The Wrong Box/Catalogue

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Abbey's English Church and its Bishops, 1700-1800, 2 vols. 8vo. 248,

Abbey and Ovorton's English Church in the Ninghteoath Century, Or.8¥0. 7x 6d.

Arnold's Lectures on Modern History. 8vo, 7s, 6d.

Bagwell's Ireland under the Tudors. Vols. 1 and 2. 2 vols. 8vo. 32s.

Ball's Legislative Systems in Ireland, 1172-1900, 8vo. 6s.

The Reformed Church of Ireland, 1557-1886. 8vo. Ys, 64

Boulthee's History of the Church of England, Pre-Reformation Period. 8vo, 151. ©)

Buckle's History of Civilization, 3 vols, crown 8vo. 24s.

Cox's (Sir G. W.) General History of Greece. Crown 8vo. Mays, 74, 64,

Cox's (Homersham) The First Century of Christianity. 8vo. 5s.

Croighton's Papacy during the Reformation. 8vo. Vols.1 & 2,32s. Vols. 3&4, 14s,

De Radelifte's (Viscount Stratford) Life, By Stanley Lane-Poole, 2 vols, 8vo. 368.

De Tocqueville's Democracy in America. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 16s.

Doyle's English in America: Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas, 8vo. 18s

The Puritan Colonies, 2 vols. 8vo, 365,

Epochs of Ancient History. Edited by the Rev, Sir G. W. Cox; Bart. and C. Sankey, M.A. With Maps, 10 vols, Fop. 8vo, price 24, éd.each, Sve p. ds

Epochs of Modern History. Edited by C. Colbeck, M.A. With Maps, 19 wla, Fop, ¥o, 21. 6d. each. See p. 3,

Epochs of Church History. Edited by the Rev, Mandell Creighton, M.A. 14 vols, Fcp, 8vo. price 2s. td. each, Seep. 3.

Freeman's Historical Geography of Europe, 2 vols, 8vo. Ss. 64.

Froude's English in Ireland in the 18th Century, 3 vols, crown 8vo. 18%,

History of England, Popular Edition. 12 vols. crown 8vo. 24. 84. each,

Short Studies on Great Subjects, 4 vols, crown 8vo, 21s,

Gardiner's History of England from the Accession of James I, to the Outbreak of the Civil War. 10 vols. crown 8vo. 608.

History of the Great Civil War, 1642-1649 (8 vols) Vol 1, 1648-1044,; 8v0, 215,

Godolphin's (Earl of) Life. By the Hon, Hugh Hiliot 8vo. 1is.

Greville's Journal of the Reigns of King George IV., King William IV, and. Queen Victoria, Cabinet Edition. 8 vols, crown 8vo, 6s. each.

Historic Towns. Tdited by E. A. Freeman, D.C.L. and the Rev. William Hunt, M.A. With Maps and Plans. Crown 8vo. 3s 6d. each.

London, By W. E. Loftie.

Exeter. By E. A. Freeman.

Cinque Ports. By Montagu Burrows.

Bristol. By the Rev. W. Hunt.

Oxford. By the Rev. C. W. Boase.

Colchester. By the Rev. E. C. Cutts,

'Lecky's any, of land in the Highteenth Centary. Vols. 1 & 2, I701-1760, 'ols. 8 dc 4, 1760-1784, Byo. 36s, Vole,5 & 6, 1734~1798, 362, 6 aes nropesn Morel. 'f yols. crown Byo, 184, — —BEationalism in Europe, 2 vola, crown So. 16s,

tems 's Life and Times of Bdward III, 9 vols. Bvo. 284,

'Macaulay's Pane, Works. Library Edition, 8 vols, 8vo. £5. 5s,

_ - Cabinet Baltion. 16 vols, crown Svo. £4, 16,

_- History of England;—

Student's Edition. 2 yolu. cr. 8vo. 12s,

People's Edition, 4 vols. er, 6x0. 64,

Popuinr Bilition, 2 vole. er. Svo. Bs, Mrcanny' Otol and Histaioe Bom, with Taye of Ancient Rome Tn One. |

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Authorised Edition. Cr. 8vo, 22, 6d. | Popular Edition. Cr, 8vo. 2482, 5

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Macaitlay's Miscellaneous Writings, 3 vola. Avo. 214. 1 vol. crown 890,42. 6,

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Popular Bilition, Crown 8ro, 24, 6d, =. Miscellaneous Writings, 8 Lage of Ancient R Cabinet Edition, ae Ma, oh ae

-_ 'Writings, Selections from, Crown 8vo, 6s.

