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The passing of Korea/Index

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661460The passing of Korea — IndexHomer Bezalee Hulbert
Table of contents


ABUSES by Japanese, 213-220.
Admiral Yi Sun-sin, 08.
Adoption of child, 365.
Agglutinative language, 300.
Agricultural implements, 269.
Agriculture, 269.
Ajuns, 52.
Alexaieff, Kir, 156, 159.
Allen, Dr. H. N., 125, 141.
Alliance, Anglo- Japanese, 176.
Alphabet, Attempt at, 76.
Alphabet, The present, 92.
American expedition, 1 18.
American imports, 286.
American interests, 462.
American-Korean Electric Company
American legation withdrawn, 222.
America's duty, 465.
Anglo-Japanese alliance, 176.
Animal stories, 385.
Animals, 19.
Annam rice, 174.
Architecture, 241, 333.
Art, 330.
Architectural, 333; bijouterie in, 331 ;
ceramics, 334; colour in, 332; dec-
orations, 333 ; embroidery, 334 ;
form, 332; grotesque, 333; inlaid
work, 334; mural decoration, 333;
painting, 334; perspective in, 331.
Assassination of Queen, 137.
Astronomical observatory, 291.

Banks, 237.
Barter, 238.
Battle of Chemulpo, 199.
Battlefields, 391.
Bears, 22.
Beating as punishment, 64.
Bell of Seoul, 93.
Bell of Silla, 73, 290.
Bell, Legend of, 328.
Belles lettres, 307.
Biography, 308
Birds, 23.
Blackmail, 67.
Blood-bridge, 292.
Boat, The tortoise, 298.
Boats, 260.
Bomb and mortar, 298.
Bridges, 253.
Bridges, Suspension, 254.
Brokers, House, 282.
Brown, J. McLeavy (C. M. G.), 150,
, 158, 159, 171, 233.
Bruguiere, Bishop, 1 10.
Buddhas, 295.
Buddhism, 404.
Buddhism introduced, 73.
Buddhism outlawed, 91.
Buddhism revived, 174.
Buddhism supreme, 78.
Buddhist excesses, 82.
Buddhist relics, 292.
Buddhist stories, 378.
Building, 241.
Bullocks, Pack, 255.
Burial, 295.
Burial customs, 445.
By-products, 270.

CAPITAL, Seoul becomes, 90.
Capital punishment, 61.
Carts, 252.
Cash, 234.
Caste, jo.
Cattle, 19.
Cave, Death, 298.
Census of 1677, IO 7-
Census of 1776, 1 08.
Ceramic art, 102, 273.
Ceramics, 334.
Cereals, 15.
Chain-gang, The, 64.
Chair, Sedan, 263.
Change in government, 49.
Characteristics, 29.
Chemulpo, 456.
Chess, 280.
Chinese conservatism, 7.
Chinese ideograph, 76.
Chinese innovations, 75.
Chinese predominant, 126.
Chinhan, 71.
Ch'oe Chi-wun, 310.
Chong Mong-ju, 89.
Christian missions, 126, 464.
Christianity and temperament, 33.
Chumong, 72.
Circulating library, 311.
Climate, lo.
Coal-mines, 274.
Coinage, 234.
Commerce, 281.
Commercial morality, 284.
Concubinage, 356, 369.
Confucian school, 338.
Confucian stories, 373.
Confucianism, 405.
Consanguineous marriage, 8l.
Conservatism, 7, 34.
Coolies demanded, 210.
Corruption, Official, 50.
Counterfeiting, 177.
Couriers, 268.
Cromlechs, 294.
Cruelty, 43.
Currency, 178, 234.
Customs of people, 398.
Customs, Maritime, 233, 285.

