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Thom's Irish Who's Who/Edgeworthe-Johnstone, Lt.-Col. Walter

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Thom's Irish Who's Who
Edgeworthe-Johnstone, Lt.-Col. Walter
2949849Thom's Irish Who's Who — Edgeworthe-Johnstone, Lt.-Col. Walter

EDGEWORTHE-JOHNSTONE, Lt.-Col. Walter, C.B. (1918), B.A. (T.C.D.), late Royal Irish Regt.; Chief Commissioner of Police, Dublin, from 1914. Lieutenant, 1st West India Regiment, 1886; served in Yonnie Expedition to Tambaku Country; also Expedition to the Gambia, West Coast, Africa, including capture of Tambi and Toniataba, specially promoted to a company in the Royal Irish Regt., 1893: appointed Superintendent Gymnasia, Southern District, 1894; Assistant Inspector of Gymnasia, 1895-98: won Sabre Challenge Cup, Royal Military Tournament, 1896; Superintendent, Gymnasia, Curragh, 1898-1902; Resident Magistrate, 1904; promoted to command 4th Batt . R. Irish Regt., 1906. Pubns.: Boxing; The Modern System of Glove-Fighting. Recns.: fishing, shooting; b. Kingstown, Co. Dublin; son of Robert Johnstone Q.C., County Court Judge; m. 1897, Helen Gunning Walker Waters; has issue two sons and two daus. Address: Dublin Castle. Clubs: National Sporting; University, Kildare Street, Royal Irish Automobile, Dublin.