The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Auian/Fable 22
¶ The xxij fable is of the viator or palmer and of Satyre
En ought to beware & kepe hym
self from hym whiche bereth both
fyre and water / as reherceth to vs
this Fable Of a pylgrim / whiche
somtyme walked in the wynter /
and wente thurgh a grete forest / ¶ And by
cause that the snowe had couerd al the wayes /
he wist ne knewe not whyther he wente /
ageynste the whiche came a wodewose named
Satyre by cause he sawe hym a cold / whiche
aproched to the pylgrym and brought hym in
to his pytte / And whan the pylgrym sawe
hym / he hadde grete drede by cause that a
wodewose is a monstre lyke to the man / as hit
appiereth by his fygure / ¶ And as the wodewose
or Satyre ledde the pylgrym in to his
pytte / the pylgrym dyd blowe within his handes
for to chauffe them / For he was sore cold /
And thenne the wodewose gaf to hym hote water
to drynke / ¶ And whan the pylgrym wold
haue dronken hit / he beganne to blowe in hit /
And the wodewose demaunded of hym / why he dyd hinwe in hit / And the pylgrym sayd to
hym / I blowe in hit / for to haue it somwhat
more cold than hit is / The wodewose thenne
sayd to hym / Thy felauship is not good to me /
by cause that thow berest bothe the fyre and the
water in thy mouthe / therfore go hens fro my
pyt and neuer retorne ageyne / For the felauship
of the man whiche hath two tongues is nought /
And the man wiche is wyse ought to flee the
felauship of flaterers / For by flateryng & adulacion
many haue ben begyled and deceyued