Thom's Irish Who's Who/Adair, General Sir William Thompson
ADAIR, General Sir William Thompson, K.C.B.. (1909). Entered Royal Marine Light Infantry, 1867; served South Africa, 1900, as special service officer, afterwards on staff (Queen's medal with clasp); D.A.G. Royal Marines, 1907-11; D.L. Co. Antrim and High Sheriff, 1916. Knight of Grace, Order of St. John of Jerusalem; son of late Gen. Sir Charles William Adair, K.C.B.: b. 1850: m. 1st, 1880, Rose (d., 1903), dau. of John E. Naylor; 2nd, 1905, Angela, dau. of Frederick Plowes. Address: 39 Hornton Street, Kensington, London, W.8. Clubs: United Service; Ulster, Belfast.