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Thom's Irish Who's Who/Cooney, Michael

From Wikisource
2935472Thom's Irish Who's Who — Cooney, Michael

COONEY, Michael, Brigadier-Gen. U.S.A.; b. Muroe, Co. Limerick, May 1st, 1837; son of Maurice Cooney and Anne Ryan. Educ.: private and National Schools in Ireland; m. July 2.3rd, 1868, Catherine Connolly, of New York; Private Troop A. 1st Cav. Dec. 4th, 1856; Corporal, May 1st, 1859; Sergt., March 10th, 1860; discharged at end of enlistment, Dec. 4th, 1861; re-enlisted Dec. 18th, 1861; served 1st Sergt. and Q.-M-Sgt. to Dec. 30th, 1864; Capt. 5th U.S.C. Cav., Jan. 1st, 1865: mustered out of service March 16th, 1866; 1st Lieut. U.S. Cav., July 28th, 1866; Capt., Jan. 1st, 1868; Major, Dec. 10th, 1888; Lieut.-Col., June 2nd, 1897; Col., June 9th, 1899; retired Sept. 12th, 1899; advanced rank of Brig. Gen., retired by Act of April 2.3rd, 1904; Member Loyal Legion. Res.: 1826 Irving Street, Washington, U.S.A.