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The Zoologist/4th series, vol 6 (1902)

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The Zoologist (1902)
edited by W. L. Distant
4th series, vol. 6
3471888The Zoologist — 4th series, vol. 61902W. L. Distant












In the annual prefatory contribution to 'The Zoologist,' we are apt to notice any new feature in the volume. On this occasion attention is attracted by the number of communications received from the more remote parts of the British dominions. Canada, West, Central, and South Africa, India, Ceylon, Burma, Australia, and Tasmania have alike furnished zoological records. We hope that our pages may be still more informative of the great fauna to be found by colonists and travellers in a region over which the sun never sets, that exhibits the extremes of temperature, and comprises great districts still awaiting the visit of a naturalist.

Our contributors have ably maintained the position of 'The Zoologist' as the journal for animal bionomics, and in this work the ornithologists are again far in front. Ornithology and entomology are the studies which now impel most field-work, and for actual observations the followers of the first science appear to almost excel those of the second, a conclusion hitherto scarcely suspected—at least by the writer.

There are many invertebrates which are practically ignored in our pages. Our "Notes and Queries" afford a good index to the animals which are most observed by our readers and contributors; but we still hope, as is our annual custom, that these neglected orders may receive more attention. We do not ask contributors to neglect or go beyond their own subject, but they would confer a service to zoology by enlisting any students and observers of invertebrates—especially marine—with whom they might come in contact as correspondents to 'The Zoologist,' and thus make the Journal still more recognized as the record for zoological observations.

If last year was "an Okapia year," the principal zoological revelation of 1902 has also appertained to the Mammalia. We refer to the palæontological discoveries made by Dr. C.W. Andrews in a Pliocene deposit on the Wadi-Natrun, Egypt. The specimens found are the first evidence of the actual inhabitants of an early tertiary Ethiopian continent, the existence of which, though suspected on various grounds, had never been proved. Already this discovery has cleared up several important questions of geographical distribution, and has also shown definitely the point of origin of the Proboscidea and some other groups. Palæontology is not solely a section of Geology, as is too frequently held; it cannot be divorced from Zoology. Palæontology is Zoology studied by the light of Geology, and thus comes within the scope and purpose of this Journal.

Contents of Issues

Contents of The Zoologist, 4th series, vol. 6 (1902)
Issue 727 (January, 1902)
Salter, J.H. Ornithological Notes from Mid-Wales 1
Aplin, O.V. The Birds of Bardsey Island, with additional notes on the Birds of Lleyn 8
R.S. (Robert Service) Obituary for Hugh Alexander Macpherson 18
C.T.B. (C.T. Bingham) Obituary for Lionel de Niceville 21
Notes and Queries 23
Notices of New Books 33
Editorial Gleanings 38
Issue 728 (February, 1902)
Thomas Southwell Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery of 1901 41
W.L. Sclater Some account of the Ground Hornbill or Brom-vogel (Bucorax cafer) 49
F.L. Blathwayt The Roseate Tern on the Farne Islands 53
A.R. Horwood Statistics relating to British birds 55
Thomas Hepburn Notes on birds made during three short visits to the beach at Dungeness 59
Notes and Queries 66
Notices of New Books 74
Editorial Gleanings 80
Issue 729 (March, 1902)
J.H. Gurney Ornithological Notes for 1901 from Norfolk and the North of Suffolk 81
R.R. Stebbing Lynceus and the Lynceidæ 101
O.V. Aplin The Birds of Bardsey Island, with Additional Notes on the Birds of Lleyn 107
Notes and Queries 111
Notices of New Books 115
Editorial Gleanings 118
Issue 730 (April, 1902)
G.H. Caton Haigh Migration of Birds in N.E. Lincolnshire during the Autumn of 1901 121
Edmund Selous An Observational Diary of the Habits—Mostly Domestic—of the Great Crested Grebe ((Podicipes cristatus), and of the Peewit (Vanellus vulgaris), with Some General Remarks (concluded from vol. V, p. 462) 133
H.E. Howard On Mr. Selous' Theory of the Origin of Nests 145
Notes and Queries 149
Notices of New Books 154
Editorial Gleanings 158
Issue 731 (May, 1902)
W.L. Distant Biological Suggestions : Animal Sense Perceptions (cont.) 161
Graham Renshaw Notes on a Private Collection of Living Mammals during 1900–02 179
F.J. Ellemore The Birds of the Transvaal: Notes made at Waterval Onder 189
F.P.C. Obituary of John Clavell Mansel-Pleydell 191
Notes and Queries 192
Editorial Gleanings 199
Issue 732 (June, 1902)
Gordon Dalgliesh Birds Collected and Observed in the Darbhanga Districts, Tirhoot, Bengal 201
Robert Service The Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus). Some Modifications of Habits 216
G.W. Bulman The Constancy of the Bee 220
John A. Bucknill Ornithological Notes from Surrey 223
Notes and Queries 232
Notices of New Books 234
Editorial Gleanings 237
Issue 733 (July, 1902)
Arthur G. Butler Avicultural Experiences during about Twenty Years' Study of Birds in Captivity 241
N.F. Ticehurst and C.B. Ticehurst An Account of the Birds met with during a short stay in East Finmark 261
Notes and Queries 278
Issue 734 (August, 1902)
G.W. Murdoch Erasmus as a Naturalist 281
Geoffrey Smith The Temperature of Insects 287
Edwin Hollis Collecting Small Mammals in N.W.T. Canada 294
Frank Finn Notes on the Nesting of the Indian Dabchick (Podicipes capensis, B.M. Cat.) 300
John A. Bucknill Ornithological Notes from Surrey (concluded from p. 231) 305
Notes and Queries 313
Notices of New Books 317
Editorial Gleanings 319
Issue 735 (September, 1902)
Swinhoe, Rodway C.J. Prehistoric Man in Burma 321
Coburn, F. On the specific validity of Anser gambeli (Hartlaub), and its Position as a British Bird 337
Notes and Queries 352
Notices of New Books 357
Editorial Gleanings 359
Issue 736 (October, 1902)
Renshaw, Graham Notes from some Zoological Gardens of Western Europe 361
Selous, Edmund Variations in Colouring of Stercorarius crepidatus 368
Thomas Hepburn Sea-birds and Plovers noticed in Lancashire and Cumberland 374
Gordon Dalgliesh Birds Collected and Observed in the Darbhanga Districts, Tirhoot, Bengal (cont.) 384
Notes and Queries 390
Notices of New Books 395
Editorial Gleanings 399
Issue 737 (November, 1902)
Coward, T.A. and Oldham, Charles Notes on the Birds of Anglesea 401
Howard, H.E. The Birds of Sark; and Variation in Song 416
Workman, W.H. Ornithological Notes from the West Coast of Scotland 423
Littler, Frank M. Notes on the Lesser White-backed Magpie (Gymnorhina hyperleuca) in Tasmania 428
Notes and Queries 432
Issue 738 (December, 1902)
Coburn, F. On a Lost British Wild Goose, Anser paludosus (Strickland) 441
Gordon Dalgliesh Birds Collected and Observed in the Darbhanga Districts, Tirhoot, Bengal (concl.) 449
Jourdain, Francis C.R. Rough Notes on Derbyshire Ornithology 1900–1902 455
J.S. Costello The Indian Pariah Kite (Milvus govinda): A Record of Observations Made During the Nesting Period 460
Notes and Queries 464
Notices of New Books 470



Aplin, O.V., F.L.S., M.B.O.U.

