The story of Geographical Discovery/Index
Abruzzi, Duke of, 185, 199.
Abyssinia, 89, 156, 164.
Acadie. 134.
Africa, 31; circumnavigation of, 85; exploration of, 153.
Alaska, 126, 137.
Albert Nyanza, Lake, 159.
Albuquerque, Affonso de, 94, 110.
Aldrich, Pelham, Arctic explorer, 180.
Alexander the Great, 24, 28, 37.
Alexander VI., Pope, bull on discoveries, 96, 132.
Alexandria, 26, 37; commercial importance of, 79, 82.
Almegro, Diego de, 130, 131.
Amazon, discovered, 108; explored, 131.
America, discovery of, 105; origin of name, 109; partition of, 128.
Amerigo Vespucci, 108, 118.
Amundsen, Roald, Antarctic explorer, 185.
Anaximander, 21.
Andrée, S. A., 185.
Anthropophagi, 47.
Antilla, Island of, 102.
Antipodes, 47.
Arabs, 54; commerce of, 82.
Aristotle, 26.
Armenia conquered by Mongols, 63.
Ascension discovered, 94.
Asia, 28, 45, 78.
Asia Minor, 18, 33, 36, 40.
Assyrians, 34, 35.
Astrolabe perfected by Henry the Navigator, 85.
Atahualpa, Inca, 131.
Atlantis, Plato's, 98.
Australia, 123; exploration of, 139; D'Anville's map of, 144; first English settlement, 149.
Babylonians, 19, 22, 23, 35.
Back, C. J., Arctic explorer, 173.
Baffin, William, discoveries of, 122, 169, 180.
Baker, Sir Samuel, explorations in Africa, 159, 160.
Balboa, Vasco Nunez de, discovers Pacific Ocean, 128.
Bangweolo, Lake, discovered, 160.
Barentz, William, 122, 169.
Barrett, William, list of staples imported from the Orient, 80.
Barth, African explorer. 158.
Bass, Dr., explorations in Australia, 150.
Batavia, Java, founded, 123.
Beechey, Captain, Arctic explorer, 172.
Behaim's, Martin, globe, 89, 104.
Belcher, Sir Edward, Arctic explorer, 177.
Belgium, 26.
Bering Vitus, explorations of, 118, 126, 137.
Bible, influence of, 44.
Biorn discovers Vinland, 58.
Black Sea, 23.
Borchgrevink, C. E., Antarctic explorer, 184.
Borneo, Portuguese in, 114.
Botany Bay, 147, 150.
Brazil, discoveries in, 108; Portuguese in, 93, 132.
Britain, 25, 28, 42, 53, 57.
Bruce, James, African explorer, 154, 156.
Burgundy, kingdom of, 53.
Burke, Australian explorer, 152.
Burton, Sir Richard, explorations in Africa, 159.
Byzantium, 19. See Constantinople.
Cabot, John, 120, 133.
Cabot, Sebastian, 120, 133.
Cabral, Pedro Alvarez, Portuguese navigator, 93.
Cadmosto, Alvez, Venetian merchant, 88.
Cæsar, 40.
Caillié, Réné, explorations in Africa, 158.
California, discovered by Cortes, 130; becomes a part of United States, 137.
Calcutta, 92.
Calicut. See Calcutta.
Cam, Diego, Portuguese navigator, 88.
Cambyses, 36.
Canada, exploration of, 120, 133.
Canary Islands, 31.
Cano, Juan Sebastian del. See Del Cano.
Cape Bojador, 86.
Cape Branco discovered, 86.
Cape Colony, 123.
Cape of Good Hope, 90, 91.
Cape Verde discovered, 86.
Cape Verde Islands discovered, 88.
Caravan routes, 77, 78.
Carpentaria, Gulf of, 140, 142.
Carthaginians, 28, 39.
Carteret, Sir George, 134.
Cartier, Jacques, explores St. Lawrence, 120, 133.
Cathay, 64. See China.