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'Magnus's Outlines of Jewish History. Fcp. 8vo. 34, 6d.

Malmesbury's (Earl of) Memoirs of an Ex-Ministes, Crown 870, 71.64,

May's Constitutiona! History of England, 1760-1870. 9 vols. crown 8yo. 18s,

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Mertvale's Pail of the Roman Republic 12mo, 7s, 6d.

_ General History of Rome, B.c, 753-a.p, 478, Crown 8vo. 74, 64.

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Richey's Short History of the Irish People. 8vo. 14s.

Saintsbury's Manchester: a Short History. Crown 8vo. $s. 6d.

Seebohm's Oxtoni Reformers—Colet, Bramiuy, & More, 8vo, 14s,

Bhort's History of the Church of England. Crown vo, 72. 62.

Showert' A Missing Chapter of the Indian Matiny. $vo. 8+. 64.

'Smith's Carthage and the Carthaginians. Crown 8vo. 10r. 6a.

Stuart's The Bronté Country. 38 Tiustrations, Crown 8vo, 63,

Taylor's Manual of the History of India, Crown 8vo, 74. 64, 'g

roe ee Government In England (2 yola) Vol. 1, 8vo. S43. |

oh 7, 308.

Totes Fistory of Prana under Teedeick the Crest, 1040-1788 2 voln

'crown Byvo. 185, lt 'Vitstham's St. Petersburg and London, 1852-1804. 2 'vols. 8yo, 30s.

Walpole's Wistory of England, trom 1816, 6 vole vo, Vols, 142, 1616-1802, 9a Vol $, 1899-1841, Ios. Vola. 4 & 5, 1845-1868, 364,

'Wylie's History of England under Henry IV. Vol. 1, crown 8vo. 10s. 64, |

Cabinet Ration. § vols, post 80.48%, | Library Edition. 5 vols. 6ro. £4, |


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eaves of the Second Century. By the Rev. W. Wolfe Capes, Mt.

"ith 2 Mapa.

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The Rise of the Macedonian Empire. By Arthur M, Curtels, M.A. With $ Maps,

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Rome to ite Capture by the Gauls. By Wilhelm Thee. With a Map.

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The Ageot Anne. Dy B.E, Morris, MA. With 7 Maps and Plaws,

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EPOCHS OF CHURCH HISTORY. Edited by the Rev. MasDRut CanrGUToN. Fep, 8yvo. price 2s, 67. each.

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Rewman’s Apologia pro Vite Sa, Crown 8vo; &1.

Pasteur (Louls) His Life and Laboura, Crown 8¥q 74, 6d.

Shakespeare's Life (Gutlines of), by Haltiwell-Phiilipps, 2 vols, royal vo. 10s. d.

Boathey’s Correspondence with Carvline Bowles. vo, Ls,

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Adam's Public Debts; an Essny.on the Science of Finance, 8yo. 124. 6d. Amoa's View of the Science of Jurisprudence, 8vo. 18s. — Primer of the Eugllsh Constitution. Crown 8vo. 8%. Bacon’s Besays, with Annotations by Whately. 8vo. 10s, 6d, — Works, edited by Spedding. 7 vols. Sv0. 74s. 6d, Dagehot's Economie Studies, edited by Hutton. vo. 1dr, 64. Bain's Logie, Deductive and Inductive. Grown 8yo, 10s, 64, PanrI, Deduction, 4 | Pane JI, Indaction, 6e, 62, — Mentaland Mor Solenoe. Crown 80, 10¢, 62, — Tho Senses and the Intelleot, Sy. 154, — Tho Emotions and the Will, 8¥o, 164, Barnett’s Practieable Soclatiem. Crown Ero, 2s, 6d, Cazo's Physical Realism. Syo, 18s.

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ween’s (Thoma Hill) Works. (3 yolk.) Vols, 1 & 2, Pi . Aline Noveueciieen Winkeoe eee ‘Hume's Bays, edited by Green : Grose, 2 vole. Sv0, 284.

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