The birds of Bardsey Island, with additional notes on the birds of Lleyn, 8, 107; Shoveler in Herts, 68; Plumage of Montagu's Harrier, 435; Catalogue of the Vertebrate Animals of Oxfordshire, 440

Arnold, E.C.

Differences between immature Blue-headed and ordinary Yellow Wagtails, 24

Bingham, Col. C.T.

Lionel de Niceville, 21; The Jay in London, 279

Bird, M.C.H.

A question of coloration, 150

Blathwayt, Rev. F.L.

The Roseate Tern on the Farne Islands, 53; Breeding of the Lesser Redpoll in Somerset, 66; Little Owl and Shore-Lark in Lincolnshire, 112; The White Wagtail on the Somerset coast, 464

Bradley, S.H. Burton[1]

Collecting spiders in Australia, 152

Braithwaite, C.

Little Bunting in Durham, 466

Bucknill, John A., M.A.

Red Grouse in Surrey, 68; Ornithological notes from Surrey, 223, 305

Bulman, G.W.

The constancy of the Bee, 220

Butler, A.G., Ph.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S.

A mimicking Song-Thrush, 193; Avicultural experiences during about twenty years' study of birds in captivity, 241

Butterfield, E.P.

Notes from Wilsden, Yorkshire, 31; Lesser Redpoll breeding in Yorkshire, 193

Butterfield, W. Ruskin

Motacilla beema in Sussex, 232

Buxton, C.S.

Wood-Sandpiper in the Orkney Islands, 391

Cambridge, Frederick Pickard

John Clavell Mansel-Pleydell, 191; Birds in the Valley of the Namsen, 352

Cambridge, Rev. O. Pickard

Migration of Jays, 466; on the songs of birds, 468

Cameron, Kenneth J.

Animal sense perceptions, 394

Coburn, F.

Holboell's Redpoll in Ireland, 278; Grey Plover in Birmingham, 280; Red-throated Pipit in Ireland, 313; Dusky Redshank in Worcestershire and Warwickshire, 316; Black-tailed Godwit in Ireland in mid-winter, 316; On the specific validity of Anser gambeli (Hartlaub), and its position as a British bird. 337; On a lost British Wild Goose, 441

Corbin, G.B.

Varieties of Blackbird, Thrush, and Starling, 192; Wild Duck—female in male plumage, 195; Migration of Jays, 434; The Longeared Owl, 435

Costello, J.S.

The Indian Pariah Kite—a record of observations made during the nesting period, 460

Coward, T.A.

Notes on the birds of Anglesea, 401; Knot inland in Cheshire, 467

Cummings, S.G.

Cirl Bunting in Carnarvonshire and Cardiganshire, 354; Redbacked Shrike in Anglesea, 433

Dalgliesh, Gordon

Rare birds in Surrey, 32; The food of the Water-Vole, 66; Birds collected and observed in the Darbhanga District, Tirhoot, Bengal, 201, 384, 449; Mole-Cricket in Surrey, 233

Davenport, H.S.

On the feigning of injury by the Lapwing to attract attention from its young, 70

Dickinson, G.

Hoopoe near Wick, 435

Distant, W.L.

Biological suggestions—Animal sense perceptions, 161; Mole-Cricket, 233; South African Hares, 432; Morphological interpretation, 436; West African leaf-gall, 438

Edwards, L.A. Curtis

Red-throated Pipit in Sussex, 25

Ellemore, F.J.

The birds of the Transvaal—notes made at Waterval Onder, 189

Elliott, J. Steele

A former Warwickshire heronry, 195

Finn, Frank, B.A., F.Z.S.

Pairing manoeuvres of birds, 71; Notes on the White-breasted Kingfisher, 149; Notes on the nesting of the Indian Dabchick, 300

Forrest, H.E.

Materials of Dormouse's nest, 23; Nutcracker in Herefordshire, 25

Fry, Harold

Animal sense perceptions, 392

Fox, W. Storrs

Colouring of Stercorarius crepidatus, 439

Gill, E. Leonard

Early Flycatcher in Northumberland, 193; Condor laying in confinement, 194

Graves, Frank S.

Wood-Warbler in the Isle of Man, 23

Green, E. Ernest

Morphological interpretation, 436

Grubb, D.B.

Breeding of the Ringed Plover in Worcestershire, 316

Gunning, Dr. J.W.B.

Hybrid between Donkey and Burchell's Zebra, 192

Gurney, J.H., F.L.S., F.Z.S.

Tengmalm's Owl in Northamptonshire, 68; Ornithological notes for 1901 from Norfolk and the north of Suffolk, 81, 198; Allen's Gallinule near Yarmouth, 150

Haagner, Alwin C.

Some habits of South African Hares, 432

Haigh, G.H. Caton

Gadwall in Merionethshire, 112; Migration of birds in N.E. Lincolnshire during the autumn of 1901, 121

Hammond, W. Oxenden

Dicranula vinula larvæ making the most of difficulties, 392

Hepburn, Thomas

Notes on birds made during three short visits to the beach at Dungeness, 59; Sea-birds and Plovers noticed in Lancashire and Cumberland, 374

Hillyer, W. Henry

A remarkable West African leafgall, 438

Hollis, Edwin

Collecting small mammals in N.W.T. Canada, 294

Horton, B.J.

The habits of the Grass-Snake in confinement, 356

Horwood, Rev. A.R.

Statistics relating to British birds, 55

Howard, H.E., F.Z.S.

On Mr. Selous' theory of the origin of nests, 145; Cirl-Bunting in Ireland, 353; The birds of Sark, and variation in song, 416

Jennings, Henry

Shoveler in Herts, 27

Jourdain, Rev. Francis C. R., M.A., M.B.O.U.

Breeding of the Bittern in Herts in 1849, 315; Rough notes on Derbyshire ornithology (1900–1902), 455

Kelso, J.E.H.

Unusual nest of the Ringed Plover, 28

Langdale, Rev. H. Marmaduke

Ornithological incidents at Petersfield, 436

Lewis, Stanley

Notes on the nesting of a pair of Green Woodpeckers at Wells, Somerset, 313 Littler, Frank M., M.A.O.U.
Notes on the Lesser White-backed Magpie in Tasmania, 428

Lodge, G.E.

Lesser Grey Shrike in Norfolk, 433

Marchant, S.H. Le

Red Grouse in Surrey, 27

Morley, John

Pine-Marten in Ross-shire, 192

Murdoch, G.W.

Erasmus as a naturalist, 281

Newman, T.P., F.R. Met. Soc.

The spring migration of Swallows, 233

Nicoll, Michael J.

