (Vt.), 7, 99.
Burton, Sir Richard Francis, 228.
Butternut tree, 6.
Cabs, Montreal, 18; Quebec, 69, 70.
Caddis-worms, 170.
Caen, Emery de, quoted, 52.
Caleche, the (see Cabs), 69, 70. Canada, apparently older than the
United States, 80, 81; population
of, 81, 82; the French in, a nation
of peasants, 82.
Canadense, Iter, and the word, 101.
Canadian, French, 9; horses, 34;
women, 34; atmosphere, 34; love
of neighborhood, 42, 43; houses,
44,59; clothes, 45; salutations, 47 ;
vegetables and trees, 47, 48 ; boots,
51; tenures, 63, 64.
Cane, a straight and a twisted, 184,
Cap aux Oyes, 93.
Cape Diamond, 22, 40; signal-gun
on, 85 ; the view from, 88.
Cape Rosier, 92.
Cape Rouge, 21, 95.
Cape Tourmente, 41, 89, 96.
Cartier, Jacques, 7, and the St.
Lawrence, 89-91 ; quoted, 97 ; 98, 99.
Castor and Pollux, translation, 388.
Cattle-show, men at, 184.
Cemetery of fallen leaves, 269, 270.
Chaleurs, the Bay of, 90.
Chalmers, Dr., in criticism of Cole-
ridge, 324.
Chambly (Que.), 11.
Champlain, Samuel, quoted, 8;
whales in map of, 91.
Charlevoix, quoted, 52, 91.
Chateau Richer, church of, 46; 49;
lodgings at, 59.
Chaucer, quoted, 159, 160.
Chaudiere River,;; the, 21 ; Falls of
the, 69, 70.
Cheap men, 29, 30.
Cherry-stones, transported by birds,
Chickadee, the, 108.
Chien, La Riviere au, 56.
Churches, Catholic and Protestant,
12-14; roadside, 46.
Claire Fontaine, La, 26.
Clothes, bad- weather, 28 ; Canadian,
Colors, names and joy of, 273-275.
Concord (Mass.), 3, 6, 8; History of,
quoted, 115; 133, 149, 152.
Concord River, the, 115, 139.
Connecticut River, 5, 145, 147.
Coureurs de bois, and de risques, 43.
Crickets, the creaking of, 108.
Crookneck squash seeds, Quebec, 87.
Crosses, roadside, 45, 46.
Crow, the, 108; not imported from
Europe, 113.
Crystalline botany, 126, 127.
Culm, bloom in the, 253.
Darby, "William, quoted, 93, 94.
Delay, verse, 418.
Departure, The, verse, 414.
Ding Dong, verse, 417.
Dogs in harness, 30.
Drake, Sir Francis, quoted, 325.
Dubartas, quoted, translation of
Sylvester, 328, 329.
Ducks, 110.
" Each summer sound," verse, 112.
East Main, Labrador and, health in
the words, 104.
Easterbrooks Country, the, 299, 303.
Edda, the Prose, quoted, 291.
Eggs, a master in cooking, 61, 62.
Elm, the, 263, 264, 276.
Elysium, translation, 375.
Emerson, George B., quoted, 200.
English and French in the New
World, 66, 67.
Entomology, the study of, 107, 108.
Evelyn, John, quoted, 310, 311.
Ex Oriente Lux ; ex Occidente Frux,
Experiences, the paucity of men's,
241, 242.
Eyes, the sight of different men's
Fall of the Leaf, The, verse, 407.
Fallen Leaves, 264-270.
Falls, a drug of, 58.
Fame, translation, 378.
Fish, spearing, 119, 121-123.
Fisher, the pickerel, 180, 181.
Fishes, described in Massachusetts
Report, 118.
Fitchburg (Mass.), 3.
Fitzwilliam (N. H.), 4.
Foreign country, quickly in a, 31.
Forests, nations preserved by, 229.
Fortifications, ancient and modern,
77, 78.
Fox, the, 117.
French, difficulties in talking, 35-37,
47; strange, 50; pure, 52; in the
New World, English and, 66-68; in Canada, 81, 82; the, spoken in
Quebec streets, 86, 87.
Friends, The Value of, translation,
Froissart, good place to read, 23.
Frost-smoke, 166.
Funeral Bell, The, verse, 405.
Fur Countries, inspiring neighbor-
hood of the, 105.