Dancing Girls, 318, 357.
Decapitation, 61.
Decorations, 333.
Decorations, House, 250.
Deer, 22.
Deer blood as medicine, 22.
Denny, Judge O. N., 127.
Detectives, 396.
Dialects, 304.
Diamond Mountain, 292.
Dismemberment, 61.
Divination, 422, 425.
Divorce, 368.
Doctors, Female, 353.
Dogs, 21.
Dogs as food, 21.
Dolmens, 294.
Dominoes, 280.
Donkeys, 264.
Dravidian dialects, 300.
Drums, 316.
Dye, Gen. William, 139.

EAR and nose mound, 101.
Eclipse, Averting an, 430.
Education, 335, 337, 338, 465.
Electric company, 159.
Electric light, 458.
Electrical works, 458.
Embroidery, 334.
Emeuteoi 1882, 122.
Emeute of 1884, 125.

Emperor, The, 343.
Accession, 1 14, 344 ; at Russian Legation, 345; and Americans, 347; difficulties, 344 ; firmness, 348 ; kindness, 346; superstition, 346.

Emperor's protest, The, 220, 223.
Empire declared, 157.
Eunjin image, 296.
Euphony, 304.
Examination, National, 79, 337.
Exorcism, 359, 407.
Exorcists, 413, 427.
Exports, 285.
Extortion, 67.

Fall of Koguryu, 75.
Fall of Koryu, 89.
Fall of Pakche, 75.
Fall of Silla, 77.
Fauna, 19.
Ferry, 253.
Fetiches, 411.
Feudalism, Japanese, 3.
Feudalism lacking, 80.
Fiction, 310.
Fire mountains, 267.
Firearms, Japanese, 95.
Fish, 25, 271.
Floors, 245.
Flora, 12.
Flowers, 18.
Flute, The Jade, 297.
Flutes, 315.
Folk-lore, 273.
Fords, 253.
Foreign trade, 284.
Fortune-telling, 422.
Foulk, George C., 298.
Foundations of house, 243.
Foxes, 22.
Freebooters, 86.
French expedition, 117.
French priests executed, 115.
French vessels wrecked, in.
Fruits, 14.
Fuel, 271.
Funeral of Queen, 157.
Funeral procession, 437, 453.
Funeral rites, 445.
Fusan, 456.
Fusan trading station, 93, 102.
Future of Korea, 461.

Game birds, 23.
Games, 276.
Gates with monkeys, 251.
General Sherman, The, 116.
Generosity, 36.
Geomancy, 437, 441.
Ginseng, 18, 270.
( 'io-between, Professional, 359.
Gold mining.
Gold-mining license, 229.
Golden age, 90.
Golden pagoda, 291.
Goldsmiths, 273.
Government, 295.
G"yo Maru, The, 257.
Grammar, 301.
Grave desecration, 455.
Grave sites, 443.
Greathouse, Clarence, 168.
Greek Church Mission, 167.
Guilds, 281.

HALL, Capt. Basil, no.
Hamil, Hendrik. 106.
Han Kyu-sul, 221.
Hanabusa, 119.
Hasegawa, Marshal, 212.
Heating houses, 245.
Hideyoshi, 94.
Historical works, 83, 307.
Hong-du invasion, 86.
Honorifics, 302.
Horse relay, 268.
Horses, 19.
Hospital, Severance Memorial, 460.
Hospital at Fusan, 460.
Hospital at Pyeng-yang, 460.
Hospitality, 37.
House brokers, 282.
House decoration, 250.
House site, 246.
House tax, 228.
Houses, 241.
Hunting, 275.

IJICHI, General, 190.
Il-chin society, 210.
Images, 295, 296.
Imagination, 327.
Imbert, Bishop, no.
Imitation, 308.
Imports, 285.
Imprisonment, 64.
Improvements, Modern, 256.
Independence Club, 148, 150, 159, 161, , 1 66.
Independence guaranteed, 204.
Industries, 269.
Inlaid work, 334.
Inouye, Count, 132, 133, 136.
Instrumental music, 314.
Insurance, 281.
Interest on money, 283.
Intrigue, 180.
Intrigue, Russian, 192.
Invasion by Hong-du, 86.
Invasion, Japanese, 04.
Invasion, Japanese second, 100.
Invasion by Kitan, 82.
Invasion, Manchu, 103, 104.
Invasion, Mongol, 83.
Iron, 274.
Ironclad, 298.
Ito, Marquis, 204, 221.