Late Redstart and Tree-Pipit, &c., 111; Differences between immature Blue-headed and Yellow Wagtails, 112; Sand-Lizards at St. Leonards-on-Sea, 113; Breeding of Linota rufescens on Wimbledon Common, 313; A British example of the White-spotted Bluethroat, 464; Water Pipit in Sussex, 465

Oldham, Charles

Sooty Tern in Lancashire, 355; Notes on the birds of Anglesea, 401

Palmer, John

Eggs of the Cuckoo in nests of the Hawfinch, 279

Parkin, Thomas

Moor-hen breeding in a Rook's nest, 279

Patterson, Arthur

Waxwings at Great Yarmouth, 25; Notes from Great Yarmouth, 73, 390, 392; The food of the Water-Vole, 111; White-beaked Dolphin at Great Yarmouth, 390

Ralfe, P.

Birds of the Isle of Man, 32

Ramsbotham, R.H.

A little-known action of the Kingfisher, 149

Read, Robert H.

Marsh-Warbler in Somerset, 23; Yellow-billed Cuckoo in Somerset, 26, 73

Renshaw, Graham, M.B.

Notes on a private collection of living mammals during 1900–02, 179; Notes from some Zoological Gardens of Western Europe, 361

Riviere, Bernard B.

King-Eider in Fifeshire, 27; On the feigning of injury by the Lapwing to attract attention from its young, 29; Moorhens feeding young, 436

Roberts, T. Vaughan

Black variety of Water-Vole, 232

Rope, G.T.

Duration of life in Helix pomatia, 151

Salter, Prof. J.H.

Ornithological notes from Mid-Wales, 1; The Tree-Sparrow in Cardiganshire, 25

Saxby, T. Edmondston

Ornithological notes from Shetland, 112, 468

Sclater, W.L., M.A., F.Z.S.

Some account of the Ground Hornbill, or Brom-Vogel, 49

Selous, Edmund

An observational diary of the habits, mostly domestic, of the Great Crested Grebe, and of the Peewit, with some general remarks, 133; Note on the Pairing of Moor-hens, 196; Variations in colouring of Stercorarius crepidatus, 368

Service, Robert

Hugh Alexander Macpherson, M.A., 18; The Black-headed Gull—some modifications of habits, 216

Shepheard-Walwyn, H.W.

"Making the best of difficulties," 439

Smith, Geoffrey

The temperature of insects, 287

Southwell, Thomas, F.Z.S.

Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery of 1901, 41; The Saw-fish in British waters, 114

Stebbing, Rev. Thomas R., M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S.

Lynceus and the Lynceidæ, 101

Swainson, E.A.

Nesting of the Hawfinch in Breconshire, 465

Swinhoe, Rodway C.J.

Prehistoric Man in Burma, 321

Ticehurst, N.F., M.A., M.B.O.U. and Ticehurst, C.B.

An account of the birds met with during a short stay in East Finmark, 261

Townsend, G.

Great Black Woodpecker, 25

Tristram, Rev. Canon H. B.

Curious accident to a Kingfisher, 68

Tuck, Rev. Julian G., M.A.

Green Woodpecker boring in winter, 67; Notes from Suffolk, 407; 'Victorian History of Suffolk,' 469

Westell, W. Percival

Little Bustard in Sussex, 70

Whitaker, J.

The Two-barred Crossbill in Nottinghamshire, 353

Williams & Son

Glossy Ibis in Ireland, 467; A curious Water-Rail, 467

Wilson, W.

Kingfisher near Aberdeen, 27; Notes from Aberdeen, 197; White Rook at Aberdeen, 232; Migrants at Aberdeen, 233; Notes on the Cuckoo in Aberdeen, 354

Wright, W.C.

Golden Eagle in Co. Donegal, 150; Ravens nesting in Co. Antrim, 194; Grasshopper-Warbler near Laine, Co. Antrim, 278

Workman, W.H., M.B.O.U.

Nesting of the Moor-hen, 27; Golden Eagle in Co. Donegal, 150; Ornithological notes from the west coast of Scotland, 423


PlateI. Rolled fragments of bone from the Burmese ferruginous conglomerate to face    321
PlateII. Seasonal changes of Addax nasomaculatus to face 362
Plate III. Anser paludosus, Strickl., and A. segetum, Gmel. to face 441
Nest of the Ringed Plover (Ægialitis hiaticula) 28
The Ground Hornbill, or Brom-Vogel (Bucorax cafer) 49
Heronry at Reedham 84
Fir-cone chipped by Picus major 95
Lynceus brachyurus, O. F. Müller 106
Nest of Fieldfare 265
Nest of Bluethroat 267
Portion of map of Yenangyoung oil-field 322
Antenna of male Monophlebus 437
West African leaf-gall 438
Anser paludosus (front view of bill) 445


Aberdeen, notes from, 197

Aberrancies, piscine, 78

Acanthis cannabina, 422; linaria, 270

Accentor modularis, 13, 124, 422

Accipiter cirrhocephalus, 431; nisus, 128, 215, 422; virgatus, 215

Acridotheres cristatellus, 249, 250; ginginianus, 205; tristis, 204

Acrocephalus dumetorum, 203; palustris, 23; phragmitis, 13, 59, 124; streperus, 59, 226

Addax nasomaculatus, 363

Ægialitis alexandrina, 387; cantiana, 62; dubia, 387; hiaticula, 28, 62, 275, 308, 316, 374, 424; mongolica, 387

Ægithina tiphia, 202

Æsalon chicquera, 215

Æthiospar fuscus, 205

Aex galericulata, 72; sponsa, 72

Agama sp., 393

Alario alario, 248

Alauda arvensis, 60, 127, 197, 422; gulgula, 208

Alca torda, 16, 422

Alcedo ispida, 27, 68, 127, 149, 210, 228, 422

Amadina, 244; fasciata, 251

Amaurornis phœnicurus, 386

Ampelis garrulus, 25, 113, 227

Amydrus morio, 190

Anas boscas, 61, 128, 195, 451; pœcilorhyncha, 451; strepera, 112

Anastomus oscitans, 450

Anglesea, birds of, 401

Animal blood-relationship, 38; sense perceptions, 161, 392, 394

Animals, dumb, panic of, previous to eruption at Martinique, &c., 237; Vertebrate, of Oxfordshire, 440

Anser albifrons, 337; brachyrhynchus, 128; cinereus, 306; erythropus, 273, 337; gambeli, specific validity of and position as a British bird, 337; indicus, 451, paludosus, 421,—fig., 425; segetum, 306

Antelope, Addax, Brindled Gnu, Eland, and Roan, in confinement, 363, 364

Antennæ of Coccidæ, 437

Anthropoides virgo, 386

Anthus cervinus, 25, 269, 313; maculatus, 207; obscurus, 13, 125, 422; pratensis, 13, 60, 125, 269; rufulus, 208; spipoletta, 465; trivialis, 112

Antlers and horns, evolution of, 158

Apis mellifica, 221

Aquila chrysaëtus, 150, 425; hastata, 213

Arachnechthra asiatica, 208

Ardea cinerea, 61, 128, 422, 450; manillensis, 450

Ardeola grayi, 450

Ardetta cinnamomea, 450; minuta, 305; sinensis, 450

Argya caudata, 202

Arvicola amphibius, 66, 111

Asio accipitrinus, 128, 213; otus, 113, 128, 229, 435

Astur badius, 215

Athene brama, 212; noctua, 112

Australia, collecting in, 152; Green Frog of, 158; spiders of, 152; protective coloration of birds and their nests, 139

