The Young Woman's Wish/The Maid's Answer
You poor sorry fellow, forbear now to rue,
If ever I marry, it shan't be with you,
For you that considers those things at the first,
The woman that marries you surely is curst,
She surely is curst that e'er will have you,
Therefore sorry fellow I'll bid you adieu.
If ever I marry, it shan't be with you,
For you that considers those things at the first,
The woman that marries you surely is curst,
She surely is curst that e'er will have you,
Therefore sorry fellow I'll bid you adieu.
Who ever does get you, full hard is her lot,
You'll know how much meal will thicken the pot,
The loaf in the cupboard all day it may ly,
Though she with sad hunger be ready to die.
She surely is curst, that e'er will have you,
Therefore sorry fellow, I'll bid you adieu.
You'll know how much meal will thicken the pot,
The loaf in the cupboard all day it may ly,
Though she with sad hunger be ready to die.
She surely is curst, that e'er will have you,
Therefore sorry fellow, I'll bid you adieu.