JADE flute, 297.
Jaisohn, Dr.Philip, 124, 150, 152, 154, 157.
Japan, causes of transformation, 5.
Japan. Early relations with, 74.
Japan invaded by Mongols, 84.
Japnn-Kussia War, 185.
Japanese abuses, 213-220.
Japanese army of invasion, 95.
Japanese civilisation, 6.
Japanese corsairs, 86.
Japanese feudalism, 3.
Japanese invasion, 94.
Japanese protectorate, 221.
Japanese second invasion, 100.
Japanese suzerainty, 102.
Jiggjf, The, 257.
Jingu, Empress, 74.
Junks, 261.
Justice, 56, 59, 67.

KATO, 95, 96.
Kija, 69.
Kiia's money, 234.
Kija's well, 289.
Kijun, 71.
Kim Pu-sik, 83, 310.
Kim Yung-jun, 170.
Kinshiu maru, 207.
Kitan invasion, 82.
Kites, 278.
Koguryu, Fall of, 75.
Koguryu, origin, 72.
Komungo, The, 315.
Konishi, 95, 96.
Koryetz, The, 193, 200.
Koryu, Fall of, 89.
Koryu, origin, 78.
Kuk-min society, 211.
Kwaga, The, 337.
Labour songs, 319.
Land tax, 225.
Language, 28, 300.
Language schools, 339.
Lawyers unknown, 66.
Legation guards, 188.
Legation withdrawn, 222.
Legend of Bell, 328.
Legends, 69, 387.
Legendre, Mr., 168.
Libraries, 309, 311.
Lighthouses, 459.
Literature, Chinese, 79, 306.
Lobanoff-Yamagata Agreement, 152.
Love stories, 311.
Low, Hon. Frederick, 118.
Luck, Worship of, 412.

Mahan, 71.
Manchu invasion, 103.
Manchu monument, 106.
Mararanta, 73.
Markets, 239.
Marriage, Consanguineous, 81.
Masanpo, 176.
Mathematics, 339.
Medicine, 18.
Medium, Spiritual, 414.
Megata, Mr., 212.
Military rank, 80.
Min Yong-ik, 124.
Minerals, 11.
Mining, 273.
Mining, American, 150.
Mirror, Magic, 297.
Miryoks, 295.
Missionaries, 464.
Missions, Protestant, 126.
Miura, Viscount, 134.
Miura's trial, 143.
Mob law, 51.
Modern improvements, 456.
Mollendorf, P. G. von, 123, 233.
Monasteries, 80, 293.
Monetary troubles, 177.
Money, 234.
Money, Paper, 239.
Mongol excesses, 84.
Mongol invasion, 83.
Mongol invasion of Japan, 84.
Mongol Queen, 87.
Monkeys on gates, 251.
Monument of Manchus, 106.
Monuments, 288.
Morality, 41.
Mortgages, 283.
Motherhood, 353.
Mudang, The, 358, 413, 414.
Muhak, 91.
Mural decoration, 333.
Murder of Queen, 137.

Music, 314.

Instruments, 315; notation, 319; score, 317; time, 314; vocal, 316.

Myths, 393.

Nagamori scheme, 208.
Namhan, King at, 105.
Neutral zone, 189.
Neutrality declared, 189.
Newspapers, 151, 340.
Nickel coinage, 173, 177, 236.
Novels, 310.

Observatory, Astronomical, 291.
Obstetrics, 355.
Om, Lady, 180.
Omens, 388.
Official indirection, 57.
Opening of Korea, 114.
Oppert, 27, 298.
Oratory, 305.
Orchestra, 314.
Origin of Koguryu, 72.
Origin of Korea, 69.
Origin of Koryu, 78.
Origin of Pakche, 73.
Origin of people, 27.
Origin of Silla, 72.