Garget, poke or, 253-255.
Geese, first flock of, 110.
Gesner, Konrad von, quoted, 318.
Gosse, P. A., Canadian Naturalist, 91.
Great Brook, 137.
Great Fields, the, 257.
" Great God ! I ask thee for no
meaner pelf," verse, 418.
Great River, the, or St. Lawrence,
89, 90, 91, 92.
Greece, verse, 404.
Greece, The Freedom of, translation,
Green Mountains, the, 6, 100, 145,
Grey, the traveler, quoted, 94.
Grippling for apples, 309.
Gulls, 110.
Guyot, Arnold, 93; quoted, 93, 94,
220, 221.
Harvard (Mass.), 151, 152.
" Have you not seen," verse, 413.
Hawk, fish, 110.
Head, Sir Francis, quoted, 47,221,222.
Height of Glory, The, translation, 384.
Hercules, names the Hill of Kronos,
translation, 377.
Hercules' Prayer concerning Ajax,
son of Telamon, translation, 390.
Herrick, Robert, 298.
Hickory, the, 264, 265.
Highlanders in Quebec, 25-27, 28, 29,
" His steady sails he never furls,"
verse, 109.
Hoar-frost, 126, 127.
Hochelaga, 89, 97, 99.
Homer, quoted, 181.
Hoosac Mountains, 147.
Hop, culture of the, 136, 137.
Horses, Canadian, 34.
HoHus siccus, nature in winter a, 179.
House, the perfect, 153.
Houses, Canadian, 44, 59 ; American
compared with Canadian, 100.
Humboldt, Alexander von, 92, 93.
Hunt House, the old, 201.
Hypseus' Daughter Cyrene, transla-
tion, 383.
" I saw the civil sun drying earth's
tears," verse, 409.
" I see the civil sun drying earth's
tears," verse, 120.
Ice, the booming of, 176.
Ice formations in a river-bank, 128,
" If I am poor," verse, 412.
" If thou wilt but stand by my ear,"
verse, 418.
"If with light head erect I sing,"
verse, 396.
Ignorance, Society for the Diffusion
of Useful, 239.
Imitations of Charette drivers, Yan-
kee, 99.
" In this roadstead I have ridden,"
verse, 414.
"In two years' time 't had thus,"
verse, 303.
Independence, verse, 415.
Indoors, living, 207-209.
Inn, inscription on wall of Swedish,
. 141.
Inspiration, quatrain, 418.
Inspiration, verse, 396.
Invertebrate Animals, Report on,
quoted, 129.
" I ' ve searched my faculties around, "
verse, 418.
Jay, the, 108, 199.
Jesuit Relations, quoted, 96.
Jesuits' Barracks, the, in Quebec, 24.
Joel, the prophet, quoted, 322.
Jonson, Ben, quoted, 226.
Josselyn, John, quoted, 2.
Kalm, Swedish traveler, quoted, 21,
30, 39, 65; on sea-plants near Que-
bec, 93.
Keene (N. H.) Street, 4 ; heads like, 4.
Kent, the Duke of, property of, 38.
Killington Peak, 6.
Knowledge, the slow growth of, 181 ;
Society for the Diffusion of Useful,
239; true, 240. Labrador and East Main, health in
the words, 104.
Lake, a woodland, in winter, 174, 175.
Lake Champlain, 6-8.
Lake St. Peter, 96, 97.
Lalement, Hierosme, quoted, 22.
Lancaster (Mass.), 138, 139, 149.
Landlord, The, 153-162.
Landlord, qualities of the, 153-162.
La Prairie (Que.), 11, 18, 99.
Lark, the, 109, 110.
Lead, rain of, 26.
Leaves, fallen, 264-270; scarlet oak,
Lincoln (Mass.), 282, 283.
Linnaeus, quoted, 222.
Longueuil (Que.), 20.
Loudon, John Claudius, quoted, 197,
" Low in the eastern sky," verse, 400.
McCulloch's Geographical Diction-
ary, quoted, 49.
McTaggart, John, quoted, 94.
MacTavish, Simon, 98.
Man, translation, 383.
Man, The Divine in, translation, 386.
Map, drawing, on kitchen table, 60 ;
of Canada, inspecting a, 95.
Maple, the red and sugar, 6; the
red, 258-263, 265; the sugar, 261,
Marafion, the river, 93.
Marlborough (Mass.), 214.
