The school law of Michigan/Review Questions
In answering some of the following questions the student will be obliged to consult Howell’s Annotated Statutes, Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for 1894, and the Legislative Manual.
1. By whom are school districts formed and numbered?
2. What are specific taxes?
3. What is meant by a fractional district?
4. How are vacancies in state offices filled?
5. How is the primary school fund raised?
6. About how much money is apportioned in each year among the school districts of the state?
7. Should all instruction in our public schools be given in the English language?
8. What is done with lands which escheat to the state from a defect of heirs?
9. How many months of school must be maintained during a school year to entitle districts to primary school money?
10. How many members compose the board of regents of the state university?
11. What is the length of a regent’s term of office?
12. Who is president of the university?
13. Is the president of the university a member of the board of regents?
14. Of how many members is the state board of education composed?
15. What is the length of the term of office of a member of the board of education?
16. What is the salary of the Superintendent of Public Instruction?
17. Of what state boards is the superintendent a member?
18. What provision was made in the constitution for the establishment of an agricultural college?
19. Mention some of the duties of the Superintendent of Public Instruction?
20. To whom does the law require the printed school laws to be furnished?
21. On what dates is the apportionment of primary school money made?
23. What is the legal school age in the state?
23. For what reasons may the state superintendent cause a school district to forfeit public money?
24. Who makes statements for the distribution of library funds?
25. What compensation is allowed to members of the state board of education?
26. Where are the state normal schools located?
27. Are state normal school diplomas legal certificates to teach?
28. How many state examinations are held in each year?
29. How may certificates granted in other states be made valid in this state?
30. Are holders of diplomas from Michigan colleges legally qualified to teach?
31. How many members in the county board of examiners?
32. When is the commissioner chosen and for how long?
33. What is the salary of commissioner in the various counties of the state?
34. What amount must be named in the commissioner’s bond?
35. What is required of commissioner before he receives an order for his salary?
36. What qualifications are required of persons who are eligible to hold the office of commissioner?
37. How are vacancies in the office of commissioner filled?
38. How are vacancies in the office of examiner filled?
39. Is an examiner authorized by law to grant a special teacher’s certificate?
40. By whom are assistant visitors of schools appointed?
41. What compensation do assistant visitors receive?
42. Mention six of the principal duties of the commissioner.
43. Have members of examining boards the legal right to engage la summer normal school work?
44. How is the commissioner limited in office expenses?
45. Can an examiner be elected by a plurality vote?
46. What compensation does an examiner receive?
47. Of how many members is the township board of inspectors composed?
48. What school offices may be held by women?
49. With whom are the triplicate annual reports of the inspectors filed?
50. Mention some of the information that must be contained in the inspector’s annual reports.
51. Give some of the school duties of the township clerk.
52. How is the number of meetings of the board of inspectors limited?
53. What compensation is allowed to school inspectors?
54. What yearly salary does the clerk of the Upper Peninsula township district receive?
55. What is the maximum size of primary school districts?
56. Have the inspectors authority to change the boundaries of a school district which has been organized by special legislative enactment?
57. By whom are changes in the boundaries of fractional districts made?
58. When may a school district be said to be legally organized?
59. How many days notice must be given of a meeting to change baundaries of a school district?
60. How many notices must be posted for change of boundaries?
61. How may two or more primary districts be consolidated?
62. How may a district be divided into two or more districts?
63. Have the inspectors the right to destroy a district by detaching its territory?
64. How may a primary district organize into a graded district?
65. Under what conditions may inspectors make an alteration in the boundaries of a graded district?
66. How may two primary districts organize into one graded district?
67. May a graded district change to a primary district?
68. How many township school districts are there in Michigan?
69. How many primary districts?
70. How many graded districts?
71. In the Upper Peninsula, how are township districts organized?
72. Of how many members is a township board of education composed?
73. Mention several of the advantages of the township system over the district system.
74. What are some of the reasons why the township should not be the unit in school matters.
75. Has the township system been successfully tried in other states? If so, where?
76. Is the township system unpopular in states where it has been established? If so, in what states?
77. What is the date of the annual school meeting?
78. When and how are the members of township boards of education elected?
79. What is the time of taking the annual census of school children in all the districts of the state?
80. How may special school meetings be called?
81. How many days’ notice must be given for all district meetings?
82. Has the district board the authority to determine the number of months of school to be taught in the district during the year?
