Thom's Irish Who's Who/Dower, Mrs. Mary Gough-
DOWER, Mrs. Mary Gough-, O.B.E., Jan., 1920; J.P., Waterford, 1921. Educ.: privately, and at the Convent, Stradbally. Hon. Sec. Dungarvan S.S.F.A., and S.S.H.S. Hon. Sec, Dungarvan Local War Pensions Committee; Member, Co. Waterford Local War Pensions Committee. Representative for Co. Waterford on the Local War Pensions Committees Association, English and Irish. Mentioned to the Secretary of State for War, for General Red Cross Work since 1914. Organised Concerts, etc., in aid of Belgian Soldiers; helped Irish Soldiers on the field and on leave; Member of the Waterford Sub-Committee on Women's Training and Employment, Ministry of Labour, 1921-22. Vice-chairman, Co. Waterford Insurance Committee, 1919-20. Official Voluntary Recruiter, Dungarvan District, Q.M.A.A.C.: eldest dau. of the late Wm. Beresford Gough, of Ballykerogue, Co. Waterford; b. 7th Dec, 1863. Recns. motoring, hunting, tennis, travel, cards. Res.; The Terrace, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.