Thom's Irish Who's Who/Alexander, Major Dudley Henry
ALEXANDER, Major Dudley Henry, C.M.G. (1904), F.R.G.S.; 6th son of Henry Alexander (d. 1877), of Forkhill House, Co. Armagh, and Lady Louisa (d, 1906); 2nd dau. of 2nd Earl of Ranfurly; b 1863; priv. sec. to Govt. of N. Zealand (Earl of Ranfurly) 1897-1904; W. Yorks Regt, 1884-1904 (retd. 1904); G.S.O, 1914; knt. of grace of St. John of Jerusalem Res.: 6 St. James' Place, London, S.W.1; United Service Club.