Avicola amphibius, 232

Avicultural notes, 99; experiences of birds in captivity, 241

Bardsey Island and Lleyn, birds of, 8, 107, 108

Batis molitor, 189

Bee, constancy of, 220

Bengal, birds of, collected and observed in the Darbhanga District, Tirhoot, 201, 384, 449

Bernicla leucopsis, 306, 426

Biological Suggestions — animal sense perceptions, 161

Birds of Bardsey Island and Lleyn, 8, 107, 108; rare in Surrey, 32; of Isle of Man, 32; British, statistics relating to, 55,—Mr. F. Coburn's collection of, 118; of Dungeness, 59; pairing manœuvres of, 71; migration of, 121, 233; of the Transvaal, 189; Australian, protective coloration of, 199; of the Darbhanga District, Tirhoot, Bengal, 201, 384, 449; in captivity, 241; of East Finmark, 261; in the Valley of the Namsen, 352; Sea-, and Plovers, in Lancashire and Cumberland, 374; of Anglesea, 401; of Sark, 416; songs of, 247, 417, 468

Bittern breeding in Herts in 1849, 315, 356

Blackbird, nesting habits in Furness, 200; variety, 192

Blood-relationship, animal, Friedenthal's experimental proof of, 38

Bluethroat, nest, fig., 267; Whitespotted, British example, 464

Books Noticed:—

Zoology: an Elementary TextBook, by A.E. Shipley, 33
The Protozoa, by Gary N. Calkins, 34
The Birds of South Africa, by Arthur C. Stark, completed by W.L. Sclater, M.A., 35
Photography for Naturalists, by Douglas English, 36
A Ready Aid to Distinguish British Wild Birds, by David T. Price, 37
Notes for Sportsmen and Travellers in the Soudan, 38
Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution, his Life and Work, with Translations of his Writings on Organic Evolution, by Alpheus S. Packard, 74
Regeneration, by Thos. Hunt Morgan, 75
Insect Life—Souvenirs of a Natu ralist, by J.-H. Fabre, 76
A Textbook of Zoology, by G.P. Mudge, 77
Notes and Letters on the Natural History of Norfolk, more especially on the Birds and Fishes from the MSS. of Sir Thomas Browne, with Notes by Thomas Southwell, 78
Thirteenth Annual Beport of the Delegates of the Oxford University Museum (for 1900), 80
The Home Life of Wild Birds, a New Method of the Study and Photography of Birds, by Francis Hobart Herrick, 115
Atlas of Practical Elementary Zootomy, being a Revised Edition of the Zoological Portion of the Atlas of Practical Elementary Biology, by G.B. Howes, 116
Bird Hunting on the White Nile, by Harry F. Witherby, 116
The Vertebrate Fauna of Bedfordshire—Birds, by J. Steele-Elliott, 117
The Birds of North and Middle America, by Robert Ridgway, Part I., Fam. Fringillidæ, 154
Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 155
U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries, 156
The Naturalist on the Thames, by C.J. Cornish, 234
A Treatise on the Birds of Gloucestershire, with a Reference List of all the Species known to have appeared in the County, by W.L. Mellersh, 235
Moose-Hunting, Salmon-Fishing, and other Sketches of Sport, by T.R. Pattillo, 236
The Cambridge Natural History—Mammalia, by Frank Evers Beddard, 317
The Butterflies and Moths of Europe, by W.F. Kirby, 318
Atlante Ornitologico—Uccelli Europei, con Notizie d'Indole Generale e Particolare, del Dr. E.Arrigoni degli Oddi, 357
Descriptive Catalogue of the Coleoptera of South Africa, by L. Péringuey, 358
Ootheca Wolleyana, an Illustrated Catalogue of the Collection of Birds' Eggs formed by the late John Wolley, Jun., edited from the original notes by Alfred Newton, Part II., Picariæ-Passeres, 395
Zoological Results, based on Material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands, and elsewhere, collected during the years 1895–97, by Arthur Willey, 396
Our Country's Fishes, and how to know them—a Guide to all the Fishes of Great Britain, by W.J. Gordon, 397
A Glossary of Popular, Local, and Old-fashioned Names of British Birds, by Charles Louis Hett, 398
The Early Life of the Young Cuckoo, by W. Percival Westell, 398
Salmon and Trout, by Deane Sage, C.H. Townsend, H.M. Smith, and W.C. Harris, 470
The Forests of Upper India and their Inhabitants, by Thomas W. Webber, 471
Handbook of Instructions for Collectors, issued by the British Museum, 472

Botaurus stellaris, 305, 315, 450

Brachypternus aurantius, 209

Breeding of Lesser Redpoll in Somerset, 66,—in Yorkshire, 193; of Moorhen in Rook's nest, 279; of Linota rufescens on Wimbledon Common, 313; of Bittern in Herts in 1849, 315, 356; of Ringed Plover in Worcestershire, 316

Breydon Wild Birds Protection Society Report (1898-1901), 238

Brom-Vogel, or Ground Hornbill, 49

Bubalis bucephalus, 365

Bubulcus coromandus, 450

Bucorax cafer, 49

Bunting, Girl, in Ireland, 353,—in Carnarvonshire and Cardiganshire, 354; Little, in Durham, 466; Yellow, variety, 467

Burma, prehistoric man in, 321

Bustard, Little, in Sussex, 70

Butastur teesa, 214

Buteo lagopus, 230; vulgaris, 128, 229, 425

Butorides javanica, 450

Caccabis rufa, 61

Calandrella brachydactyla, 208

Calcarius lapponicus, 270

Calidris arenaria, 131

Calliope camtschatkensis, 206

Calliste fastuosa, 254

Calœnas nicobarica, 246

Campophaga melanoschista, 204

Canada, N.W.T., collecting small mammals in, 294

Canis latrans, 294; jubilatus, 362

Cannabina holboelli, 278

Caprimulgus asiaticus,211; europæus, 61; macrurus, 211

Carduelis elegans, 14, 227; spinus, 125

Carpodacus erythrinus, 207

Casarca rutila, 451

Centropus bengalensis, 212; sinensis, 212

Cervus davidianus, 367

Ceryle maxima, 190; varia, 210

Chætura sp.?, 211

Chalcophas chrysochlora, 246

'Challenger' Expedition, results at and near Bermuda, 39

Chamæpelia passerina, 245, 249

Charadrius fulvus, 387; pluvialis, 129, 275, 375, 422, 426

Chaulelasmus streperus, 451

Chelidon urbica, 14, 108

Ciconia alba, 449; nigra, 449

Cinclus melanogaster, 271

Cinnyris amethystinus, 190

Circus æruginosus, 214; cineraceus, 229, 435; cyaneus, 214, 229; macrurus, 214; melanoleucus, 214

Cisticola cursitans, 203

Cittocincla macrura, 206

Clangula glaucion, 32, 307

Coccidæ, antennæ of, 437

Coccothraustes vulgaris, 125, 227, 279, 465

Coccystes jacobinus, 189, 211; serratus, 189

Coccyzus americanus, 26, 73

Collections—birds, Mr. F. Coburn's, 118; living mammals, Dr. Renshaw's, 179

Coloration, a question of, 150; protective, of Australian birds and their nests, 199