Ceylon, 28, 55, 94.
Chad, Lake, 157, 158.
Chaldseans, 35.
Champlain, Samuel de, discoveries of, 120; settles Quebec, 134.
Chancellor, Richard, reaches Archangel, 120, 124, 169.
Chili conquered by Almegro, 131.
China, 28, 55, 63, 65, 71, 73, 96, 125.
Chinchiz Khan, founder of Mongol Empire, 63.
"Christian Topography" of Cosmas, 47.
Chronometers, perfection of, 146.
Chipangu. See Japan.
Clapperton, Lieut., explorations in Africa, 157.
"Climates" of Ptolemy, 32.
Collinson, Capt. R., Arctic explorer, 176.
Columbia River, explored, 138.
Columbus, Christopher, voyages and discoveries of, 99, 118; in Portugal, 90; and Cabral, 93.
Commerce of Middle Ages, 80; value of roads to, 64.
Compass, invention of, 59, 82; variability of, discovered by Columbus, 105.
Congo Free State, 162.
Congo River, discovered, 89; exploration of, 154, 157, 160.
Constantinople, 58; commercial importance of, 79. See Byzantium.
Cook, James, voyages of, 118, 145, 149.
Coppermine River, 137, 172.
Corsica, 39.
Cortes, Hernando, 13; conquest of Mexico, 128.
Cosmas Indicopleustes, 47.
Covilham, Pedro di, Portuguese explorer, 89, 91.
Cresquez, 60.
Crozier, Arctic explorer, 174.
Crusades, 55, 63.
Cuba, Columbus in, 106.
Cuzco, Inca capital of Peru, 131,
Cynocephali, 49.
Cyprus, 18.
Cyrus the Great, 36.
Cyrus the younger, 36.
Da Gama, Vasco, voyages of, 91, 94.
Danube, 23.
D'Anville's map of Australia, 140, 144.
Davis, John, voyages of, 121, 169.
Delaware River, settlements on, 134.
Del Cano, Juan Sebastian; circumnavigator, 114, 130; coat of arms granted to, 116.
De Leon, Ponce, discovers Florida, 130.
Denham, Major, explorations in Africa, 157.
De Nuyts, explores Australia, D'Escobar, Pedro, Portuguese navigator, 88.
Diaz, Bartholomew, Portuguese navigator, 89.
Discovery, motives for, 14.
Dulcert, Angelico, 60.
Duquesne, Fort, 136.
D'Urville, Dumont, Antarctic explorer, 173.
Dutch. See Holland.
Earth, sphericity of, 26; denied by Cosmas, 47.
East India Company, 123.
Edels, Jan, explores Australia, 142.
Edrisi, 56.
Egypt, 18, 23, 33, 36, 159 Elbe, the river, 26.
Emmanuel, King of Portugal, 90.
Emin Pasha, 165.
England, discoveries and explorations in America, 119, 133; East Indian policy, 123.
Eratosthenes, 26, 37, 85.
Erythrean Sea. See Red Sea.
Estotiland, 58.
Etrurians, 38.
Euphrates, 23, 33.
Euxine. See Black Sea.
Evans, explorations in Australia, 152.
Ferdinand and Isabella assist Columbus, 103.
Flinders, Australian explorer, 150.
Forrest, John, Australian explorer, 153,
Fortunatæ Insulæ. See Canary Islands.
France, 53; discoveries and explorations in America, 119, 133.
Franklin, Sir John, Arctic explorations, 171, 172, 174.
Frobisher, Martin, voyages of, 120, 169.
Gambia, River, discovered, 88.
Ganges, 33.
Gengis Khan. See Chinchiz Khan.
Genoa as a commercial center,
Germany, 28, 42, 53.
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, explorations of, 121.
Giles, Ernest, Australian explorer, 152.
Gioja, Flavio, improves compass, 59.
Gnomon, invention of, 22.
Goa captured by Portuguese, 94,
Gog and Magog, 46, 64.
