The education of the farmer/List of Books
[Prepared for the Exeter Examination, June, 1857.]
The following List is intended to bring under the notice of candidates for prizes a few books of acknowledged merit, and in most cases of remarkably low prices.
They are not put forward with any authority as text-books, required to be got up for the examination, nor are the examiners in any way bound to confine themselves to the matter contained in them.
They are for the most part in common use in some of the best elementary schools, in training schools, or other public institutions.
It may also be useful to parents engaged in the education of their own children to be made aware of the fact that many of the books published by societies with a view to the education of the poor are in constant use in private families of the very highest social position.
They are so used because no other books are found to be so well adapted to the minds and habits of young children of whatever rank.
The present List has been prepared by the Secretary at the suggestion of the Examination Committee, and with the advice of experienced teachers, but he is singly responsible for the List as now printed.
T. D. Acland, Junr., Secretary
Exeter, March 14th, 1857.
⁂ The Books marked S. P. C. K. are published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; those marked N. S. by the National Society for Education; those marked R. T. S. by the Religious Tract Society: the whole of the Books on the List may be obtained by order of any Bookseller.
Holy Scriptures.
Nicholls' Help to Reading the Bible. 12mo., 2s. 8d. S. P. C. K.
Pinnock's Analysis of Scripture History (Old Testament). 18mo., 3s. 6d. Hall and Son.
Ditto ditto (New Testament). 18mo., 4s. Hall and Son.
Bible Narrative, by Miss Zornlin. 12mo., 5s. Parker and Son.
Palestine, and other Scripture Geography. 18mo., 1½d. N. S.
Hughes' Bible Atlas. 12mo., 1s. 6d. Longman.
Manners and Customs of the Jews. 18mo., 1s. 6d. R. T. S.
Liturgy and Catechism.
Nicholls' Sunday Exercises on the Morning and Evening Prayer. 12mo., 2d. S. P. C. K.
Sinclair's Questions on the Morning and Evening Prayer. 12mo., 4d. S. P. C. K.
Scripture Proofs and Illustrations of the Catechism. 12mo., 2d. S. P. C. K.
Questions illustrating the Catechism, by Archdeacon Sinclair (containing an excellent Glossary). 12mo., 4d. S. P. C. K.
Church History.
Pinnock's Analysis of Ecclesiastical History to A.D. 325. 18mo., 3s. 6d. Hall and Son.
Burton's History of the Christian Church. Fcap. 8vo., 5s. Parker and Son.
Pinnock's Analysis of the History of the Reformation, with prior and subsequent History of the Church of England. 18mo., 4s. 6d. Hall and Son.
Blunts History of the Reformation. Fcap. 8vo., 3s. 6d. Murray.
Massingberd's History of the Reformation. 12mo., 6s. Parker and Son.
English Grammar.
Explanatory English Grammar, by McLeod. 18mo., 1s. Longman.
Elements of Grammar, English, by Rev. E. Thring. 18mo., 2s. Macmillan.
Manual of English Grammar, by Rev. J. Hunter. 12mo., 7d. 'N. S.
Latham's Grammar for Commercial Schools. 1s. 6d. Walton and Maberly.
English Grammar, by Lennie (much used in private schools, but not recommended). 18mo., 1s. 6d. Oliver and Boyd.
Spelling Book superseded, by Sullivan. 18mo., 1s. 4d. Longman.
Analysis of Sentences, by J. D. Morell. 12mo., 2s. Longman.
English History.
History of England (last edition). 12mo., 1s. 4d. S. P. C. K.
England and its People, by Emily Taylor. 3s. 6d. 'Houlston.
Kings of England. 1s. Mozley.
History of England, by Rev. T. Milner. 5s. R. T. S.
Gleig's School and College History of England. 6s. Parker and Son.
Hughes' Manual of British Geography. Fcap. 8vo., 2s. Longman.
Hughes' Manual of Geography, Physical, Industrial, and Political. Fcap. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Longman.
Sullivan's Geography Generalized. 2s. Longman.
Guyot's Earth and Man. Fcap. 8vo., 2s. Parker and Son.