Columba ænas, 61; eversmanni, 381; intermedia, 384; livia, 384; œnas, 15; palumbus, 61, 129, 422

Columbidæ, 245

Columbula picui, 245

Colymbus arcticus, 422; glacialis, 112, 311; septentrionalis, 277

Condor laying in confinement, 194

Connochætes taurinus, 364

Copsychus saularis, 206

Coracias garrulus, 127; indica, 209

Corvidæ, 254

Corvus corax, 194, 422; cornix, 127, 226, 272; corone, 14, 126, 422; frugilegus, 60, 127, 232; macrorhynchus, 201; monedula, 14, 126, 422; splendens, 201

Corythaix musophaga, 190

Cotile riparia, 14; sinensis, 207

Coturnix communis, 307, 385; coromandelica, 385

County Records:—

Derbyshire—Notes, 455
Dorset—Jay, 466; Songs of birds, 468
Durham—Kingfisher, 68; Little Bunting, 466
Cheshire—Knot, 467
Cumberland—Sea-birds and Plovers, 374 
Essex—Essex Field Club, 246
Gloucestershire—Moor-hen, 196
Hampshire—Ringed Plover, 28; Varieties of Blackbird, Thrush, and Starling, 192; Wild Duck, 195; Jay, 434; Long-eared Owl, 435; notes, 436
Herefordshire—Nutcracker, 25; Great Black Woodpecker, 25
Hertfordshire—Shoveler, 27, 68; Water-Vole, 232; Bittern, 315
Kent—Dungeness birds, 59; Song-Thrush, 193; Birds in captivity, 241; Dicranura vinula larvæ, 392; White-spotted Bluethroat, 464
Lancashire—Blackbird, 200; Sooty Tern, 355; Sea-birds and Plovers, 374
Lincolnshire—Little Owl, 112; Shore-Lark, 112; Migration of birds, 121
Middlesex—Lapwing, 29; Jay, 279; Moor-hen, 436
Norfolk—Blue-headed and Yellow Wagtails, 24; Waxwings, 25; notes, 73, 81, 390, 392; Water-Vole, 111; Saw-fish, 114; Allen's Gallinule, 150; a question of coloration, 150; White-beaked Dolphin, 390; Lesser Grey Shrike, 433
Northamptonshire—Tengmalm's Owl, 68; Condor, 194
Northumberland—Flycatcher, 193
Nottinghamshire—Two-barred Crossbill, 353
Oxfordshire—Vertebrate animals, 440
Shropshire—Dormouse, 23; Kingfisher, 149; Cuckoo, 279
Somersetshire—Marsh-Warbler, 23; Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 26; Lesser Redpoll, 66; Green Woodpecker, 313; White Wagtail, 464
Suffolk—Green Woodpecker, 67; notes, 81, 467; Helix pomatia, 151; Varieties of Fieldfare and Yellow Bunting, 467; Peregrine, 467; 'Victorian History of Suffolk,' 465
Surrey—Red Grouse, 27, 68; rare birds, 32; Water-Vole, 66; notes, 223, 305; Mole-Cricket, 233; Lesser Redpoll, 313; Wood-Warbler, 313; Yellow Wagtail, 313; Dicranura vinula larvæ, 439
Sussex—Red-throated Pipit, 25; Little Bustard, 70; Sand-Lizards, 113; Motacilla beema, 232; Moor-hen, 279; Water-Pipit, 465; Notes, 467
Warwickshire—A former heronry, 195; Grey Plover, 280; Dusky Redshank, 316; Mr. Coburn's collection of British birds, 118
Worcestershire—Ringed Plover, 316; Dusky Redshank, 316
Yorkshire—Notes, 31; Lesser Redpoll, 193

Crateropus canorus, 202

Crex pratensis, 15, 129

Cricket, Mole, in Surrey, 233

Crocopus phœnicopterus, 384

Crossbill, Two-barred, in Nottinghamshire, 353

Cuckoo in Aberdeen, note on, 354,—eggs in nest of Hawfinch, 279; Yellow -billed in Somerset, 26, 73

Cuculus canorus, 14, 127, 211, 279, 354; micropterus, 211

Culicicapa ceylonensis, 205

Cursorius coromandelicus, 387

Cyanecula leucocyanea,464; suecica, 267

Cyanocorax cyanopogon, 248

Cyanospiza ciris, 253

Cygnus musicus, 128

Cynomys ludovicianus, 183, 367

Cyornis rubeculosis, 205; superciliosis, 205

Cypselus affinis, 211; apus, 127 melba, 211

Dabchick, Indian, notes on nesting of, 300

Dafila acuta, 452

Dasypus sexcinctus, 186; villosus, 185

Deer, Père David's, in confinement, 367

Delphinus albirostris, 390

Dendrocitta rufa, 302

Dendrocopus major, 127,228; minor, 228, 271

Dendrocycna javanica, 451

Dendropicus cardinalis, 190; menstruus, 190

Derbyshire ornithology, rough notes on (1900-1902), 455

Diary, observational, of habits of Great Crested Grebe, and of Peewit, 133

Dicæum erythrorhynchus, 208

Dicranura vinula larvæ making the best of difficulties, 392, 439

Dicrurus ater, 203; cærulescens, 203; ludwigi, 190

Diptera, List of British, 320

Dipus jaculus, 184

Dissemurus paradiseus, 203

Dissura episcopus, 449

Dog, Prairie, in confinement, 367

Dolphin, White-beaked, at Great Yarmouth, 390

Dormouse nest, materials of, 23

Duck, Wild, female in male plumage, 195

Duckbill, the reproduction of, 38

Dungeness, birds of, 59

Dupeter flavicollis, 450

Eagle, Golden, in Co. Donegal, 150

Egg of Moa offered for sale, 319

Egg-collecting in Central Wales, 5

Eggs of Cuckoo in nests of Hawfinch, 279

Eider, King, in Fifeshire, 27

Elanus cæruleus, 214

Emberiza cirlus, 227, 353, 354, 422; citrinella, 60, 126, 422, 467; miliaria, 14, 60, 422; pusilla, 466; schoeniclus, 60, 126

Equus burchelli, 366; zebra, 366

Erasmus as a naturalist, 281

Eremias sp., 393

Erithacus rubecula, 123, 422

Esacus recurvirostris, 386

Estrilda, 244, 257; phœnicotis, 252

Essex Field Club, President's Address, 240

Eudnamys honorata, 211

Eudromias morinellus, 62, 274, 308

Eunetta falcata, 451

Evolution of horns and antlers, 158

Evotomys gapperi, 298

Excalfactoria chinensis, 384; sinensis, 251

Falco æsalon, 128, 231, 272, 425; jugger, 214; peregrinator, 215; peregrinus, 14, 108, 128, 215, 230, 425, 467; subbuteo, 231; tinnunculus, 15, 128, 422