Gomez, Diogo, Portuguese navigator, 88.
Gordon, General, 160, 165.
Gorillas, 25.
Grant, African explorer, 154, 159,
Greece, 17, 18. 19, 36.
Greely, Lieut. A. W., Arctic explorations, 182.
Greenland, 58, 120, 170.
Grinnell, Arctic explorer, 180.
Gryphons, 49.
Gulliver's Travels, 144.
Hadley, inventor of sextant, 145.
Hakluyt's "English Voyages and Navigations," 80.
Hall, Arctic explorer, 180.
Hanno, 25.
Harrison, John, chronometer maker, 146.
Hartog, Dirk, explores Australia, 142.
Hawaii, Cook murdered at, 149.
Hayes, Arctic explorer, 180.
Hayti, Columbus in, 106.
Hearne, explorer, 137.
Hebrews, 34.
Hecateus, 23.
Henry the Navigator, Prince, 62, 72, 84.
Hereford, map, 49.
Herodotus, 18, 22, 21, 38, 155.
Hesiod, 18.
Hippalus, 25.
Hittites, 36.
Hobson, Arctic explorer, 178.
Holland, 26; discoveries in America, 119; commercial supremacy of, 122; settlement of New Netherlands, 134; exploration of Australia, 139.
Homer, 18.
Honduras, explored by Cortes, 129.
Houtman, Cornelius, Dutch navigator, 122.
Hudson Bay Company, 136.
Hudson Bay discovered, 121.
Hudson, Henry, voyages of, 121.
Hudson River discovered, 121; settlements on, 134.
Hudson Strait discovered, 121.
Huns, 53.
Hyperboreans, 18.
Ibn Batuta, travels of, 71.
Iceland, 57.
Ierne. See Ireland.
India, 24, 36, 65, 72, 80; Portuguese in, 92, 94; routes to, 78, 85.
Indo-China, 28.
Indus, 23.
Inglefield, Arctic explorer, 180.
Ireland, or Ierne, 28, 57.
Islam, 54.
Ismail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt, 159.
Italy, 19, 23, 38.
Ivan, Czar of Russia, 120, 124.
Jackson, F., Arctic explorer, 183.
Jacme, Mestre, navigator and map-maker, 85.
Japan, 69, 73, 96, 99, 102, 118.
Java, 55.
Jenkinson, Anthony, English traveller, 123, 124.
Jerusalem as world's centre, 44.
Joao, King of Portugal, 84, 89. 90, 103.
John of Montecorvino, 65.
John of Flanocarpini, 64.
Juan dc Fuca, 137.
Kalliherey, 13.
Kamtschatka explored, 149.
Kane, Arctic explorer, 180.
Karakorum, capital of Mongol Empire, 64.
Khanbalig (Pekin), 65.
King, Capt. P. P., explorations in Australia, 150.
Kublai Khan, 65.
Labrador, 58, 120.
Ladrones, the, discovered by Magellan, 114.
Laing, Major, explorations in Africa, 158.
La Pérouse, Frangois de, explorations of, 149.
La Plata, River, discovered, 109; explored, 112.
La Salle, Robert de, exploration of Mississippi, 135.
Latins, 38.
Leichardt, Australian explorer, 152.
Lesseps, M., explores Kamtschatka, 149.
Lewis and Clarke, explorations of, 137.
Livingstone, Dr. David, explorations in Africa, 154. 158, 160, 184.
Lockwood, Lieut, Arctic explorer, 182.
London Company, 133, 134.
Louisiana, 135.
Louisiana purchase, 136, 139.
Lydia, 36.
M'Clintock, Arctic explorer, 178.
M'Clure, Arctic explorer, 176.
Mackenzie River, 137, 172.
Mackenzie, Sir A., 137.
Madagascar, discovered. 80, 94.
Madeira, discovered, 86.
Magelhaens, Fernao. See Magellan.
Magellan, voyages of, 96, 110, 118.
Magog, 46, 64.