Padok, 280.
Pagoda in Seoul, 87.
Paint, 250.
Painting, 334.
Pakche, Fall, 75.
Pakche, origin, 72.
Pak Yong-hyo, 132.
Pansu, The, 359, 413, 421.
Paper, 14.
Paper money, 239.
Parks, 249.
Parties, Political, 93.
Passions, Stories of, 395.
Patriotism, 80.
Pavlow, Mr. A., 169.
Pearls, 25.
Pedagogy, 336.
Peddlers' guild, 162, 204, 281.
Penal Code, 61.
Persecution of Roman Catholics, 109, no, 114, 118.
Philology, 300.
Physicians, Female, 353.
Physiognomy, 27.
Pigs, 20.
Pitch-penny, 278.
Play-grounds, 249.
Plot against Queen, 135.
Po-an Society, 209.
Poems, 321.
Poetry, 314.
Poisoning, 61.
Police, 62.
Policy, Japanese, 191.
Political parties, 93.
Pony, Pack, 256.
Popular feeling, 51.
Population, 107, 108.
Position, Geographical, 10.
Post-office, 459.
Postal Union, 167.
Precipice of flowers, 323.
Prefectural governments, 53.
Press, Public, 340.
Pride, 38.
Priestcraft, 78.
Primogeniture, 68, 363.
Prisons, 64.
Proclamation, Japanese, 191.
Progressives organize, 120.
Property rights. 363.
Prophecy, 90, 389.
Protectorate, Japanese, 221.
Protest of Emperor, 220.
Protestant missions, 126.
Protocol of Feb. 23, 1904, 204.
Proverbs, 399.
Public speaking, 305.
Publication, 340.
Pukhan built, 108.
Punishments, 62, 130, 367.
Pyeng-yang, 69.
Pyonnan, 71.

Quelpart Island, 87.
Queen degraded, 142.
Queen's assassination, 137.
Queen's funeral, 157.
Queen's party dominant, 120.

RAILWAY concession, 167.
Railway, Seoul-Chemulpo, 150.
Railway, Seoul-Fusan, 160.
Railway, Seoul-wiju, 179.
Railways, 262.
Rainy season, 1 1 . Rebellion of Yi Kwal, 103.
Reforms, 130, 152, 154.
Reforms of 1730, 107.
Reforms, Russia against, 183.
Reforms of Yi T'a-jo, 90, 93.
Relics, 288.
Relics of Kija, 70.
Relics of Koryu, 81.
Relics of Silla', 73.
Religion, 31, 403.
Religious ceremony, 294.
Revenue, 175, 225.
Rice, 15.
Roads, 252.
Roofs, 244.
Rogers, Rear-Admiral, 118.
Roze, Admiral, expedition, 117.
Roman Catholic persecution, 109, 110, 114, 118.
Roman Catholicism, 106, 107, 108, 109, 112.
Roosevelt appealed to, 220, 223.
Russia and Masanpo, 176.
Russian intrigue, 192.
Russian legation, King's asylum, 146.
Russian policy, 183.
Russian timber concession, 185.

Sale of office 51.
Salt-making, 272.
Salt tax, 228.
Sanitation, 241.
Satsuma ware, 102.
Sewage, 247.
Scenery, 12.

Schools, 335.

Private, 335, 340; grading, 336; pedagogy, 336 ; Confucian, 338 ; middle, 339; language, 339 ; mission, 340 ; books, 341 ; industrial, 341 ;

technical, 341.

Schufeldt, Commodore, and United States treaty, 123.
Scientific books, 307.
Sea traffic, 262.
Seclusion of women, 349.
Seoul, 457.
Seoul becomes capital, 90.
Seoul taken by Japanese, 97.
Sepulture, 295.
Sericulture, 273.
Serpent worship, 409.
Severance Memorial Hospital, 460.
Shamanistic tales, 384.
Sheep, 20.
Shop runners, 282.
Shops, 282.
Siege of Namhan, 105.
Signal fires, 267.
Silk, 273. Silk, Fall of, 77.
Silla, origin, 72.
Silla consolidates Korea, 75.
Silla kings' tombs, 290.
Silversmiths, 273.
Simony, 51.
Sindon, 87.
Singing, 316.
Site, house, 246.
Slavery as punishment, 432.
Slavery, Female, 433.
Slavery in Koryu, 81.
Snake worship, 25.
Snakes, 24.

