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The beggar girl/Hap me with thy Petticoat

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The beggar girl
Hap me with thy Petticoat
3219140The beggar girl — Hap me with thy Petticoat

Hap me with thy Petticoat.

O Bell thy looks have kill'd my heart,
I pass the day in pain;
When night returns, I feel the smart,
and wish for thee in vain.
I’m starving cold, whilst thou art warm;
have pity and incline,
And grant me for a hap that charming petticoat ot thine.

My ravish'd fancy, in amaze,
still wanders o‘er thy charms;
Delusive dreams, ten thousand ways,
present thee to my arms,
Then waking think what I endure;
while cruel you decline
Those pleasures, which can only cure
this panting breast of mine.

I faint, I fail, I wildly rove,
because you still deny
The just reward that's due to love,
and let true passion die.
Oh, turn, and let compassion seize
that lovely breast of thine:
Thy petticoat would give me ease,
if thou and it were mine.

Sure Heav'n has fitted for delight
that beauteous form of thine,
And thour't too good its laws to slight;
by hind'ring the design,
May all the powers of love agree,
at length to make thee mine;
Or loose my chains, and set me free
from every charm of thine.