Maps illustrative of the British Empire, by Rev. S. Clark, Principal of Battersea College. 6d. each. N. S.
English Literature.
Reed's English Literature: Chaucer to Tennyson. Post 8vo., 2s. Shaw.
Reed's English History Illustrated by Shakspeare. Post 8vo., 2s. Shaw.
Spalding's History of English Literature. 3s. 6d. Simpkin.
Milton. 1s. 6d. Ingram.
Shakspeare (Stratford edition) Any vol. 2s. Hodgson.
Cowper's Poetical Works. 1s. 6d. Griffin and Co.
Goldsmith's Poetical Works. 2s. 6d. Knight and Son.
Craik's Outlines of the History of the English Language. 3s. 6d. Chapman and Hall.
Hooker's First Book (concerning Laws in general 12mo., 1s. 6d. Parker and Son.
Bacons Advancement of Learning. 12mo., 2s. Parker and Son.
Latin: and Ancient History.
Kennedy's Latin Primer (the Accidence and Syntaxis Minima). 12mo., 2s. Longman.
Kennedy's Elementary Latin Grammar. 12mo., 3s. 6d. Longman.
Kennedys Vocabulary (excellent for origin of Words in English). 12mo., 3s. Longman.
Walford's Shilling Latin Grammar (founded on the Charterhouse Grammar). 12mo., 1s. Longman.
Jacobs' Latin Reader (Prose), for Little Boys. 12mo., 3s. Fellowes.
Thring's Construing Book (Verse), for Little Boys. 18mo., 2s. 6d. Macmillan.
Virgil, with Notes (Chambers' Educational Course). 2 vols., 3s. 6d. each.
Virgil (Oxford Classics): no Notes. 2s. 6d. J. H. and J. Father.
Cassar (Eton). 2s. Simpkin.
Landmarks of Ancient History. 12mo., 2s. 6d. Mozley.
First Steps in Classical Geography, by Professor Pillans. 12mo., 1s. 6d. Longman.
The Georgics of Virgil, translated by Rev. J. King, of Cutcombe (the work of a practical farmer and scholar). 12mo., 4s. 6d. Rivington.
Arithmetic and Mathematics.
Colenso's Arithmetic. 12mo., 4s. 6d. Longman.
Colenso's Elementary Arithmetic, with Questions. 18mo., 2s. 3d. Longman.
Cornwell and Fitch's Arithmetic. 12mo., 4s. 6d. Simpkin.
Tate's Arithmetic. 12mo., 1s. 6d. Longman.
Tate's Mathematics for "Working Men. 8vo., 2s. Longman.
Tate's Geometry and Mensuration. 12mo., 3s. 6d. Longman.
Mensuration (Irish Board). 12mo. 6d.
Lund's Course of Algebra. Fcap. Svo., 2s. 6d. Longman.
Lund's Geometry as an Art. Fcap. 8vo., 2s. Longman.
Lund's Geometry as a Science. Fcap. 8vo., 1s. 6d. Longman.
Potts' Euclid (First Book). 12mo. 6d. N. S.
Potts' Euclid (First three Books). 1s. 6d. N. S.
Cassell's Euclid. Post 8vo., 1s. 6d. Kent.
Rudimentary Navigation (Weale's Series). 12mo., 2s.
Inman's Navigation. 8vo., 6s. Rivington.
Heather on Mathematical Instruments (Weale's Series). 12mo., 1s.
Natural Science.
Tomlinson's Natural Philosophy. 1s. Weale's Series.
Tate's Exercises on Mechanics and Natural Philosophy. 12mo., 2s. Longman.
Baker's Elements of Mechanism. 1s. Weale's Series.
Tate's Elements of Mechanism. 12mo., 3s. 6d. Longman.
Tate's Popular Astronomy and Use of the Globes. 1s. Gleig's Series.
Tate's Little Philosopher. 18mo., 3s. 6d. Longman.
Lee's Catechism of Natural Philosophy. 2 Parts, 9d. each. Oliver and Boyd.
Rudimentary Chemistry, by Fownes, with Agricultural Chemistry, by Tomlinson. 12mo., 1s. Weale's Series.