Songs, 316.
Labour, 319; convivial, 323; fishing, 326.

Sorceresses, 358.
Speyer, A. de, 156, 157.
Spirit of smallpox, 417.
Spirit stories, 385.
Spirits, 406.
Spiritual medium, 414.
Sports, 276.
Stevens, Mr., 212.
Stone images, 296.
Stone fights, 276.

Animal, 385; battlefield, 391; Buddhist, 378; Confucian, 373 ; customs, 398; detective, 396; legends, 387; myths, 393 ; omens, 388 ; passion, 395 ; prophecy, 389 ; Shaman, 383 ; spirit, 385; Uncle Remus, 386; wisdom, 392; women, 391.

Story-tellers, Professional, 312.
Streets. 247.
Sungari, The, 193.
Superstition, 403.
Surprise wrecked. The, 116.
Swinging, 279, 371.

TAIWUNKUN, regent, 114.
Dies, 158; resumes control, 140; retires, 120.

Tangun, 69.
Tangun altar, 288.

Taxes, 225.
Boat, 231; furs, 230; ginseng, 739; house, 228 ; land, 225 ; minerals, 229 ; poll, 232 ; salt, 228 ; special, 232; timber, 231.

Telegraphs, 267.
Temperament, 29.
Testamentary rights, 363.
Text-books, 341.
Textile fabrics, 273.
Tides, 11.
Tigers, 21.
Tile, 244.
Timber concession, Russian, 185.
Tombs, 298.
Tombs of Silla kings, 290.
Topography, 11.
Tortoise boat, 98, 298.
Torture, 65.
Total abstinence, 108.
Trade, 281.
Trade, Foreign, 284.
Trading station, Fusan, 93, 102.
Tradition, 312.
Transformation of Japan, Cause of, 5.
Translation of poems, 321.
Transportation, 252.
Travelling, 263.
Trapping, 275.
Treason, 62.
Treaty with America, 123.
Treaty with Japan, 120.
Trees, 12.
Trial at law, 58.
Trial in Court, 66.
Trial of Miura, 143.
Triangles, 316.
Truthfulness, 40.
Turanian languages, 300.
Turf, 246.
Type-printing, 92.

UNCLE REMUS' Stories, 386.

VARIAK, The, 196, 200.
Vegetables, 17.
Violins, 315.
Vocal music, 316.

WAEBER, C., 141, 146, 150, 156.
Waeber-Komura agreement, 152.
Wall across Korea, 291.
Wall of Seoul, 90.
Walls, City, 250 ; house, 246 ; yard, 248.
War, Japan-China, 127.
Waste land scheme, 208.
Water carriers, 259.
Wealth, 68.
Weapons, 95.
Wiju, opening, 186.
Wills, 363.
Wiman, 70.
Wisdom, stories, 392.
Woman, 349.
Amusements, 370; concubines, 356; dancers, 357; divorce, 368; education, 360; grades, 350; low, 352; motherhood, 353; occupations, 353, 354; palace, 357; physician, 353; property rights, 360; punishments, 351; religious, 406; seclusion, 349; slavery, 359, 433; stories of, 391; titles, 371; wages, 360; work, 360; visiting, 352.
Dragon, 411; fetich, 411; luck, 412; serpent, 409; spirits, 406.

YALU, timber concession, 185.
Yi Keun-tak, 182.
Yi Kwal's Rebellion, 103.
Yi Sun-sin, Admiral, 98.
Yi T'a-jo, 88.
Yi Yong-ik, 171, 173, 179, 180.
Yongampo, Russians in, 185.
Young Men's Christian Association, 460.
Yun Chi-ho, 136, 163, 165.