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Thom's Irish Who's Who/Bushe, Brig.-Gen. Thomas Francis

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2917943Thom's Irish Who's Who — Bushe, Brig.-Gen. Thomas Francis

BUSHE, Brig.-Gen. Thomas Francis, C.M.G. (1900), J.P., Co. Donegal. Educ.: Cheltenham and R.M.A., Woolwich; served in S. African War, 1899-1900; Assist. Dir. of Art. at Headquarters, 1906-10; commdt. Ordnance coll., 1911-14; commdg. a brig, 1914-17; Col. 1908, ret. p. 1917, with hon. rank of Brig.-Gen. son of late Rev. T. F. Bushe, Rector of Rathowen; b. 1858; m. 1907, Bessie Sarah, eldest dau. of late Major Thos. Auchinleck, of Crevonagh, Omagh. Res.: Drumhallagh. Rathmullan, Co. Donegal. Array and Navy Club, London.