Thom's Irish Who's Who/Fitz-William, Earl
FITZ-WILLIAM, Earl, and Viscount Milton, 1746; Baron Milton, 1742 (Gt. Brit.); Earl Fitz-William and Viscount Milton, 1716; Baron Fitz-William, 1620 (Irld.), William Charles De Meuron Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 7th Earl. K.C.V.O. (1912), D.S.O.; Major 4th Batt. Oxfordshire Light Infantry; served as Capt. Army Headquarters Staff, S. African War, 1900 (mentioned in despatches); A.D.C. to the Marquess of Lansdowne, Viceroy of India, 1893-4; J.P. W. Riding, Yorkshire, and D.L., J.P., Co. Wicklow; Co. Councillor, Co. Wicklow, 1899-1902; was M.P. for Wakefield, 1895-1902; Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1909-10. Served on Headquarters Staff in France and Flanders, 1915; son of Viscount Milton (d. 1877) (who was eldest son of 6th Earl Fitzwilliam), and Laura (d. 1886), dau. of late Lord Charles Beauclerk; b. 25th July, 1872; s. his grandfather, 20th Feb., 1902; m. 24th June, 1896, Lady Maud, O.B.E., dau. of the Marquess of Zetland, and has issue one son and four daus. Res.: 4 Grosvenor Square, London, W; Wentworth Woodhouse, Rotherham; Edenthorpe Hall, Doncaster; Carnew Castle, Carnew, and Coollattin, Shillelagh, Co. Wicklow. Clubs: Brooks's, Pratt's, Turf, Bachelors', London; Yorkshire.