Merrimack River, the, 147.
Michaux, Andr4, quoted, 269.
Michaux, Francis Andr6, quoted,
220, 261, 301.
Midnight, exploring the, 323.
Miller, a crabbed, 69.
Milne, Alexander, quoted, 193, 194.
Mississippi, discovery of the, 90; ex-
tent of the, 93; a panorama of the,
Mission, verse, 418.
Monadnock, 4, 143, 145, 147.
Montcalm, Wolfe and, monument to,
73, 74.
Montmorenci County, 62; the habi-
tans of, 64-68.
Montmorenci, Falls of, 29, 37-39.
Montreal (Que.), 9, 11; described, 14-
16 ; the mixed population of , 17, IS ;
from Quebec to, 96, 97; and its sur-
roundings, beautiful view of, 98;
the name of, 98.
Moon, The, verse, 406.
Moonlight, Night and, 323-333.
Moonlight, reading by, 145.
Moonshine, 324, 325.
Moore, Thomas, 98.
Morning, winter, early, 163-166.
Morton, Thomas, 2.
Mount Royal (Montreal), 11.
Mountains, the use of, 148, 149 ; and
plain, influence of the, 150, 151.
Muse, The Venality of the, transla-
tion, 389.
Musketaquid, Prairie, or Concord
River, 115.
Muskrat, the, 114-117.
Mussel, the, 129.
"My life more civil is and free,"
verse, 415.
Names, poetry in, 20 ; of places,
French, 56, 57; men's, 236, 237 ; of
colors, 273, 274.
Natural History of Massachu-
setts, 103-131.
Natural history, reading books of,
103, 105.
Nature, health to be found in, 105;
man's work the most natural,
compared with that of, 119; the
hand of, upon her children, 124,
125; different methods of work,
125; the civilized look of, 141; the
winter purity of, 167; a hortus
sicaxs in, 179; men's relation to,
Nature, verse, 395.
Nawshawtuct Hill, 384.
New things to be seen near home,
211, 212.
Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, quoted,
Niepce, Joseph Nicephore, quoted,
Night and Moonlight, 323-333.
Night, on Wachusett, 146 ; the senses
in the, 327, 328.
" No generous action can delay,"
verse, 418.
Nobscot Hill, 303, 304.
Norumbega, 90.
" Not unconcerned Wachusett rears
his head," verse, 144. Notre Dame (Montreal), 11 ; a visit
to, 12-14.
Notre Dame des Anges, Seigniory
of, 96.
Nurse-plants, 193.
Nuthatch, the, 108.
Nuttall, Thomas, quoted, 111, 112.
Oak, succeeding pine, and vice versa,
185, 187, 189; the scarlet, 278-281;
leaves, scarlet, 278-280.
Ogilby, America of 1670, quoted, 91.
Old Marlborough Road, The, verse,
Olympia at Evening, translation, 378.
Omnipresence, verse, 417.
"O Nature ! I do not aspire," verse,
" One more is gone," verse, 405.
Origin of Rhodes, translation, 376.
Orinoco, the river, 93.
Orleans, Isle of, 41, 42.
Orsinora, 90.
Ortelius, Theatrum Orbis Terra-
rum, 89.
Ossian, quoted, 332.
Ottawa River, the, 41, 94, 98.
Oui, the repeated, 60.
Palladius, quoted, 294, 308.
Patent office, seeds sent by the, 203.
Peleus and Cadmus, translation, 381.
Penobscot Indians, use of muskrat-
skins by, 116, 117.
Perch, the, 123.
Phoebe, the, 112.
Pickerel-fisher, the, 180, 181.
Pies, no, in Quebec, 86.
Pilgrims, verse, 413.
Pinbena, the, 48.
Pindar, Translations from, 375.
Pine, oak succeeding, and vice versa,
185, 187, 1S9; family, a, 243, 244.
Pine cone, stripped by squirrels, 196.
Plain and mountain, life of the, 151.
Plants on Cape Diamond, Quebec,
Plicipennes, 170.
Pliny, the Elder, quoted, 292.
Plover, the, 112.
Plum, beach, 201.
Poems, 393-419.
Point Levi, by ferry to, 70 ; a night
at, 71; 89.
Pointe aux Trembles, 20, 21.
Poke, or garget, the, 253-255.
Pommettes, 39.
"Poor bird! destined to lead thy
life," verse, 411.