Fame Islands, Roseate Tern on, 53

Felis tigrina, 180

Fiber zibethicus, 296

Fieldfare, nest, fig., 265; variety, 467

'Field Naturalists' Quarterly,' 200

Finmark, East, birds met with in, 261

Flycatcher, early, in Northumberland, 193

Food of Water-Vole, 66, 111

Francolinus pondicerianus, 385; vulgaris, 385

Fratercula arctica, 424

Fringilla, 243; cœlebs, 14, 126, 422; montifringilla, 126, 227, 269

Fringillidæ, 243

Frog, Green, and telegraph wires, 158

Fulica atra, 61, 113, 308, 386

Fuligula cristata, 306; ferina, 306; marila, 113, 306

Gadus æglefinus, 392

Gadwall in Merionethshire, 112

Galerita cristata, 208

Galidictis vittata, 182

Gall, Leaf, West African, 437,—fig., 438

Gallinago cœlestis, 63, 130, 309, 376, 388; gallinula, 130, 309, 388; major, 130, 309; sternura, 388; sp.?, 275

Gallinula chloropus, 27, 61, 279, 386, 436

Gallinule, Allen's, in Norfolk, 98; near Great Yarmouth, 150

Gallus sonnerati, 72; varius, 72

Game-preservation in India and Burma, 39

Garrulus glandarius, 279, 434, 466

Gecinus viridis, 67, 313

Genetta pardina, 181

Geocichla citrina, 206

Geopelia, 245; humeralis, 245

Giraffa camelopardalis, 365

Giraffe, Northern, in confinement, 365

Glareola lactea, 387

Godwit, Black-tailed, in Ireland in mid-winter, 316

Goose, Wild, a lost British (Plate III.), 421

Graculus macii, 204

Grasshoppers in Utah, 399

Grebe, Great Crested, and Peewit observational diary of habits, 133

Grouse, Red, in Surrey, 27, 68

Grus antigone, 386; communis, 386

Gryllotalpa vulgaris, 233

Gull, Black-headed, some modifications of habits, 216; Herring, feeds extensively on sea-weed, 319

Gymnorhina, 254; hyperleuca, 428; tibicen, 428

Gymnorhis flavicollis, 207

Habits of Great Crested Grebe and Peewit, 133; of Black-headed Gull, 216; nesting, of Blackbird, 200; of South African Hares, 432

Hæmatopus ostralegus, 15, 130, 308, 375, 390, 422, 425

Halcyon orientalis, 189; pileata, 210; smyrnensis, 149, 210

Haliaëtus albicilla, 230, 427; indus, 214; leucoryphus, 214

Hammering of Great Spotted Woodpecker, 94

Hampstead and neighbourhood, fauna and flora, 240

Harelda glacialis, 273

Hares, South African, 432

Harrier, Montagu's, plumage of, 435

Hartebeest, Bubaline, in confinement, 365

Hawfinch nesting in Breconshire, 465

Helix pomatia, duration of life in, 151

Herodias alba, 450; garzetta, 450; intermedia, 450

Heron, cruel treatment of, 120

Heronry at Reedham, fig., 84; a former Warwickshire, 195

Hierococcyx varius, 211

Himantopus candicus, 387

Hippotragus equinus, 364

Hirundo nepalensis, 207; rustica, 13, 60, 125, 207

Holopterna alata, 392

Hoopoe near Wick, 435

Hoplopterus ventralis, 387

Hornbill, Ground, or Brom-Vogel, fig., 49

Hybrids between Donkey and Burchell's Zebra, 192; Pintails, 100

Hydrochelidon hybrida, 388; leucoptera, 389

Hydrophasianus chirurgus, 387

Hydroprogne caspia, 389

Hyphantornis, 257

Hypochera, 244

Hypothymis azurea, 205

Ibis, Glossy, in Ireland, 467; melanocephala, 389

Icterus jamacii, 248, 249

Inocotis papillosus, 449

Insects, temperature of, 287

Ireland—Moor-hen, 27; Golden Eagle, 150; Raven, 194; Grasshopper Warbler, 278; Holboell's Redpoll, 278; Red-throated Pipit, 313; Black-tailed Godwit, 316; Cirl-Bunting, 353; Glossy Ibis, 467; Water-Rail, 467

Isle of Man, Wood Warbler in, 23 birds of, 32

Iyngipicus hardwickii, 209

Iynx torquilla, 209

Jay in London, 279; migration of, 434, 466

Kingfisher near Aberdeen, 27,—curious accident to a, 68,—a littleknown action of, 149; White breasted, notes on, 149

Knot inland in Cheshire, 467

Lacerta agilis, 113; vivipara, 113

Lagonosticta rubricata, 190

Lagopus albus, 274; scoticus, 307

Laniarius cubla, 190; senegalus, 190

Lanius argentatus, 310; canus, 310; collurio, 433; cristatus, 203; major, 271; minor, 433; nigriceps, 203; pomeranus, 227; ridibundus, 310; tephrenotus, 203

Lapwing feigning injury to protect its young, 29, 70

Lark flying at an extraordinary height, 400; Shore, in Lincolnshire, 112

Larus argentatus, 16, 65, 132, 381, 422, 424; brunneicephalus, 388; fuscus, 381, 422, 423; ichthyaëtus, 388; leucopterus, 113, 468; marinus, 16, 109; ridibundus, 64, 216, 379, 391

Lasiurus borealis, 297; cinereus, 297

Leistes superciliosus, 245

Leptoptila wellsi, 246

Leptoptilus dubius, 449; javanicus, 449

Lepus americanus, 296; capensis, 432; crassicaudatus, 433; saxitilis, 433

Lighthouse, a month in, 319

Ligurinus chloris, 60, 422

Limosa belgica, 316, 387; lapponica, 131

Linota cannabina, 14, 60, 126; flavirostris, 126, 227; rufescens, 66, 193, 227,—breeding on Wimbledon Common, 313

Liopicus mahrattensis, 208

Liothrix lutea, 251

Liotriges, 254

'List of British Diptera,' second edition, 320

Lizard, Sand, at St. Leonards-on-Sea, 113

Lleyn, birds of, 8, 108

Locustella nævia, 226, 278

Lophoceros birostris, 210

Loxia bifasciata, 353; curvirostra, 227

Lynceidæ, 101

Lynceus, 101; brachyurus, fig., 106

Machetes pugnax, 131

Magpie, Lesser White-backed, in Tasmania, 428

Mammals, collecting small, in N.W.T., Canada, 294; private collection of living, notes on, 179; our rarer, preservation of, 400

Mareca penelope, 113, 129, 274, 452

Marten, Pine, in Ross-shire, 192

Megalestris catarrhactes, 132

Melanocorypha yeltoniensis, 100

Meliornis novæ-hollandiæ, 200

Mephitis hudsonia, 295

Mergus albellus, 307; mergenser, 307, 425; serrator, 113, 273, 468

Merops philippinus, 209; viridis, 209

Merula atrigularis, 206

Metopidius indicus, 387

Migrants at Aberdeen, 233

Migration of birds in N.E. Lincolnshire, 121; spring, of Swallows, 233; of Jays, 434, 466

Micropternus phæoceps, 209

Microtus drummondi, 298; (Pedomys) minor, 298

Miller, Hugh, centenary of birth, 399

Milvus govinda, 214; ictinus, 230

Mimicry, 394

Mimus polyglottus, 247

Mirafra assamica, 208

Moa egg offered for sale, 319

Molpastes bengalensis, 202

Monophlebus, antenna of, fig., 437

Monticola explorator, 190

Moor-hen, nesting of, 27; pairing, 196; breeding in Rook's nest, 279; feeding young, 436

