The lassie o' the glen
- "The lassie o' the Glen" in Bessy Bell and Mary Gray (1816-1920)
- "The lassie o' the glen" in The Book of Scottish Song (1843)
'This little lyric is the earliest poetical production of Angus Fletcher, and first appeared in several Newspapers about the year 1802 or 3. It was written to a Gaelic air, but it may also be sung to the good old tune of "Willie was a wanton wag." Glendaruel, one of the richest and prettiest valleys in Scotland, forms the parish of Kilmodan, in Cowal; and is generally called, by way of pre-eminence, The Glen. The river Ruel winds slowly and beautifully through its whole length.' —Alexander Whitelaw, The Book of Scottish Song (1843)