Wilson's Chemistry (Chambers' Educational Course). 12mo., 3s.
Stockhardt's Experimental Chemistry. 5s. Bohn.
Stockhardt's Agricultural Chemistry. 5s. Bohn.
Physiology, also Natural Philosophy: see Fifth Book of Lessons (Irish Board), one of the cheapest books in existence. 500 pages for 8d.
Chambers' Rudiments of Animal Physiology. 1s. 6d.
Chambers" Rudiments of Vegetable Physiology. 1s. 6d.
Henslow's Physiological Botany. 3s. 6d. Longman.
The Steam Engine, by Lardner. 1s. Weale's Series.
Political Economy and Trade.
Book-keeping (Irish Board). 4½d.
Lessons on the Phenomena of Industrial Life, by Rev. R. Dawes, Dean of Hereford. 12mo., 2s. Groombridge.
Easy Lessons on Money Matters, by Archbishop Whately. 1s. Parker and Sons.
The Arts and Music.
Burchett's Definitions of Geometry. 5d. Chapman and Hall.
Burchett's Practical Geometry. 8vo., 5s. Chapman and Hall.
Practical Geometry for Schools and Workmen. 12mo., 1s. 6d. Groombridge.
Redgrave's Manual of Colour. 9d. Chapman and Hall.
Field on Colour. 2s. Weale's Series.
Rowbotham's Guide to Sketching and Perspective. 1s. Winsor and Newton.
Chambers' Drawing-Books. First and Second Series. 1s. each.
Dobson's Rudiments of the Art of Building, with Illustrations. 1s. Weale's Series.
Burn's Illustrated Architectural and Engineering Drawing-Book. 2s. Ward and Lock.
Hullah's Manual of Singing. 2s. 6d. Parker and Son.
Hullah's Grammar of Musical Harmony. 3s. Parker and Son.
Spencer's Treatise on Music. 2s. Weale's Series.
Miscellaneous (not School Books) for Teachers and older Students.
Procter on the Book of Common Prayer. Crown 8vo., 1Os. 6d. Macmillan.
Blunt's History of the Christian Church during the First Three Centuries. 8vo., 9s. 6d. Murray.
Craiks English of Shakspeare, illustrated in the Tragedy of 'Julius Cæsar.' Fcap. 8vo., 7s. 6d. Chapman and Hall.
Trench on the Study of Words. Fcap. 8vo., 3s. 6d. Parker and Son.
Trench's English Past and Present. Fcap. 8vo., 4s. Parker and Son.
Annals of England. 3 vols. fcap. 8vo., 5s. each. J.H. and J. Parker.
Goodwin's Course of Mathematics. 8vo., 15s. Deighton.
Herschels Discourse on Natural Philosophy (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopædia). Fcap. 8vo., 3s. 6d. Longman.
Swainsons Discourse on Natural History. Fcap. 8vo., 3s. 6d. Longman.
Dr. Golding Bird's Natural Philosophy. 12s. 6d. Churchill.
Fownes' Manual of Chemistry. 12mo., 12s. 6d. Churchill.
Lardner on the Steam Engine. Post 8vo., 8s. 6d. Walton and Maberly.
Johnston's Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. Fcap. 8vo., 6s. 6d. Blackwood.
Agricultural Geology, by "Whitley of Truro. 8vo., 7s. 6d. Longman.
Agassiz and Gould's Comparative Physiology. Post 8vo., 5s. Bohn.
Milne Edwards' Manual of Zoology. 7s. 6d. Renshaw.
Balfour's Outlines of Botany. 12mo., 7s. 6d. Black.
The foregoing notice was issued for the information of candidates for the prizes at the Examination held at Exeter, June 16–19, 1857. It is here reprinted as it appears to have been found useful by several persons besides those for whom it was prepared.
Further information as to the objects and nature of that Examination may be found in a pamphlet entitled 'Middle-Class Education:—Scheme of the West of England Examination and Prizes; for June, 1857. By T. D. Acland, Esq. To which are appended the Letters of the Rev. F. Temple, &c. Third Edition. Published by Ridgway.'
The Examination Papers, together with the Report of the Examiners, will be published separately without delay.