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The wonders of optics/The solar spectrum

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3535616The wonders of optics — The solar spectrumCharles W. QuinFulgence Marion



The white light that the glorious orb of day spreads over the face of nature is the original source of all those brilliant and sombre colours with which the works of the Creator are beautified. To the rays of the sun we owe not only the whiteness of the lily, but the scarlet of the field poppy, the modest blue of the timid violet, the splendour of the peacock's plumage, the cool green of the meadows, and the purple and gold of the distant mountains. For, as we have hinted before, this white light, which seems of itself so destitute of colour, is productive of every hue that the eye of man is capable of appreciating.

It may seem that I am bestowing too much praise upon our own sun; but if you are surprised that I should seek to exalt this brilliant globe of ever-burning fire, I must ask you to recollect, that though the starry heavens are full of suns as vast and important as ours, and possibly affording brilliant colourless light to worlds full of inhabitants, there are others that give forth rays that are far from being white. Some are as green as emeralds, others are as blue as sapphires, while others give out a warm light like a ruby or topaz. The worlds which surround these can only receive light of a certain colour, or at any rate they are restricted to a few shades and hues. Imagine living in a world where everything was always couleur de rose, or in which the inhabitants were continually looking blue! A residence in either of them for a short time would undoubtedly cause us to appreciate the relative value of our own little sun, small as it is in comparison with some of the mighty orbs floating about in space.

The fact that the light of the sun is the source of all the changing hues to be found on the surface of the earth season after season was first discovered by Newton, and his experiments are easily repeated with a very few and inexpensive appliances.

A small round hole is made in the window-shutter of a room, facing the sun, and the pencil of light proceeding from it is allowed to fall upon the surface of a three-sided prism, held in a horizontal position, and placed at a distance of a few inches from the aperture (fig. 5, Frontispiece). The pencil of light does not pass through the prism as if it were a plate of glass with parallel sides, but in virtue of the laws of refraction, of which we have already spoken, it is turned out of its natural course, and is thrown upon the wall in the direction indicated in the figure. The pencil of light is not only turned aside, but it is also widened out into a band which is truly painted with all the colours of the rainbow, every tone and hue being of the most marvellous brilliancy. This long coloured stripe, which constitutes one of the most beautiful sights that the science of optics can afford us, is known to scientific men by the name of the solar spectrum.

Before going into the causes that produce these colours, let us first examine their number and position. Beginning at the top, we shall find that they run in the following order:—Violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red. The red being lowest is called the least refrangible of them all; or, in other words, in passing through the prism it was bent less out of its course than its companions. Violet, being at the top, is of course the most refrangible. The cause of the separation of the colours of white light is consequently only the effect of their individual character. They were, so to speak, so many streams flowing together until an unexpected deviation in their course caused them to separate. This change in the direction of their flow brought out their personal individuality, and they at once became completely disunited.

Every single tint in the prismatic spectrum is simple, and cannot be decomposed. This may be shown by passing any of them through another prism, when it will be found that no change will take place in the colour or size of the pencil. Hence those worlds already spoken of, whose light of day is red, blue, or green, never see any colours but these. (Fig. 6, Frontispiece).

It is just as easy to reunite the colours into which white light is decomposed, by applying a second prism in a reversed position to the pencil of coloured light, as it is to separate them in the first instance. The method of accomplishing this is shown in fig. 7, Frontispiece.

Fig. 8.—The Recomposition of Light.

Another experiment in the same direction consists in reuniting the colours by causing them to pass through a double convex lens, behind which is placed a screen of ground glass, or a card (fig. 8). By advancing and withdrawing this screen we can easily find the exact spot where the rays reunite, and form a dazzling spot of white light. This point is called the focus, from a Latin word, signifying "fire-place," a term which will put the student in mind of the frequently repeated experiment of burning a piece of paper with an ordinary magnifying-glass.

Instead of using a lens, you can, if you please, employ a concave mirror, using the ground glass or cardboard screen, as before. The colours reflected by the mirror unite at its focus, and produce a brilliant white spot in just as conclusive a manner as in the other experiment.

Fig. 9.—Recomposition of Light by means of a Concave Mirror.

A fourth experiment, which is somewhat more difficult for the student to accomplish, consists in causing every one of the seven different colours to be reflected from a separate mirror.

The mirrors in this case are concave, and are so mounted as to be capable of being moved in any direction. By directing each of the seven rays, one by one, upon the same point, you may observe the gradual decomposition of the coloured light. The effect obtained by adding the last colour to the mixture is quite magical, the white circle being produced from two brilliantly-coloured spots.

Fig. 10.—Recomposition of Light by means of a number of Mirrors.

A fifth experiment, first devised by Newton, is also within the reach of the student. On a disc of cardboard the centre and border of which have been previously painted black, are pasted seven strips of paper, painted as nearly as possible of the same colour as the components of the spectrum—or if the student is anything of an artist he may paint the disc in imitation of the spectrum, carefully shading off the tints into each other. If the disc be now rapidly rotated the colours will disappear, and a greyish hue will be seen, which will approach more closely to white, the nearer the colours on the disc are to those of the spectrum. This experiment is not precisely the same in principle as the preceding ones, for it is evident that the colours on the disc do not mix, but only the impressions they form upon the retina. We have already said that such impressions remain on the eye for one-tenth of a second or there-abouts; the disc must therefore revolve at least ten times a second, or the effect will not be perceived.