83. Can a board of supervisors legally appoint one of their own number as member of the board of examiners?
84. What must be included in all notices of special school meetings?
85. What is the date of the annual school meeting in township districts of the Upper Peninsula?
86. Have the voters or the district board the authority to determine whether the school shall be taught by a male or a female teacher?
87. Have the voters or the district board the authority to determine the maximum salary that shall be paid to teachers?
88. Have the voters or the district board the authority to admit non-resident pupils?
89. Who selects school house sites, the school board or the voters?
90. What is the highest amount of money for sites or building purposes, that can be raised by taxation in any one year in districts having ten children of school age? Thirty children? Five hundred children?
91. How is the tax for repairs and apparatus limited?
92. What is the minimum number of months required to be taught in districts having 800 children?
93. What is the minimum number of months required in all districts?
94. What is the penalty on districts whose officers do not provide for the required number of months of school?
95. For what purposes may the surplus of the one-mill tax be appropriated?
96. Who are legal voters at school meetings?
97. In what districts are women barred from voting?
98. How many trustees in the district board of graded school districts?
99. How many children of school age must a district contain to be organized into a graded district?
100. How many votes at a district meeting are required to change to a graded district?
101. How may a person who is not a legally qualified voter in the district, be prevented from voting if he offers to do so?
102. If a vote is not taken by ballot, how may voters be challenged? 103. How may a disorderly person be expelled from a district meeting?
104. What penalty may be inflicted upon a person for disturbing a district meeting?
105. What officers are elected at the first school meeting of a newly organized school district?
106. What is the length of the term of office of school officers?
107. Are school officers legally elected, if chosen in any other way than by ballot?
108. Is a plurality vote sufficient to elect a school officer?
109. How may meetings of the district board be called?
110. What persons are eligible to hold a district office?
111. Within what time and in what manner must district officers accept their offices?
112. State seven ways by which a district office may become vacant?
113. Does the temporary absence of a district officer from a district create a vacancy?
114. When one of the district offices becomes vacant, how may such vacancy be filled?
115. When two of the district offices become vacant, how filled?
116. How are vacancies filled after an office has been vacant more than twenty days?
117. How long does a person who is elected to fill a vacancy, serve?
118. How are vacancies in the board of education of graded or township districts filled?
119. Upon what condition may a district board borrow money?
120. When must the report of the district board to the township clerk be made?
121. How is district taxation in districts having less than thirty children limited?
122. Who has the authority to admit or exclude public meetings from the school house, the school board or the voters?
123. Who determines the kind of text-books that shall be used in the district?
124. How long do text-books once adopted continue to be the legal text-books of the district?
125. How may indigent children be supplied with text-books?
126. For what reason may pupils be expelled or suspended from school?
127. What tuition may be charged to non-resident pupils?
128. What is the minimum legal size of school flags.
129. How are the executive officers of a graded district chosen?
130. How are the township district trustees chosen and how long do they serve?
131. Who acts as president of the township school hoard? As clerk?
132. What bond is required of the treasurer of township school districts?
133. On what dates are the regular meetings of the township school hoard held?
134. Where are such meetings held?
135. Mention some of the powers and duties of the officers of township districts?
136. What officer appears for the district in suits brought for or against the same?
137. What officer appears for the district in suits brought against the assessor?
138. Mention several of the specific duties of the director of a primary school district. Of moderator. Of assessor.
139. On what dates are the two required regular public examination of teachers held?
140. On what dates are the two optional regular examinations held?
141. On what dates may extra public examinations be held in certain large counties?
142. What counties are entitled to three extra examinations? Two? One?
143. What branches of study are required in examinations for first grade certificates?
Second? Third? State?
144. By whom must all county certificates be signed?
145. Is the holder of a third grade certificate of class B legally qualified to teach in primary departments of graded schools?
146. Is the holder of a third grade certificate of class A legally qualified to teach in ordinary district schools of eight grades?
147. How is the number of third grade certificates of class B limited?
148. By whom are questions for teacher’s examinations prepared?
149. Who fixes the standard of examinations for county certificates?
150. By whom are special certificates granted?
151. For how long are special certificates granted?
152. What citizenship qualification is required of teachers?
153. In your opinion what constitutes good moral character in a teacher?
154. Under what conditions may a teacher’s certificate be renewed?
155. What authority have examining boards for revoking certificates?
156. Must city teachers be legally qualified?
157. What penalty is inflicted upon districts, if the officers employ teachers that are not holders of certificates?
158. What colleges in this state have courses of study which have been approved by the state board of education? 159. What are the conditions under which the board of education grant certificates to college graduates?