Morphological interpretation, 436

Mosquitoes and fever, 359

Motacilla alba, 207, 268, 464; beema, 207,—in Sussex, 232; borealis, 207; campestris, 24; citreola, 207; flava, 24, 207, 269; hodgsoni, 207; leucopsis, 207; lugubris, 59, 125, 422; maderaspatensis, 207; melanope, 125, 197, 228, 422; raii, 59, 125, 228; rupestris, 190; yarrelli, 197

Munia atricapilla, 206; striata, 258

Mus musculus, 297

Muscardinus avellanarius, 23, 184

Muscicapa atricapilla, 125; grisola, 13, 125, 193

Mustela martes, 192

Namsen Valley, birds of, 352

Neophron ginginianus, 213

Nest of Dormouse, 23; unusual, of Ringed Plover, 28; of Fieldfare, 265; of Bluethroat, 267

Nesting of Moor-hen, 27; of Ravens in Co. Antrim, 194; habits of Blackbird in Furness, 200; of Indian Dabchick, 200; of a pair of Green Woodpeckers at Wells, Somerset, 313; of Hawfinch in Breconshire, 465

Nests, Mr. Selous' theory of origin, 145

Netta rufina, 452

Nettion crecca, 129, 452

Nettopus coromandelianus, 451

Nightingale caught on a steamer in Southern Ocean, 320

Ninox scutulata, 213

Norfolk and north of Suffolk, ornithological notes from, 81

Nucifraga caryocatactes, 25

Numenius arquata, 15, 63, 131, 197, 309, 376, 387; phæopus, 63, 131, 276, 310

Nutcracker in Herefordshire, 25

Nyctala tengmalmi, 68

Nyctea scandiaca, 113, 272

Nycticorax griseus, 305, 450

Nyroca ferina, 452; ferruginea, 453 fuligula, 453


Butler, Samuel, 320
Macpherson, Hugh Alexander, 18
Mansel-Pleydell, John Clavell, 191
Niceville, Lionel de, 21
Selenka, Emil, 80
Thorell, Dr. T., 40

Ocyphaps lophote, 246

Œdemia nigra, 129, 273, 307

Œdicnemus scolopax, 61, 308, 386

Okapi, 40, 191

Oncopera intricata, 430

Onychomys leucogaster, 297

Oreocincla dauma, 206

Oriolus galbula, 226; indicus, 204; Kundoo, 204; melanocephalus, 204

Orkney Islands, Siskin in, 390

Orthotomus sutorius, 203

Otis tetrax, 70

Otocompsa emeria, 202

Otocorys alpestris, 112, 271

Otogyps calvus, 213

Owl, Little, in Lincolnshire, 112 Long-eared, 435; Tengmalm's, in Northamptonshire, 68

Padda oryzivora, 255

Pairing manœuvres of birds, 71; of Moor-hens, 196

Palæornis cyanocephalus, 212; nepalensis, 212; rosa, 252; torquatus, 212

Pandion haliaëtus, 213, 272, 305

Panurus biarmicus, 226

Papilio machaon in England, historical notes on, 80

Paroaria, 244, 250; cucullata, 250, 255

Parus atriceps, 202; britannicus, 124; cæruleus, 124, 422; domesticus, 14, 60, 125, 207, 252; major, 124, 422; montanus, 25, 126; niger, 190

Passer domesticus, 422, 428

Pastor roseus, 204, 226

Pavoncella pugnax, 388

Pearls, parasitic origin of, 118

Peewit, observational diary of habits, 133

Pelargopsis gurial, 210

Pelecanus philippensis, 389; roseus, 389

Penguins and their ways, 239

Perdix cinerea, 61

Pericrocrotus peregrinus, 203; speciosus, 203

Peregrines in West Suffolk, 467

Perisoreus infaustus, 272

Peristeridæ, 245

Pernis cristatus, 215

Petersfield, ornithological incidents at, 436

Phalacrocorax carbo, 15, 389, 422; graculus, 15, 422; javanicus, 389; hyperboreus, 130, 468

Phalaropus fulicarius, 308; hyperboreus, 130, 468

Phaps chalcoptera, 246

Phlogœnas luzonica, 246

Phylloscopus rufus, 124; sibilatrix, 23, 124, 313; trochilus, 13, 124, 268

Pica rustica, 226, 272, 422

Picus major, 94, 96; martius, 25

Pintail hybrids, 100

Pipit, Red-throated, in Sussex, 25,—in Ireland, 313; Tree, late, 111; Water, in Sussex, 465

Piprisoma squalidum, 208

Platalea leucorodia, 32, 305, 449

Plectrophenax nivalis, 126, 270

Plegadis falcinellus, 449, 467

Ploceidæ, 244, 256

Ploceinæ, 244

Ploceus, 244, 257, 260; baya, 206; bengalensis, 206

Plotus melanogaster, 389

Plover, Grey, in Birmingham, 280; Ringed, unusual nest of, fig., 28,—breeding in Worcestershire, 316

Plovers and Sea-birds noticed in Lancashire and Cumberland, 374

Plumage of Montagu's Harrier, 435

Podicipes albipennis, 453; capensis, 300; cristatus, 133, 311, 453; fluviatilis, 65, 132; griseigena, 113, 442; nigricollis?, 454

Poëphila mirabilis, 250

Pogonorhynchus torquatus, 189

Polioaetus ichthyaetus, 214

Poliospiza gularis, 190

Porphyrio poliocephalus, 386

Porphyriola alleni, 98, 150

Porzana maruetta, 307; pusilla, 385

Pratincola caprata, 205; leucura, 206; maura, 206; rubetra, 123, 198; rubicola, 422

Prehistoric man in Burma (with Plate), 321

Prinia inornata, 203

Preservation of our rarer mammals, 400

Pristis antiquorum, 114

Procellaria pelagica, 32, 311

Pseudotantalus leucocephalus, 449

Pseudogyps bengalensis, 213

Psittacidæ, 248

Ptylorhynchus violaceus, 71, 242

Ptilotis penicillata, 199

Puffinus anglorum, 16

Putorius cicognani, 295; longicaudus, 295; vison, 296

Pycnonotus tricolor, 190

Pyromelæna, 244, 245, 257, 260; franciscana, 258, 259

Pyrrhocorax graculus, 14, 422

Pyrrhula europaea, 468

Pyrrhulauda grisea, 208

Querquedula crecca, 274, 422; circia, 452

Raia miraletus, 392

Rail, Water, a curious, 467

Rallus aquaticus, 129, 307, 385, 467, 468; indicus, 385

Ravens nesting in Co. Antrim, 194

Recurvirostra avocetta, 387

Redpoll, Holboell's, in Ireland, 278

Redshank, Dusky, in Worcestershire and Warwickshire, 316; Lesser, breeding in Somerset, 66,—in Yorkshire, 193