Malacca seizad by Portuguese, 94.
Maldives discovered, 94.
Mandeville, See Maundeville, Sir John.
Mappi mundi of Fra Mauro, 70, 88.
Maps invented by Anaximander, 21.
Marco Polo. See Polo, Marco.
Markets, first, 76.
Marquette, explorations of, 135.
Marseilles, 19.
Maundeville, Sir John, 47, 65.
Mauro, Fra, mappi mundi of, 70, 88.
Medes, 35.
Mediterranean Sea, 23.
Megasthenes, 25, 38.
Mexico, 58; conquered by Cortes, 128; resources of, 132.
Middle Ages, the, commerce of, 80; geography in, 43; travel in, 63.
Mississippi River, 135.
Moero, Lake, discovered, 160.
Mohammedans, 54.
Moluccas. See Spice Islands.
Mongol Empire, 63.
Monsters, geographical, 46.
Montezuma, 128.
Nachtigall, African explorer, 158.
Nansen, Dr. Fridjof, Arctic explorer, 182.
Nares, Sir George, Arctic explorer, 180.
Nearchus, 25.
Necho, 18.
Nestorian Church, spread of, 72.
Netherlands. See Holland.
New Amsterdam, 134. See New York.
Newfoundland, 58; rediscovered by Cabot, 120; settlement of, 121; fisheries of, 133.
New Guinea discovered, 141.
New Hebrides discovered, 141.
New Netherlands, 134.
New Orleans founded, 135.
New South Wales, 147.
New York, 121, 134.
New Zealand, 143, 147.
Niger, River, 24, 72, 154, 157.
Nile, 23, 24, 33, 153, 1S5, 159.
Nordenskiold, Baron, 60; explorations in the Arctic regions, 180.
Normandy, 57.
Normans, 57.
Norsemen, 49.
North-East Passage, 120, 122, 123, 169, 180.
North-West Passage, 129, 148, 169, 170.
Norway, 57.
Nova Scotia, settled, 134.
Nova Zembla, 170.
Nyassa, Lake, discovered, 159.
Odoric of Pordenone, Friar, Archbishop of Pekin, 65.
Okkodai, son of Chinchiz Khan, 63.
Orellana, Francisco de, explores the Amazon, 131.
Pacific Ocean, discovered, 128; named, 114.
Paradise, terrestrial, 46.
Park, Mungo, African explorer, 154, 157.
Parry, W. E., Arctic explorer, 170.
Parthia, 37.
Payba, Aflfonso de, Portuguese explorer. 89.
Peabody, Arctic explorer, 180.
Peary, Lieutenant, Arctic explorations of, 182, 184, 185.
Pekin (Khanbalig), 65.
Penn, William, 134.
Persia, 23, 35, 36, 37.
Peru, conquered by Pizarro, 130; resources of, 132.
Peutinger Table, 50.
Philip of Macedon, 37.
Philippines, discovery of, 96, 114.
Phœnicians, discoveries of the, 17, 39; commerce of, 77.
Pigmies, 18, 24, 165.
Pinto, Major Serpo, explorations in Africa, 163, 166.
Pinzon, Vincenta Yanez, discovers Amazon, 108.
Pizarro, Francisco, explorations of, 128, 130.
Pizarro, Gonzales, 131.
Plymouth Company, 133, 134.
Poland, 54.
Polar exploration, 169.
Polo, Marco, travels of, 62, 65, 79.
Polo, Nicolo and Maffeo, 65.
Pompey, 40.
Poo, Fernando, discovered, 88.
Porto Santo, 86.
Port Royal, settlement of, 134.
Portugal, commercial activity and explorations of, 84; supplanted by Dutch in East Indies, 122; explorations of Africa, 153.
Portulani, 60.
Prester, John, 73, 89, 91.
Priuli, Venetian chronicler, 92.
Ptolemy, Claudius, 28, 42, 55, 85.
Pyrrhus of Epirus, 39.
Pytheas, 25.