160. For how long are college certificates valid? Do they ever become life certificates?
161. Are diplomas granted by the faculty of the university, legal teacher's certificates?
162. How many state examinations are held in each year? What branches are required?
163. For how long are state certificates valid?
164. Are certificates or diplomas granted in other states valid in this state?
165. What annual institute fee are teachers required to pay? Are any teachers exempt? Who collects the fee?
166. Who has the custody of the county institute fund?
167. Who conducts institutes and who appoints institute instructors?
168. May two or more counties unite in a teachers’ institute?
169. How much money may be drawn from the state treasury in any one year for the support of teachers’ institutes?
170. What is the largest sum that can be drawn from the state treasury for any one institute?
171. How may a teachers’ association become incorporated?
What amount of property may an association hold?
172. By whom must a teacher’s contract be signed?
173. Mention some of the things that must be contained in a teacher’s contract. 174. With whom must contracts be filed?
175. Must teachers make up for time lost in the observance of legal holidays?
176. What are the legal holidays in this state?
177. When schools are closed by the district board on account of the prevalence of a contagious disease, must teachers lose the time?
178. Are contracts made previous to the annual school meeting valid?
179. Can school boards legally make contracts two or three years in advance?
180. Must all the officers sign teachers’ contracts?
181. What is the age of compulsory education in the primary and township districts of the state?
182. What is the compulsory age in cities under police regulation?
183. How many months in the year must all pupils between certain ages attend school?
184. What pupils of the compulsory age are exempt from the provisions of the law for compulsory attendance?
185. Who appoints the truant officer and what is the lowest compensation allowed him by law?
186. In cities who selects the truant officer?
187. What notice to parents are truant officers required to give?
188. What penalty may be inflicted on parents who refuse to send their children to school?
189. Can parents evade the compulsory law because of being too poor to buy text-books?
190. In what city school districts may the board establish ungraded schools?
191. What children are considered as juvenile disorderly persons?
192. What courts have jurisdiction over truancy?
193. Are superintendents required by law to assist the truant officer?
194. What sentence may be imposed upon juvenile disorderly persons? To what state institutions may they be sentenced?
195. What officer must be consulted before sentence is passed upon a juvenile disorderly person?
196. Does the constitution of the state provide for the establishment of libraries?
197. Who are entitled to the privileges of the township library?
198. Who has charge of the township library?
199. Who is custodian of the funds belonging to the township library?
200. Where must the township library be kept?
201. Who appoints the librarian?
202. How may a district library be established?
203. Who has charge of the district library?
204. How are library funds raised?
205. Under what conditions may a district or township forfeit library money?
206. When and by whom is the library apportionment made?
207. What amendment was made to the library law by the Legislature of 1895?
208. May library moneys ever be used for other purposes?
209. May district officers ever sell the books of the library?
210. How many township libraries are there in Michigan?
211. How many volumes in township libraries?
212. How many district libraries in Michigan?
213. How many volumes in district libraries?
214. Has your township or district a library? If so, in what condition is it?
215. Under our state law, what is meant by free text-books?
216. When was our free text-book law passed?
217. What text-books may be purchased by school officers under the provisions of this law?
218. By what vote of the district meeting may the purchase of free text books be authorized?
219. May a district that has once voted to furnish free text-books, return to the former plan of requiring pupils to furnish their own books?
220. What penalty may be inflicted upon school officers who refuse to obey the instructions of the district meeting as to the purchase of free text-books?
221. How many districts in Michigan furnish free text-books?
222. How, in your opinion, should text-books be supplied to pupils?
223. Do you believe in state publication of text-books?
234. What provision is made by law for the teaching of the modes by which dangerous diseases are spread?
225. Who furnishes the printed matter to the schools?
226. Who is the principal officer of the state board of health? Where is his office?
237. By whom is the state manual and course of study published? Have you ever seen a copy of it?
228. What is done with the surplus of the dog tax fund?
229. Which section of each township was set apart as a “school” section?
230. What are necessary appendages to a school house?
231. Which officer is authorized to provide necessary apparatus?
232. Should a dictionary be considered as a “necessary appendage” such as a director may purchase without a vote of the district?
233. Select from the following list such articles as a director may purchase without the consent of the voters of the district meeting: maps, globe, organ, stove, desks, wall pictures, case for library books, towels, water-pail, books for library.
234. Are the following necessary appendages: line-fence, well, out-houses?