From these experiments it follows that the colours with which all natural substances are clothed, ought not to be looked upon as belonging to them absolutely, but only as a property dependent on the reflection and absorption of light from their surfaces. The leaves of Newton's Disc.
Fig. 11.—Newton's Disc.
plants, for instance, must not be regarded as being really green in themselves, but as being capable of absorbing certain portions of light, and reflecting others. Grown in the dark, the green substance contained in the plant and its leaves becomes white, and no longer possesses the property of absorbing red light, and reflecting green. A green leaf placed in red light becomes almost black, from its power of absorbing light of that colour; in the blue it reflects a much greater proportion of the coloured ray. A very striking experiment may be performed with a substance known to chemists as the iodide of mercury. If a little of this salt, which is of a brilliant red, be placed in a watch-glass, and heated over a spirit-lamp, it will gradually sublime, and a card held over it will be covered with a number of light yellow crystals. In this case no change of composition has taken place, but simply a change in the power the salt possesses of reflecting some rays and absorbing others. By simply scratching the surface of the card with a pointed piece of wood, the yellow crystals become transformed once more into the red variety; not only this, the transformation gradually spreads, like a red cloud, over the whole of the deposit. There are some other salts known to chemists which possess the property of dichroism, or double colour. The double cyanide of platinum and barium, for instance, appears violet when viewed in one direction, and yellow in another. Change of temperature is often sufficient to change the colour of bodies—white oxide of zinc, for example, becomes bright yellow when heated. Such instances might be supplied ad infinitum, but enough has been said to prove that colour, after all, is only an appearance, and not an essential property of bodies.

We have already spoken of complementary colours, or those which it is necessary to add together in order to produce white light. Blue, for instance, is complementary to orange, red to green, violet to yellow, and vice versa. But it is not by the aid of the palette that this can be proved, for in the case of coloured pigments the arrangement of their atoms interferes in some way with the success of the experiment, and it is only by means of the colours of the spectrum that such recompositions can be effected.

Although most philosophers consider that there are seven colours in the spectrum, there are others who do not admit it, but assert that there are really only three, red, yellow and blue—which by the superposition of their edges produce the intermediate hues of green and orange. Perhaps it would be nearer to the truth to say that the spectrum is composed of an infinite number of colours of different hues.

We have already stated that every one of these colours is indecomposable, and that there are certain worlds illuminated by a single colour only, instead of possessing the infinite number of tints enjoyed by the inhabitants of the solar system. An idea of this effect can easily be gained in a very simple but surprising manner by inserting panes of glass of different colours in the hole of the shutter of a dark room. If the light is yellow, you will find that all those objects that are capable of reflecting yellow light are coloured by it, while those which are bright red or blue become almost black by absorbing the only light present. If we could procure an object which was perfectly complementary in colour to the yellow glass, it would appear perfectly black. The same experiment may be repeated with the other colours. After remaining in this coloured light for some time, if you suddenly pass out into daylight the complementary colour will tinge everything around you.

Instead of using a room into which coloured light only is admitted, lamps burning with a coloured flame may be employed. Brewster mentions the following experiment, which is a very striking one:—Fill a spirit-lamp with alcohol in which has been dissolved as much common salt as the spirit will take up; on being lit it will be found to burn with a livid yellow flame. A room lighted entirely with one or two lamps of this kind will form a laboratory for some very singular experiments. It should, if possible, be hung with pictures in water and oil colours, and the persons present ought to wear nothing but the brightest colours, and the table be ornamented with the gayest of flowers. The room being first lighted with ordinary daylight, the lamps above mentioned should be brought in, and the daylight carefully excluded, when an astonishing metamorphosis will take place. The spectators will be hardly able to recognise each other; the furniture of the room, and every other object contained in it, will reflect but a single colour. The flowers will lose their brilliant tints, the paintings will appear as if they were drawn in Indian ink. The brightest purple, the purest lilac, the richest blue, the liveliest green, will be converted into a monotonous yellow. The same change will take place in the countenances of those present; a livid paleness will spread over their faces, whether young or old, and those who are naturally of an olive complexion will hardly appear changed at all. Every one will laugh at the appearance of his neighbour's face, without thinking that he is just as great a subject of laughter to them. If, in the midst of the amusement caused by this experiment, the light of day is admitted at one end of the room, the other end being still lighted with the salt-lamp, every one will appear to be half-illuminated with the livid colour which has caused so much surprise, the other portion of their figure and clothes being of the natural hue. One cheek, for instance, will appear animated with its usual brilliancy, while the other will be that of a corpse; one side of a lady's dress will be brilliant blue or green, as the case may be, the other a colour that it would puzzle an artist to give a name to. The experiment may be varied by admitting the white light through several small holes in the shutter of the room, every luminous spot painting the place where it falls in its natural colours, and the yellow spectators will become spotted with the most singular tints and hues. If a magic-lantern is used to throw on the walls of the room and the clothes of the company any luminous figures, such as those of flowers or animals, they will be coloured with these figures in the tint of the wall or fabric upon which they fall, yellowish colours of course escaping the transformation. If nitrate of strontia be substituted for the salt, a crimson tint will be spread over everything. In fact, a lamp prepared in this way will form a source of endless amusement. It is not necessary to use alcohol for the purpose; wood-spirit or methylated alcohol will serve the purpose equally well. If a lamp is not to be had, a few pieces of cotton-wool, tied on wires and dipped in the salted spirit, will do almost as well.