Quebec settled, 134.
Quiros, Pedro de, 141.
Rae, Dr. J,, Arctic explorer, 174, 176, 178.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, Guiana expedition, 132; Virginia colony, 133.
Red Sea, 23.
Rhodes, Cecil, 166.
Richardson, Arctic explorer, 172, 176.
Roads, ancient and mediæval, 74; importance of, 42; Roman, 77.
Rome, 15, 28, 38, jy.
Ross, Sir James C, Arctic explorer, 171, 173, 176.
Ross, John, Arctic explorer, 170, 171.
Rubruquis. See Ruysbroek, William.
Russia, 22; exploration and settlement of Siberia, 124.
Rusticano of Pisa, 68.
Ruysbroek, William, 64.
Saavedra, Alvarro de, 130.
Saghalien, La Perouse at, 140
St. Augustine, Fla., founded.
St. Brandan, Island of, 102.
St. Helena, discovery of, 94.
St. Lawrence River, discovered, 120; French settlements on, 134.
Samnites, 38.
San Salvador, Columbus on, 105.
Sardinia, 39.
Scott, Captain R. F., Antarctic explorer, 185.
Sciapodes, 46.
Scylax, 25.
Scythia, 23.
Serrao, Francisco, 111.
Sextant invented, 145, 146.
Seychelles, discovered, 94.
Shackleton, Ernest, Antarctic explorer, 185.
Siberia, exploration and settlement of, 124, 181.
Sicily, 18, 39, 58.
Sierra Leone, 25.
Sofala, 55.
Soudan, yz.
Southern Cross, 88.
Spain, 40, 54, 96.
Speke, Captain, African explorer, 159.
Spice Islands, 5. 94, 109, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116, 122, 144.
Spices, 80.
Spitzbergen, 121, 122.
Staaten Land, 143, 147.
Stanley, H. M., explorations in Africa, 154, 160, 165, 184.
Strabo, 28, 38.
Sturt, Captain, exploration in Australia, 152.
Sumatra, 55.
Swedish settlements in America, 134.
Tabasco, Cacique of, his map, 129.
Tahiti, discovered, 147.
Tanganyika, Lake, discovered, 159; Livingstone at, 160.
Tartars, 46.
Tasman, Abel Janssen, explores Australia, 142.
Thule, 26, 28.
Tigris, 23, 33.
Timbuctoo, 24, 72, 157, 158.
Toscanelli, service to Columbia, 101.
Trinidad, 106, 108.
Tristan da Cunha discovered, 91.
Tristao, Nuno, Portuguese navigator, 86.
Tupaia, 14.
Ung Khan (Prester John), 73.
Vancouver, 138.
Vandals, 53.
Van Dieman's Land, 140, 142, 150.
Vasco da Gama. See Da Gama, Vasco.
Velasquez, Diego, governor of Cuba, 128.
Venezuela, "Little Venice," named by Vespucci, 108.
Venice, as centre of Eastern trade, 83, 119; effect of da Gama's voyage on, 92.
Vespucci, Amerigo, 108, 118.
Victoria Nyanza, Lake, discovered, 159.
Vikings, 57, 63.
Villalobos, Luis Lopez de, discoveries in Pacific Ocean, 141.
Vinland, 58.
Visigoths, 53.
Waldseemüller, Martin, names America, 109.
Watling Island, 105.
Weddell, Antarctic explorer, 173.
Wentworth, Philip, explorations in Australia, 150.
Wiggins, Captain, Arctic explorer, 181.
Wilkes, Captain, Antarctic explorer, 73.
Wills, Australian explorer, 152.
Wolfe captures Quebec, 136.
Xenophon, 24.
Xerxes, 36.
Yacut, Arabian geographer, 56.
Yule, Sir Henry, appreciation of Marco Polo, 69.
Zambesi River, exploration of, 154, 158.
Zamorin, King of Calicut, 92, 94.
Zarco, Joao Gonsalvez, Portuguese navigator, 86.