The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/There's a Beautiful Star
![\version "2.16.2"
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "41" " " "There's a Beautiful Star" } subsubtitle = "(BEAUTIFUL STAR. Irregular. With Refrain)" composer = "Frederick Schilling" poet = "Rossiter W. Raymond, 1840–1918" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key bes \major \time 6/8 \partial 8 \relative f' { \autoBeamOff
<f d>16 q | q8( <g ees>) <a c,> <bes d,>( <c ees,>) <d f,> |
<ees g,>( <d f,>) <cis e,> <d f,>4 <b f>8 | % end of line 1
<d e,>4 <c e,>8 <g ees> ~ q <a ees> |
<c d,>^( _~ <bes d,>) <g cis,> <f d>4. |
<f d>8 <g ees> <a c,> <bes d,>( <c ees,>) <d f,> | % end of line 2
<< { ees[ bes] } \\ { ees,4 } >> <c' ees,>8 <d d,>4 <d f,>16 ~ q |
<c f,>8 <b f> <c f,> <d e,> q <c f,> |
<bes e,>^( _~ <a e>) <g e> << { f4. } \\ { f } >> \bar "."
<f d>4.^\markup { \caps Refrain } <g cis,> |
q8 <f d> <e cis> <f d>4. |
<f ees> <c' ees,> |
<f, d>8 <bes d,> <c ees,> <d f,>4 \bar "||"
<d aes>8 | <ees g,>4. <bes g>4 <c ges>8 |
<d f,>4. <bes d,>4 <g cis,>8 |
<f d> <e cis> <f d> <d' ees,>4 <c ees,>8 |
<bes d,>4. ~ q \bar "|."
<bes ees,>4. <bes d,> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key bes \major \relative b, { \autoBeamOff
<bes bes'>16 q | q8 ~ q q q ~ q q |
q ~ q q q4 <d g>8 | % end of line 1
<c bes'>4 q8 <f a> ~ q << { f } \\ { f } >> |
<bes, f'> ~ q <bes e> <bes f>4. |
<bes bes'>8 q q q ~ q q | % end of line 2
<bes g'>4 <bes ges'>8 <bes f'>8*2/1 <bes bes'>16 ~ q |
<c a'>8 <c gis'> <c a'> <c bes'> q <c a'> |
<c g'>( _~ <c c'> <c b'> <f a>4. | % end of line 3
<bes, f'>4. <bes e> | <bes e>8 <bes f'> <bes g'> <bes f'>4. |
<c a'> <f, a'> | <bes bes'>8 q q q4 % end of line 4
q8 | <ees bes'>4. q4 q8 |
<bes bes'>4. <bes f'>4 <e g>8 |
<f bes> <g bes> <f bes> <f a>4 <f, a'>8 |
<bes bes'>4. ~ q | <ees g> <bes f'> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 8 = 136 } }](
- There's a beautiful star, a beautiful star,
That weary trav'lers have followed afar;
Shining so brightly all the way,
Till it stood o'er the place where the young Child lay.
Star, star, beautiful star!
Pilgrims weary we are;
To Jesus, to Jesus, We follow thee from afar. - In the land of East, in the shadows of night,
We saw the glory of thy new light;
Telling to us, in our distant home,
The Lord, our Redeemer to earth had come! - We have gold for tribute and gifts for prayer,
Sweet incense, myrrh, and spices rare:
All that we have we hither bring,
To lay it with joy at the feet of the King.