Redstart, late, 111

Regulus cristatus, 123, 422; ignicapillus, 123, 416, 422

Rhipidura albifrontata, 205

Rhodonessa caryophyllacea, 451

Rhynchops albicollis, 389

Rissa tridactyla, 422

Rook, White, at Aberdeen, 232

Rostratula capensis, 388

Ruticilla phœnicurus, 111, 123; rufiventris, 206; titys, 225

Sandpiper, Wood, in Orkney Islands, 391

Sarcidornis melanonotus, 451

Sarciophorus malabaricus, 387

Sarcogrammus indicus, 387

Sarcorhamphus gryphus, 194

Sark, birds of, 416

Saw-fish in British waters, 79, 114

Saxicola œnanthe, 13, 59, 122, 266, 422

Scales of fishes as an index of age, 237

Sciurus sp.?, 183

Scolopax rusticula, 113, 130, 308, 422

Scops giu, 212

Scotland—Kingfisher, 27; KingEider, 27; Pine-Marten, 192; notes, 197, 423; Black-headed Gull, 216; Rook, 232; migrants, 233; Cuckoo, 354; Hoopoe, 435

Sea-birds and Plovers noticed in Lancashire and Cumberland, 374

Sea-serpent, the, 159, 360

Seal and Whale Fishery of 1901, 41

Serinus, 243; leucopygius, 259

Sexual selection, 439

Shetland, notes from, 112

Shoveler in Herts, 27, 28

Shrike, Lesser Grey, in Norfolk, 433

Sialia sialis, 242, 253

Siphia parva, 205

Sitta castaneiventris, 202

Skua, Arctic, variations in colouring of, 368

Skunk, a pet, 394

Snake, Grass, habits in confinement, 356

Somateria mollissima, 425; spectabilis, 27

Song of the Okapi, 40; of birds, 247, 417, 468

Sorex richardsoni, 297

Sparrow, Tree, in Cardiganshire, 25

Spatula clypeata, 27, 68, 452

Spermophila, 257

Spermophilus franklini, 297; richardsoni, 296; tridecemlineatus, 296

Spider poison, 359

Spilornis cheela, 214

Sporæginthus amandava, 207

Strix candida, 212; flammea, 212

Squatarola helvetica, 129, 280

Starling, variety, 192

Statistics relating to British birds, 55

Stercorarius crepidatus, 132, 368, 439, 424; parasiticus?, 277; pomatorhinus, 132

Sterna anglica, 389; cantiaca, 377; caspia, 391; dougalli, 53; fluviatilis, 63, 378, 425; fuliginosa, 355; macrura, 131, 277, 378, 425; melanogaster, 389; minuta, 64, 379; seena, 389

Stoparola melanops, 205

Strix flammea, 127

Sturnia malabarica, 204

Sturnopastor contra, 205

Sturnus menzbieri, 204; vulgaris, 14, 60, 126, 422

Sula bassana, 128, 422, 427

Suricata tetradactyla, 393

Surrey, ornithological notes from, 223, 305

Swallows, spring migration, 233

Sycalis, 243; flaveola, 243, 250; pelzelni, 243

Sylvia atricapilla, 123; cinerea, 13, 123; curruca, 123, 468; hortensis, 123; undata, 225

Sypheotis bengalensis, 386

Syrnium ocellatum, 212

Taccocua leschenaulti, 211

Tachornis batassiensis, 211

Tadorna cornuta, 128, 424

Tæniopygia castanotis, 250, 251

Tamias quadrivittatus, 297

Tarpon atlanticus, 349

Tasmania, Lesser White-backed Magpie in, 428

Taurotragus oryx, 363

Taxidea taxus, 295

Temenuchus pagodarum, 204

Temperature of insects, 287

Tephrodornis pondicerianus, 203

Tern, Roseate, on the Fame Islands, 53; Sooty, in Lancashire, 355

Terpsiphone cristata, 190; paradisi, 205

Thereiceryx zeylonicus, 209

Thomomys borealis, 297

Thrush, variety, 192; Song, a mimicking, 193

Tinnunculus alaudarius, 215

Toad-poison, 359

Totanus calidris, 63, 131, 197, 276, 376, 390; canescens, 131, 276; fuscus, 131, 316, 388; glareola, 388, 391; glottis, 388; hypoleucus, 15, 131, 275, 376, 388, 423; ochropus, 131, 388; stagnatilis, 388

Transvaal, birds of, 189

Trichosurus vulpecula, 186

Tringa alpina, 15, 63, 130, 198, 309, 388; canutus, 131, 309, 467; hypoleucus, 309; minuta, 388; ochropus, 309; subarquata, 130; temmincki, 388

Trochalopterum canorum, 249

Troglodytes parvulus, 125, 422

Tropidonotus natrix, 356

Trupialis defilippii, 245; militaris, 245

Turdidæ, 254

Turdus iliacus, 122, 266, 422, 468; merula, 13, 59, 122, 422; rnusicus, 59, 122, 422; olivaceus, 190; pilaris, 122, 265, 422, 467, 468; torquatus, 112, 198, 225; viscivorus, 59, 122, 225, 422

Turnix dussumieri, 385; tanki, 385

Turtur communis, 15, 107, 129; ferrago, 384; risorius, 252, 384; suratensis, 384

Upupa epops, 210, 228, 435; indica, 210

Uria troile, 16, 65, 109, 311, 383, 427

Uroloncha malabarica, 207; punctulata, 207

Vanellus cristatus, 197; vulgaris, 15, 29, 62, 70, 129, 133, 375, 422, 423

Variety of Blackbird, 192; Bunting, Yellow, 467; Fieldfare, 467; Rail, Water, 467; Thrush, 192; Starling, 192; Vole, Water, 232

Vidua, 244, 257

Viduinæ, 244

Vole, Water, food of, 66, 111; variety, 232

Vulpes fulva, 295

Wagtail, White, on Somerset coast, 464

Wagtails, Blue-headed and ordinary Yellow, differences between immature, 24, 112

Wales—Notes, 1; (Kite, 4, 6; Lesser Whitethroat, 5; Twite, 5; Hawfinch, 6; Wryneck, 6); Birds of Bardsey Island and Lleyn, 8, 107; Tree-Sparrows, 25; Gadwall, 112; Cirl-Bunting, 354; Birds of Anglesea, 401; Red-backed Shrike, 433; Hawfinch, 465

Warbler, Grasshopper, near Laine, Co. Antrim, 278; Marsh, in Somerset, 23; Wood, in Isle of Man, 23

Waxwing at Great Yarmouth, 25

Whale and Seal Fishery of 1901, 41

Whaling at the Cape of Good Hope, 238

Wilsden, Yorkshire, notes from, 31

Wolf, Maned, in confinement, 362

Woodpecker, Great Spotted, 94, 96,—hammering of, 94,—fir-cone chipped by, fig., 95; Great Black, 25; Green, boring in Winter, 67,—nesting of a pair at Wells, Somerset, 313

Xantholæma hæmatocephala, 209

Xenorhynchus asiaticus, 449

Yarmouth, Great, notes from, 73, 81, 390, 392

Zapus hudsonius, 297

Zeugopterus unimaculatus, 392

Zoological Gardens of Western Europe, notes from some, 361

Zosterops palpebrosa, 202

  1. We suppose that this must have been H.H. Burton Bradley (Wikisource-ed.)