Potherie, quoted, 52.
Poverty, verse, 412.
Prairie River, Musketaquid or, 115.
Prayer, verse, 418.
Prometheus Bound of iEschylus,
The, translation, 337.
Purana, the, quoted, 327.
Purple Grasses, The, 252-258.
Quail, a white, 109, note.
Quebec (Que.), 3, 20, 21 ; approach to,
22; harbor and population of, 22;
medisevalism of, 23, 26 ; the citadel,
27-30; 76-80; fine view of , 49 ; reen-
tering, through St. John's Gate,
69; lights in the lower town, 71;
landing again at, 72 ; walk round
the Upper Town, 72-76; the walls
and gates, 74, 75 ; artillery barracks,
75; mounted guns, 76 ; restaurants,
85, 86 ; scenery of, 87-89 ; origin of
word, 88 ; departure from, 95.
Rainbow in Falls of the Chaudiere,
70, 71.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, quoted, 329.
Reports on the natural history of
Massachusetts, 103, 114, 118, 123, 129,
Return of Spring, verse, 109.
Rhexia, 252.
Richelieu, Isles of, 96.
Richelieu or St. John's River, 8.
Richelieu Rapids, the, 21.
Richter, Jean Paul, quoted, 330, 331.
River, the flow of a, 178.
River-bank, ice formations in a, 128,
Riviere du Sud, the, 92.
Riviere more meandering than
River, 56.
Roberval, Sieur de, 95, 96.
Robin, the, 109; a white, 109, note.
Robin Hood Ballads, quoted, 150,
Rowlandson, Mrs., 149.
St. Anne, the Falls of, 40 ; Church
of La Bonne, 49; lodgings in village of, 49-51; interior of the
church of La Bonne, 51, 52 ; Falls
of, described, 52-55.
St. Charles River, the, 30.
St. Helen's Island (Montreal), 11.
St. John's (Que.), 9, 10.
St. John's River, 8.
St." Lawrence River, 11 ; cottages
along the, 21 ; banks of the, above
Quebec, 40, 41; breadth of , 49; or
Great River, 89-95; old maps of,
89, 90, 92; compared with other
rivers, 90, 92-95.
St. Maurice River, 94.
Saguenay River, 91, 94.
Salutations, Canadian, 47.
Sault a la Puce, Riviere du, 48, 58.
Sault Norman, 11.
Sault St. Louis, 11.
Saunter, derivation of the word, 205,
Scarlet Oak, The, 278-285.
Schoolhouse, a Canadian, 46.
Science, the bravery of, 106, 107.
Scotchman dissatisfied with Canada,
a, 75.
Scriptures, Hebrew, inadequacy of
regarding winter, 183.
Sea-plants near Quebec, 93.
Seeds, the transportation of, by
wind, 186, 187; by birds, 187-189; by
squirrels, 190-200; the vitality of,
Seeing, individual, 285-288.
Selenites, 323.
Sign language, 61.
Sillery(Que.), 22.
Silliman, Benjamin, quoted, 98.
Skating, 177, 178.
Smoke, winter morning, 165; seen
from a hilltop, 173, 174.
Snake, the, 123, 124.
Snipe-shooting grounds, 48.
Snow, 181, 182; not recognized in
Hebrew Scriptures, 183.
Snowbird, the, 109.
Society, health not to be found in,
Soldiers, English, in Canada, 9, 10,
16, 17; in Quebec, 24-27, 79, 80.
Solomon, quoted, 291.
" Sometimes I hear the veery's
clarion," verse, 112.
Sounds, winter morning, 163, 164.
Sorel River, 8.
Sparrow, the song, 109.
Spaulding's farm, 243.
Spearing fish, 121-123.
Speech, country, 137.
Spring, on the Concord River, 119-
Squash, the large yellow, 203.
Squirrel, a red, burying nuts, 190,
191; with nuts under snow, 195;
pine cones stripped by the, 196;
with filled cheek-pouches, 198.
Stars, the, 328, 329.
Stillriver Village (Mass.), 151.
Stillwater, the, 140, 142.
Stow (Mass.), 136.
Succession of Forest Trees, The,
Sudbury (Mass.), 303.
Sugar Maple, The, 271-278.
Sunset, a remarkable, 246-248.
Tamias, the steward squirrel, 198.
