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The Zoologist/4th series, vol 5 (1901)/Issue 722

From Wikisource
Macpherson, H.A. The Rarer Birds of the Solway Firth 281
Jourdain, F.C.R. On the Breeding Habits of the Swift in Derbyshire 286
Lodge, R.B. Photo-trapping: Purple Herons and Spoonbills 290
Patterson, Arthur The Birds of Great Yarmouth and the Neighbourhood (cont.) 294
Leighton, Gerald Sloughing in Serpents 301
Renshaw, Graham Notes on the Egyptian Jerboa (Dipus jaculus) in Captivity 305
Ed. & T.P.N. Obituary for Eleanor A. Ormerod 310
Notes and Queries 315
Notices of New Books 320