The Young Moslem Looks at Life/Reading List
THE following books are but a few of the many works on the Moslem world, but they will serve as a guide for those who wish to widen their knowledge of the subject. The views of the writers of these books are not necessarily in harmony with those of the author. Several older books have been included because of their special value as reference sources. Although some of them are out of print, they may be consulted in most libraries. Leaders of classes using this book will wish to obtain "Islam Awakens," by Herrick B. Young, a course for senior groups studying Moslem lands. This is available from denominational literature headquarters for twenty-five cents.
Early Development of Mohammedanism, The, David S. Margoliouth. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1914. $2.75. Indian Islam: A Religious History of Islam in India. Murray T. Titus. New York, Oxford University Press, 1930. $4.50. Mohammed and the Rise of Islam. David S. Margoliouth. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1905. $2.50. Mohammed: The Man and His Faith. Tor Andrae. Tr. by Theophil Menzel. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936. $3.50. Spirit of Islam, The; or The Life and Teachings of Mohammed. Sayyid Maulavi Amir Ali. London, Christopher's, 1935. 20/-. New edition. ISLAM AS A RELIGION Aspects of Islam. D. B. Macdonald. New York, The Macmillan Co., . $1.75. Islam: Beliefs and Institutions. Henri Lammens. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1929. $3.50. Koran, The. Tr. by James M. Rodwell. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1909. 80 cents. (Everyman's Library.) Mohammedanism. David S. Margoliouth. London, Williams & Nor- gate. 1912. Mohammedanism: Its Origin, Religious and Political Growth, and Present State. C. Snouck Hurgronje. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1916. $1.50. Outline of the Religion of Islam, An. H. U. Weitbrecht Stanton. London, Missionary Equipment and Literature Supply, Ltd., 1925. (Available through the Missionary Education Movement, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York. 40 cents.)
People of the Mosque, The: An Introduction to the Study of Islam, with Special Reference to India. L. Bevan Jones. London, Student Christian Movement Press, 1932. (Available through the Missionary Education Movement, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York. $2.00.)
Islamic World since the Peace Settlement, The. Vol. I of Survey of International Affairs, 1925. Arnold J. Toynhee. New York, Oxford University Press, 1927. $8.50.
Whither Islam? A Survey of Modern Movements in the Moslem World. H. A. R. Gibb, editor. London, Victor Gollancz, Ltd., 1932. 15/-
Christendom and Islam. W. Wilson Cash. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1937. $2.00.
Crusades, The: Iron Men and Saints. Harold Lamb. Garden City Publishing Co. $1.00.
Crusades, The: The Flame of Islam. Harold Lamb. Garden City Publishing Co. $1.00.
Eclipse of Christianity in Asia, The: From the Time of Muhammad till the Fourteenth Century. Laurence E. Browne. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1933. $3.50.
Islam, a Challenge to Faith. Samuel M. Zwemer. New York, Student Volunteer Movement, 1907. 75 cents.
Mecca and Beyond. Edward M. Dodd and Rose Wilson Dodd. Boston, Central Committee on the United Study of Foreign Missions and the Missionary Education Movement. 1937. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 50 cents.
Moslem Faces the Future, The. T. H. P. Sailer. New York, Missionary Education Movement, 1926. Cloth, 50 cents; paper, 25 cents.
Moslem Women Enter a New World. Ruth Frances Woodsmall. New York, Round Table Press, 1936. $3.00.
Tales from Moslem Lands. William W. Reid. New York, Friendship Press, 1927. New and revised edition. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 60 cents.
Vital Forces of Christianity and Islam. Six Studies by Missionaries to Moslems. New York, Oxford University Press, 1915. $1.20. What Is This Moslem World? Charles R. Watson. New York, Friendship Press, 1937. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 60 cents.
Young Islam on Trek. Basil Mathews. New York, Friendship Press, 1926. Cloth, 50 cents; paper, 25 cents.
Arab at Home, The. Paul W. Harrison. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1924. $1.00.
Arabian Peak and Desert. Ameen Fares Rihani. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1930. (Out of print.)
Between the Desert and the Sea. I. Lilias Trotter. London, Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1929. 6/-. (Algeria.)
Dawn over Samarkand: The Rebirth of Central Asia. Joshua Kunitz. New York, International Publishers Co., 1935. $1.90.
Frontier Peoples of India, The: A Missionary Survey. Alexander McLeish. New York, World Dominion Press, 1931. Cloth, $1.50; paper, $1.00.
Half the World Is Isfahan. Caroline Singer and Cyrus Le Roy Baldridge New York, Oxford University Press, 1936. $5.00. (Iran.)
Ibn Saud: The Puritan King of Arabia. Kenneth Williams. New York, Peter Smith, 1933. (Out of print.) Iraq: From Mandate to Independence. Ernest Main. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1936. $4.00.
Islam and Modernism in Egypt: A Study of the Modern Reform Movement Inaugurated by Muhammad Abduh. Charles C. Adams. New York, Oxford University Press, 1933. $1.50.
Living Religions of the Indian People, The. Nicol Macnicol. London, Student Christian Movement Press, 1934. (Available through Missionary Education Movement, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York. $3.50.)
Making of Modern Iraq, a Product of World Forces, The. Henry A. Foster. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1935. $4.00.
Malaysia Mosaic: A Story of Fifty Years of Methodism. Nathalie T. Means. New York, Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1936. 50 cents.
Mediterranean Lands, The. Marion I. Newbigin. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. $2.75.
Mustapha Kemal of Turkey. Hugh E. Wortham. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1931. (Out of print.)
Nationalist Crusade in Syria, The. Elizabeth P. MacCallum. New York, Foreign Policy Association, 1928. $2.50.
Netherlands Indies, The: The Religious Situation. Job. Rauws, H. Kraemer, F. J. F. Van Hasselt and N. A. C. Slotemaker de Bruine. New York, World Dominion Press, 1935. Cloth, $1.50; paper, $1.00.