Tavern, the gods' interest in the,
153; compared with the church,
the, 161, 162.
Tenures, Canadian, 63.
"Thank God, who seasons thus the
year," verse, 407.
Thaw, The, verse, 409.
" The full-orbed moon with un-
changed ray," verse, 406.
" The god of day his car rolls up the
slopes," verse, 399.
" The needles of the pine," verse,
" The rabbit leaps," verse, 410.
" The river swelleth more and
more," verse, 120.
" The sluggish smoke curls up from
some deep dell," verse, 165.
Theophrastus, 292.
Thomson, James, quoted, 249.
Thoreau, Henry David, leaves Con-
cord for Canada, 25th September,
1850, 3; traveling outfit of, 31-34;
leaves Quebec for Montreal on
return trip, 95; leaves Montreal
for Boston, 99; total expense of
Canada excursion, 100, 101; walk
from Concord to Wachusett and
back, 133-152 ; observation of a red
squirrel, 190, 191 ; experience with
government squash-seed, 203. " Thou dusky spirit of the -wood,"
verse, 113.
Three Rivers (Que.), 21, 93.
Three-o'clock courage, 208, 209.
To a Stray Fowl, verse, 411.
To Aristoclides, Victor at the Ne-
meau Games, translation, 384.
To Asopichus, or Orchomenos, on
his Victory in the Stadic Course,
translation, 378.
To My Brother, verse, 403.
To the Maiden in the East, verse,
To the Lyre, translation, 379.
Toil, translation, 389.
Translations, 337-392.
Translations from Pindar, 375-392.
Trappers, 115.
Traverse, the, 92.
Traveling outfit, the best, 31-34.
Trees, Canadian, 48 ; the suggestions
of, 125; the natural planting of,
186-202 ; a town's need of, 272-278 ;
for seasons, 276.
Tree-tops, things seen and found on,
Troy (N. H.), 4.
Turtle, the snapping, 124.
"Upon the lofty elm tree sprays,"
verse, 112.
Val Cartier (Que.), 89.
Varennes, the church of, 97, 98.
Veery, the, 112.
Vegetation, the type of all growth,
Vergennes (Vt.), 7.
Village, a continuous, 42, 43; the,
213 ; trees in a, 275-278.
Virgil, reading, 138, 143, 144.
Wachusett, a view of, 138 ; range, the,
139; ascent of, 142; birds or vegeta-
tion on summit of, 143; night on,
145, 146 ; an observatory, 147.
Walls, Quebec and other, 74.
"Walk to Wachusett, A, 133-152.
"Walkers, the order of, 206, 207.
"Walking, 205-248.
Walks, not on beaten paths, 213, 214;
the direction of, 216-219; adven-
turous, 285; by night, 326.
Watatic, 137, 147.
" We pronounce thee happy, Ci-
cada," verse, 108.
West, walking towards the, 217-220 ;
general tendency towards the, 219-
Westmoreland, etymology of, 6.
Whales in the St. Lawrence, 91.
" Whate'er we leave to God, God
does," verse, 396.
" When life contracts into a vulgar
span," verse, 404.
" When the world grows old by the
chimney-side," verse, 417.
"When winter fringes every bough,"
verse, 176.
" Where they once dug for money,"
verse, 214.
Whitney, Peter, quoted, 312.
" Who equaleth the coward's haste,"
verse, 417.
"Whoa," the crying of, to mankind,
Wild Apples, 290-322.
Wildness, the necessity of, 224-236 ;
in literature, 230-233; in domestic
animals, 234-236.
Willow, golden, leaves, 266.
Winter Scene, A, verse, 410.
Winter Walk, A, 163-183.
Winter, warmth in, 167, 168; the
woods in, 168, 169 ; nature a hortus
siccus in, 179 ; as represented in the
almanac, 182 ; ignored in Hebrew
revelation, 183 ; evening, 183.
"With frontier strength ye stand
your ground," verse, 133.
" Within the circuit of this plodding
life," verse, 103.
Wolfe and Montcalm, monument to,
Wolfe's Cove, 22.
Women, Canadian, 34.
Woodbine, 3, 4, 276.
Woodchopper, winter to be repre-
sented as a, 182.
Woodman, hut and work of a, 172,
Woods in winter, the, 168, 169.
Wordsworth, reading, 143, 144.
Yankee in Canada, A, 1-101.
" Yorrick," the, 112, note.
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